tv Larry King Now RT November 19, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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coming up on our t.v. boycotting the t.v. p.c. that's what protesters in salt lake city and washington d.c. are saying about the trans-pacific partnership a trade deal that shrouded in secrecy we'll tell you more about what's in this global path ahead and congress is getting bit by the bitcoin today the senate learned all about this virtual currency and how it could change the landscape with digital finance the lawmakers want to know could this digital cash be used for illegal activity. and even down in san francisco one man was detained held down and beat by police officers all three illegally driving a bicycle now he's accusing police of using excessive force we'll tell you his story later in the show.
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it's tuesday november nineteenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm in you're a david and you're watching our team. lead negotiators from twelve countries who are taking part in the trans-pacific partnership began meeting today in salt lake city utah now to refresh your memory the trans-pacific partnership or t p p is a new trade deal being negotiated that would open up markets between nations along the pacific rim now it's also a trade deal that has by and large remained a secret from the public however the massive pact is expected to affect jobs environment consumer safety and a whole lot more in fact we're beginning to learn details about how much is really in jeopardy last week transparency organization wiki leaks released a draft of the intellectual property chapter of the t.p. that reveals new proposals for copyright and patent rights that would boost big pharma companies and it raises questions on how the trade agreement. what affect
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individual rights and free expression of the documents wiki leaks editor in chief julian assange said quote if you read write publish thank listen dancing or invent if you farm or consume food if you're ill now or might one day be ill the t.t.p. has you and it's crosshairs it's for that reason that a number of demonstrators gathered today in front of the hotel where these negotiations are taking place and artie's ramon glendower is there in salt lake city he joins me now ramona you were at the protests today what would you say these demonstrators were most concerned about you know dozens of people showed up in front of a luxurious hotel here in downtown salt lake city to speak out against t p p n demand transparency in the negotiations there were several labor representatives labor activists there really concerned about the possibility of jobs going overseas u.s. jobs going overseas and not enough labor protections being put into these negotiations
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there are also very many many environmental activists there are concerned that the t.p. just doesn't pay enough attention to climate change as it promises to and would eventually lived a lot of environmental restrictions that are currently placed on the energy industry but perhaps oh one of the largest concerns is the issue is in how we can affect health care in the future several activists spoke out about it including a former salt lake city mayor rocky anderson let's hear from him now these folks are trying to get together and expand the time during which they'll have monopolies and medicines. will have around us affects for people suffering from life threatening disease it is an agreement that will dramatically restrict trade in exchange in a way that will crush generic production of pharmaceuticals and raise the medical
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cost to the point that the world's poor will not be able to access lifesaving medicines and people are likely to die yeah a lot of people here in the crowd were also very excited over the news that it received from the weekly leaks revelations giving more information about how the intellectual property regulations might affect the negotiations and the agreement ultimately i mean it really reinforced the beliefs by some of these critics that the trade agreement will ultimately win strict access to information online and restrict access to affordable medicines sure and as i understand it ramon members of congress do not actually know that much about the t.p. either so they're just on the same level i guess as the public what's your sense as to why these negotiations are are being held from congressional leaders. sure well congress started creating
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a buzz about wanting to know what was going on here last year starting with center senator ron wyden and some members of the democratic party but we have to remember that t v p has been nafta on steroids so but on steroids so bush came under a lot of fire was all tamil. ultimately not passed by the congress but a lot of critics fear that some of the provisions and sopa will be snuck into regulations that are being drafted right now in the tepee p. and that the people in the congress won't be able to debate it when it comes to nafta we have to remember that a lot of democrats including candidate obama before he was elected was very critical of nafta and and the fact that many economists say that it killed tons of jobs here in the u.s. and it and had other very negative side effects he was a vocal critic as were many democrats so if it does turn out that a lot of the same instruments that were used in nafta are being used here in t p p
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there could be very politically damaging is there anything these congress people that are speaking up can do you know at this point to stop this from going through oh sure well republicans have also voiced their concerns they want some. more currency provisions put into the agreement but at the end of the day the obama administration wants to fast track this idea that means that it will not have a chance to be debated on the floor of the congress congress people will only be able to get an up and down vote so once it gets down down to the congressional floor it will be very difficult to start if they indeed zero zero in favor of and lastly hermano what's next in negotiations what what can we expect going for there. sure well there's negotiators from around the world here in salt lake city they'll be here through sunday still as you know some of the legal details ice spoke to a representative. you know since. she's been the united states trade representative
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a spokesperson there told me that there will be meetings coming up next month in asia as well and while you've been ministration says that they want to have a deal in place by the end of the year you know these trade representatives says that they don't want to stick to that deadline and that this agreement will come to fruition based on the meetings that will be having in the next few months here all right ramon we will follow the story with you tomorrow r.t. correspondent from on glenda thank you. and a number of demonstrators also came together here in washington d.c. to call out one trade rap trying to tell the tepees alleged benefits artie's parian boring has more. the u.s. trade representative michael froman a spoke about the conservation provisions within the transpacific partnership today at the charlie palmer steak house in washington d.c. the event was sponsored by the world wildlife fund there about fifty people in
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attendance including myself other members of the press also u.s. fish and wildlife services was here members from key congressional offices were here the state department embassy of nations were here as well as the sierra club the first person that spoke was carter roberts he is the president and the c.e.o. of the world wildlife fund he said right now is an incredibly important time for conservation and it's time to get a handle on the biggest challenges of environmental destruction these include illegal trade and subsidies as well overfishing he also said that the. committed to making sure the right environmental provisions are in place. after mr roberts spoke we heard from the trade rep michael froman he said that we are in the closing period of the t p p they're hoping to wrap up all these negotiations by the end of twenty thirteen he said we're in a rebalancing act the u.s. is in a rebalancing act with asia and the t.v.
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is critical to supporting jobs in the united states he said he wants a trade policy that reflects u.s. values but also looks into new initiatives as well but he does say that it is very difficult to talk about these provisions in detail because as of now there is no agreement and that conservation has been very difficult to negotiate because every country has their own idea of what conservation should look like even some nations are having a hard time wrapping their hands around conservation even if we also spoke with the bill warner and friends of the earth before this meeting took place there was a rally protesting against the conservations provisions and here is what mr warren's concerns were as the investor state. dispute resolution process sure this is all very walky illegal listy can they hide behind that but what it is in effect is applying to court for rich investors and big by multinational corporations to
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sue nations skates for money compensation for the cost of complying with public interest environmental regulations mr frohman did address this issue in the meeting as well he said look no one is going to get one hundred percent of a one there's twelve nations involved everyone has to compromise somewhere and now we're viewing this process as a living agreement meaning changes can be made in the future and along the way as far as the indes ivester states it can be used to challenge governments and that there are a series of safeguards in place there's exceptions for health and environment and there's also procedural safeguards to make sure that this investor provision is used as intended he also said that the t.v. overall will strengthen the ability of governments to regulate and that they're not trying to change u.s. law what he wants to do is incorporate u.s. law where appropriate into its heat in washington d.c.
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area boring party. and newly declassified documents regarding the n.s.a.'s controversial bulk collection program shows that the agency was well aware that it was committing violations the n.s.a. had actually reported its own violations of surveillance rules to a u.s. intelligence court after doing so the agency promised to put new safety measures in place to prevent it from ever happening again however according to newly released pfizer court documents from two thousand and nine we now know that after assuring the court it would add here to its rules the agency broke those rules again acknowledging it had collected material improperly the files include statements from two intelligence court judges slamming the government for overstepping its boundaries and ignoring privacy protections. yes this of course follows similar admissions from the n.s.a. in september and which documents revealed the agency had misled the court about the scope of its activities in order to get its approval for the controversial program
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. so what's the present and future impact of virtual currency that's exactly what two senate committees are exploring today in a joint hearing the virtual currency up for discussion is called bitcoin a financial concept new to even senator carper a ranking member of the senate homeland security committee which held the first hearing on the virtual currency yesterday virtual currencies perhaps most notably big corn have captured the imagination of some struck fear among others and confused the heck out of the rest of us including me i'll be the first to admit that like most americans i'm no technical expert in virtual currencies and we could do a go i was trying to get my head around that this is a subject where did bitcoin come from what who who is to create or who are the creators you don't think it was al gore do you. when i first started
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trying to understand what this was all about i sort of felt like mrs einstein and i understand the words but not the senses with. coins are essentially digital cash for the internet it operates by person to person exchange without a bank or a central monetary authorities such as the federal reserve to regulate or issue it lawmakers are now bedeviled by this technology whose rowing popularity has raised questions about whether or how it should be regulated so to talk a little bit about the fate for this new virtual currency i was joined earlier by aaron ade host of boom bust i started by asking her how well lawmakers understand this technology. i would say you know those sentiments by the senator kind of felt all around the hearing this afternoon i had run out a little early to chat with you guys still going on at the moment but. they're a little bit deviled by what's going on with decline what it is how it's use you know how how can you steal it if it doesn't really exist and these are all valid
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questions it's new and it's price volatility is kind of off the charts right now we saw it i believe it was nine hundred yesterday and now it's back in the high six hundred but the point is this is really just a new currency that a lot of senators don't understand in today's hearing was for the sole purpose of kind of not not damage control before there's a crisis why not have a hearing to discuss how they can face what could happen with this currency sure that makes sense you were just at the hearing like you mentioned would you consider the very fact that these hearings are taking place a big step forward for virtual currency in itself. i mean absolutely the fact that they're talking about it they're considering you know the question is still there is this a currency or not is this something besides a currency but the fact that they're taking place really shows that the federal government is taking the time and consideration to not only discuss how to regulate it but to accept it into and to you know beyond just what the federal reserve has
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to do and those options using something like bitcoin you know peer to peer like you said you know currency sharing network i think that it's an important step for big corn and we could definitely see that yesterday and today at the hearing sure and from the discussion that you were able to see did they agree that big coin is an actual currency. you know that's a great question because right now no. you know it's an encrypted virtual currency and is a currency is it not yes it's a currency in the sense that it can buy you things online from certain places however if i go to the store you go to the store and i want to buy a piece of bread from you i can't pay you in bitcoin you wouldn't accept it so there are some gray areas but it's a currency for all the sense of purposes in the sense that you can purchase things with bitcoin and but today out of today's hearing. is so great whether or not they have considered it a full fledged currency and lawmakers have said you know that it's intriguing and
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they're learning about it was anything said about whether bitcoin could be taxed. that's a great question one of the things that it was senator warren he said today that if we lay too much regulatory burden we cannot possibly chase these exchanges overseas which is something they don't want to do basically what they want to do is keep it regulated but not to regulate in the sense that it would deter innovation because return innovation is not something that we want it all particularly with america kind of being at the forefront of the tech innovation sector right now we have all new we just talked about on the show many times uber air b.m.d. accept or accept or these are all new innovations and if you regulate them too heavily you're going to see them go overseas and they brought that up today so how they're going to tax it still needs to be discussed and by tax season in this upcoming spring what will happen we have to wait and see but now the fact that
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they're having these hearings ahead of when it's time to really start considering it shows that know what you might be taxed so if you have your big going to be sure to put potential money aside for taxes but they don't have anything on the books yet you got it and one potential obstacle to mainstream acceptance of bitcoin big question is the sometimes wild fluctuation and its value. take a look at this there was a massive rally in the price of bitcoin on monday with the value. soaring past nine hundred dollars on some exchanges do you believe that this rally was a sign that the government would not stand in the way of that going development. you know these virtual currencies there are there are benefits are as diverse as there there cons and these rallies there are so many different variables yes could it could it have had something to do with the fact that we saw such a huge rally in the value in price of a coin yes it could've but it could also be a variety of other things that you know it's hard to say exactly what what kicked
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this off and to make it go on such a bull rally but it's it didn't hurt that's for sure the fact that these senate hearings are happening and that good things are coming from and. in the term in the terms of acceptance of this power and see as something that the u.s. government might look into implementing as something that's i'm sure well it will be interesting to see how this new virtual currency is going to be regulated host of boom bust aaron age thank you. and new york city mayor michael bloomberg just signed a landmark legislation today banning the sale of tobacco products to anyone under the age of twenty one that makes new york the first large city in the country to prohibit sales to young adults now this is a big win for city health officials who say that raising the legal age from eighteen to twenty one will lead to a big decline in smoking for that age group research shows that most smokers get addicted to cigarettes before the age of twenty one with many of them in countering
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huge endeavors is and when they try to quit plus it means high schoolers can't buy cigarettes for their friends however the ban does have limitations under this new law teenagers can still possess tobacco legally that means kids would still be able to steal cigarettes from their parents or get them from friends and if they're caught they would based no legal recourse tobacco companies and some retailers have opposed the age increase saying the highly restrictive law would just push more teens into the city's thriving black market. and san francisco police have been accused have been accused of using excessive force in a bloody incident that escalated after officers allegedly beat a man for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk the incident began when twenty year old paris d.j. williams was asked by plainclothes officers to stop riding his bicycle on the sidewalk williams says he was listening to music and not fear the officers and the man police say when they attempted to stop him he fled to
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a nearby apartment complex where occupants inside and a struggle between the occupants and the police in the shoot soon after the cops detained him and forced him to the ground william sr told a local news station one was choking him one pinned all his weight on him leaning on him and the lady over there trying to put the handcuffs on him and he started beating on him for no reason but. and francisco police officer gordon told r t today that quote we believe reasonable force was used by the officers to effect arrest shies says officers were also injured in the confrontation and two were actually transported to the hospital four suspects including williams were arrested and after three days in jail williams was discharged pending further investigation now shai tells r.t. that the amateur video only tells half of the story and they will be looking at security footage from the housing complex to complete the investigation to to
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discuss this incident a little bit more i was joined earlier by mario ramirez a witness of the attack and a friend of d.j. williams i first asked him how d.j. has been feeling since the attack is. tired is he doing all right it is him. and. is. going to be. used to using the. term or interests i was she who police say it was you know justified force you watch the altercation you were actually there in you you were seen in some of that video what did you see. i seeing one seeing right one of the little mouth right out of a job fair enough for. me for now he's not around. i've seen the officer produce me a good. job. you know. and then the
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lady says do slang then you and i say it's like. over and over and then he's. everybody breathing. hard and this is the song i saw on that. movie very. soon and i know that. he's trying not to carry. papers not to. take a story i could be one that says. to me run on time for not do it if you do you know if d.j. and his family will be taking any legal action perhaps by suing the police department. we we are mccroskey the law will give. us a little feel for us both
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a couple of days or i was a lawyer right now sure and a lot of people did come out of their homes during alter cation obviously you were there there were a number of witnesses plus there is a video of the incident do you think all of this will help d.j. you give him you know a pretty strong case. of course. because there was no right to do it my. trees are good for the state in ma like. sure and as i understand it there is a rally taking place for d.j. and other victims of police brutality. you know are there other victims have experience the same thing d.j. has can you talk about that a little bit and maybe the outcome of their cases. the three men. is moving. really one of the
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victims. rules as they put it like a murmur as there is for you. and. healing for the day yesterday last night it. was now is said i did want to lastly ask you about what you're expecting for this evening's rally do you expect a large outpouring from the community yes the law. is the worst of what the there and then and we. have our. case against them has shown that we really is what they. call is. the well i guess people what they do in our. that was mario ramirez
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a witness from san francisco. after the economic crisis of two thousand and eight wall street has increasingly received a frosty reception from the public but warren buffett has been presented as a special case from the financial world having shown empathy for the economic plight of the average person but like many suppose it heroes there are facts that may contradict this persona for a look at the man behind the specs the residence or a car finessed. hate how people worship warren buffett they make him out to be some kind of investor jesus everyone acts like they hate all the bankers and investors ruining our planet
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but first some praise and butthead is cool he spoke see and different he has seven hundred thousand twitter followers and he goes on the daily show as a nest egg article puts that he's achieved cult like status where people hang on his every word is now worth is somewhere around sixty billion dollars and he's made a pledge to give more than ninety nine percent of his wealth of philanthropy so i'm sure he's a very nice man and obviously he's brilliant but the way everyone worship him while vilifying the system has really got my panties it was right there i know because buffett got that rich by being an expert at a corrupt crap filled system some of his company's top holdings are wal-mart goldman sachs and coke not. exactly altruism businesses and his company
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just bought more than forty million shares in exxon mobil for more than three billion dollars exxon mobil the company that just spilled over two hundred thousand gallons of oil in arkansas axon other x.m.l. dees that one of the worst human caused environmental disasters of all time faves so warren buffett investing in companies that continuously rate the planet we fit into the fold the image society likes to listen to him but maybe worse than that is this he us regulators require large investors to disclose their stock holdings every quarter thank you guess what buffett didn't disclose his holdings to hide when he bought the exxon stock because buffett gets special permission from the as these thieves to delay disclosures so that he can buy without others copying him. i am sorry what am i missing he gets special rich person permission that others don't
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get he gets his own rules so that he can get rich or why. why does he get to be cool when we vilified the system he uses to get rich warren buffett is coddled by the corrupt system but then he goes and writes an op ed for the times called stop coddling the super rich and everyone is all he's so cool doesn't anyone who feeds the hypocrisy the bottom line is warren buffett's money is just as dirty as anyone else's on wall street but somehow his reputation remains squeaky clean tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the resident. and that does it for now for more on the stories we cover. go to youtube dot com slash r t america check out our website r t dot com slash usa you can follow me on
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twitter at i'm your i david and don't forget to tune in at nine pm for larry king now with tonight's guest cher lloyd young emerging music sensation from the u.k. she'll talk about her newest album her time on the u.k.'s x. factor show and much more for now have a good night. i. think that. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question. i
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