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tv   [untitled]    November 23, 2013 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

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very. for. five well i know about seven people a good team by the guys so yeah it is like i run through my fam but that's the closest my brothers i know about ten people who have that i. told them i brought us thank you every day i walk out my house i will feel right you know bust six impudent share they all died before he even tired seventeen this is almost imagine that you know somebody who got shot like you know nobody's son row which is . every time something like bank or they change me on his back.
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you just see somebody landed in the coal we don't know but i don't go to see the need to send out a young gays can explore my life it's a lot of. the first that they have been because of violence it was like you know it was a shocker but we came together. the second one it was all but we still came to get it in a day when everybody just seemed just to just split up.
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one thing we do is citizens one thing we tend to do is dehumanize human beings so we talk in terms of how many people were murdered norms what are the numbers so what do we do about that mindset what do we do to him and i's murder the only way that we could think to do it was to name them each day is listed on a board with the name of the person they're a judge and how they were killed without respect to where they're from what their color is what they did or did not do for a living whether they graduated or didn't from a school where they deal in drugs or not you don't know if you look at that board. there. he was hit lightly one. was my. shah and sometimes i look at our little church on our little
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walls and say you know how much wall space do i have here after a while this will get to look celie and stuff like that i suppose when we look more like maybe milwaukee and a half million people and they killed fifty three people not two hundred fifty. little over. the last ball or. loathe. the old la. la la my name is a mia baracoa as a kid growing up in the projects of new orleans i saw shootings like this all the
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time and eventually committed acts of violence myself at the serving five years in jail i began to help kids to mentor but this story isn't about me this is a story about the environment in which i grew up. a wild night across metro new orleans someone sprays a crowd with bullets as they were leaving a high school basketball game five people good evening and all nine people were shot tonight including an eleven year old to be in five separate shootings in new orleans and jefferson parish has a nine year old boys are covering tonight after another drive by shooting in new orleans east it's much like the one where the two year old girl was shot and killed several kids playing in the middle of the afternoon when the gunfire broke out a shooting happened just after seven i was called in the crossfire as a way that is able to record it was the target shooting. this is a story about what it's like being young and surrounded by family but it's also
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a story about finding solutions. you tolerate as i'm able. to tolerate as an adult children have to see this day after day. and it. and one nine hundred sixty s. had his largest population and as small as murder rate but in the course of fifty years over ten thousand people have been murdered and since two thousand and five more people have been killed than those who lost their lives when the levees broke . at this moment there is a battle being waged each and every day on the streets of new orleans it is a battle for the heart and soul of this great city by the time you wake up tomorrow morning i will have likely received another message. the worst part of my day that says exactly the same thing mr mayor was sorry to inform you that earlier this
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evening police officers responded to gunshots when they arrived on the scene they found a young african-american male face dale in blood gunshots in the back of his head he was announced dead on arrival there are no witnesses. the first group the browns you know. dead in all have some right to culture next one that's a load of crap and over there you know culture the next one that's ok i would go to
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the next national rap. breaking news here on r t a triumph of diplomacy a deal between six world powers and iran over its nuclear program is reached actively putting in atlanta a decade long standoff in the so-called first stage agreement curbs iran's nuclear program in exchange for partial sanctions relief parties correspondent is outside the talks in geneva all the details just ahead. paula back to watching our team coming to live from moscow on marina joshua now let's go live to geneva where iran and the six negotiating world powers have reached an historic deal over iran's nuclear program let's listen in and i hope this process can. so this late hour or the hour whichever you want to call it.
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let me finish year and maybe answered a few questions and then i will have time to have a chat with my iranian colleagues thank you to your june at least for joining us and thank you mr minister. in there jeffs i learned of what i'd imagine is your father. roos. chan and holds the. more him go to. that as how many. no me at any shows you around but asked me to show the. conference coming out of the geneva on a and a story reached between iran and the six negotiating working hours and the deal was
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over iran's nuclear program in which they were now i went in and sells out. there is do no work of course covering this throughout the day today and later the program was joined by our correspondents will bring us the highlights are these long charts. you can start listening was it more to this this is you're. going to be hard. it's. got a big. i don't know that i and they about those to be sure what i had. the question was. how much confidence have. having the experience said the western countries will take steps the answer is we have established a joint commission. to monitor daintree mentation of our agreement so this is
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a process of attempting to restore confidence. and i hope that the two sides can move forward in a manner that would be conducive to this objective because that is an auger arching objective we need to start moving in the direction of restoring confidence a direction that we have managed to move against in the past several years and diversity quotes to. be able to gain the confidence of iran in people now we go through scott ok. actors are if scott peterson from the christian science monitor. what have we witnessed today are you able to say that we have witnessed the beginning of a reconciliation of the islamic republic with the west and also with many other
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countries in the rest of the world is this the beginning of a step in that direction and secondly what are you able to take back to iran to tehran and say that this was a victory for us or to be able to tell the iranian people that this was something that was worth fighting for. well i think our aim was to resolve the nuclear issue . that the objective. we thought that that was an unnecessary issue and it prevented the precluded the possibility of addressing more important issues that are of paramount importance to us to the region and to the world in general. we have seen the results of some few days so. i think we are moving in that direction i hope the outcome of this process in addition to the resolution of the nuclear issue will be to take concrete steps in the
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restoration of confidence particularly the confidence of iranian people towards the west and that would be a good new beginning for our relations but that is the secondary object of the primary objective is to move in the direction of resolving the nuclear issue. this is. from c.n.n. . what it was really feel. like. when it. aired we. really. owe it. to. the white house would go all the way in which. we're. going to have a world where we. see.
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it with. you. know what it. always believed that war is not only are necessary it's impractical imprudent any legal so if you have been able to prevent any legal action that's a major accomplishment but it shouldn't be because people should stop. threatening to use wars because that option is no longer on the table has been removed from the table long long long time ago at least six decades ago when the united nations charter was adopted so i think people who are talking about the preeminence of international law must recognize the fact that threat of force is illegal is against international law and you cannot preserve any international obligation through the threat of force now as far as the right is concerned if you read the
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nonproliferation treaty it says in article four that nothing in this treaty can deprive any member states of their inalienable right the right to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes including enrichment within the context of the n.p.t. is an inalienable right what is required is for other countries to recognize and respect the implementation of this right by those who decide based on their own free will to implement it the struggle that we have gone through in the past several years has been for the rest of the international community to accept the fact. that iran was implementing this right and to. refrain from imposing restrictions on iran and imposing penalties on iran only for having exercise what we believe and a large majority of the international community believe based on the letter
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and spirit of the n.p.t. to be our inalienable right so we need respect for that right we need members say to refrain from imposing pressure on iran when it exercises that right and we believe that the current agreement the current plan of action as we call it in this thing places. has a very clear reference to the fact that iranian. enrichment program will continue and will be a part of any agreement now and in the future. thank you very much if you're dead you can ask ok margaret warner from p.b.s. you should just. read. this like that. and it does not mention the right to enrich and if you look at that
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particular article in the n.p.t. it says something about not depriving any state of the right to production and development it never mentions the word enrich some just wondering where in the text is it implicit or explicit near here. in the n.p.t. it doesn't talk about nuclear reactors it doesn't talk about research reactors it doesn't talk about a power plant it simply talks about the development use production of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes as an inalienable right this in aiding a noble right does not need explicit recognition it's there whether you are. guys you do not and iran enjoys that right it's important to have respect for that right and respect the fact that iran's enrichment program continues and many times at least twice very explicitly in this text this recognition is that iran will have an enrichment program and we believe that to be our right and we are exercising that
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right and we only require respect for that as a last question michael are the trumbull driven some. so there's a question this is a huge step towards reconciliation not just with the united states but with the region for how do you feel about reactions that my come from saudi arabia and from israel who have already criticised this agreement. this agreement is. geared towards resolving. a problem. that has. had its shadow cast over. the entire world and over our region so i do not see any. any justification whatsoever to be concerned
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about resolution of a problem and i just wrote an opinion piece in. a shovel out that. defining our approach to our region because we believe. our immediate region the persian gulf region is. that priority will be maintained and explain to our neighbors that while trying to move forward with the rest of the international community our neighborhood will always remain our priority and we will do our best in order to maintain the security of this region because the security of the region the security neighbors security thank you again thank you all very much for coming in but you go and have some sleep. thank you very much ladies and gentlemen.
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well we've just been listening to rainy and foreign minister who was answering questions from journalists a q. and a session that follow the news conference from geneva where world powers and iran have reached an a story nuclear deal anding a decade long deadlock over iran's nuclear ambitions the breaks room came after more than four days of intense talks between iran and the u.n. security council's five permanent members plus germany all the foreign ministers from six negotiating world powers rushed to geneva to push this through according to russia's foreign minister in the deal the world powers recognize iran's peaceful atom and a raman richmond's under strict control of the i.a.e.a. you when it's watched so iranian terror will limit its uranium enrichment to five percent instead of twenty stop adding centrifuges and hold the construction of the heavy water reactor in iraq the world powers will partially lift sanctions against
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iran for six months and unfreeze several billion dollars in iranian assets well this is the information that we've got so far and throughout the day will be bringing you more updates and analysis of this and of course our correspondents have been following the latest developments in geneva we'll try to get in touch with them and get the very latest so they will talk us through the main highlights and the significance of the story deal reached in geneva today. now russia's foreign minister was among the first top diplomats to arrive and geneva on my colleague bill dog discussed moscow's role in negotiations with r.t.s. paul scott has been following the talks closely. paul what's russia's role in this latest round of talks on iran what russia's role in this process bill really is to bridge the gap between some in the west and iran russia has been opposed to iran acquiring a nuclear bomb but acknowledges that iran does have
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a right to peaceful nuclear program which iran says was really a precondition to these talks they were saying that no deal was going to be struck unless this precondition was met and russia has really tried to ease the tensions because that precondition led to some in the west being quite suspicious about iran and their motives and russia really has tried to ease those tensions and suspicions in order to try and get all parties around the table which they they've obviously done and it's also something that's proven slightly easier of course since the election of his son rouhani who's a comparative moderate in comparison with his predecessor mahmoud ahmadinejad's and what does moscow make of the potential of slapping more sanctions on iran as discussed by some politicians in the u.s. at the moment while russia isn't opposed to playing hardball with iran when it needs to with its role as a permanent member of the u.n. security council it has agreed to four rounds of sanctions against iran over the years between two thousand and six and two thousand and ten of these sanctions include a ban on supply of heavy weaponry and nuclear related related technology
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a block on iranian arms exports and an asset freeze on key individuals and companies but as these sanctions have tightened over the years an economic sanctions have grown. they've started to hit the population of iran hard in moscow saying these are increasingly ineffective method really and it's the wrong people that are being punished so the smiles and handshakes between moscow and iran no relationship between tehran and moscow a complicated i think it's fair to say not as straightforward as perhaps it would seem on the face now in two thousand and seven a military deal was struck worth around eight hundred million dollars it was for to tehran to purchase missile defense systems from my. that was in two thousand and seven but then in two thousand and ten after a tightening of un sanctions russia's then president dmitri medvedev canceled that deal without any explanation not caused iran to call for compensation now the issue has since been resolved but it just shows there are complexities involved when
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dealing with iran and it is worth noting of course that moscow is involved in iran's nuclear program very much so moscow funded the building of the bushehr nuclear plant in iran and it was only in september this year that it handed over complete control of that plant to the iranians and i think moscow sees this is possibly the way forward the way forward is cooperation with iran with the country's nuclear industry because if you're cooperating with the country there's less secrecy and then that could lead in turn to less mutual suspicion and i think that russia sees that as the way forward. and now we're joined live by is the rise of war over it in japan in the research for an accident on u.s. iran relations right thank you so much for joining us here in r.t. to discuss this groundbreaking deal is that well president obama still says that the majority of sanctions will still be in place so how do you see this groundbreaking deal i mean is this really a win win solution. i think at the onset it may not be
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a win win solution and we're working towards that and i think both sides have to regain trust a lot of times we hear the americans saying that they don't trust the iranians but the opposite is also true and we know that america has concluded multilateral and bilateral treaties and agreements with iran and other countries and have in fact violated them so we need to a good deal of trust them both sides but i really do want to emphasize that this is not just about iran and these three were the people live and why this is about endorsing an international treaty and as such a high to international laws and to everybody who abides by these laws i think well there i am sorry for interrupting you but at the moment i'd like you to stay with us here on the line we can go to u.s. secretary of state john kerry speaking let's hear his reaction right now we go back to you later. the pilot and we're honored to be here even
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at this very early hour of the morning i particularly want to thank my colleagues from the united kingdom germany france russia china and especially lady cathy ashton who is not only a good friend but a persistent. dog and negotiator and somebody who's been staying out there for a long period of time and we're very grateful for her stewardship of these negotiations and if i can take a moment i really want to thank the team from the united states there's been a great many people involved in this effort for a long period of time. both here in switzerland with us now but also back in the united states and they know they are but i will single out our undersecretary of state wendy sherman. who has been
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a dog an unbelievably patient and and skillful and and she has helped through long and arduous months years stewardship of our part of this within the p five plus one and i'm very grateful to her for those long efforts and all of her team. that the united nations general assembly. in september president obama asked me and our team to work with our partners in order to pursue a negotiated settlement or solution with respect to the international community's concerns about iran's nuclear program. last month the p five plus one entered into a more accelerated negotiation after a number of years of meetings in various parts of the world in efforts to engage
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iran in serious negotiations the purpose of this is very simple to require a rand to prove the peaceful nature of its nuclear program and to ensure that it cannot acquire a nuclear weapon and the reason for this is very clear the united nations security council found that they were not in compliance with the n.p.t. or other a and other standards. and obviously activities such as a secret multis centrifuge mountain hideaway which is being used for enrichment raised many people's questions which is why alternately sanctions were put in place. today. we are taking a serious step toward answering all of those important questions that have been raised through the united nations security council through the i.a.e.a.
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and by individual countries and we are taking those steps with an agreement that. impedes the progress in a very dramatic way of iran's principal enrichment facilities and parts of its program and ensures that it cannot advance in a way that will threaten. our friends in the region threaten other countries threaten the world the fact is that. if this step first step leads to what is our ultimate goal which is a comprehensive agreement that will make the world safer this first step i want to emphasize actually rolls back the program from where it is today
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and large is the breakout time which would not have occurred unless this agreement existed. it will make our partners in the region safer it will make our ally israel safer and this has been a difficult and a prolonged process it's been difficult for us it's been difficult for. our allies and it's obviously been difficult for the government of iran the next phase let me be clear will be even more difficult and we need to be honest about it but it will also be even more consequential now while we obviously have profound differences with iran. yet to be resolved the fact is that this agreement could not have been reached without the decision of the iranian government to come to the table and negotiate and i want to say tonight that. foreign
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minister zarif worked hard deliberated hard and we are. obviously we believe better that the decision was made to come here than not to and to work hard to reach an agreement and we thank. the foreign minister for those efforts. together now we need to set about the critical task of proving to the world what iran has said many times that its program is in fact peaceful now with this first step we have created the time and the space in order to be able to pursue a comprehensive agreement that would finish the work that president obama get began on the very first day in office.


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