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tv   [untitled]    November 23, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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much anticipation and uncertainty over a potential deal with iran as top diplomats are hoping to get to ron's nuclear program under control. angela merkel says she wants to have a word with vladimir putin over ukraine after the e.u. and russia trade. of meddling in the country's foreign policy to ensure its cooperation. remember an. activist take to the streets of germany against the growing popularity of nazi views in the country. and also reporting the olympic torch is on another leg of its epic journey to sochi plunging to the bottom of the earth. in space.
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from our studio this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day. so there's an air of anxiety in geneva at the moment where a long anticipated deal on iran's nuclear program could potentially be signed although foreign diplomats in the iranian delegation sound optimistic any further details about just what's happening have been almost impossible to extract. in geneva for a tough diplomatic work in progress at the moment but. so far. we've just heard that the p five plus one meeting of foreign ministers has just. try the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov met with his chinese and his in raney and counterparts and we did hear
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a little bit earlier from the iranian foreign minister zarif that the agreement being discussed today consists of three. stages and he also said that he could assure that that potential agreement would contain public recognition of their bonds right to use rainy and enrichment but we've just been moved by security here that clearly making way for an imminent press conference which should happen shortly so we will find out if that deal has been hammered out to hear the deal what of the specifics remind us. what all the foreign ministers really expressed the same notions going into these negotiations this morning saying that very small bot important differences still remained and that was a number of gaps that needed to be bridged and that was echoed by russia's deputy foreign minister who i spoke to a little bit earlier and he explained to me that one of the crucial sticking points
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throughout these negotiations has been the iraq heavy water facility in iran which could potentially produce weapons grade plutonium but really the crux of this deal is that iran wants to continue enriching uranium for desperate calls. if they are to agree to a deal iran would have to stop enriching uranium to guarantee of over five percent in exchange for a limited easing of economic sanctions for six months but as i said that's all being hammered out right now but we're waiting for an imminent press conference security's being beefed up as we speak we're going to find out if that deal has been made. the way it sounds at the moment it could go either way thank you very much indeed for that update no doubt we'll be talking to you very soon once again there in geneva thank you. well as diplomats arguing over the fine print of any
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potential nuclear deal let's hear more on what's at stake for the players joining me live now. political analyst and former m i five agent me from reporter the scope of the talks do you expect any sort of surprise this time. i think it's very positive that they are having these talks and there's a way forward but i think one of the things that's been forgotten during all this debate about whether they are whether they're not trying to develop nuclear weapons capability is that the u.s. national intelligence estimate of two thousand and seven which was the combined thinking of all sixteen of their intelligence agencies said very clearly back then that in their view iran had stopped trying to develop nuclear weapons capability in two thousand and three and this was written in two thousand and seven and actually stopped the rush to war in fact george w. bush said biography that it stopped his capacity to go and invade iran and today this is been pretty much updated so there is no real as far as i can seen from within iran to try and develop this capability so it sounds very much like
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a lot of diplomatic hope there and yet various other background political reasons sure despite what you say there has been the threat of war and indeed of course those sanctions continue and indeed even more sanctions could be pressured on to the country has that really made iran more perhaps concessional about perhaps more serious about these negotiations as have those threats in effect worked. i don't think they're i mean the sanctions remain in place for a few years already i think what we're seeing is a sort of loosening of approach to diplomatic international. world so that they want to reintegrate and that's fair enough why shouldn't they i mean you know compare the treatment that israel had over the last few decades after they developed their own illegal nuclear weapons capability they have been put under all the sort of sanctions and i have to say if iran and i had been put on the list by george w. bush ten years ago as one of the five countries of the axis of evil and then look
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at what happened the other countries which include libya iraq and syria why no wouldn't i want some of the details potentially although they've made very clear that they don't want to have that that determined they just want to have a source of energy but without a doubt iran has gone against western interests in the middle east i'm and time again the west really afford to lift sanctions and potentially allow it free reign . i think the irony of course is that the usa and the u.k. since the one nine hundred fifty s. were they overthrew the democratically elected president mosaddegh nine hundred fifty three have been desperate to keep other countries from having an interest in having clout within iran particularly russia and china because they didn't want to get their hands on their natural energy reserves ironically the strategy that the u.s. particularly as used in the middle east over the last decade has meant that it has allowed other countries to have more leverage in that region so they shot themselves in the foot really saying iran can actually be trusted. i think any
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country that is willing to engage in the international diplomatic process should be given a hearing and why should they be any more trusted than any other country particular looking at the the the track record over the last decade of the us across the middle east and central asia i should they be treated if of course this is just a six month deal under the goetia at the moment how long do you think it'll take to get an actual permanent solution. one would hope as quickly as possible because of course there are eighty million people in that country in there had been living under sanctions already for years and the reigning in government is now engaging in the international process there that no reason why they should be deemed to be a pariah state so i think in the interests of international justice a deal should be hammered out and it was the best for the country be better for peace in the middle east and listen at least so i hope that they do get a deal over the next few days which will last for years so you're actually saying that this agreement is not just about the nuclear issue it also has a major impact on the middle east as well no matter which way this deal actually
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goes of course it does yes i mean iran is sitting on top of a huge range of natural resources or oil and gas and things like that and of course we should not forget that they did about i think getting off a decade ago about beginning to trade some of those resources in europe all rubles and that's where the u.s. air battle states began to get very heavy to fanatically against iran and threatened war so this sort of whole issue around nuclear weapons program real unreal seems to be a source smokescreen to try and caroll iran into trade continuing to trade its all in its natural gas in the petro dollar and so sure up the american economy that way and the great to talk to thanks for a perspective on a national political analyst a former m i five agent on r.t. thank you. well of course we'll be following the progress at the nuclear talks in geneva throughout the day and night and online at r.t. dot com and also on our website we're asking about the prospects of an agreement
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here and you can go there to have your say on the issue right now. german chancellor angela merkel wants to have a word with vladimir putin over ukraine that's after brussels and moscow exchanged accusations of blackmailing kiev into accepting offers over integration deals artes of years in kiev for us so alexey you're there live i didn't know that good to see you there lexie so tell us what did the chancellor have to say about this. well indeed the german chancellor said she would want to speak to what he meant which and personally at the earliest possible opportunity about the turnaround of ukraine and signing the association deal with the european union she said. foremost mission is to persuade the russian president that the eastern partnership initiative is not directed against russia as some fear indeed this is just basically hours after. himself said he would welcome the idea of
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holding a three sided commission between russia ukraine and the european union when working out a plan would alleviate the losses the potential economic losses from signing the association deal which seems to be inevitable in the long run it's just been postponed by the great leadership right now also this initiative by the german chancellor of. the e.u. some countries in the e.u. accused russia of blackmailing ukraine in out of signing this deal and russia had a very staunch response to that as well meanwhile the people are still protesting in kiev some of them about maybe several hundred several hundred in the independence square right now protesting against the other goal which is decision and all that i tell in my report which i did a little bit earlier let's have a look at that. back to square one for ukraine's politics or kiev central square to be precise in two thousand and four the orange revolution started here independence
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square the event which dramatically changed political life in ukraine and set it on the euro integration course nine years later the square is filled with people again only this time they are here because their president took a turn around well these protesters have been furious with the decision. for an independent ukraine to fight for tomorrow other people believe ukraine may have in fact dodged a bullet. you decision to suspend the preparation of signing the association agreement and zone of free trade with the e.u. is the only one possible in the current difficult economic situation which we now have in ukraine do you have a delusion that life will be better in the e.u. talk to polish people talk to variants right now the e.u. is. kind of a death spiral may be you has little right now to offer ukraine hours after the
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korean government's decision reports emerge that unocal beach told his lithuanian counterpart in a phone call that russia economically blackmailed key if out of signing the deal with the european union. i don't know what the ukrainian president was talking about with his lithuanian counterpart maybe we should all scar american friends about that well of saying that ukraine would not enjoy trade benefits with russia if it formed a free trade zone with the e.u. is blackmail how would one describe these statements by european officials i disagree that the agreement could be signed later it would be very difficult because too much risk is involved ukraine has missed a chance to remove the main obstacle in its way through integration with the e.u. because when i heard so and i just found out yesterday that ukraine has suspended not cancelled but suspended negotiations with the e.u. and wants to review everything we heard a threat from the e.u. to ukraine all the way up to organizing mass protests this is pressure and
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blackmail. having received no promise of compensation for potential economic damages from aligning with the e.u. give wants to create a three party commission with brussels and moscow to find a way to alleviate those losses which suggest unocal which has merely suspended not council the association strife the opposition meanwhile says it will continue taking people into the streets and demands that the president is impeached. reporting from kiev in ukraine. where not he's been gathering expert analysis on how kiev could benefit from signing potential trade pacts and here's what we've heard the opportunity to be part of an absolutely huge free trade zone it's a fantastic idea but the problem we really have is that already the european union model has been deeply compromised by the addition of countries that weren't ready such as belgariad and rumania the european union itself really has to concentrate on its own internal economic problems to say that this is
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a. unexpected totally unexpected move is very strange because of course you can quest to balance and see whether it's interesting as well. as for example the european union to dictate to greece. or to perth to grow into other countries and as i stated to you and friends and millions of people losing their jobs. i think that it became clear to the ukrainian president that if you signed their deal he is not going to get anything financially the e.u. so basically office things which are not tangible you know it doesn't offer immediate economic benefits it says that ukraine at some point in the future will have access to the e.u. markets but when will this happen. on a website with the five reasons why can't decided against further european
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integration go to. comments section. of the u.s. oil law. that would make testing extremely expensive and federal regulation. you give us a. very. long. way
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that. would make their lives. of. thousands of people a spilled out onto the streets of many cities in germany to commemorate an. activist murdered in the early ninety's the government on a crusade against the views promoted by far right groups. is that the event in.
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members of the anti fascist through the anti far as well as of the left wing organizations of marching through central and now this is saying i knew all march that takes place to commemorate the brutal murder twenty one years ago all they left wing activist who was stabbed to death in a subway station by members of a right wing used to organize sation now those who've come out steve take part in this march say that the fight against fascism and against naziism is as important now as it and the house being that we've seen at this. time in. my society i just can't write to society i feel those who are punished by the right. but. like. to believe the price is wrong. for the people coming out of the coming year we saw
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in the past this is. the second world war and to prove we put off the use of the film in this country. we will not believe this experience. behind the forces of always with capitalism demonstrators up on the roof of the building say just behind the demonstration retail it's all going over relatively peacefully a few firecrackers being set off a lot of flares and a lot of of hushed chanting towards their foes the the fall rice said this or this march has been heavily policed in the past we have seen clashes between far right groups and the anti fascist organizations the police have been and circling these these marches this year they've also shortened the routes in which they've been taking to keep it limited to a say
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a two block square area to try and make sure that they can't be any counted demonstration. those clashes that we have seen in the past can't take place. has been an unusual twist in the political career of one israeli man as the critics say he's political should have landed him in jail for racism in the hot seat read more on the had his actions of israel plunging into radicalism. bush's plans for three d. printers as medics hope to use the technology for the market starting with human hearts the full details right now on r.t. dot com. from the greatest highs to extreme lows after being taken on an historic walk in space the sochi twenty fourteen olympic torch is now plunged into the depths of the deepest lake in the world lake bike in siberia james brown witnessed the dive. you're watching the climax of this very special torch relay. where the
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olympic flame is making history once again it's been lit and passed on the water by a team of three divers and now it's been given to the aptly named. even without his wings his happily flying with the top of his job to take it to the shore where it will light up the olympic cauldron. a fitting climax to a spectacular so one of russia's most beautiful natural lamarck's. protesting could soon become a thing of luxury at any drill site in the united states courtesy of new laws code crafted by the aside from forcing demonstrators to show up five thousand dollars for a rally permit the bill would also excuse the federal government from regulating the fracking industry reports. when
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romania granted the u.s. oil giant chevron more than a million acres of land to drill for shale deposits thousands of romanians took to the streets to protest they soon found out there was little they could do to protect their soil. in poland farmers stood up against chevron to fight fracking to no avail fracking pumps a high pressure cocktail of water sand and chemicals the underground to release shale gas from bedrock environmentalists say it has the potential to trigger earthquakes as well as pollute the groundwater and the surrounding countryside the problems with show it with shale gas mining in poland is a question of secretiveness and kind of not telling people the real truth about what's going on and not always telling never telling the other side the downside and i discovered this to be true with
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a polish government important polish authorities because they are in fact on the side of these big corporations walski partly shot his documentary drill baby drill in poland he says polish state television refused to broadcast that you know normal people. can get the information to fight against the corporations and the normal people you know do the middle class people their objective is really to protect the land here to protect their place and the chevron. the corporations are here to exploit the land and they're going to leave but the farmers will be here and this is really what the fight is about us energy giants drilled both abroad and at home and congress has been more than helpful to them domestically this week the house of representatives passed a bill that would impose a five thousand dollars fee on anyone wishing to stage an official protest against the drilling project. to become law the bill also needs to make its way through the senate before being signed by the president this is. pathetic sad silly
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attempt by industry to squelch democracy opponents of fracking on both sides of the atlantic or even more fearful about the future of the democratic process as their governments and major corporations negotiate free trade agreements like the one between the us and the e.u. that would effectively enable american companies to bypass european courts and challenge e.u. governments and international tribunals whenever they felt that laws in the areas of public health the environment or social protection interfere with their profits and the opponents say it would give trans nationals even greater access to their soil and leave the people with even less say about their land going to check on our team. talk to tony juniper one of britain's leading environmentalist stolz a still be a serious price to pay in the future makes more money for some people in the short term and those people happen to have very powerful leverage over government
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institutions this is not about whether this is a better energy source or not in an economic sense it's basically a rigged market the environmental costs are not being paid for by the shale gas companies therefore we get a full solution as to this being a cheap energy source when in fact it's only cheap now because we're passing on the costs of it being used into the future for our children and grandchildren indeed we're already beginning to see some of the costs of this kind of energy being used in the in the present and that hurricane that hit the philippines a couple of weeks ago is an example of the kind of extreme weather conditions that we can expect to accompany rapid warming of the atmosphere. for some more global headlines this hour in a world update violent clashes have broken out in the turkish capital between russia police and protesters angry at planned changes to the education system security forces dispersed demonstrators using tear gas and water cannon the government plans to close the top of education institutions the per student for high school exams saying it will replace them with private schools that typically
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cost more money. the remaining part of a supermarket route for the region's caved in morning for the fifty fifth tims continues at the site militancy services picked through the rubble for a second night of more survivors criminal inquiry has begun to work out why the building collapsed. thousands of people rallied in the spanish capital to denounce the latest round of austerity measures that also came out against a proposed new law that would fine citizens for taking part in unauthorized protests and insulting police officers under the legislation demonstrating outside parliament without permission could result in a six hundred thousand euros fine. and at least fifteen people have died in twin bomb attacks in the north of iraq an explosives rigged followed by a suicide bomber struck at a shia mosque in the restive town about fifty people were said to have been injured in the attacks sectarian violence has been escalating in iraq in recent months
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making this the deadliest year since two thousand and eight with over seven thousand victims. with a news team with morphine half an hour from now in the meantime pays tribute to j.f.k. in breaking the set just ahead and for years it's all a new show sputnik with george going to write. there's now an all new form of humanitarian aid for the twenty first said. created by members of the occupy movement this is nothing to do with hunger or homelessness what a different key problem in the so called first world debt the rolling jubilee project has already bought around fifteen million dollars in personal debt for americans around the country most of the financial obligations that they bought were for
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medical bills and now the people who had to pay these bills are free from their burdens the group claims that the secondary debt market is very cheap and that they are able to buy the nearly fifteen million dollars in debt for only four hundred thousand dollars the secondary market exists because banks try to sell consistently unpaid debt to third parties for less than a nickel on the dollar right now i would be begging the rolling jubilee project to get rid of my college loans but alas this is always purchased anonymously so it's all pure luck who gets their debt purchased the important thing about this project is that they're actually doing something against an evil system instead of just blogging about it and although fifteen million dollars is a time a need to drop in the bucket it may have really saved the financial lives of many americans but that's just my opinion.
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happy friday people on abby martin and this is breaking the sad looks like big brother is a reared its ugly head again this time in oakland again this tuesday they open city council approved a resolution to go for the creation of a domain awareness center what's that sounds innocent enough but in reality the center would be a surveillance hub for oakland police line and monitor the city's video cameras gunshot attackers and license plate readers being from oakland and experiencing firsthand the brutality from the police against peaceful protesters just said oakland residents aren't going to let this happen without putting up a fight in fact the issue has been so can. just among the people that tuesday's city council meeting had to be cleared out by police after protesters continually shouted down the council members discussing the bill now the city council has to find a new contractor to help build the center because their original company science apply applications international has deep ties of the nuclear weapons industry
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which is against oakland city law so not only is oakland potentially violating fourth amendment rights by creating the hub in the first place but the city council can't even abide by its own city logs of course city officials maintain that the center would only be used in times of emergency such as major fires and earthquakes but many activists have a more realistic perspective and see oakland's awareness center as a pilot program for the creation of surveillance hubs in other cities across the country and based on the never ending revelations surrounding the national peeping tom agency i tend to agree with them now let's break this that. the complete look of the ticket was terrible and they were looking very hard to take a. look at the one that he ever had sex with that hurt their feelings. that.
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the the. little. the little. the international union for conservation of nature has officially declared the western black rhinoceros extinct the subspecies of the black rhino is the only the latest example the disappearance of the world's most exotic and precious animals is the rhino horns and elephant tusks ivory is highly valuable in black markets around the world and poachers will go to extra ream lengths to kill these animals including the poisoning of their water holds with deadly cyanide to give you some perspective of the decline they were roughly.


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