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tv   Headline News  RT  November 18, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EST

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russia's republic of toronto star is in mourning after a plane crash that took the lives of all fifty people on board. is on standby the victims' relatives are being treated by psychologists ahead of the start of the identification of the bodies. human rights violations on forced labor in qatar are condemned by amnesty international and the report highlighting the brutal conditions faced by migrant workers to power in the gulf nation for the twenty twenty two world cup. and german media revealed that british intelligence is using hundreds of luxury hotels across the globe to spy on international diplomats while they've been to stop cold spot action to cut.
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international news and comment live from moscow this is all she was me you gnash thanks for joining us russian investigators have retrieved the flight data recorders from a plane that nosedived at cousin airport and bust into flames killing all sixty passengers and crew including a son of the republic of tata stands president to foreign nationals were on the aircraft a british citizen and a ukrainian monday has been declared a day of mourning in the region has gone off reports now from cousin. what we're hearing now and this is speculation at the moment is that the bodies of the victims of this plane crash were burned too badly and perhaps d.n.a. tests will be needed in order to identify them and if that's the case then it's
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going to take much longer obviously don't just one day the relatives of the victims have been gathering inside this medical center behind me. have been pretty much keeping journalists away from speaking to the relatives they did tell us that right now they are being treated by psychologists and also there are several ambulances here on standby as well just in case story has definitely touched the whole country fifty people people on board of this plane died and we know now that two foreigners were on that plane as well social networks have been witnessing and out of grief from the relatives of the victims one of them is a state t.v. sports commentator his wife and stepdaughter died in this plane crash and this man . how live after this president says condolences to the
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victims' families a phone conversation with the head of the republic of the older son was on board this plane and he just got married recently and his pregnant wife missed this flight after he talked her out of taking it the accident itself happened on sunday evening this was a flight from moscow to what we know so far is that at some point. around the point when the airplane was supposed to reach the ground it exploded you know right now there are several versions what could have been the causes of one of these versions is that it could have been human error the other one is some technical difficulties with the airplane and there are reports that the crew prior to the landing at. did allegedly report that there were some technical difficulties also there's an issue of problems with the fuel the plane was fueled my dear the airport in moscow we know that samples of the steel have been taken and they're
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going to be analyzed but should black boxes are decoded obviously that's going to provide much more information. so the plane itself was over twenty years old twenty three to be precise and her son allies had planned to take it out of service a year ago however the company claims there were no technical problems with the aircraft before it took off on sunday but earlier in the day the same plane had flown from kansas on to moscow and passengers reported huge vibrations during landing this pilot but instead. the flight itself when quite smoothly but just before the landing the plane started vibrating few sleep initially i thought it was the weather but when we go told of the plane need turned the weather was quite nice the plane was shaking it was dragged from side to side lynton our first attempt but it was really bad landing and it felt like the plane was going to roll off the runway. a wide range of factors causing
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a tragedy worldwide over the years and according to statistics from plane crash info dot com well the hub the caused by half of them caused by human error both on the part of pilots and ground control technical problems with aircraft are behind just under a quarter of problems leading to accidents and of course a bad weather conditions can also play a role and last but not least terrorist attacks or hijackings make up nine percent of air crashes and earlier we asked civil aviation consultant mark vi hughes who used to fly the same type of plane that crashed in a boeing seven three seven on his things could have led to this catastrophe. that was a poor repair that led to fatigue and obviously we really are but all of these factors are going to be looked at normally
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a little emergency you want to get the aircraft on the ground safely as quickly as possible so what would have caused the aircraft to not live on its first attempt was whether a fact there are ones who fatigue who own this there are going to be so many things that have to be looked at keeping in mind that accidents generally don't have been from a single event it's your chain of events that lead to a catastrophe like this the migrant workers in qatar feel that being treated like cattle according to a damning report by honest international the rights group has released the results of its program to the gulf monarchies construction industry the report found numerous violations in the country which is steaming ahead with preparations for the twenty twenty two world cup mr says migrant workers are being deprived of pay and placed in a crowded and sanitary housing that the rights group also expressed its dismay that
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one of the richest countries in the wild is allowing this to happen a spokesman for the organization told all say that some of the workers are being treated like slaves. what we found was that there are systemic problems we would be my guest workers encounter many of them are subjected to dave or expect asian for example which i think people who. were deceived about the baby getting caught or some people have been deceived about the kind of work they were to encounter and we found many workers who had not been paid. for a long time and. some of them had not been paid for months at a time and we found the workers who had been stuck in the country trying to leave their desperate in some cases the suicide of trying to be put on able to because they would not get to that makes it i mean teaches the for the country love in some circumstances there. were people who were in conditions that the most favor.
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on german filmmaker he said he still went to consulate investigate this is haitian but also in seeing migrants here and he's come on why detained and put behind baas there were accused of filming what is without permission and attempting to spark a riot mr gates told us he won't handcuffing that. four of them they haven't got paid for seven months in a row right now trying to file the case as well all of those workers have one major problem they have to work within the so-called system let me try and explain to you what that is it's a law basically stating that every migrant worker that comes into qatar has to find his own personal sponsor meaning his boss the firm he's working for the cup ration . and that sponsor has to take care of him legally legally medically
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but most of the sponsors obviously take the passports away from the migrant workers and that puts zero numbers of them maybe tens of thousands in a miserable situation. gemini's tao spiegel magazine claims that the british intelligence service g c h q operates as a valence network at hundreds of disclosed luxury hotels around the globe to spy on diplomats and government delegations the program infiltrates the hotel's booking systems so the agency can prepare their rooms for detail surveillance meaning but phones and computers the scheme is also reportedly used to get the premises ready for the deployment of on site agents for close monitoring the article puts britain an awkward position at a time when germany is preparing to hold a special parliamentary session on the issue of spying as peter only by now reports the reason that they've called this special session is to talk about allegations of spying on the german people by the n.s.a.
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and the targeting of anglo merkel's private mobile telephone german opposition parties has long been calling for a full investigation into these allegations that have come out following leaks by edward snowden that germany with targeted extensively by united states operations of senior parliamentarians here in germany that actually called on the government themselves to be very candid with this of course comes after allegations that the german security services may have actually been complicit in this. so this whole session is there to try and to find out who knew what about what exactly and as it goes on throughout the day i'll be bringing you all of the information that comes out of the book meeting here on r.t. . and let's not discount the situation in germany with palin based political commentator said christan schmitz mr schmidt welcome to r.c.
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great to have you with us so what do you expect to come out of this because the understudy anything that. to be honest not very much we have to look at those entire scandal and political context as one who grew up in cold war germany where spying was the agenda of the day i receive german people agree that spying is one of the oldest viruses in the world and that we have some would have to live with that. secondly i'd like to mention that the two parties that you mentioned the so-called opposition parties each holding eight percent and will not have that much of a major impact apart from the fact that the new government isn't being formed right now on the top of the agenda only views that is whether or not we will get a government in the first place and then secondly will come some of the committees that may look into this by actions yes or no right and actually actually there have been so many reports that different european intelligence agencies actually
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collaborate with the n.s.a. what's really going on there do you think that these governments are really concerned as they claim to be. i don't believe so even though i'd like to add that obviously what is technically possible is not always what is politically wanted i believe that as much as ms merkel and mr obama both have been probably taken by surprise how much technical knowledge their own spying agencies had to listen in on anybody else and most likely there will have to be some political. agencies should go only as far as a.b.c. and not go overboard in terms of spying on for instance the chancellor or other things so spying will be accepted but if it goes over the top then we have a traditional thing remember in the history of germany willy brandt once had to let
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go his office when it was found out that his own personal assistant was a german spy. the fact that we cannot claim a single accident or a single incident right now i believe will make the german public more relaxed about spying and general what kind of action can we expect germany will take against the you as for tapping chancellor merkel's phone and for monitoring. right now these days we are about to negotiate the north atlantic free trade agreement and i believe that on balance even though there's an uproar particularly by some of the opposition parties in germany in general no specific action will come as a result other than maybe mrs merkel will. put an additional layer of security on her personal phone apparently she was very relaxed in terms of putting another technical layer which she could have she didn't use the top notch technically
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resistent phone during these days right and probably you heard we are reporting today about a new scandal g c h d snooping on diplomats in hotels all around the world do you think that germany can turn its anger against the u.k. as well i believe this will again be very difficult as one who has traveled around the world in many capacities as a businessman as a world bank delegation had i always knew that phones in hotels are being duped on and that you should not reveal state secrets or other porton business secrets or diplomatic secrets over a tell line those people who do this today with the technical knowledge there is around the world to be blamed themselves and this is why i believe there will be no repercussion or action taken by the german government against the british spy agency apart from the fact that as you rightly said there's probably a lot of cooperation between the agencies themselves all in all they need to get
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a political. line of conduct from the top not to go over the top but other than that the cooperation will continue and we will not be able to weed out spying altogether right meant to live from berlin mr schmidt thank you very much indeed for your time. and there were times you spoke to the henry porter a political commentator for the observer and he gave his assessment on how the snowden scandal has affected the reputation of the country's intelligence agency after it falls they got a nice paper destroy states. they imported these two technicians to grind these computers journey into twenty slivers of matter because they said that the chinese could wave a wand over these these computers and find out everything that had been up but it's
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so the only because these that this is something which is going to be framed by people is a moment when the british press was really threatened really oppressed by the british government i noticed the b.b.c. has been utterly pathetic in the coverage of the initial very very big. what's called a divergence here we advise you i'm sure the world and we advise you that this may damage britain's security and we very much like you not to mention it or not refer to it in any way i think snowden norma's mind for the understanding about democracies and the way they work you don't normally amount to challenge the way the british media very complaisant british media has operated over the last six months he's done a lot to make ourselves look into our selves and say well actually we're not that good the point about the grinding up of those computers is that it actually worked and the rest of the media in a very very subtle way created an atmosphere which meant that people going back from doing the story. made
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a point is about avoiding government supervision but doing all they can to challenge that look at why the us government is trying to take the wind out of the vision of paris a sales and just a few men and. the media leave us so we leave the media. love to see bush and see your. play your party there's a good. shoes that no one is that skin with the gas that you deserve answers from. politics only on our t.v. . pick your country iraq afghanistan libya saudi arabia israel egypt syria turkey and even iran and then each washington finds itself either the odd man out leaving alone or leading from behind in a muddled path is the us simply out of touch or is history in the region merely
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being on. speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the c.o.r.p. interviews intriguing story to tell you. in trying. to find out more visit our big teeth dog called. again this is the welcome bark the french president her side his country will be taking a tough stance against iran at the next round of international nuclear talks on wednesday france all around or speaking in a zero which has joined france in calling for sanctions to remain in place against iran and according to
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a british newspaper tel aviv is preparing for military action if the demands on that point to stay in our ports. the sunday times is reporting of cooperation between israel and saudi arabia over a possible military strike on iran now according to the reports riyadh will provide tel aviv with so-called tactical support which essentially means allowing israeli warplanes to use its space and at the same time allowing the israelis to use saudi briskly helicopters tanker planes and drones now the two countries have been united over there why worry about iran's nuclear program for quite some time particularly now as the way scenes on the brink of reaching some kind of deal with iran both countries have expressed dismay their concern is that it will be an easing of international sanctions while at the same time the rant will continue with its nuclear enrichment program at the moment it doesn't seem highly likely that there will be agreement on the ranch particularly this week and this is largely because
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of the criticism by france at the moment the french president francois hollande is here in israel netanyahu has made it clear that he expects wants to keep up its criticism and its objection to the still functions are already done this in fact last week when the earlier round of geneva talks happened it was fronts that largely prevented a deal from going through at that stage and what we've heard from francois hollande just yesterday sunday is that fonts will only give its nod to some kind of agreement which he ran before conditions on mit's in these conditions he laid out as being number one that all ukrainian nuclear installations are put under international supervision immediately number two that enrichment is suspended to the twenty percent mark number three that all existing stocks are reduced and lastly that there was a halt of construction at the iraq plant so netanyahu and hollande sitting on the same side of the fence when it comes to concern over any kind of deal that could
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potentially be reached at this week between the world powers and to run. and a man who used to represent iran and its negotiations with the u.n. nuclear watchdog the i.a.e.a. believes the french stance on this issue is deeply contradictory. france has a block. because of israeli claims i think this is historical the prince is making the i. five. inspection. program and frequently has a reason no evidence of diversion toward the pin is asian this is clear but i really do have the real concern of france is a nuclear bomb because france has strategic relations with israel. is not a member of n.p.t. . to four hundred nuclear bombs therefore france should not be concerned about
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nuclear bomb france help israel to master nuclear bomb france heard in the zero two master nuclear bomb therefore france has a very very bad record. and the news just in russia's president vladimir putin things there's a real chance of resolving the international dispute over iran's nuclear program. and with iran's leader hassan reality has been pushing hard to get the negotiations off the ground and it will be bringing you all the latest updates from top officials on the next round of talks is set to launch on wednesday state. now the cryptic paris same that's used to avoid the watchful eye of financial sources has made history yet again bitcoins value has surged past six hundred dollars after months of rapid growth and while the car is so wins over new follows it's also raising eyebrows in washington as are he's going to chicken reports. there's around
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one point two trillion dollars circulating in u.s. currency compared to around three billion dollars in bitcoin so big corn is still a very small phenomenon but it's growing and very rapidly the value of a big coin has increased ten fold since early two thousand and thirteen bitcoin bypasses government currency this is not subject to any regulations and at the moment the government is looking at it with suspicion citing concerns that the virtual currency is being useful facilitating illegal activity like drug trade. we've seen things like bitcoin and others these internet based currencies that are not subject to regulation or oversight and we're working very hard to look at how we can counteract that. but bitcoin supporters are pointing to the fact that this new peer to peer payment system is being used in a widening variety of transactions corners for example are now actively chipping in
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to help the victims of the typhoon in the philippines the u.s. government and the u.s. federal reserve obviously can't deny the rapid development of bitcoin and are right now thinking how to maybe incorporate bitcoin into the conventional money system possibly wishing to see bitcoin as more of a technological innovation rather than a truly stateless and independent currency in washington i'm going to check out so we'll also have the heart of the digital currency is success story an anonymous online wallets users can carry out transactions between them bypassing bonks middleman and what's more important governments also and executive editor of fabrics jeffrey taka says officials have no chance of bringing bitcoin under their full control. governments always like to control money and they like to control our currency and frankly washington is starting to get
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a little panicked about becoming a year ago to the laughing stock now people are starting to worry sense they they don't want anything that happens out of their control and it kind really just doesn't care actually it's a perfect currency and it is it is immune from an abuse by governments and regulators and no one controls big crime it's purely a product of who can lobel international market of traders and users so in that sense because it is a very delusional ery tool to free people from oppression from their nation states governments can try to control it better elsewhere they cannot. i'll surely agree peace activists call in the roster will remain in pretrial detention in russia for another three models if today's first hearing by one of two courts to say it is via that had deciding whether to extend custody for a group of protesters arrested in the russian arctic in september while trying to
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board an oil rig let's not get all the latest details from our correspondent in st petersburg maria for national hi there maria so what are the grounds for keeping the greenpeace activists behind bars until the end of february that. well and it looks like at least one greenpeace activist a member of this so-called arctic sunrise group the thirty detainees will have to spend three more months in russia's jail fifty nine year old men from a stroll and that's after they called the most because here in central israel decided to hold russia's investigative committee application that the investigators applied for the extension saying they need more time to complete the probe we know that the hearings over five other applications are at this moment undergo in three more skilled court and kalinski called here in st petersburg they want you can see
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behind me and we know that here they jog examines the cases of the two members of the sunrise arctic sunrise ship crew a doctor a russian citizen. from canada and russia's fall to journalists this week marks two months since thirteen men and women from nineteen different countries greenpeace activists journalists and crew members were detained in just a little bit of background here to remind you what happened in september the arctic sunrise greenpeace ship approach as long offshore oil drilling platform in russia's big two northern french sure i see it's owned by russia's energy giant gazprom and the team of activists attempted to hold themselves. on the platform but they were arrested by russia's coast guard we know now that. greenpeace international has already said that they would appeal the extension. or if an ocean a line from st petersburg maria thank you very much indeed for that update i
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appreciate it. and up next here on our quiz. philippa torch is on its epic journey to such. one hundred and twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred towns and cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limp dick torch relay. on r t r g dot com. if you are targeting only one scapegoat that would be responsible five with you say that you think the banks the commercial banks then what about the non banks what
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about the highly leveraged institutions nor a responsible old school what about the rights so what about all the special so you see it's more. you know you seem banks are the main reason the bad banking system is the main reason that triggered the banks part of the whole. as responsibility including the us computing the account to the accounting rules. of all soldiers of the rating agencies of course you know the anti bank and non-banks and the naive belief that we were you know were real there was an automatic self correction of the market themselves the theory of efficiency of markets was also paul.


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