tv Breaking the Set RT November 20, 2013 11:29am-12:01pm EST
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hi a pal's i'm having martin and this break in the set today is world toilet day before you bring out the party you may or consider this two point five billion people do not have access to a toilet or sustainable sanitation obviously that's a huge problem because beyond the lack of just privacy diarrheal diseases are the second most common cause of death for young children in developing countries one only needs to look back to two thousand and ten when haiti experienced a massive color outbreak after u.n. peacekeepers dump human waste in the country's main tributary nearly nine thousand people died as a result and the cholera has now spread to surrounding nations ironically world toilet day u.n. recognize that event even though the organization has still not accepted responsibility for its role in haiti's cholera outbreak the issue is still as important as ever in fact in the aftermath of typhoon haiyan in the philippines main concern is the destruction of sanitation infrastructure and a lack of adequate bathroom facilities for thousands of people unfortunately the
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taboo surrounding this topic is widespread but the more time we spend skirting around the issue the more people will die every day from sanitation deprivation so the next time you're on the john consider these facts and don't be afraid to bring the issue out of the bathroom and into the public consciousness. of. the. it was a. very hard thing. to. do that or how to act with the terror threat there.
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let. on to talk about the minimum wage as it relates to corporate america some of the biggest corporations employ millions of people in the us are making massive profits while leaving their workers with pathetically low wages now a quarter the bureau of labor statistics only four point seven percent are really employees are paid the minimum wage level but that doesn't account for the millions who are paid just above the minimum wage or the fact that low and minimum wage workers are growing faster than any other working demographic. after ten years of staying frozen at five dollars and fifteen cents an hour congress approved of wage increase to seven dollars twenty five cents an hour in two thousand and nine but today that number is not even close to keeping up with the inflation rate or worker
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productivity and in fact according to a two thousand and twelve study by the center for economic and policy research minimum wage should have reached a stunning twenty one dollars and seventy two cents if wage increases kept up with worker productivity now that's not likely to happen but the same study found that if the minimum wage was merely tied to inflation workers would be making at least ten dollars fifty two cents an hour now earlier this month obama announced that do you support a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage to ten dollars ten cents an hour and a gallup poll from march shows that seventy two percent of americans support a minimum wage hike not to mention the strikes across the country by low income workers demanding a living salary so with all this mounting pressure on the issue how are major corporations responding predictably they're sticking to their bottom line just take a look at the top five biggest corporations that pay americans the least coming up
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at number five is yum brands which is most recognized in its subsidiary forms talk about and see to the company employs almost seven hundred thousand people in the west and as a net income of one point six billion dollars c.e.o. of brands david novak makes a cool fourteen million dollars a year but despite a two billion dollars recent revenue increase young refuses to add a cent to their average worker's pay so you policy ain't so yummy for its employees who just this summer saw large workers strike for higher wages next up kroger the country's largest grocery store chain that employs three hundred forty thousand people and. picks up eleven million dollars paycheck every year. and of course we all know target the average salary for a target worker behind the counter is under nine dollars an hour contrast this with the company's three billion dollar income stream and the c.e.o.'s twenty one million dollar take home pay on top of all that the company is forcing its
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employees to work on thanksgiving because black friday just ain't enough at number two good old mickey deans over fourteen thousand restaurants just in the u.s. mcdonald's has injected its golden arches into every cornerstone of american life but for a company that rakes in five and a half billion dollars every year new c.e.o. pockets fourteen million dollars in salary alone making these investment america is not exactly like that in their museum ploy pay which is why over the past two years mcdonald's employees have also organize strikes against the fast food giant. and of course this list just wouldn't be complete without the monolith wal-mart common in at number one with a workforce that employs one point four million people in an income of an insane seventeen billion dollars a discrepancy between c.e.o. mike dukes twenty point seven million dollars salary and the average wal-mart employee is a disgrace so that new model that wal-mart rolled out
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a few years ago save money live better i think it's time for a change payless lives worse that's the wal-mart promise. well we'll talk more about wal-mart shady business practices and today's decision by the national labor relations board to go after the company for firing protesting employees on your i may argue political commentator sans sax what's going on it sounds so sam how do you see this lawsuit faring out because it's really awful wal-mart you know they hired protesters who were there employees that are the stems of the stems from last year's actions on black friday that's a huge walkouts across the country and wal-mart charged with intimidating threatening and even firing a lot of these workers which of course goes against their right to protest national labor relations board expected to file these charges wal-mart will challenge them
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but assuming that wal-mart's found guilty of violating their workers' rights here will have to pay back fines they might have to reinstate some workers pay back salary to that they also have to inform their workers basically of their rights what they can do and i think the big takeaway here is there's more actions planned for this year there's more actions planned for black black friday this year and given the fact that wal-mart's catching some flak for how they acted last year maybe they'll be a little bit more hesitant to threaten workers this year we could see the number of people who are going to walk off the job increase as a result of that which could help this movement to unionize and treat employee workers a lot a lot better and last week we just saw i think fifty protesters outside of wal-mart . once again they were arrested i don't know if wal-mart actually ordered their rest of that time but do you think that these massive demonstrations and also the ones planned for black friday will have an impact are they making an impact against this moment on i think they're making a small impact but ultimately we're looking at hundreds maybe a few thousand workers who participated in this stuff wal-mart as you mention is
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work or simply one point four million people so we're hardly seeing a dent in the work for work you know the workforce there of wal-mart and ultimately a lot of their employees are scared we're we're looking at an economy where there's three people looking for every one job opening someone has a job at wal-mart the the sadly don't want to lose it but i think if you combine the wal-mart strikes we've seen these fast food strikes we've seen the longshoremen . we've seen a bunch of strikes all going back to two thousand and eleven with the occupy movement changing a lot of these themes we see a move for a minimum wage bill increase so there's there's momentum building and i think if you get more of these stories like you saw out of canton ohio about this food drive for their own workers that's going to push this critical moment where something happens even closer right and it brings me back i mean yes it's amazing that there's this much pressure being put on on wal-mart and also these other fast food rate retailers but you know i can't help but think about what happened in d.c. where the mayor you know he vetoes this bill that would have authorized wal-mart to pay its employees and wages now what it was initially about three stars another
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like you know what i just build six do they believe six wal-mart's of the district here is about as much as we need like nuclear waste. d.c. the city would be in much better passing this minimum wage hike bill and watching wal-mart run away from the city numerous studies have been shown what happens when more walmart moves in town a study was done in chicago sure that when wal-mart comes to town the local businesses suffer and it's almost like an economic weapon of mass destruction you could look and see that business is within a four mile radius of wherever the wal-mart is starts suffering four miles out you see about twenty five percent of businesses close down and each mile you get closer they go up all the way from thirty five to sixty percent of small businesses are closing that are directly within the proximity of that wal-mart and for everyone or claims to create jobs for every two jobs it creates three jobs are lost in the local retail sector it's not a job creator it puts small businesses that were there by a brit independent businesses out of business so yeah that's how much do you see
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needs a wal-mart like it needs a hole in the head or nuclear waste right i mean it wal-mart it's been called an economic death star just destroying everything that's path and really we're not even talking about the slave labor that ensures these low price is a little better not for those who are making all the products let's talk really quickly about this federal wage law that obama supporting what's the status on not well as long as you have republicans in charge of. of the house and you have you know moderate democrats in the senate who can break a filibuster it's likely not to go anywhere and you said we're talking about a an increase to nine dollars it should be upwards of fifteen dollars and if you want to include productivity as you talked about earlier it should be up there at twenty one dollars so we're talking about very very modest increase in the minimum wage and even that can't be done the only way wal-mart can continue paying their workers wages of fifteen thousand dollars a year is because we the taxpayers step up to the tune of about two thousand dollars every year but it is already a real issue break this down sam as you just mentioned really quickly along i was
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hosting a food drive for it's own employees i mean that in itself is astounding that talk about what we meant for wal-mart workers you don't get right at all there's this whole debate about is worker is or paying their workers enough all you need to do is show that picture of this bin of wal-mart basically asking their employees to share food with each other so that they can make it through thanksgiving this is insanity they make about fifteen thousand dollars a year that's not enough to afford health insurance to afford food if you look in states most states the biggest employer that receives. health care benefits for their workers is wal-mart's wal-mart employees are on food stamps for the most eighty percent of wal-mart employees are on food stamps federal taxpayers are taxpayers pay about two thousand dollars for every wal-mart worker to compensate to make help them make ends meet so ultimately i think it comes up to two point six billion dollars wal-mart workers receive from the federal government and that's a welfare queen that is that is the only way that wal-mart's business model works is if taxpayers come in and compensate which is. just contradicts the entire
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argument of not raising the minimum wage because we don't want to hurt small businesses and look at you know all these things will be hurt but we're the ones i mean all these people are anti welfare and all this stuff. there is a place where there's a talking point out there that says raise the minimum wage and that'll hurt job creation yet no studies ever been proven that studies have shown the opposite if you raise the minimum wage it increases economic. fifty people buy more things which causes businesses to hire more people so yes and we wouldn't be supplementing the income of wal-mart worker unless it look if this was a company that was struggling we can understand it we can understand you know we have to cut costs here we have to help each other at times are tough they occupy spots six through nine of the top four hundred richest americans the forbes family billionaires we're talking about we're talking about a company that gets more revenue than any other company in the world com is doing just fine and they can afford to pay its workers thank you so much sam sachs article commentator thanks for breaking them down and. coming up you guys i'll speak with two authors about the only native american ever went to war against the
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u.s. army believe it stick around. in the future. when the show will evolve its take knology keeping the moscow metro rolling the modeling it says they said makes me weighs in the oil industry and the dream team of robots to places too dangerous for humans. to need unfold the latest news and innovation is here and said no. we've got the future.
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to have you with us here on our t.v. today i'm rollers to show. the that. the clothes. november is native american heritage month but sadly most of what people think they know about native americans comes from the cartoon pocahontas it's unfortunate that this rich ancestry and the true facts of the western expansion are seldom discussed and one only needs to look at modern deplorable conditions of native americans in places like crime ridge reservation in south dakota this reservation was once home to one of most prominent native american leaders you've probably never heard of his name was read a cloud and the next. tom clavin and bob drury recently published
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a book called the heart of everything that is highlighting red cloud's life and legacy and first ask them who read crowd was and why they choose to focus on this particular american hero. bob who is red cloud and what made you to want to write a book about this native american leader i'll tell you it two part answer red cloud in short is the only american indian to ever defeat the united states in a war not a battle a war and how tom and i found out about red cloud i have to say he was he was nothing but a clouded my mind we have collaborated together on three previous books and they all involve talking to people who were alive world war two holes is tight from the last stand of fox comedy about the korean war vietnam we've written a vietnam book together we were down in quantico talking to a marine historians the marines a lot of us because we're books and casually conversationally and official marine
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historian said if you guys ever hear about the indian who want to war against the united states and i mean my body thought was the way to the seminoles one battles the little big horn and he said no not a battle a war his name is red clay check him out and that's how we got into this amazing tom we also hear about crazy horse a lot an american is your but we don't really hear about red cloud you don't mostly hear about crazy horse in the context of what he did with sitting bull and custer and the little big horn and nobody really knows that ten years before that battle crazy horse was like the field general of red cloud red cloud was the strategist he was detected and crazyhorse was the one who carried out this strategy they had i wouldn't call it a father son more like an uncle nephew kind of relationship but he was like is war can see this if you want if you want to. just saw this teenager and saw how wild and good and by a little deadly he was a battle and he somebody keep an eye on this kid and fearless if you. soli fields
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the talk of the red cloud war what was this battle about and why was it so overlooked in history bob. well i think part of it might be the end of the american indians we know sitting bull crazy horse. they either ended up martyred incarcerated or both in crazy horse case i think after he won his war which was about land he at one point read clouds empire if you will we would think of it as an empire the indian certainly didn't and he certainly didn't but it could he controlled one fifth of the contiguous united states so it was only natural that the empire that was building in washington the spreading west was going to bump up against this other empire he defeated the united states in a two year war and then he went east and he saw can you believe what they got east of the mississippi so when sitting bull and crazy horse ten years later said they broke another treaty got to fight him again he said i've been there i'm
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not wasting my people's lives and i think that might be one of the reasons that until everybody in the world reads our book he's been rather obscure he did fade into history there by his own choice because he was not one that took up arms again he did not die a martyrs death and so thankfully for us it was a completely undiscovered story for for over one hundred fifty years we've all. talked about the concept misconceptions rather of manifest destiny and what this notion really did to the state of native americans well to very very different cultures you know it we sort of describe it in a tongue in cheek way that what was happening out of the great plains was like a gang war all the different tribes were fighting for buffalo were fighting for territory fighting for horses all kinds of of rights for ego all these of the reasons and then you had civilization that was working its way west and really the biggest clash was when the city is bent. the civilization the army after
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a civil war met red cloud and the lakota sioux you wrap all of the cheyenne but he was able to get all worked together and and they were two great forces it was inevitable that there was going to be a war what was total surprise to the american people back east was at this case the indians won this one gold mine more gold every time we would sign a treaty with the american indians with the lakota with the crow with the pony we would say ok this is the last of the land we're going to take from you and then gold would be discovered somewhere in montana in colorado on the front range in cherry creek and in idaho and say well you know we didn't really mean that treaty we need that gold and it would be more and more miners pouring in the miners would be followed by settlers and red cloud in particular would start wiping out these miners and settlers and they would call on the u.s. army for help and he came out and he would wipe them out it was a vicious and i mean that literally
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a vicious circle would you call what happened in name americans and their genocide oh i would most definitely well the evidence of that is the evidence of that is anybody who has had the opportunity to go and visit the reservations out west. you know we've been to the pine ridge reservation where red cloud is buried and where a lot of his descendants still live it's the poorest county united states the life expectancy for a. male is forty eight. point lower than sub sub sarah and that's actually take a look at some of these eighty percent unemployed forty nine percent below the poverty line sixty one percent of children below the poverty line second forest county tuberculosis that you lack of alcoholism right for this was red cloud land how did this become one of the most neglected areas in the country it was sort of a case of you know we broke it so we own it basically but we haven't owned up to owning it no but what that means that the indian population has become totally dependent on federal funding. when you don't supply the federal funds they don't
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there's no plan b. you know one of the worst things that one under the radar that most people don't know is that we have the government shutdown we have disruptions in federal funding the first ones to feel and feel the worst is the indian population because there is no other income for them they depend to almost totally on the federal level go away abby war even though the united states came begging him please sign a peace treaty will give you anything you want and he did sign that peace treaty but in a way red cloud war continues to this day there is over one billion dollars sitting in a treasury account that is reparation for the united states breaking yet another treaty and taking the black hills and the descendants of red cloud who became a tribal elder all of a red cloud who just died at ninety one this past summer great great great great three great grandson they said no we don't want your money we want the black hills
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back and now they're not being obdurate about they're saying we know you're settled in there we'll take this federal law nobody really wanted to create an innovative way to right you to. provide a fifth and i might add that the federal land if they won't disrupt the communities so in a in a sense or a club or right clubs war still going on today it is you know chris hedges calls places like pine ridge the sacrifice of capitalism why have all native american lands become pretty much the primary victims of predatory capitalism well to begin with the lands that were given to the indians were the least desirable lands you were going to give the indian tribes lands that were great for farming for ranching that were rich with minerals you know gold and silver and everything you gave them the land that the white people did not want and nothing's changed you know there's no opportunity there there's no you they can farm it was so it's it is an example of how capitalism is was. was reserved for the white people capitalism
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was not allowed for the original original inhabitants of this country although i'm not quite sure of capitalism would have worked anyway for the american indian tribe some of them be the cherokee certainly adopted to it adapted to it very well but i'm not sure for the plains tribes if capitalism ever would have worked i'm not saying what's happened now to the american indian today's inevitable but i just find it hard to come up with a counterfactual history why do you think capitalism wouldn't work for them. i don't believe they. will i don't believe i go they did not believe in the exchange of goods and services for x. amount of goods and services or dollars or more however you want to call it that ownership of land right and they did not believe in ownership of land they believe that what land you were on belong to the great spirit so to speak and you were there today whatever buffalo you kill do you think the great spirit and you moved
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so the idea of ownership of land monetary exchanges even the old met jim bridger and kit carson and sam dion they knew that when they were trading iron pots or the accoutrements of civilization blankets for buffalo beaver pelts first and buffalo roots they know that the indians wouldn't get what trade meant so we're going to bestow these gifts of iron pots and blankets on you and you'd be stowed these gifts of buffalo robes on us that's what i meant once again i'm not sure if they would evolve perhaps they would i can't answer the question yeah you know we have a lot to learn from the way that they treated this land and each other you guys and anyone who's been to a reservation knows the casino industrial complex that has taken over these lands have that manifest they don't really understand how this manifested in and completely infiltrated and how does it affect the communities there the casinos you know that's it that's a great question about how sudden wealth. it's affecting the indian tribes you know
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certainly the preferred before to the one billion dollars that's available in the treasury account on the one hand the lakota sioux and the other tribes out there who desperately need money to disbelieve need ways to fund education and social programs on the other hand it's a sudden influx of wealth that could destroy what's left of the tribe what are they going to do with all this money there's no preparation for the casinos are representing that too because there are tribes who twenty years ago ten years ago had nothing and now they're talking about billions of dollars in revenue and it's i'm not saying it's destroying some of these tribes but it's really dealt a blow to their identity and what's what's their future to have to try and balance the wealth with cultural history i think they would need another indian like rick with the foresight and the knowledge his knowledge of politics his knowledge of human nature and i'm sure there's one out there somewhere that would have to figure out how to distribute this money without it blowing back i mean we've talked about blowback everywhere in the world from afghanistan to the mideast there might be
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some blowback. about thirty seconds left but what can we do to reinvigorate the true history of red cloud and also just remember this last population without it being a superficial debate like the redskins mascot name right that's a good question time. you're going to ask that's a start but you're i mean i didn't want to plug the book so obviously but i don't know what else to say but i do read about this man he's just incredible i think what's important about the book is it shows native american population in america before the civil war we know almost nothing about what the major american populations were like and that's what this book does we had material we could tell that story and i think people who read this book are going to have a much greater understanding of what being an american indian was really like then reading about sitting bull and some of the later leaders that came along in the late eighty's hundreds thank you so much bob drury tom clavin really appreciate it
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thanks so much. if you like this is a far you guys go to our facebook page give us a like facebook dot com aside from breaking the set and we'll be updating our status and daily there you guys i post photos we post our favorite segments i always reach out to you guys to see what you want to see covered on breaking in the set also try to be honest the photos are taking our studios on the facebook page and bringing us up report on the road so head to our facebook page check out all that and more and i think a break from my preaching and the show have a great night you guys will see right back here to break the set all over again miles.
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since the start of the arab spring there has been hopes of change in the creation of a better future sadly this is not in the case would be a bomb to democracy by nato is breaking up and on the verge of a civil war it would appear the only winners are the forces backing instability. if you. and you've got the opportunity. to start to construct your a long. queue the libyan bit. don't want to be gangstas you don't want to be drug dealers they don't want to blow we know the time that the kid came to be we can see. you just made some progress there i was and i was in the hood and what age you know somebody with the wrong kind of people i felt like. but i said oh.
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i don't want to die i just really do not want to die young young. wealthy british scientists said. right let's go. to. the market. find out what's really happening to the global economy. global financial headlines tune in to. the. economic ups and downs in the final months. and the rest. will be every week on.
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trying an iran nuclear deal the israeli prime minister. and his last minute bid to . kick off the new round of talks. nato has european ambitions the flux of massive military drills in the e.u. to maintain cooperation off to the afghan mission finishes despite physical badly hit europe's pockets. majority of greenpeace activists detained. nineteen people to be released seven of them today.
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