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tv   Venture Capital  RT  November 17, 2013 11:29am-11:45am EST

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film an interview with mohamed mage i'm the president of the russian federation of migrants despite getting prive commission to film it soon became clear a presence was not welcome. to russian so i have to repeat myself the site ends with the fence we eventually set up our interview away from the market. i think they may have suspected some illegal activities of course and when you have thousands of migrant some of them may not have work permits or residence permits. the exact number of migrants in moscow is hard to calculate the best estimates put the figure at around one quarter of the population and according to official statistics one in five murders one in two rapes and one in three robberies a carried out by migrants. came to be seen to be tackling the problem as we found out before our meeting with mohammed. morsi as the rest in the outskirts of moscow police have been clamping down on illegal immigration every friday they go in range
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of accommodation places of looking for illegal immigrants it's friday morning and we're going with the police on one of those raids and it didn't take long for the police to get down to business demanding people's paperwork. to. you know where do you leave. where do you leave. now the raid on the outskirts of moscow in this deaf i was lasted just about an hour and so far police have rounded up thirty five individuals who don't have the correct paperwork. to room one hundred eighty thousand work permits are granted each year according to mohammed this figure is far too low. to address it you need to conduct a survey as to how many migrant worker a small school needs if it needs a million workers you should issue a million work permits not a mere hundred thousand. it's believed around three million migrants are working in moscow twenty four percent of the legally it is creating a vast black market for cheap labor market this some are keen to keep out of the
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spotlight scott r.t. moscow. this is art internationally few virtues joined us for giving to him for a bad news to tell you now breaking news coming into the last half hour at tartus stand the company boeing seven three seven jet that we're hearing has crashed while making a second attempt a landing airport in central russia you can see workers on his on and up there we're now hearing all fifty passengers and crew have been killed on the plane the details are still pretty sketchy but they're still coming through emergency officials say there was some kind of explosion as that plane tried to land the flight number so far unconfirmed but this is the best we have so far we're just getting pictures through now from the crash scene as you can say rethink the flight number is flight you nine three six three a tatarstan airlines flight that originated from moscow's dhamma dead over airport earlier on today early
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indications suggest there was a technical problem with the aircraft and there were cockpit errors show and that's what the emergency services are saying while the interfax news agency as i was mentioning earlier on. the russian aviation industry of course. got a fair bit of bad press especially in the last ten years every time a crash it happened. most of the time has been happening with a soviet era plane most notably maybe a total of one five four which is one of the russian work courses of the sky and its days they've all been pretty much phased out know most of the companies if you ever travel to russia you'll see very few of them most companies now use western planes boeing saw air buses fact the boeing seven three seven is the best selling jet airliner in the history of aviation production of the model was launched by the company back in one thousand nine hundred seventy five traveled all by air i'm sure you've been on one yourself the worst crash here in russia involving this type of jet happened in the city of perth back in two thousand and eight then all eighty
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eight souls on board there sadly perished of course no other similar plane air bus a three nineteen a three twenty a three twenty one is the same sort of size but now we're hearing that this boeing seven three seven tonight from tatarstan airlines has crashed while making a second attempt to land that has an airport in central russia we think fifty passengers and crew on board that have been killed. a few pictures now coming through from the scene as you can see on your screen is the first time i've seen them myself you can see i think the fuselage of the plane it's obviously dark i think was foam you can see some emergency crews of fire engine and that's the only picture we got so far from the news wires but really bad news here fifty people dead there we don't know if anyone was affected on the ground at all but it does look like all crew or passengers on that flight have perished tonight if you're
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worried about any friends or loved ones that you may have had on that flight that originated from moscow tonight. the best we can say so far is that it was flight number you nine three six three a tad to start on a ways plane but that flight number is still has to be substantiated you can see the website address that it touches dot arrow if you want to check it out yourself tatarstan dot arrow. keep abreast with this story because most wrote the. course of the night the actual official name of being called in tatarstan airways teta stan airlines the actual official name of the airline is the tatar sedan air company. no emergency officials say there was an explosion as flight you nine three six three tried to land and there was a technical problem with the aircraft as it was coming in to land we think it could have been showing some cockpit errors may be the wrong height maybe the wrong speed
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we don't know that i'm just saying that that's all we've got through so far we've got a new update now. in the last minutes on the news lines i just mentioned. the death toll it's been rejigged again new data no showing fifty two have died that's occurred according now to emergence three emergency ministry officials fifty two. died i think we've got your icarus sure russian aviation expert on the line yuri hi there are no we'll be going live in just a little while ok we're going to him in just a little while you watch in our team our names kevin owen thanks for being with us unfortunately user say to bring you from the details still very sketchy but we're obviously the station to keep you fully abreast of this we are r.t. ritu ating from moscow broadcasting around the world our thoughts very much with the family and friends of everyone who appeared to have perished here tonight now
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just hearing we do have. russian aviation expert on the line now yuri hi there thanks for coming on line it really short notice is kevin owen you talking to hi there i'm from what we don't know any idea of what could have caused the crash i am reporting that there was some technical problem the emergency services are saying very early days this of course but they're saying that there were cockpit errors i mean that leaves it very wide open though doesn't it of course. first we have to know why did the crew decide to go around the because of technical malfunction was because the weather conditions or the something else maybe crew incapacitation well this is probably the least possible reason well how will we have to know for sure why did it have to change it flight or if it was
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a technical one multifunction what kind of technical malfunction was it was it a mechanical malfunction or something happened to the living in agreement of the aircraft and providing that in our the most airlines do exercise semiautomatic or for the automatic landing maybe the prominent in the real navigation equipment didn't lead to the crash what do we know about design airport what kind of airport is it flowed into yourself is it a difficult airport to navigate most of the safety equipment is there. well i wouldn't call it really difficult airport as far as i know airplanes could lend category three in this airport meaning that they could exercise almost zero reason landing one of our toughest on a company what kind of company like i've seen in the middle of a myself before i think previously they were using the soviet era planes i'm talking more that they the old style two plus one five falls maybe the one three
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four was. a short to medium range plane they are all now using all the soviet ex soviet companies and the russian companies are using modern western planes aren't they i mean i guess they're maintained to the standards they have to be maintained to by civil aviation law and russia russian civil a lawyer. well you know i'm not really familiar with our stance arayans. just slowing it or boeing seven hundred seven is not enough to make an assessment of all the technical help of this airline because as we know the seven three seven . has been manufactured since the need sixty thank you for it so if it's a great if that are done airlines operate the seven hundred seventy doesn't mean a brand new paragraph. or maybe even twenty year old aircraft and nobody knows how it was maintained but if it's properly maintained there's no reason to
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think that there be any problem with it you know you often talk to people in the army the air force particularly they say that much tuna fly on older planes or have better service the brand new ones don't they often. well you know the rhythm of if anything can go wrong it will and an unfortunately sometimes it happens due to civil aircraft as well well however well we can only hope that the aircraft was properly maintained broglie it was but we have to wait for the result of the investigation i miss all of this is just assumptions that we're talking about because you know the details are still coming through again i say you know if thoughts very much with the family friends and loved ones of everyone who appears to are very scared tonight absolutely. you talked about a category three to the uninitiated especially me what does that mean you talk about a category three landing and we don't know what the weather was like there. category one category two and category three and the category three craft does x x
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a fully automatic landing without any without it hello hello yes we can still hear. it well i would need. yes i guess you were explaining what a category three land was literally you know i don't really want to go into technical detail. do not the burden. with all this technical stuff that's enough to say it's enough to say that when aircraft lends category three levels with zero visibility and the crew actually does not. well it's not right to say that the crew does not control the aircraft. but they're lending the exercise on board automatic lending equipment and the crew is just monitoring this equipment so even if there had been bad weather very inferior we think that airport should be able to cope with the plane should have
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been able to cope with it and landed basically automatically ok still with all its in control let me tell you something actually a category three. ensure. that they like it but. the real part of the flight where or when actually the aircraft level up just before the landing. craft is about to land the crew have to monitor very carefully. indications of them both on. for some reason they see indication locally or they should immediately exercise go around procedure otherwise they will crash land well as you can. as you've been talking here in. the news has been coming in about this over the last forty minutes or so first of all we heard there were two attempted landings now
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russian aviation officials are saying there were three attempts to land that we don't know why this would have surely passed or it should raise some alarm bells surely if there's been one attempted touchdown to attempt to touch them when we're talking about three is that no. you know when i was if i did not for some reason if i did a sex life i would certainly go to another airport and the aircraft should have enough fuel water. to the airport ok so i don't really make sense why the aircraft was making three attempts to rent and moreover i just heard on the news. in fact try to help only once and there was only one landing at them so the information is very confusing at this point they can contradictory and we're hearing again those poor souls who perished tonight forty six passengers we think on board six crew that's
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a total of fifty two we believe died in this crash no mention of any were maybe on the ground that may have been caught up in this because we think the crash took place at the airport rather live within the city itself could you just tell us for people unfamiliar where. city airport is is it close to the city i mean is it is it close to a built up area or not well not rude i think it's about maybe ten fifteen kilometers or kilometers from the city so it's actually. it's beyond the city's outskirts i don't think the people living in the city were in any danger when they talk about six crew being on board i guess that would have been the standard configuration of this kind of plane with i guess a pilot or copilot navigate exists a modern plane for stupid stewardesses here. well. maybe there was a crew member in the cockpit somebody who was. primed or. getting training. so it could have happened. so you.
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like to keep you on the line if i can for a minute i know we're just pushing facts around a lot of this is still unknown but we can actually. still for a few is that are just joining us we're trying to get some more information as well about what's out in the seven three seven inherently we've called it the workhorse of the skies but it really is near i mean it any one time there are at least twelve hundred of these planes in the sky most of any of us of the travel that any time have probably been on one extremely safe planes aren't they. absolutely absolutely . it's almost like you know with this it is very very wearable aircraft you know we're actually getting some details in just keeping across the news lines here we're hearing preliminary version of what could have gone wrong here because we were hearing.


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