tv [untitled] November 23, 2013 1:30pm-2:01pm EST
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please please please please. please. please. please. please. please. the international union for conservation of nature has officially declared the western black rhinoceros extinct the subspecies of the black rhino is the only the latest example the disappearance of the world's most exotic and precious animals is a rhino horns and elephant tusks ivory is highly valuable in black markets around the world and poachers will go to extreme lengths to kill these animals including the poisoning of their water holds with deadly cyanide to give you some perspective of the decline there were roughly one point two million african elephants on the
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earth in one thousand eight hundred today that number of dropped to around four hundred twenty thousand so help me break down the spectacle ivory trade and how we can reverse the trend of extinction i was joined earlier by elie weiss president and founder of the wild eyes foundation i started by asking her how widespread the poaching industry is and why it continues to grow on abated. well it's it's international it's hugely widespread and it's been able to grow unabated because it's so little. risk free relatively or it's the being caught and taking the risk takes a long time the laws in any country in africa where the elephants they range states they are not geared toward prosecution and strong sentences so a lot of work is being done today to increase this ability of the magistrates and the ministers to collect. accountable evidence that is can be produced in court so
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it's a lot of training and it's increasing the strains and stringency of the laws last month were discovered that poachers killed three hundred elephants through cyanide poisoning in zimbabwe how does something like that happen without any oversight by authorities and should we expect to see more types of these kind of drastic actions taken by poachers will it i'm not going to say it's without oversight of the authorities i mean each country each nation has a different set of rules and security situations for their perks so poachers and the syndicates are very very savvy we're not talking about the poachers who could come in and shoot an elephant and bury it and you know a one off guy this is highly highly organized they're highly trained against using high tech weapons and they constantly shift with the landscape in terms of what is being done to combat the poaching so if they're coming in with a k forty seven
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then you can find a way to train up the eco guards or the rangers on the ground if they're coming in with poison and now you're looking for something else so it it's not a one size fits all response but trust me a lot is being done there is a lot of training going on through the range state subsaharan sub-saharan africa where elephants live and this is very much in the spotlight and a lot is being done shockingly this took place in a national park i mean why is that the national parks are so vulnerable is necessary predator federally protected land. is it not nationally protected you know it's federally government protected land it's where the elephants are. so the poachers are going to have to go where the elephants are elephants are highly highly intense intelligent animals but we've come to learn about the research. high
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social structures complex societies big arrays deep inner actions and they understand safety zones verses high intensity combat zones so they will go into a safe zone or what they presume should be a safe zone and poachers know this i just can't imagine how someone who get away with carrying a three hundred elephant corpses outside of the park but i guess you're saying that this just happens all kind of invading anyone who's there from an authority perspective well you have to understand a national park is typically a huge swath of land. and ranger teams are not like having a police lineup where you've got hundreds of thousands of men or even hundreds of men it's as securing scouting an area that is and i'm saying aren't there cameras on ebay the national park side there's cameras on i'll lot of the areas of the reserves you know you know there's some there's research trap camera traps but no
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we're not talking about that kind of security being available all the funding available for that type of security measures to be taken but that is what is trying to be scaled up but that requires a lot of funding and many of these countries just don't have that for let's talk about the drilling rhino population as well and we in conservation have been sounding the alarm call about these drastic declines in these species for over forty to fifty years it's a very difficult. and the message to get across when you're not living with the tangible evidence or lack of these animals so wildlife conservation in these areas is typically under the theory if it pays it stays so if it's tied up in land laws it's kind of good private ranching it's kind of in how governments use reserves and national parks and where their revenues come from if it doesn't pay. it doesn't
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stay right or warn has become extremely expensive on the black market and once again it is the international syndicates and cartels which range third economically in in terms of big business next to human trafficking drug trafficking and weapons wow let's talk a little bit more about the ivory and it's true you just mentioned it's the urban term the black market really talking up who specifically is benefiting from it that's not involved so severely with the poaching i mean that has to be covered up somewhere in a and aided and abetted by some sort of government forces here what countries is this happening on the prominently in. ivory is typically destined for the asian market which usually ends up being china and rhino horn is destined for the asian market typically vietnam and thailand so. if you could write a word is used for traditional medicinals and it's gearing up as the middle class
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economic population expands they have more disposable income so it's also a status symbol with rhino horn and ran a horn is worth anywhere from thirty five thousand to sixty five thousand u.s. dollars per kilo so that's that's big business there's a lot of money in it and it's low risk you can still legally hunt rhino in south africa and south africa is home to seventy five percent of africa's right-o. pot while white rhino population so there is a big deal which would be difficult to get into into here about legalizing the trade in rhino horn which could prevent the species from becoming extinct because currently the laws are in order to get rhino horn you have to kill the rhino so there's a whole lot going on of illegal in one permuted killings through private hands as opposed to national alongside the poaching in national parks so the syndicates are highly highly. placed everybody knows who they are everybody knows where they
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live but there's so there's so much money involved here and they are so highly protected and corruption is a huge huge issue that it's difficult to get to them but there's a lot of information out there and i'm going to give a plug to one of the best investigative books on this subject is julian read a myers killing for profit al i will talk about solutions or you are part of the u.s. fish and wildlife the van where six times the virus crushed what message was this action meant to send both and there are general public in ivory poachers and also let's talk about your organization what can people do to help because as you mentioned this is a pretty detached topic for people who are living outside of these areas. well the u.s. average the u.s. fish and wildlife has seized had seized six tons of ivory over the past thirty years that was coming in illegally through or passing through the u.s. borders the u.s. is the second to third largest user of ivory own in terms of trophy and illegal
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ivory coming through so if you think of china and ivory chinatowns there's a lot of ivory going through the u.s. so this is the east and in a statement in line with obama's executive order to help stop and poaching in the killing of elephants the u.s. fish and wildlife crushed six tons of ivory from. the whole tusks to carvings to child skis to little earrings you name it and it was the first time the u.s. stood up in a very public statement against the ivory trade and support on the ban of ivory selling ivory only weiss founder wild eyes foundation really appreciate your time thank you very much thanks for having me. stick around you guys we're breaking the stage with push method next.
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with ben bernanke to keep interest rates at zero percent he's helping to increase america's debt load it's also time as the debt bubble pops everyone who is of the debt the bankers and clyburn get iffy on the size of the debt issued they don't make money based on profits and losses they make money based on the size of the debt big issue so a car is a debt issue a quantitative easing is debt issue getting a job of the donald put yourself into debt that gives fees to the bankers and it destroys your god mean it destroys society it destroys everything but the fees for the bankers.
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your life choose access to your office. if you're thinking about an alcoholic drink associated with russia it's probably not going to be one that springs into your head but they've been making it here on the black sea coast for more than two thousand kids and there's an industry which really can compete with the best the rest of the world has to offer i've come to meet some of the people going the greats and to see if i can find out the secret to the perfect. guy.
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one of my favorite parts of the job is given a platform of musicians that use their music to fight for change and to increase awareness about issues that most performers are afraid to. push method a band headlined by dusty your re and have a seat and bodies this notion and uses hip hop and fears vocals and socio political lyrics order to get their message heard well i invited them on the show to perform an acoustic version of their songs cars and stripes check out. the serious with cheesy. we were in for a frenzied so the unity. dressed in. his suit. piano blows were forced to be. chilled to the sun filled with the power will compel people to take our will to
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catapult to see who will help the cat with the cat with a chat with one of the i still want to see crazy the pack started off so plenty pretty good to take the friendship and pleasure to the public yeah like if i had the choice you could have a choice the difference is that set me up with your whole school because the p.c. just so you can look up at just how you could be pushed to teach now to be sure you could use the checks.
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but we. still hold. this. sin. talk about scars and stripes but that's about you know i think for me on my own part it was you know sometimes you're able to a to articulate how you feel of a particular time and that that course of that song does that for me in the sense that you know it speaks of that sort of apathy that we have out there and that the sense that there's nothing you can do about it cannibals we're forced to be because that's the system we're in and you have no choice but to go out and try to earn an income and work for the man and work for this whatever corporation you lost in. the apathy and the loss of. a sense of passion that comes from that but then there's also the hope because i feel like there's a waking up going on you know i think there more to being human and all this
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pettiness we see just chasing money all the time an empty celebrity so so for me. it's a reflection on that in the personal struggle i have but also what i see in other people and the poverty i speak to and that is not necessarily the poverty the literal poverty you see in the world but more of the poverty of us the poverty of us not being able to see through all those petty things and make our lives about a little bit more as i know that you guys are also both activists talk about what issues are most pressing to you right now. for me it's definitely that arinze and homeless veterans coming back and you just you see it all over new york city right now you walk down the street you see some twenty five year old kid. sitting on the sidewalk with a piece of cardboard the says i'm a u.s. veteran and will have his credentials to prove it right then and there and some people walk by and they give money but it just kind of shocks me and to me. people
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coming home after doing what they did. and just to not have a support i mean there are a lot of organizations that do support them and some of them work and some of them . but a lot of guys coming home you know. a lot of friends they came back you know a little out there. seeking the right help and them reaching out to the right people is always a challenge it's unfortunate you have a government who will use the veterans to sell the wars and say support the troops and get people on board but then they turn their back on them absolutely mediately when they get home it's just incredible truly frustrates me like you had this thing in the n.f.l. for the last week and i'm a big fan of the n.f.l. but i and i'm a big supporter of veterans you know i mean i have one of my best friends is a veteran and you know i follow vets for peace and i love what they're trying to do but you have this thing that seems like this blind blind support of something that they don't really understand or ever investigate why in the first place does it
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need to be so big i mean you know i somehow or one of the biggest generals ever in this country spoke against the military industrial complex and it frustrates me to see that sort of just blind to let's just go ahead because that's what we're supposed to do as americans right now. dusty what about you any other issues that you feel like are really you know i think if i were trying to sum it up you know there's obviously like you there's so many things but if i were trying to sum up my personal view is that being a part of things like the occupy movement and the the global revolution that's happening but for me i would really like to see something more like an evolution rather than i don't want to see bloody overthrow i really that's the same thing for me is trying to find a way through all the things that frustrate me. and really compromise really try to find a peaceful path to evolution to making this country and this world a better place not through blood and horror and revolution and cutting off the
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king's head you know and so i see a lot of a lot of activism people i appreciate that they just get so angry and i wish i i saw more ok here's the solution here's maybe we can think about thank you so much you guys also i want you on thank you so much for coming to your farm and you guys are. fifty years ago today u.s. president john fitzgerald kennedy was assassinated in broad daylight as his presidential motorcade drove through the streets of dallas texas it was a pivotal moment in history and if you're from a younger generation you need only ask older relatives where they work that they j.f.k. was shot to understand the magnitude of this event john f. kennedy was america's thirty fifth president his life cut short only one thousand
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days into his first term in office and a brief span of time he left a lasting legacy who is perhaps tried the most in the tense standoff of the cuban missile crisis which is regarded as the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war in one hundred sixty three in the limited test ban treaty with the soviet union which highlighted his administration's priority to curb the spread of nuclear weapons j.f.k. also established the peace corps as a goodwill program to promote world peace and friendship since being established in one thousand nine hundred sixty one over two hundred thousand volunteers have served in the corps cross one hundred thirty nine countries and what was the johnson ministration that actually implemented the civil rights act of nine hundred sixty four it was anybody who championed the cause of outline discrimination and its major forms no doubt j.f.k. served during a volatile time in american history before taking office eisenhower warned kennedy and the rest of america about the dangers of the military industrial complex
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according to eisenhower was a force that was so strong that even threatened to hold peace efforts by the us government hostage. look i could speculate all day over what kind of president kennedy would have been if he had lived to see another term i'm also not keen on historical revisionism and i can. only assume that kennedy was not as great a guy as everyone makes him out to be for example not only did increase the u.s. presence in vietnam but his orders resulted in the spraying of agent orange during the war which killed countless innocent civilians but perhaps the most notable scar on his record was the disastrous bay of pigs invasion to undermine the cuban revolution however in a recent interview i did with the cademy award winning director oliver stone i asked him why kennedy was so different from any other imperialist president and this is what he had to say. candidly inherited this office as
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a young man. and he was suspected by the military leaders of hardliners of the us that he did not believe that the wherewithal to really continue the eisenhower policy he had failed to do so in laos to go into send ground troops he trailed in cuba at the bay of pigs to give it to the air support that it needed when he failed in the vietnam to really carry through a. much more in didn't gauged process with the vietnamese she said non-combat advisors but not combat people we wouldn't be alive if kennedy had not done what he did at the cuban missile crisis where we were really at the edge of war this is they want to achieve the joint chiefs of staff wanted to go they wanted to invade cuba oliver stone could very well be right kennedy very well could have been all these things there's no doubt they pissed off people in high places after all he was quoted as saying that he wanted to splinter the cia and to a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds now on the fiftieth anniversary of
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his death his assassination remains one of most contentious events and u.s. history with the majority of americans suspected but also did not act alone and it's no wonder why after all over fifty witnesses testified to having heard a fourth shot coming from a different spot than the book depository on that fateful day profession. snipers have also tried to replicate the shooting to no avail also interestingly worked at a coffee shop a stone's throw away from the office of guy bannister a former special agent who worked as a covert action coordinator for the cia not to mention a house commission on assassinations concluded through forensic evidence that there were more shots and i was not the lone perpetrator but most significantly is the captain back man on what jesse ventura the former governor of minnesota recently spoke to me about. ritualised caption back was the acting attorney general
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monday morning naturally bobby had lost his brother he wasn't common in the work on monday so he was the acting attorney general this is a memo from him to lyndon johnson the new president and he explains how in the memo we have to make the public know that. that he had no partners who are still out there conspirators who acted with him and that he would have been convicted had there been a trial all of this laid out in a memo and this doesn't even cover the deathbed confession of the howard hunt or the fact that you are said that he believes there was a conspiracy even nixon said on tape that the warren commission was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated look i could go on but i think you get the point unfortunately we'll probably never know what happened to j.f.k. or his brother r f k but we do have a strong reason to suspect that the elements that led to his death involve people
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with the capacity to not only carried out a covered up the military industrial complex that eisenhower warned about and that kennedy inherited ended up swallowing the presidency and redefining the role of government as it stands today all rooted in something that kennedy warned about long ago. he said the great and. and the truth is very often not the lie deliberate contrived and dishonest but the myth persistent persuasive and on realistic belief in myth allow the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
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you know this one thing that i still can't understand it and i don't want to ruin your good mood but i have this one question with gordie doing this all for you that you had everything they respect and so that you give them all up in the senate to go your way but what for. there was a way to inform he tried to restrain himself but look it will burst out anyway. but . if it really puts me off that i have such a father. it was one small but very great secret that i have to live with for the world.
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right on the same. first trip to mars and i were being put. on a reformer splitter. instrument play. play the piano player on moslem. deliberate torch is on its epic journey to such. a one hundred twenty three days. through two hundred towns and cities of russia. relayed by georgian dozen people for sixty five thousand killing her in a record setting trip by land air sea another space perks
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much anticipation. over a potential deal with iran diplomats hoping to get a program under control. a march. in the streets of germany against the growing popularity of nazi views in the country. the e.u. and russia accuse each other of meddling in the country's foreign policy to ensure its cooperation. of its. open space.
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