tv [untitled] November 21, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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only on our team. one of the most celebrated investigative journalist of our time bob woodward of the washington post he's a reporter on every president since nixon and he's the author or co-author of a dozen number one best selling nonfiction book. considering what he's covered over the years it's appropriate that he joins me at the historic day adams otel overlooking the white house on next politicking. it's always great to go back to washington especially on a lovely day like today and especially to be with an old friend like bob woodward the pulitzer prize winning journalist work for the washington post since one thousand nine hundred seventy one currently is associate editor author
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a co-author of twelve number one national bestselling nonfiction books most recently the price of politics that is out in paperback with the many of them that is star of chaos otello kate across from the white house and the executive office buildings over there of as the white house president obama and his family say they have the two weeks prior to his first inauguration the president is approaching the end of his fifth year in office community says when obama at five well george will the columnist said obama's head the worst first year of the second term since nixon i think that's. overstatement but obama's having trouble now and certainly with obamacare it's not just that the technical website issue it's is it going to work what does it mean to people and whenever there's a change like this a change i think is wise i think people should have health insurance and what
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the going to make it function for millions of people like they promised we were going to see any second terms when he said in terms get off well. and good question i mean the generally is a bump in the road. but if you look at the world right now i think the world is such a dangerous place all of the if you go from north korea down libya in egypt and ask questions of china and russia one of the cia people came over recently and said the fuse of instability is lit in about a dozen countries whether it's going to go off this week or tomorrow or five years from now or ever we don't know but just the level of instability these countries that are unhappy with so that that's in addition to all the domestic
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problems what keeps you going bob and me you're very successful you don't need the money here is seventy years old you could go watch the dancers at least stevenson used to say what keeps you on all these of the day it serves these and the most fascinating dancers in the world and if you never get tired of this no because there are always surprises there are always things we don't know and try to dig into them i had the luxury of time to do these long books or projects for the washington post and. you start you think the stories this way and the stories and opposite direction want to get into a lot of current politics but i should ask you about the new owner of the post and what's that like over there first this is been so much the grahams and they're gone what's it like jeff bezos the founder c.e.o. of amazon bought it with personal money so it's not an amazon enterprise. i've
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known him for years i think he's the real thing he believes in and the independent aggressive press he came to the post after buy in and told the story about watching the water. gade hearing aids on his elbow with his grandfather when he was about eight or nine and so he he he understands he gets the heritage he gets the sense of obligation isn't this an unusual time to go into a business that they say is going out here it is and it's high risk but he thinks he can do it and if given his tech savvy his sense of out organized things i'm optimistic if anyone can do it he came in and let's let's be direct as we always have over the of we the news business is in trouble and there were we've gone through this convulsion in disruption and it would be great to have
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a news organization like the washington post so or and get better and better so it becomes something that kids look at regularly something it can happen in a technological age where kids don't read the paper. that's our obligation and it's a big hurdle to get over but i think it's possible because we discover over there in the white house time and time again there are things going on that we just don't know about and when we discover them they're really important to our lives so i think that can be communicated to young people but that's hard on a newspaper guy and a reason to you suggest that a rat's nest of concealment on lies is at the heart of many of the obama administration's standards and screw ups you said it on face the nation how bad is it well what i was saying we were talking about the kennedy assassination in the
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secret world of you know the cia had contacts with us walden thinks that even come out that we did know up. today and what i was saying is that this secret world of cia f.b.i. national security agency always well we've learned about the eavesdropping on people in this country people abroad like the chancellor of germany merkel this is the the world of concealment and i think it's dangerous i think we need to know more about it what troubles you more present to. knows what's going on and lies or a president who doesn't know what's going on. they're both drawn into the asli and in this case in fairness to obama it's not clear what he knew or
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exactly what he didn't know in terms of the eavesdropping on chancellor merkel i think will get answers to them and i think they're reviewing that. you know this is all about nine eleven this is even a dozen years after nine eleven bush and obama set up this apparatus to get dad to spy to be very aggressive in the counterterrorist program then turns to yeah you know because germany is a hothouse of terrorist planning and has been in there were nine eleven suspects who spent time in germany so you can see we want to kind of cover the waterfront but it's pretty clear got out of hand and. that everything can't be dictated by nine eleven as it was in the years after the bush years you're intelligence in the navy right i was in communication i was not in.
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communication about intelligence well it was it was communication about operations more people have have written this is a matter of record in the. pentagon in the navy that i was somehow involved in intelligence that said to conspiracy theories about watergate which you know there's just no basis for but i wish i'd been telegin so it would have been much more interesting than what i did as a investigative reporter have you ever honestly or dishonest slee used wiretapping or gained information. in a manner that might be considered out of order no absolutely think of it as member i started in the nixon case really and that was all about wiretapping and it kind of had under roma was negative and to get into something like that would
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be just didn't happen now people have given me transcripts of wire taps that other people did that have been used. including nixon's own wiretap in his own office stick cheney told us that he thinks that was snowden did . was treason once an enemy of the united states to reveal that when you think you know i wish he'd come to me instead of others particularly the guardian and i would have said to him. let's not reveal who you are let's make you a protected source and give me time with his dad and let's sort it out and present it in a coherent way i think people are confused about whether it's illegal whether it's bad whether it's bad policy. so what he did in it it's pretty clear he's held some things back and he has said he didn't want to do anything that
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he deemed harmful now you know clearly broke the law like daniel ellsberg and the pentagon papers broke the law and. we're going to see i wouldn't i certainly wouldn't call him a hero ellsberg is not considered generally in the heroic and disney is because what the pentagon papers showed is massive deception and concealment a rat's nest of lies about the vietnam war. what do you think of russia harbor and snow. you know that's clearly we don't have the greatest relations with putin but if somebody had brought us massive secrets are standing eight thousand documents from russia. and asked for asylum i think there's a possibility we would give that russian asylum woodenly and
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certainly the you know knowledge is power and so i'm sure we would love to have something like that what's going on here bob in the city we love. this intransigents this. shutdown of the government as me against you this i am not don't lead disagree with you i hate you what's going on i think i hope it's not hate i mean that's what sounds like it i'm out in california sounds like a it sounds like hate i don't think it's hate i think it is. a failure to accommodate and compromise and one of the things i've found in the price of politics about good all in all of negotiations between speaker boehner and obama between the white house and the republicans and the democrats is that they don't spend the time to sit down and get to know each other if you've ever been
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goshi asian in your life to. ever been married a few. good answer good answer. you learn in a negotiation that the person on the other side of the table is your best friend because that is the person who can give you what you want and you can give them what they want it takes time it takes listening you see it in these budget negotiations when it gets to the last hour between mitch mcconnell the republican leader and biden the vice president they can sit down and they have a relationship and they'll say one for you one for me one for you one for me and they don't do this and this becomes armageddon and deadlock. i blame both sides but the president's the c.e.o.
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of the country and he should find a way to make this work and this is bob woodward one of the truly great journalists of our time will be right but i'm. trying to. do and thank all the. money and the family for politics right a lot. right. there but. today i. the a the problem is they come up very hard to take out a letter to get along here is a plot that never had sex with her make their lives let alone was.
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of bed rather. than the bob woodward of the washington post about to tell you who he is you're on pluto. let me go over you've interviewed him i've interviewed him you spent more time with him than i have but give me your overall assessment of this man barack obama. and he first of all on the positive side i think he really cares about people i think all of this health care. business is about getting insurance for the thirty million people who don't have it i think he is he has a big heart in his second inaugural there's a line that just blew me away where he said our creed is that the little
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girl born in the bleakest poverty will have the same chance as anyone else now we know how bleak and he knows how bleak the bleakest poverty in america is when is that child going to have the same chance as your children my children his children two hundred years but he's stated it as a creed and it's certainly not reachable in his second four years in his presidency but that's in there because he feels that. coming in the is and i've written about this is i don't think he has found a way to work his will as president if you you know you knew clinton well as president. reagan well two parties two different outlooks
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you look at their eight year presidency and they found a way to work their will and obama has not found that road and that road is always compromising i think our time to find that sure if you're in there may be the you know the big unexpected will occur and he'll figure out how to deal with that i think his pain a great price. the economy in this country is much better than probably anywhere in the world and we could have a take off if he would figure out these budget tax a need shoes and they do it for two months or three months and we're going into this soup again in a couple of does he need luck you know always it's it's great to have luck but if you don't have it and you can't control it is no president no person can you got to
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have a way of saying what are my goals now he tells people privately this summer some people were having dinner with him in they asked what are you worried about the most and he said unemployment. climate change in pakistan. and unemployment is the right issue to worry about millions of people in this country who can't find find a job that is the great injustice in a democracy and he should work harder i think he cares about it but his. end of the bargain the governing bargain is very carefully with the republicans and with the democrats in congress saying this is a plan these are the things we're going to do and we're going to stabilize it and i mean you've chuckled quite rightly so we can you say that you know we're going to do it for two months we're going to do it for three months if he should let that
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happen i mean run down some political figures give me a thoughts what do you make of senator cruz i do not know him he put of its stake in the ground maybe in the heart of the republican party in the process so so we'll see i'm in it. i've never been. in chanted with true believers on the right around the left i think someone like you tried to be empirical and and he's not he's isn't a deal and hillary hillary i think will run i think she's a dynamo i got to know or when she was first lady and she's a very focused person people who worked with her in the state department in the white house and other cabinet positions when she was secretary of state for the first obama term across the board give her high marks and say she knew how to
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manage she knew how to set reasonable goals and blues those are two yeah that's right is as a senator she was formidable if she made her deals chris christie. will say you know it's possible they'll eliminate but remember if we were talking in one nine hundred eighty nine we said who's going to be the next president bill clinton would not have been on our list one nine hundred seventy three. jimmy carter would not have been on a list so you know all these things depend but he's got he's got a story line and again to use that word of a political franchise which is very appealing to people now joe biden joe biden underestimated been a key figure in the obama white house on national security and domestic even
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you run for think you don't know i mean they'd be of it would be i think he would like to do it he he's got the governing credentials and if hillary doesn't run or something happens there he may be too old in many people's eyes maybe in his own eyes but i think the big if you're looking for a theme for the year it's governing you've got to fix things he got to get things done paul ryan. got to know him when i did the price of politics. a they forced to be dealt with and more of a realist than an idiot log though i think he comes off as a new deal log i think he would be the sort of person who could make a deal with the democratic president if he were say speaker of the house you were
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his twenty years old i was thirty years old fifty years ago what are your thoughts reflections as we approach the fiftieth anniversary of that terrible day. i was a junior in college and the day of the kennedy assassination that time of it i was in class a french history class where a fessor a yale and he was giving a lecture on the count of french counterrevolution in the terror the period of just hanging people in. and. somebody went up and handed him a note it was you know you never interrupt the professor and they open it up and looked at it and said i've got a note that says president kennedy and vice president johnson had been shot in
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dallas pause class dismissed and we all ran over to where there were televisions in the areas and. a member watching while the cronkite announced that john kennedy was dead. what do you think. there's a book out now what might have happened if he were. i guess the biggest question would be you think you've left. you know you don't know any of that what the message i took from the kennedy assassination in i think what we need to take in a more general way is truly awful things can happen and you think that presidents in a protective bubble over that we as a civilization are and you know we're protected we were attacked on nine eleven and we haven't really been attacked again and so there's that feeling of invincibility
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which i think is a dangerous feeling so i'm. my wife always says i'm a pessimist and i'm always looking that. what's the worst outcome and our late friend edward bennett williams asked him once are you a pessimist he said of course i am i'm intelligent. you're famous a journalist a celebrity i'm easy sometimes get reported about earlier this year you were in the news in connection with your reporting on seaquest ration and the white house report to be threatened you know they didn't name it or was it like for you when you were part of the neumes what some of the you aboard what i've yeah i challenge them on some things in the book and in the column i wrote for the post and. they got upset and. somebody reported that i sounded
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like i was threatened that i was never threatened got yelled and i used to being yelled at actually you learn things when people yell and we owe the gene sperling who's the head of the economic council and you know he held and he apologized and. i said don't worry about it i it was my feeling and i said it's not the way to deal with something like this. but you know we made up by been over to the white house to talk to him and he's. he's somebody who had that job for clinton he goes way back like i do and all the white houses you've covered and written about how do you rank this one in the era of. of comply of woodenness well what because i have this luxury of time i can work for eighteen months on one project or a book and then spend a lot and send
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a long memo to president obama and it appeals to the cerebral side in of him and so i sit down and talk to him extensively about how he made his decisions so i haven't had a problem i think. going after people who've really been in so for that i can understand the motive there i think it's just not a good policy the problem is there isn't that there's not enough openness in government it's not that there's too much job in this and they often feel at so i i think they have a mixed record on this but personally i have to be honest they've been responsive to me when i have questions and wanted to talk to people only have a couple minutes on how much of the antipathy toward the president do you think is racial. a no it never gets expressed. openly i'm sure some of it is but there is
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a core of people who are just so anti obama and won't give him a break on anything and i think that's unfortunate for him because that. gives him a bunker mentality a little bit better out there shooting and may it's unfair and some of it is irrational and finally do we have a we in a phase with no woodward book there's no woodward book coming. i don't know i haven't decided yet i'm usually give me a tip about what you're writing you give me clues one she even gave me the idol of a book it's an easy go we're all we would the book. work and i'm doing things for the post now i think the real most interesting thing in. the gathering of information business whether it be newspapers books television is
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what's going on with the new ownership of the washington post and anything it age seventy i can do to help i'm going to focus on that i consider on a calling you a friend. bob woodward of my favorite people our special guest on this edition of politicking with larry king in follow me on twitter at kings things will see you next time. well. it's technology innovations all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. please please please. little are
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little little. little. little eagerly. are little cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. a little. illegal. or legal i was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little closer look there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news please alexander's family cry tears
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of the war and it is great things rather than have to gather and read or get a quart of water found alive is the story made sort of movies playing out in real life. leisurely. play it was terrible to say the i'm very sorry to take the plunge again a little long here is a plug that never had sex with the perfect nuns let's give up a little blood. tests. to submit. lists.
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