tv Headline News RT November 17, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EST
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i. ran finds itself trapped in a corner as world powers again disagree on a nuclear deal and sanctions looks set to be sharpened further much to the delight of. toxic problems syria is given a new timetable to get rid of its chemical weapons but there are a major hurdles in the way with no countries willing to host the destruction operation it's. twelve years of scandal and no end in sight guantanamo bay marks another anniversary even as america's most decorated former generals speak and to against it all report from inside the facility in a few minutes and more than just a new since the debate flares up in the u.k. over a new open ended law that could make the right to hold peaceful protests i think of the parts.
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that i welcome you watching r.t. and i'll look back at the week's top stories my hopes of a reconciliation on hold for iran with crippling sanctions over its nuclear program still in place and opposing powers lining up against it despite all the smiles and handshakes the u.s. is renewing its trade restrictions and even considering toughening them meanwhile iran's most outspoken critic israel seems to have a new partner in france which shot down last week's tentative deal in geneva more details now from artie's to bang. the pieces are in place. we have time and again said that i know no circumstances would we seek any weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons nor will we ever wrong and i gave me
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a bit over it with respect to get connected with these to be undertaken by going he's going to meet all of all present and party. woman or words flowing relations yet just as a deal in geneva was on the cons between the world policies and iran came concern from france a surprise move that stalled the talks but and friends new friends in israel who'd been the traditional stumbling block up to now still small ting from the threats and intense rhetoric of the recent past is will refuses to budge that's a bad deal it's a dangerous. because it keeps iran as a nuclear threshold nation. we are not blind and i don't think we're stupid as were the main bargaining chips the sanctions lightning could prove the deal maker when
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congress is having none of it put in president obama in a tough spot i think rouhani has staked his position on the idea that he can improve relations with the rest of the world and so far he's been saying a lot of the right things for the privacy for israel. be very wary as well of any kind of. talk from the iranians and then there's the bargaining hammer israel building more subtle moments when things don't go its way approving more units only last month leaving us congress to get trigger happy with more sanctions don't draw us into a bad deal with iran we already know how israel's benjamin netanyahu feels advocating his case on twitter through yet another colorful graphic presentation and the red carpet will be rolled out for its newfound french friends present it's tough to predict whether the p five plus one will equal unity when they get back around the
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table next week in geneva. they are t. moscow meanwhile the u.n. atomic watchdog says iran has slowed down its nuclear program to almost a standstill but that's unlikely to bring a diplomatic reprieve according to foreign policy analyst support over rick. i think mr obama is sending a very clear message to tara that whatever agreement does make with iran in the future it cannot be trusted as it was not interested in the negotiations started with the undersecretary of state wendy sherman saying that they did not get space does not recognize iran's right to enrich uranium so they are interpreted seeing ration treated just to suit their politics i go think that was ever the real desire to bring going to a peaceful end. however the countries will soon get another chance to reach a compromise a second round of talks on
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a nuclear deal will kick off next week and according to russia there's a strong likelihood of success you can find out what's behind the optimism at r.t. dot com. this week the international chemical watchdog unveiled a challenging road map for syria to get rid of its toxic weapons the end of june next year has been set is the moment of truth when syria has to declare itself a chemical arms free country the organization says that so far damascus has proved to be a reliable partner working hard on meeting every deadline but despite the positive momentum major stumbling blocks could be lurking on the country's road to chemical disarmament as artie's porn asli explains it was banking on albania to take these weapons in and albania has since indicated that it will not be party to this now this decision and this announcement by albania came as a shock to the united states and the european union of the union is seen as a very strong partner with
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a so-called and shakable alliance to the waste it is also a very poor country but they have world wide scale protests in albania with people saying that they refuse to allow their government to be party to taking in the weapons from syria now the problem is that only a norway also indicated that it would not allow these weapons to be brought to its shore no way however saying the. we'll send a ship that will help with transferring the weapons to wherever they are taken but this is the problem it's not yet clear where in fact they will be taken and the latest word from the united states is that it has other options on the table but no indication as to what these options are this is a very ambitious time frame that has been stated by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons it says that by the end of march next year most of syria's chemical weapons will have been destroyed and that by the end of june all of them will have been destroyed but again it seems as if it's facing an uphill battle not least of all with the decision as to where in fact to destroy these
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weapons the more political analyst chris bambery thinks that e.u. nations are actually disappointed that the deal with syria seems to be succeeding. the norwegians say they don't have the expertise the ability to dismantle the chemical weapons i would ask you if the richest one of the richest countries in europe don't have the expertise and knowledge to do this how do you expect the poorest country in europe to do this kind of smacks of a colonial mentality that somehow we're going to dump these things in albania we're not going to bring them to britain why don't you choose a country which as the expertise for instance in britain there is the aldermaston chemical weapons facility i would trust that and i think it kind of smacks i resent over the fact that really in the end this deal has come or. brokered a deal. and no syria has abided by the agreements over it and i can't feel there's a resentment in european capitals that actually a deal has worked. coming up iraq remains on the trail of daily sectarian bloodshed
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is every need or means more deaths for iraqis some experts think political instability created by the war is fueling terrorist groups also. there working for people everywhere r.t. speaks to a young man whose adoptive parents gave him away to cuckoo a complete stranger disturbing trend that's been. around town and obey reached a grim milestone this week marking twelve years of torture scandal and scrutiny three dozen former generals and admirals of the united states military used the occasion to call for its closure labeling it a betrayal of american values artes and the see going to brings us her final report from guantanamo.
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when it comes to this prison the numbers speak for themselves since being set up after the attacks of nine eleven a total of seven hundred seventy nine hundred have been held at guantanamo today one hundred sixty four people remain over half of them have been long cleared for release but remain locked up a total of six people is currently under trial alleged prisoners of war brought here since two thousand and two removed from the battlefield of america's ever expanding war on terror it's both the policy of the u.s. not to hold anyone longer than necessary but we also know that whenever we release someone we assume a richness over a period of more than a decade the majority of detainees held here have been set free and if the men of guantanamo are really these superhuman monsters you know the worst of the worst quote dick cheney. they would have been really. most of those still kept locked up have not been charged and are being held indefinitely what sort of a black hole of the weak system where the president of the united states simply
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refuses to say the innocent but u.s. officials say the law of war brings behind this barbed wire the idea that in a war when you capture folks you as the capturing authority are permitted to hold people during the duration of hostilities. when hostilities and or if there's no longer any purpose legitimate purpose to to hold them then they must be released a tiny problem the war on terror has no geographic borders with men once held here repeat treated to a wide array of countries. who are only specific to guantanamo you can even you couldn't even the case in the u.s. mainland because it would be unconstitutional and illegal the war on terror also has no end in sight and national security is a popular excuse to simply ignore the law. the spite the rhetoric really isn't about national security or prisoners being so dangerous that they can't possibly be
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released and that can't be true after being locked up the legal process if any moves at a glacial pace in two thousand and twelve five detainees were transferred to had completed their military commission sentence two were court ordered released. detainees been repatriated and one was a suicide over the years countless detainee claims of mistreatment and abuse dozens of suicide attempts mass hunger strikes lost patience and hope just this year the majority of the prison population refused to eat for six months street only to be force fed the. mandate that we have is being able to provide adequate nutrition to preserve life washington has appointed a new envoy to close a camp that is a dark spot on america's image this comes after a mass hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that some have dubbed the gulag of our times even if close to it seems. to mean a state in u.s.
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history forever it's very easy to end one ton of right you release the men that you're not prosecuting. and as you said only six men are being prosecuted right now the military prosecutor has made clear that he intends to prosecute a few more but he's also made clear that it won't be more than a few more barack obama promised to close the notorious facility on day one of his presidency he's now in his second term it's only a president who can do it and the idea that it's you know that it's congress's fault is just not correct it is the president the top holding these men in detention some the president has to come in and this. it's hard to tell right now exactly how long will be down here doing this mission. the s. and stacy churkin at r.t. guantanamo bay cuba where more than half the detainees still at guantanamo are you
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enemy nationals the arab countries considering building a new facility to receive the inmates after their transfer a plan already dubbed guantanamo to well arty's lucy caffein office just returned from yemen where she met relatives of the detainees. it's difficult to stay positive about these detainees coming home when you've been awaiting us long as over a decade as was the case with some of the families who we've met now yemen is in a specific different situation for a variety of reasons than other countries more than half of the remaining detainees are yemeni citizens fifty six of them have been cleared for release to get sent back from guantanamo not a single one has come home and in fact the last citizen to return to the country came home in a body bag and twenty twelve and that is the fate that some of the families that we've met with worry could be in store for or for some of their loved ones one of the fathers that we met said that his son told them everything was going well and then basically found out through news reports that his son was participating in
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quite ill from the hunger strike which we have covered here at our teeth to get any government has been pushing for years now for a so-called rehabilitation facility which would basically take these detainees help them adjust to society and make sure that they don't rejoin with terrorist networks which is the main concern of the united states what we're learning now is that the united states and yemen actually had secret talks in rome about this proposed facility but there's very little details that have emerged and the issue really boils down to trust and money yemen has tried to use this as a political issue to get more funding from the united states in the past so the u.s. isn't necessarily willing to but the bill actually the funding issue something that we spoke to about with yemen's human rights minister course of money we want. to integrate into society to. give. the i'm sure that they have. any. yemeni government because they have the feeling that
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we neglected them. for u.s. officials the key concern is in the difficulty of reintegrating these former detainees in society it's the concern that these detainees will reintegrate into al qaeda networks and it's not a completely not valid one we have to remember that al qaeda in the arabian peninsula was founded by former guantanamo detainees so it's certainly a valid concern this is going to be such a long way off i mean if we waited this long for get to close unfortunately i don't think it's going to be sped up just because of this idea. now locking people up might seem an unlikely way to get rich but it is turning a profit for certain u.s. companies into the private prison complex the industry lobbying washington to make even the lightest offenses punishable with as much time on the inside as possible we've got this story coming up this hour. this week's or a heated debate in the u.k. over a proposed law that could land people in jail for annoying behavior the new bill would make it easier for local councils to break up peaceful protests and it's
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vague wording means it can be interpreted in many different ways if passed it will become an offense to even threaten to be in use and to other people carry and mendoza says this could seriously undermine freedom of speech. attempting to do is give to police the also to make any lawful protest immediately illegal simply because it's and i quote this directly from the legislation may has always likely to cause nuisance or annoyance as you can imagine the whole point of protest is to cause a nuisance an annoyance is to get in the way to disrupt people in their ordinary daily lives so that you can have them focus on an otherwise ignore a ball issue which is really important. coming up after a break moscow. follows the lives of undocumented workers and witnesses
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a police raid to find out why the shadow workforce is causing increased tension this story in a few minutes. that is absolute only except for the fragility of a functional system appears to be absolutely dramatic and if we were to never see that again we have to correct the whole because if you target only one scapegoat then the other one are not correcting and you have you do not get what you want which is a much more solid world financial what. pleasure
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to have you with us here on our t.v. today i'm sure. hello again children are a blessing for some but not for the adoptive families in the u.s. he went online to get rid of their i'm wanted kids all three home them as the procedure is being called an investigation has exposed an illegal market where vulnerable adoptees can be handed over to any takers avoiding background checks. as the story. animal owners may be familiar with the term private re homey typically
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it refers to those seeking to give their pet away but today the practice is reportedly being used by parents looking to give away the child they adopted from overseas and no longer wants an investigation conducted by reuters found that this type of child trafficking is happening largely in cyberspace where parents allegedly advertise their unwanted children through yahoo and facebook groups the lawless atmosphere allows internationally adopted orphans to be passed on to strangers without government scrutiny or even a paper trail as a result many of these children can end up in the custody of criminals sex offenders or abusive adults that would have never been allowed to legally adopt many of the children advertised online for private re homing range between the ages of six to fourteen and had been adopted from abroad including from countries such as russia china ethiopia and ukraine it poses huge risks right because some of the
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families into which these children leave home they're probably perfectly good in the children are doing better perhaps and some of them are not as of this year u.s. citizens are banned from adopting russian orphans since one nine hundred ninety nineteen russian children have reportedly died at the hands of their american adoptive parents reporting from new york marine upper nile r.t. . and amid the shocking revelations i did manage to meet one young man whose life took a turn for the worse when he was passed on to a new family. dimitris stewart was five years old when he and his brother were adopted from an orphanage in a small town near moscow it would be a rocky road living with his adoptive american parents didn't really feel like. i was there when he was a young teenager after years of strained relations and after his parents had biological children of their own the stewarts decided it was time to find him
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a new home and that's when they turned to the internet is that i go underground groups where people want to. just sort of a dog stands and. that's how dimitris parents found nicole isa in east an advertiser saw it as an aspiring mother that ran a home school to meet you found out that this was far from the truth this is a little tiny basically. as they hear me serious it was clear that his new home was no home school there was an even desk there had to do homework he didn't even make you go to school she gave you the option to go to school and then you had a biologist that was taken away from them from the stay so they want a lot of any more kids and that's why they're doing this underground underground thing nicole had been married to a man who was a pedophile and that she could not get a homestudy due to their finances these days private adoptions are far more common
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it's unclear how many of them were facilitated on the internet where it's harder to regulate the transactions between families after the traumatizing ordeal dimitri moved to this group home outside atlanta he feels safe with his new guardians in this quaint home in a nice suburban neighborhood use never know who's going to. be out there looking for kids and there's six people out there everywhere and marietta ga least of all are. thanks for being with r.t. today don't forget we've got plenty more stories on our website including the space spectacle of the decade an annual meteor shower has been lighting up the sky you can read about a site the like of which has not been seen since two thousand and two on our website at r.t. dot com also their child's dream comes true a five year old leukemia survivor becomes his favorite superhero for one day thanks to a san francisco wish fulfillment foundation and a more as i say at our web site at r.t.
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dot com. the deadly spiral of violence is far from over in iraq with more than one hundred thirty civilians killed there this week alone bombings and shootings are claiming dozens of lives every day is security forces seem unable to withstand the terrorist onslaught all that is pushing this year's death toll towards. the highest figure since two thousand and eight a political refugee from saddam hussein's regime something that i met danny thinks the political chaos is creating fertile ground for terrorist groups. the united states wanted to separate all the iraqi forces and to play it on sectarian divisions divisions exasperating and natural differences. clashes but there is also this presence of the terrorist organizations. which
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is most fear of conflict between these political organizations and groups represented within the government. we have launched a special project documenting the balance in iraq this year and at the website address you can see at the bottom of the screen right now you can follow the month by month timeline detailing the major instance and casualty numbers. liz liz . this week the vice president of the russian
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migrants federation a shot and wounded in a suspect in a crime and this comes at a time of heightened tensions over illegal income is in moscow following the recent murder of a russian man artie's paul scott takes a look at why anger on this issue is bubbling to the surface. migration in moscow is a sensitive subject right now following last month's murder of russian the back of allegedly at the hands of an azerbaijani migrant and the nationalistic riots that followed the issue is firmly in the spotlight and an r.t. camera crew has found out just how sensitive the topic is we went to a market on the outskirts of moscow to try and film an interview with mohamed magick the president of the russian federation of migrants despite getting private mission to film it soon became clear a presence was not welcome. you russian do i have to repeat myself the site ends with the fence we eventually set up our interview away from the market.
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yes i think they may have suspected some illegal activities of course and when you have thousands of migrant some of them may not have work permits or residence permits. the exact number of migrants in moscow is hard to calculate but best estimates put the figure at around one quarter of the population and according to official statistics one in five murders one into rapes and one in three robberies a carried out by migrants your thirty's a keen to be seen to be tackling the problem as we found out before our meeting with mohammed. since the under arrest in the outskirts of moscow police have been clamping down on illegal immigration every friday they go on a range of accommodation places of work looking for illegal immigrants it's friday morning we're going with the police on one of those raids and it didn't take long for the police to get down to business demanding people's paperwork. you know where do i leave. where do you leave. now the raid on the outskirts of
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moscow in this death i was last day to just about an hour and so i thought police have rounded up thirty five individuals who don't have the correct type of what. the room one hundred eighty thousand work permits to grow into each year according to mohammad this figure is far too low. to address it so you need to conduct a survey as to how many migrant worker a small school needs if it means a million workers you should issue a million work part of it's not a mere hundred thousand. it's believed around three million migrants are working in moscow twenty four percent of them illegally is creating a vast black market for cheap labor market is some key to keep out of the spotlight let's go to. moscow. it's approaching half eleven here in moscow coming up next harrowing stories from the same age of lending grand jury will forte.
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you know i love these rare moments where action of something fairly sounds positive to share with you the f.d.a. is working to ban partially hydrogenated oils which are the leading source of trance fats and foods and possibly the cause of up to twenty thousand heart attacks per year across the usa according to f.d.a. commissioner margaret hamburg as you know i would like the chemicals in my food kept to a minimum but the thing is the people at the f.d.a. are surely aware of all the hormones and b. and gitmo is being produced why does the span have such a very narrow narrow focus in fact when you look at all the things that americans consume smoke use that just for health some get the violent band hammer while others are completely tolerated if you ever talk to a hardcore marijuana smoker they'll tell you but dude we does better for you than
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beer and that's legal. man and they kind of have a point i think there is this is one of those rare instances where a balance position isn't really a good idea well the country could go the libertarian route and let it be everything be legal let people make their own choices or do what i think would be much much better actually really bad all the things that are destructive to our health both of these paths have positive and negative effects but they are a lot better than our current plan of bands some harmful things for some reason and allow other harmful things because while they lobby better but that's just my opinion. i'm so happy. this is the best summer is.
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