tv News Weekly RT November 17, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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breaking news on r t a boeing seven thirty seven passenger plane has crashed in the russian city of cazan during an attempted to landing all fifty two people on board including two children have died it is not known what caused the tragic accident investigators are looking at a range of reasons including pilot error weather conditions and technical issues. in live from our studios in moscow this is r t i'm sean thomas let's get right to our top story in breaking news mondays have been declared a day of mourning in russia's tarter ston republic after a boeing seven thirty seven jet crashed because an airport killing all fifty people
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on board it had departed from moscow and was attempting to land when the tragedy happened now these are the latest pictures from because an airport where the jet crashed and caught fire apparently during its second landing attempt there were two children among the forty four passengers and six crew members also perished there as well and so far ten of the victims have been identified archies lucy caffein off is now with us and joins us with more information now lucy take us through exactly what happened well certainly a fatal journey for all fifty people onboard that flight flight three six three of course operated by tartar ston airlines here's what we know so far that plane departed from domodedovo airport right here in moscow at about six twenty five pm local time just over an hour later it crash landed at its destination the cause partly because on the international airport in central russia all forty four passengers six crew men. first confirmed dead and this is where the details get
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a bit murky the crew was reportedly trying to abort its landing it had informed the control tower of the problem and was trying to make a second approach this is when the plane reportedly exploded when it struck the runway unclear whether the explosion took place first or upon impact but that's what happened we simply don't know the cause at this point it could be a technical malfunction of weather conditions could be at play here pilot error as well all those factors are being considered by investigators we're also hearing that they're looking at fuel problems as one of the reasons that might also be to blame out hardest on airlines did release a statement saying that its pilots were experienced of course that still doesn't rule out human error we also heard that there were strong wind gusts when that plane was trying to land but again unclear whether weather was the cause here now what is clear however is the lack of survivors and the the search and rescue
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emergency rescue operations had concluded that airport will be shut until mid day on monday that very airplane that crashed did actually make a previous journey on sunday from cousin to moscow we actually had a chance to speak to one of the passengers who was on that flight let's take a listen to her experience that morning these pilots but instead. of the flight itself one. just before the lending the plane started vibrating few sleep you know it was the wind was going to be good time to clean it turn to do with the spring cleaning it was doing from side to side linda to my first attempt to do it was really bad landing and they felt like the plane was going to roll off the runway. that was one particular. person experience on board that aircraft on a previous flight what else do we know about that plane in particular well that particular airplane the boeing seven seven three. in five hundred had been in
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service for twenty three years it's gone through several operators in fact tartar song airlines was the eighth operator to have that specific plane in its fleet of course that's not necessarily a problem in itself as long as the aircraft itself is a well maintained the seven three seven is the best selling aircraft in history a in the history of aviation it's known as sort of the workhorse at any given time there's about a thousand two hundred of them up in the air now the company that makes them boeing did issue a statement on its website in response to this tragedy it said that we'll be sending a team of technical advisers to help with the investigation here in russia an investigation that we're now also hearing is going to include paperwork authorities have gotten all the paperwork from on airlines they'll be starting to go through that as of early on monday morning now the tragedy does highlight the poor safety record of regional airlines that supply the international routes across russia the biggest nation on earth russia and the former soviet republics combined did account
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for the highest one of the highest accident rates three times in fact the world average back in twenty eleven and so there of course be a lot of pressure to really get to the bottom of this to understand why this is happening if it's part of a larger trend and what can be done to prevent it next time but of course that's not going to bring back the fifty people who had perished aboard flight three six three. keeping us updated there thanks for being with us here on r t. now we are also keeping track of everything that is happening in it because on our website our two dot com has got all of the updates from the moment the caution happened until now. now we have been getting the thoughts of aviation experts in russia and abroad earlier we spoke to captain mark weiss who is a civil aviation leader at the spectrum group and used to fly the same kind of airplane that has crashed in cars on he believes that it was
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a chain of events that led to this catastrophe that was a poor repair that led to fatigue in obviously catastrophic failure for all of these factors are going to be looked at normally in an emergency you want to get the aircraft on the ground safely as quickly as possible so what would have caused the aircraft to not landed on its first attempt was whether a factor once crew fatigue crew illness there are going to be so many things that have to be looked at keeping in mind that accidents generally don't happen from a single event it's a chain of events that lead to a catastrophe like this. now this stage a variety of factors could have been responsible for sunday's crash let's take a look at what the key causes of air tragedies have been over the years now today's aircraft are incredibly sophisticated machines but very sensitive as well to how
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they're being flown more than half of air crashes are caused by errors or made by the flight crew various technical problems with the aircraft are responsible for just under a quarter of problems leading to accidents and of course bad weather conditions can play their part there behind a twelve percent of crashes you can see that little sliver in yellow right there and finally nine percent of air incidents are due to terrorist attacks or hijackings those figures are from a plane crash dot plane crash info dot com now russian aviation expert yuri kharaj explained to us that despite the fact that planes are usually occupied with automatic landing systems pilots need to pay close attention to the onboard equipment. well i wouldn't go through the airport. if we use air force the meaning of the. original ending thirty minutes of. a fully automatic landing but.
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part of that cried over where or when actually the aircraft level option just because the landing. when. it went. bad have to want it very carefully. indication of what it would be on. the local air should immediately go around procedure that will crash land. now let's go over what we know about this tragic plane crash in central russia so far a boeing seven thirty seven jet to traveling from moscow to cause apparently lost altitude and exploded during its second landing attempt none of the fifty people on board survived two children and the elder son of tatarstan president were among those killed ten of the victims have been identified and monday will be a day of mourning in tatarstan the airport will remain closed until noon we don't
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know yet what exactly caused the crash investigators are also considering poor fuel quality as a possibility as well as the possibilities of pilot error and inclement weather they've obtained documents from the toughest on air company and will begin examining them in a few hours the boeing corporation also has offered to help in the investigation while rescuers haven't found the plane's flight recorders as of yet the boeing seven thirty seven five hundred series aircraft had been in use for twenty three years and tatarstan air is the eighth airline to fly that particular plane since there.
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americans also came up with another reason to reach a democracy people wanting to be liberated people wanting to be free you reach is also you know part of the message of a revolution. we need to use. the same. wish you great the condition of. one of mass destruction. in the case of. this was a week like. the . economic down in the final. days.
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and the rest because i. believe if we. welcome back you're watching our team now let's recap in the weeks past are stories in this week's interlude between the two rounds of a crucial talks over iran's nuclear program has sent some mixed signals one the one hand of the u.n. watchdog declared that atomic projects have been virtually frozen since president rouhani came to power and then on the other hand u.s. lawmakers are insisting even more sanctions are placed on iran a move that threatens to derail the deal the white house is urging congress to give diplomacy a chance but the powerful israeli lobby is insisting on tougher. the previous round of negotiations failed to produce any results reportedly due to france's surprise
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opposition francoise hollande is in israel now he has already assured me that paris will be tough and will not easy its pressure on iran during next week's nuclear talks cited hussein most of them an iranian policy maker who used to be on iran's nuclear diplomacy team in negotiations with the i.a.e.a. says france's behavior shows double standards. france has a block peaceful because of israeli claims i think this is a historic mistake france is making the i. five thousand. inspections. nuclear program and frequently has announced a reason no evidence of diversion toward the opposition this is clear but i really doubt the real concern of france is a nuclear bomb because france has
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a strategy to relations with israel way israel is not a member of n.p.t. and possess about four hundred nuclear bombs therefore france should not be concerned about nuclear bomb france help israel to master nuclear bomb france has. nuclear bomb therefore france has a very very bad record. now should the talks result in something israel isn't happy with it is reportedly ready to join forces with a former sworn enemy for a possible strike on iran britain's sunday times newspaper suggests saudi arabia is working closely with israel's mossad on a military campaign if iran's nuclear program is encouraged by an agreement in geneva now under the reported plan saudi arabia is understood to be allowing israel use of its airspace it would also assist israel in deploying combat drones helicopters tanker planes the saudis are furious and are willing to give israel all
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of the help it needs and you can see that quote there that's what an anonymous source allegedly told the newspaper the sunni muslim gulf kingdom is alarmed that shiite dominated iran could get a nuclear weapon and concern shared by israel iranian political analyst saeed mohammad marandi thinks that if the saudi israeli plan plays out there would be no winners. well we don't know if these reports are true but the saudis and the israelis are moving closer and closer to one another however it's highly unlikely that the saudis or the israelis would really want to attack iran because they both countries would be losers they would be seen. obviously the iranians would retaliate the soviets it would you know very well and it would create an economic catastrophe for the world and that would mobilize the whole middle east especially people on the streets in support of iran they would isolate israel after all the americans with all their firepower. failed in their attempt to bring about
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a pack on syria because world public opinion and american public opinion simply would not accept that. syria could be free of most of its chemical arsenal by the end of the year if another country agrees to take it on the ambitious deadline was said by the international chemical watchdog as part of a road map which also says all the talks and stockpiles must be destroyed by the end of june but the biggest problem now is the lack of volunteers to take on the delicate task of eliminating more than a thousand tons of highly poisonous materials norway was the first to give a firm no its refusal was mirrored by albania which saw a series of protests against the country being the destruction site for syria's chemical arsenal political analyst chris bambery says it should be europe's wealthy nations who step in to implement the bishop's elimination plan my understanding is that they will go to france and i think it's really the onus is on britain or france in terms of the western european powers to deal with this because as i say
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they do have chemical weapons although we don't advertise the fact that britain and france have stockpiles of chemical weapons they do have the ability to do that the french and the british have the facilities would you can dismantle these things safely they have the expertise surely that's the best option has abided by this deal. the west should really put its money where its mouth is he signed up to this deal it's sending ships in this case norwegian ships to deal with this but the norwegians were claiming they do all the expertise to dismantle and up and see what chemical weapons say they will not to take them in and i think it kinds of smacks i resent over the fact that really in the end this deal has come or. brokered a deal assad signed and no syria has abided by the agreements over it and i can't hear but feel this is so kind of resentment in european capitals that actually the deal has worked the destruction of a chemical weapons is not the only problem in syria now the brutal conflict between
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government forces and rebels continues to claim thousands of lives on sunday thirty one troops including four generals were killed by a bomb attack on a syrian government building near damascus explosives are thought to have been placed in the basement meaning the opposition fighters were able to breach security to get into the building the e.u. is being dragged deeper and deeper into the conflict intelligence chiefs believe more than a thousand young european muslims have joined the islamists and are now fighting in syria it's thought they are being recruited through social media the e.u. counterterrorism coordinator says the jihadists agenda goes further than toppling assad it's also a real threat to your. we are in the process of trying to understand better the reason why so many europeans are going to syria where we start being concerned. and that's what we understand many of the mean the joining to do groups really
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a few too and get up. in groups which nobody wants to are true i said to have the global jihad rhetoric and share fully the project if i get out and therefore we think i think would see that in the future but that many of them will get back in europe much more radical he means by that recruit other day meet for sob even directed want to attack in europe in two of greece's largest cities athens and thessaloniki tens of thousands have joined peaceful rallies in memory of the one nine hundred seventy three student uprising marking the fortieth anniversary of the revolt against the country's military rule the protests were also directed at the current government for the austerity measures it has imposed in exchange for even loans artie's that lindsay friends reports from athens. i miss him instruction that isn't hunting them writing for him none of us are in the public sector uprising which changed so much and make society specifically in the government is
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not only drawing on who were former students and current students of people who want government changed it's also drawing people who are that see affected by the economic reforms the austerity measures that greece must undertake to get these bailout packages the latest the many people laid off the journalists and possibly university administrators they're here getting their voices heard is also have even police presence to make sure that everything goes peacefully at marcus infiltrated many of the demonstrations because a lot of the violence but everyone here so far seems very peaceful this protest was started in the afternoon it has gathered thousands of people to move all over athens all age groups many people from teachers unions journalists and fascist movements people from all sectors of society really because it was from the seeds of what took place forty years ago which was students rising up to ask for their representation within government and still feeling that leadership needs to
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change in greece for that to happen lindsay france for us there in greece now let's take a look at some other news making headlines around the world this hour a mine accident has left at least two people dead and another twenty injured in the u.s. state of colorado there have been reports of a possible explosion at the site though no official confirmation has been made so far two more miners remain trapped inside a rescue team is now trying to reach them. in the u.s. a fast moving storm system is battering ten midwestern states multiple tornadoes tore across the nation and are threatening the homes of more than fifty million americans at least five people have been reported dead in the state of illinois the storm has caused extensive damage with buildings reduced to rubble and cars turned upside down a tornado was spotted some two hundred kilometers southwest of chicago experion weather was prompted has prompted authorities to halt air traffic there as well.
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a series of deadly attacks across the iraqi capital baghdad have killed at least seventeen people and left forty five injured multiple bombings occurred in commercial areas and city markets targeting soldiers on patrol as well as civilians iraq is experiencing its worst of violence in years this week alone over one hundred thirty people have been killed in separate attacks sami a former iraqi political refugee told r.t. that the conflict plaguing the nation may be seen as beneficial to some countries the united states wanted to separate all of the iraqi forces and to play on sectarian divisions divisions exasperating i'm not sure those differences. and clashes but there is also this presence of the terrorist organizations. which is. fluid between these political organizations and groups represented within
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the government. now to other news an underground adoption market has been exposed in the united states it's called private re homing in allows partners to get rid of their unwanted adopted kids by advertising online no background checks or government scrutiny means children could end up with families who would never be legally allowed to adopt or could even be taken in by criminals. has details. animal owners may be familiar with the term private re homey typically it refers to those seeking to give their pet away but today the practice is reportedly being used by parents looking to give away the child they adopted from overseas and no longer wants an investigation conducted by reuters found that this type of child trafficking is happening largely in cyberspace where parents allegedly advertise their unwanted children through yahoo and facebook groups the lawless atmosphere
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allows internationally adopted orphans to be passed on to strangers without government scrutiny or even a paper trail as a result many of these children can end up in the custody of criminals sex offenders or abusive adults that would have never been allowed to legally adopt many of the children advertised online for private re homing range between the ages of six to fourteen and had been adopted from abroad including from countries such as russia china ethiopia and ukraine it poses huge risks right because some of the families into which these children home they're probably perfectly good and the children are doing better perhaps and some of them are not as of this year u.s. citizens are banned from adopting russian orphans since nine hundred ninety nine thousand russian children have reportedly died at the hands of their american adoptive parents reporting from new york marine upper nile r.t. . well what happens to adopted children when their foster families are preparing to
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have their own children or to spoke to one young man who found himself advertised online and then passed on to a new family after his parents decided he was not want it anymore. dimitris stewart was five years old when he and his brother were adopted from an orphanage in a small town near moscow it would be a rocky road living with his adoptive american parents do you really feel like you know i was there when he was a young teenager after years of strained relations and after his parents had biological children of their own the stewarts decided it was time to find him a new home and that's when they turned to the internet is that i go underground groups where people want to. get their i destructive a dog shins and. that's how dimitris parents found nicole isa in eastern advertiser self as an aspiring mother that ran a homeschool demeter found out that this was far from the truth this is
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a little tiny. and i. doubt if they'd know him he's serious it was clear that his new home was no home school there was an even desk there had to do homework she didn't even make you go to school yeah she gave me the option to go to school and then we had a biological kid that was taken away from them from the stay so they want a lot of any more kids and that's why they're doing this underground underground thing nicole had been married to a man who was a pedophile and that she could not get a homestudy due to their finances these days private adoptions are far more common it's unclear how many of them were facilitated on the internet where it's harder to regulate the transactions between family it's after the traumatizing ordeal dimitri moved to this group home outside atlanta he feels safe with his new guardians in this quaint home in a nice suburban neighborhood you just never know who's who's going to. be out there
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looking for kids and there's six people out there everywhere and marietta georgia liz of all our will stay with our t.v. we'll have more updates on the tragic plane crash at because our airport is costing over fifty lives next though it's clearly pilbeam with the week's big news in the business world and if you look closely you might find some antics for me. it's technology innovation all the developments around russia. the future covered. wealthy british style. black.
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market. find out what's really happening to the global economy. global financial headlines kaiser report. good luck. to build. anything tim's mission to teach me. this is why you should care only. it's on its. one hundred twenty three days. through some nine hundred towns and cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people
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or sixty five thousand. in a record setting trip. air. space. torch relay. m r t r c dot com. that was the french capital whitney casey phil famously told three commands on the transatlantic trade deal we televise the risks i could. see that in just a minute with most of all it's the eurozone it could be embracing it negative interest rates look like a silver. what is that what are we talking diamonds paintings metals coins my psychic research on thomas you'll be out late last get me by. the u.s. e.u.
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trade deal is worth an estimated one hundred fifty billion dollars for both parties but these huge profits could cover the costs of the average consumer and there are plenty of stumbling blocks holding up the deal since cards are what each side wants so the u.s. is asking for e.u. restrictions on genetically modified crops and chlorine water poultry to be cards to maintain intellectual secrecy for more access for u.s. service providers the e.u. wants the beef ban which was first introduced because of the mad cow disease to be lifted or reduction of terrorist on items such as cheese and the free flow of information is now let's dive deeper into the consequences of the deal with rodney shakespeare he's a professor of economics he's based in london today this dual involve limiting health and environmental regulations to boost growth the question is how will this affect the.
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