tv [untitled] November 23, 2013 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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it's to. much anticipation. over a potential deal with iran as top diplomats hoping to get tehran's nuclear program under control. a march of remembrance activists take to the streets of germany against the growing popularity of nazi views in the country. with. the e.u. and russia accuse each other of meddling in the country's foreign policy to ensure its cooperation. the olympic torch is on another leg of its epic journey plunging to the bottom of the earth after conquering open space.
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from a studio center in moscow this is our twenty four hours a day so there's an air of anxiety in geneva where a long anticipated deal on iran's nuclear program could potentially. foreign diplomats in the iranian delegation sound optimistic any further details about just what is happening at the moment would be almost impossible to extract. we've just found out that the p five plus one foreign ministers' that's all the foreign ministers in these negotiations except for iran's foreign minister they're currently locked in a meeting together at the moment now just a little zarif the iranian foreign minister said that the agreement being discussed here in geneva today consists of three stages now he also said that he can assure that that agreement contains a public recognition of iran's right to enrichment now these talks taking place
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behind closed doors the delegation is clearly extremely wary of any leaks coming out in the media until something here is how much doubt and at this very crucial juncture so we're just going to what we have to wait until that meeting is very good about the specifics of any potential deal do we know much about. the stumbling blocks. all the foreign ministers did speak about a potential breakthrough today they were talking about how gaps do still remain that need to be bridge but it could be close but they couldn't guarantee a breakthrough now that was echoed by russia's deputy foreign minister who i spoke to a little earlier and he explained to me that one of the crucial stumbling blocks that remains right now in this agreement is the heavy water facility in iran which could potentially produce weapons grade plutonium but as i said it's really make or break
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the sense that it's crunch time right now with various foreign ministers locked in that meeting probably mulling over that three step agreement that the arabian foreign minister spoke of earlier we're going to be watching it very closely and keeping you up to date as soon as we know anything more. political analyst and former m i five injured and in motion told me it's important to remember there's more than just nuclear issues at stake here. iran is sitting on top of a huge range of natural resources all and gas and things like that and of course we should not forget that they did. i think decade ago about beginning to trade some of those resources in europe. and that's where the u.s. battle to keep began to get really heavy diplomatically against iran and threaten so this whole issue around nuclear weapons program real and real seems to be through smokescreen to try and karoly run into
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a tree continuing to trade its all in its natural gas in the petro dollar and the american economy that way. a major obstacle to the deal is israel's opposition to any hint of a compromise during the previous round of talks two weeks ago the country applied considerable pressure to influence the positions of france and the u.s. . has more now from jerusalem israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu continues to be as critical as ever he has consistently caused this a bad deal he has expressed skepticism over the rain and statements that they are not intending to build a nuclear bomb and he has also said that the lifting of sanctions does nothing more than merely give them breathing space now those are growing statements by the israeli prime minister has seen his relationship with the united states hits and all the time you know the obama administration has criticized his all or nothing approach as the israeli american relationship deteriorates so what we've seen is an
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increase in the warming of relations between the israelis and the french the french president francois hollande was here in jerusalem earlier this week the two countries spoke of mutual understanding of unbreakable bonds of common history and shared values many saying that netanyahu now sees the french as his new hero and this is of course because of the french criticism against the deal in fact it was the french that maybe credit as having prevented it deals on going through. for at the same time there are reports circulating in there has been for quite a few days now that the israelis are working with the saudis behind the scenes that the possibility of a military strike is now back on the cards as this deal is signed off the report suggests that the saudis will give the israelis if space there is talk of some kind of tactical support that they will give to israeli warplanes if indeed metron yahoo follows through with his threats of
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a military strike once this deal is in fact signed off we spoke to john limbert the former u.s. to produce and secretary of state for iran and he was among the diplomats held hostage during the the tourist crisis at the u.s. embassy in tehran more than thirty years ago believes it is or will not iran which has become more hardline. but we've seen i think in the last three or four months since the election of president president rouhani and since some of the statements of the support of the supreme leader is i think a change of direction and a serious change of direction by the israeli friends tell me is within israel itself there's a lot of controversy over the issue of iran and what should israeli what should the israeli stand be and some of the more extreme stands that are coming that coming out which oppose any any deal are creating concern in is a concern in israel a lot of people are quite have been criticizing the prime minister look what. prime
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minister netanyahu seems to be asking for is not a negotiated deal but in fact an iranian surrender where they are pressured into simply giving giving up well that's that's not a negotiation that's a so that's a surrender and if you get if you do squeeze somebody so hard that they surrender such an it such an agreement simply isn't going to last we'll be following the progress of the nuclear talks in geneva throughout the day and night on air and online ability dot com and also the websites where all skew about the prospects of an agreement so you can go there to have your say on the issue. thousands of people have spilled out into the streets of many cities in germany to commemorate an anti fascist activist murdered in the early ninety's the government on a crusade against the views promoted by far right groups and peter out of a was at the event in berlin for us. members of the anti fascist group anti far as
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well as other left wing organizations are marching through central perlin now this is saying i knew all march it takes place to commemorate the brutal murder of twenty one years ago of a left wing activist who was stabbed to death in a burnley and subway station by members of a right wing used to organize sation now those who have come out steve take part in this march say that the fight against fascism and against naziism is as important now as it ever has been we saw in the past. could make can make the second world war and the. treatment of the usual people and of the communists of the professors to be work not to repeat this experience. behind the fascism it is always good capitalism reason that we have seen in history that every time we have a crisis in society fascism gets us the threats to society nessa pashley to
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those who are punished by the crisis which is the poor the working class the youth migrants who have to flee from trysts in their own countries from war from poverty from hunger. that are coming here demonstrators up on the roof of the building say just behind the demonstration roots here it's all going of relatively peacefully a few firecrackers being set off a lot of flares and a lot of of harsh chanting towards their food the the fall rice said this or this march has been heavily policed in the past we have seen clashes between far right groups and the anti fascist organizations the. please have been encircling these these marches this year they've also shortened the route in which they've been taking to keep it limited to a. a two block square area to try and make sure that they can't be any counter-demonstration staged by the far right at those clashes that we have seen in
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the past can't take place. german chancellor angela merkel wants to have a word with vladimir putin over ukraine that's off to brussels and moscow exchanged accusations of blackmailing kiev into accepting offers over integration deals or he has more. the german chancellor angela merkel voiced her intention to speak with the russian president in person at the earliest possible opportunity about the turnaround of ukraine which as we know the signing of the association deal with the european union the first and foremost mission of angela merkel according to herself is to persuade the russian leader that the eastern partnership initiative is not directed against russia have been fearing this comes just basically. the idea of holding a three sided commission between russia ukraine and the european union on how to alleviate potential economic losses we should. eventually joining. with the
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e.u. and also. some of the european countries some of the member states accused russia of blackmailing ukraine out of signing this association deal something russia had a very harsh response to meanwhile several hundred people are still protesting in independence square we're expecting this protest to multiply on sunday when the country marks the end of the orange revolution of two thousand and four the event which changed the political landscape of the country all that i mentioned in my report which i had done a little earlier let's have a look at that back to square one for you. or key of central square to be precise in two thousand and four the orange revolution started here independence square the event which dramatically changed political life in ukraine and on the integration course. filled with people again here because their president. well these protesters have been furious with the decision.
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to fight for tomorrow other people believe ukraine may have in fact the bullet. the decision to suspend the preparation of signing the association agreement and zone of free trade with the e.u. is the only one possible in the current difficult economic situation which we now have in ukraine you have a delusion that life will be better and that you you talk to polish people talk to variants right now the e.u. is you know kind of a death spiral may be you has little right now to offer ukraine hours after the korean government's decision reports emerge that unocal beach told his lithuanian counterpart in a phone call that russia economically blackmailed key if out of signing the deal with the european union. i don't know what the ukrainian president was talking about with his lithuanian counterpart maybe we should all scar american friends
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about that well of saying that ukraine would not enjoy trade benefits with russia if it formed a free trade zone with the e.u. is blackmail how would one describe these statements by european officials i disagree that the agreement could be signed later it would be very difficult because too much risk is involved ukraine has missed a chance to remove the main obstacle in its way through integration with the e.u. when i heard and i just found out yesterday that ukraine has suspended not cancelled but suspended negotiations with the e.u. and wants to review everything we heard a threat from the e.u. to ukraine all the way up to organizing mass protests this is pressure and blackmail having received no promise of compensation for potential economic damages from aligning with the e.u. kiev wants to create a three party commission with brussels and moscow to find a way to alleviate those losses which suggest unocal which has merely suspended not council the association strife the opposition meanwhile says it will continue
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taking people into the streets and demands that the president is impeached alexi russia's key artsy reporting from kiev in ukraine. well lotty has been gathering expert analysis of how kiev could benefit from signing potential trade tax and here's what we've heard. the opportunity to be part of an absolutely huge free trade zone it's a fantastic idea but the problem we really have is that already the european union model has been deeply compromised by the addition of countries that weren't ready such as belgariad and rumania the european union itself really has to concentrate on its own internal economic problems to say that this is so the unexpected totally unexpected move is very strange because of course you can quest to balance and see whether its interest lies. for example the european union to lead to greece. or to pay to grow it rather countries and impose
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a stable and franzen's and millions of people losing their jobs. i think that it became clear to the ukrainian president of each that if you signed their deal he is not going to get anything financially the e.u. . basically office thinks. changeable you know it doesn't immediately going on the benefits of that ukraine at some point in the future will have access to the e.u. markets but when will this happen. on our website right now we've lined up the five reasons why he has decided against further european integration you can go to come to share your thoughts in the comments section. and still ahead the u.s. oil lobby does itself through a pair of bills that would make protesting extremely expensive and federal
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regulation a thing of the past that story and more coming up after the break. with ben bernanke it keeps interest rates at zero percent is helping to increase america's debt it's also time. as the debt bubble pops everyone who should the dad the bankers include bernanke get a fee on the size of debt issued they don't make money based on profits and losses they make money based on the size of the debt big issue so when a car is a debt issue a quantitative easing is debt issue getting the job of the donald's put yourself into debt that gives fees to the bankers it destroys the economy it just roy society it destroys everything but the fees for the bankers. dramas that can be ignored. stories others refuse
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to see. faces changing the world. to picture. from around the globe. from the greatest highs to extreme lows off to being taken on an historic walk in space the sochi twenty fourteen olympic torch is now plunged into the depths of the deepest lake in the wild lake baikal in siberia aussie's james brown witnessed the dive. you're watching the climax of this very special torch relay out on lake baikal where the olympic flame is making history and once again it's been lit and passed on the water by a team of three divers and now it's been given to the aptly named by col who even
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without his wings is happily flying with the top show his job is to take it to the shore where it will light up the olympic cauldron and a fitting climax to a spectacular show out of one of russia's most beautiful natural landmarks. protesting could soon become a thing of luxury to any drill site in the united states courtesy of new laws code crafted by the oil lobby aside from forcing demonstrators to shut up five thousand dollars for a rally permit the bill would also excuse the federal government from regulating the fracking industry kind of to con reports. when romania granted the u.s. oil giant chevron more than a million acres of land to drill for shale deposits thousands of romanians took to
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the streets to protest they soon found out there was little they could do to protect their soil. in poland farmers stood up against chevron to fight fracking to no avail fracking pumps a high pressure cocktail of water sand and chemicals the underground to release shale gas from the bedrock environmentally say it has the potential to trigger earthquakes as well as pollute the groundwater and the surrounding countryside the problems with show it with shale gas mining in poland is a question of secretiveness and kind of not telling people the real truth about what's going on and not always telling never telling the other side the down side and i discover this to be true with the polish government and poor polish authorities because they are in fact on the side of these big corporations walski partly shot his documentary drill baby drill in poland he says polish state
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television refused to broadcast that you know normal people. can get the information to fight against the corporations and the normal people you know the middle class people their objective is really to protect the land here to protect their place and the chevron. the corporations are here to exploit the land and they're going to leave but the farmers will be here and this is really what the fight is about u.s. energy giants drilled both abroad and at home and congress has been more than helpful to them domestically this week the house of representatives passed a bill that would impose a five thousand dollars fee on anyone wishing to stage an official protest against the drilling project. to become law the bill also needs to make its way through the senate before being signed by the president this is. is pathetic sad silly attempt by industry to squelch democracy opponents of fracking on both sides of the atlantic or even more fearful about the future of the democratic process as
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their governments and major corporations negotiate free trade agreements like the one between the u.s. and the e.u. that would effectively enable american companies to bypass european courts and challenge e.u. governments and international tribunals whenever they felt that laws in the areas of public health the environment or social protection interfere with their profits and the opponents say it would give trans nationals even greater access to their soil and leave the people with even less say about their land get a check on our team. talk to tony judah one of britain's leading environmentalist tells us they'll be a serious price to pay in the future makes more money for some people in the short term and those people happen to have very powerful leverage over government institutions this is not about whether this is a better energy source or not in an economic sense it's basically a rigged market the environmental costs are not being paid for by the shale gas
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companies therefore we get a full solution as to this being a cheap energy source when in fact it's only cheap now because we're passing on the costs of it being used into the future for our children and grandchildren indeed we're already beginning to see some of the costs of this kind of energy being used in the in the present and that hurricane that hit the philippines a couple of weeks ago is an example of the kind of extreme weather conditions that we can expect to accompany rapid warming of the misfire. there's been an unusual twist in the political career of one israeli man critics and his political program should have landed him in jail for racism or in the middle seat on the accusations of israel plunging into radicalism. ambitious plans for three d. printing medics to use the technology of the organs market starting with human hearts the full details right now but all to come.
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the president of afghanistan will on sunday to the national meeting of elders to put off signing a security deal with the u.s. until health way through next year washington has put pressure on hamas to push through the agreement that would allow american troops to stay on afghan soil beyond twenty fourteen but he's been deemed his heels saying any chord should only be agreed off to next year's presidential elections and he will write to his brownback as karzai has to carry out a tough balancing act the elders assembly is largely handpicked i mean they're not supposed to make their decision until sunday but i think it's very likely that they will approve signing the deal although we don't know that with certainty anything could happen but just think of it if you would what the united states is proposing is that the united states will maintain military bases and soldiers in afghanistan for a quarter of a century twenty twenty four is almost a quarter of a century after the two thousand and one invasion this is a clear instance of a colonial relationship where the united states invades and occupies
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a country uses various pretexts and then maintains military bases so that ultimately whoever is the government after karzai the us will be the determine or the real power in afghanistan. now for some more global headlines are violent clashes have broken out in the turkish capital between rupp police and protesters angry at planned changes to the education system security forces dispersed demonstrators using tear gas and water cannon the government plans to close a type of education institution in the prepare students for high school exams saying it will replace them with private schools that typically cost more money. the remaining part of a supermarket roof which collapsed in riga has caved in that says mourning for the fifty plus victims continues at the site emergency services picked through the rubble for a second night but found no more survivors a criminal inquiry has begun to work out why the building collapsed. thousands of people around it in the spanish capital to denounce the latest round of a sturdy measures and also came out against
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a proposed new law that would fine citizens for taking part in an authorised protests and insulting police officers under the legislation demonstrating outside parliament without permission could result in a six hundred thousand euro fine. or so in a world of basis are at least fifteen people have died in two in bomb attacks in the north of iraq and explosions recall followed by a suicide bomber struck at a shia mosque in the rest of town fifty people were said to have been injured in the attacks sectarian violence has been escalating in iraq in recent months making this the deadliest year since two thousand and eight with over seven thousand victims and to cover the rising bloodshed in iraq we've launched a special project together with the website iraq body count and the web address is at the bottom of your screen right now month by month it recounts the attacks of twenty thirteen along with details and victim numbers.
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in my research i randomly came across a sad statistic according to the center for the constitution only twenty eight percent of americans have actually read the constitution although the overwhelming majority claimed that they understood some of it and now we see why the constitution especially the bill of rights are getting whittled away the average person doesn't really know what their secret covenant with the government actually says which means the government can get away with reinterpreting the agreement to suit their needs and not yours because no one is the wiser but if you think i'm going to say we have rich american how dare you then you are wrong the problem is that any kind of philosophy or ideology or just even asking why seems to be getting out of favor in educational systems all over the western world and beyond i mean shouldn't the average american be taught in school about you know america and like the constitution and capitalism how can the society advocate praise or defend values they don't have any idea about please let's get the stuff back into the educational system but fascist my opinion.
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welcome to the kaiser report i-max kaiser you may have heard that amsterdam has begun paying alcoholics and cans of beer that's right and exchange for a five cans of beer a pack of tobacco and ten euros the alcoholics clean parks and streets the city's aim is to keep the drunks occupied so that they can no longer cause trouble in the parks and indeed one of these alcoholic park workers said that the structure has kept him out of trouble but that if it weren't for the beer he wouldn't bother showing up at all i know you're thinking you're thinking that this sounds a whole lot like the policy of quantitative easing and you'd be right by central
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banks keep the debt a halt to be the at least spending by giving them a similarly free lunch of low interest rate credit crack one could think of q e as meals on wheels for over leveraged consumer holiday debt attics. of course feeding the addiction merely hastens the addicks demise but alas it keeps the addict doll sile in the meantime is not correct max they're trying to keep us dead aholic south here dos sile of course with all this quantitative easing it apparently free money that's a important thing they feel like we're getting a free lunch so we stay quiet and we keep consuming or keep consuming debt at least now here's the first headline about quantitative easing what car salesman ben bernanke he said at dinner last night so this is simon black of sovereign man and he was at a dinner with the national economy club and ben bernanke was the guest of honor he said at one point during the evening when pressed about whether his quantitative
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easing program was good for wall street at the expense of main street he being ben bernanke he flat out denied it saying that such a premise is simply not true he defended his printing eighty five billion dollars per month suggesting that fixing interest rates as zero is beneficial for society because among other things it allows people to buy cars right well and allows people to go into debt into ever deeper debt and it's funny because this idea of giving out all it's in amsterdam is beer to keep them docile to keep them cleaning up the park clean up their their open air prison it reminds me of wal-mart and mcdonald's it was reported this past week that they themselves are out there giving the equivalent of a couple of beers to their employees to have him come into the store and perform menial label labor and slave labor so this amsterdam model is being picked up by the likes of wal-mart amsterdam the people that work at those companies they don't have enough.
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