tv [untitled] November 24, 2013 2:00am-2:31am EST
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breaking news here on araa to be a triumph of diplomacy a deal between six world powers and iran over its nuclear program is reached effectively putting an end to a decade long standoff our response bring us reactions from across the globe but. enrichment program will continue this verse does say that iran has a right to enrich but what exactly did the sides agree on and we take a look at what the new deal holds. and israel warns against celebrating the agreement saying to iran is the only winner and a deal and that a nuclear arms race could follow.
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this is r.t. coming to live from moscow with me marina joshie welcome to the program will begin with breaking news world powers and iran have reached and sturrock nuclear deal and the decade long deadlock over to iran's nuclear ambitions the breakthrough came after more than four days of intense talks and the atmosphere of unprecedented secrecy and out of the year media blackout are just volleyball there wasn't geneva with a delegation of russia's foreign minister to follow the discussions. that momentous occasion first of all off to two sets of failed negotiations before this ten years of political wrangling over iran's nuclear issue five days of talks intense heated talks in geneva a night of several hundred journalists sleeping in the media center waiting for
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a decision and we finally have a breakthrough that historical deal has been. now it's hard to describe just how tense the atmosphere has been here throughout the night waiting for any sort of news from those negotiations to find out whether or not that deal has been made and up until the very last moment when we received the news about the deal being made there was no way of knowing which way it was going to go because sticking point still remained between the sides now the agreement that we have at the moment according to the russian foreign ministry coincides with what russia had been proposing from the offset in these nuclear negotiations now what are the details that we know so far well that we have according to the russian foreign ministry coincides with what russia had been proposing from the offset in these nuclear negotiations we can take a listen to a lover of talking about that right now in
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a bit more detail. in this the six negotiating agreed to recognize iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy including its right to nuclear enrichment on the condition that its program is placed under strict control by the way this will boost confidence and will let our e.u. and u.s. . sanctions against iran that danger used by the u.n. security council russia has never recognized the unilateral penalties easing pressure on the run should start with lifting. now among the details that one mention there by sergey lavrov is that this will be the six month freeze over iran's nuclear program no new centrifuges are going to be added and no new uranium enrichment facilities are going to be built and everyone has agreed to stop enriching uranium over five percent now so the deal here has been made it may only
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be an interim deal for the moment which means that you have to start again in six months time but at the moment if you like a historic breakthrough well despite hailing the deal with iran u.s. president obama said the majority of american sanctions against iran will stay in place are going to shoot down has more from washington president obama pledged a modest relief of sanctions in return for iran scaling back its nuclear program the relief will include freeing up a small portion of iran's overseas accounts as well as easing some other trade restrictions here's actually what the president said on our side the united states and our friends and allies have agreed to provide iran with modest relief while continuing to apply our toughest sanctions we will refrain from imposing new sanctions and we will allow the iranian government excess to
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a portion of the revenue that they have been denied through sanctions. but the broader architecture of sanctions will remain in place and we will continue to enforce them vigorously and if iran does not fully meet its commitments during the six month phase we will turn off the relief and ratchet up the pressure while again that's president obama said the u.s. would refrain from imposing new sanctions because it would undermine the breakthrough deal that they just reached to with iran we know that the u.s. congress was just about to pass another round of sanctions and the president has urged congress not to do that now although the obama administration now says sanctions have worked in these negotiations others argue that sanctions have created this hostile environment which throughout all these years made it impossible to reach a deal but still even though there is a temporary agreement the parties have already come out with what seems to be different interpretations especially on the key issue of whether or not iran has
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the right to enrich uranium we believe that the current agreement current time of action as we call it in this thing places. a very clear reference to the fact that iranian. enrichment program will continue and will be a part of any agreement now and in the future this first step let me be clear this first step does not say that iran has a right to enrich but no matter what interpretive comments are made. it is not in this document there is no right to enrich within before corners of the n.p.t. and this document does not do that president obama on his part said iran should have access to peaceful nuclear energy but because of violations in the past he
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said he wants to be strictly limited in his capacity to develop a nuclear program now we have to take into account that the obama administration is now under a lot of pressure from the u.s. congress which is hardly in favor of any deal with iran and its allies israel and some of the gulf states which don't want to see you ron sanctions sanctions relieved so president obama. he president obama as well as secretary kerry they had to work their statements very carefully and ultimately their message to both israel and their partners in the gulf was that this deal will eventually make everyone safe or well it seems the deal has left room for different interpretations asia times correspondent pepe escobar said this could be disruptive tool for those against a compromise with iran. the spin war has started at three am in geneva and it's going to be going for another six months kerry had to see that so
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he could obese the israel lobby the u.s. congress and this one hobby petro dollar law of the u.s. not to mention some new york aunts and us as well still very boncelles and in iran it's different they are saying we still have our right to enrich uranium and it's correct we have to follow the letter of the agreement this means the enrichment of two percent ok knowing rich that until twenty percent for the next six months no new centrifuges i'm lowndes the inspectors which will be on iran practical going to the bases from now one if you have the usual infiltrators who will start spinning something else i'm sure iran won't break their promises it's that in their own interest while not everyone's happy with the diplomatic progress u.s. senator suggest washington could have handled the talks in a more rigid way apart from claims of weakness some believe the white house has
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alienated its allies pepe escobar says we'll hear more from the critics. for the moment we have a breakthrough it's going to last six months there will be all sorts of interest to try to board this deal and i say specially the wahabi betrayal dollar g.c.c. . interests and the israeli law the as well but for the moment we have diplomacy in action something that we haven't seen especially between us and the world for thirty four years so this is the vision of big breakthrough at the moment but we have to be. over somebody maybe just joining us i'd like to remind you of our ongoing coverage of the breaking news here on our world powers and iran have reached an historic nuclear deal and began decade long deadlock over to ron's nuclear ambitions according to russia's foreign minister in the deal the world powers recognize iran's peaceful atom and uranium enrichment under strict control
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of the i.a.e.a. the u.n. atomic watchdog let's now take a more detailed look at some of the key points of the deal that have already emerged while first iran will reduce its uranium enrichment from twenty percent to a maximum five percent and this level ensures a peaceful use of atomic material then tehran is also supposed to stop a day adding new centrifuges sticking to our dated equipment and keep the have a water reactor near the town of iraq non-operational the un should have round the clock ability to check and control and activity at the enrichment plants in return sanctions will be lifted allowing to iran to regain control of some of its assets said to be worth up to four billion dollars for a period of up to six months now more comments on the diplomatic breakthrough coming your way in just a moment. oh
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should have you with us here on t.v. today i roll over sushi. welcome back you're watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow and here's a reminder of our breaking news story and a story deal on iran's nuclear program has been reached and a decade long standoff between iran and world powers according to the agreement iran will freeze its nuclear program for six months in exchange for partial sanctions relief all six negotiating nations hailed the deal though some issues are apparently interpreted differently russia says recognition of the iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy includes its right to uranium enrichment while the u.s. insists it's not mentioned in the deal. well one country not happy
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about the deal with iran is israel which has accused the world of self delusion the country's foreign minister has also said the agreement signals the beginning of a nuclear arms race our disposal yours in tel aviv for us and has more starting to get israeli reaction and as to be expected it is highly critical of the deal that was signed off in geneva a statement from sources in the israeli prime minister's office say that this is a bad deal that this gives the iranians exactly what they wanted which is relief from sanctions one of the same time allowing them to continue with their nuclear program the sources saying that the agreement allows you to continue to enrich uranium and leaves it with all its centrifuges it says that it does not lead to the dismantling of the a rock react with the prime minister's office also saying that they believe that economic sanctions would have been the preferable route and would have achieved
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iran dismantle. with the israeli preference over any kind of deal having been signed the israeli foreign minister avigdor lieberman has also stated that this is to quote him the greatest diplomatic victory that iran has had in years lead them in saying that the agreement acknowledges iran's right to enrich uranium and brings us closer to a nuclear arms race medium and saying that the rainiest have in essence being rewarded and here you had me as maybe intelligence minister you've also find it's who let's miles we know has come on record he says and i'm quoting him here that there is no reason for the world to to be celebrating the deal is based on a radio deception and self delusion and then he and the other israeli minister also making these comments that israel is not bound by this bad deal israel will not out of its security now we are hearing from an american official that in the coming hours the american president barack obama will telephone the israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu to update him on the deal and at the same time to try and deal with netanyahu concerns the question now is what is netanyahu going to do of course he has used a lot of good bungling in the past he's threatened that he will carry out a military strike be relationship between the israelis and the americans is particularly tense and it's questionable whether or not that's when yahoo will carry out any kind of military action without the support of the americans so that is the debate at the moment here in tel aviv what exactly will be the mixtape for prime minister netanyahu and his government. well let's discuss this further and discuss israel's for strong response to the deal with iran dawson a rotter who's been following the talks very closely brian thank you so much for joining us here on r.g.p. to talk about this as we've just heard a very strong response coming out of israel so why exactly is this deal such
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a blow to the country. well that's to be expected from the israelis that they're criticizing a highly audit credibility to the deal rather than attract it israel has its own nuclear program it's a built in secret from technology that they stole from the united states and material from the united states netanyahu bibi himself was part of smuggling cry trons and that scandal that goes all the back to a new back in pennsylvania which they've polluted parts of the united states and they're the country that's openly ethnically cleansing their neighbors if anybody does there are sanctions it's himself they deal is not a blow to israel's security or anybody security iran is only enriching to five percent sanctions by and large are still in place they did get some relief up to about four point two billion dollars they're going to be allowed to trade in oil but if you compare that to the numbers of two thousand and eleven before the sanctions were in place they're still losing about five billion dollars a month they'll be losing thirty billion dollars in this six month interim deal
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that they're getting four point two back in return is a win for them because they're losing less than they were losing before but they're still losing a lot a lot more than if they didn't have to sanctions there at all while it's i mean the first thing to see in the days and weeks to come how the geopolitical situation in the region will pan out and speaking of israel's foreign minister said this deal that may trigger the arms race in the region so how justified are the concerns of things really foreign minister in your opinion. well based on what i mean they constantly sing this song and this tune the same song and dance but iran is hoping the morn's factions now and in the past they've always been cleared they've never. been guilty of anything the israelis are accusing them of they're always saying they're building nuclear bomb without providing any evidence whatsoever they see it the same thing about iraq and they are wrong about that as well israel is the real
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issue is it is with their economic reasons. not the scare tactics of a nuclear bomb has nothing to do with that but what we all should be very concerned about is when they're saying they're talking about making a strike as they've done to syria four times that's the real threat to the world that's the real threat to peace is if the israelis would do such a thing because that could be absolutely catastrophic but a european how far is israel prepared to go i mean in other words what can israel did to undermine the geneva talks. i don't think they're going to be able to undermine it i mean they can pay for the u.s. congress through but given that the secretary of state and the president are on board with this brock obama and john kerry of both men calling this a first step so if you listen to the language they already have a second step in mine for may which you are going to see further improvement and the israelis are not going to be able to destroy this peace. short of anything
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other than something very dramatic. and with all american support israel's not going to act on that they can talk all they want but they're not going to do anything well in your opinion how would the relations between america and israel developed after will anything change. probably the u.s. will pay them off they already gave them a half billion dollars when france next round of talks a couple weeks ago and so israel will get its get its money from the united states as they always do and they'll be pacified like that but the u.s. is not going to give up on this peace deal we've had a basic old war with iran since one nine hundred seventy nine and this is a major step forward and we have everybody on board yes the they are not enriching to twenty percent it had nothing to do with the scare of a nuclear weapon here that was probably more the french who don't want to compete with the market for medical isotopes but there's been a lot of negotiation and
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a lot of time put in this and they're not going to throw it all away because the israelis are having a fit. all right ryan thank you so much for joining us here on our team to discuss with us brian dawson there. and it will now be difficult for the u.s. to keep up the idea that iraq is a spreads to israel and that's the opinion of soraya so before or it's an independent research or an expert on u.s. iran relations. america has been misinforming the public not just american public but the whole world for such a long time that it's going to be very difficult for them to step back away from that to mention that iran is a threat to israel. it's just something that's the fact to speak and it's impacted this been built in order to continue supporting israel to sell arms to the neighbors in the region and also to you to distract from everything that israel
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does in the region israel has between two hundred and four hundred nuclear warheads and if ever iran were to pose a threat to israel where there was a nuclear attack or if it were to build nuclear bombs which it has not decided it is no matter what israel's nuclear arsenal are. take a look at the long and winding road to the historic deal iran's nuclear program started in the fifty's with the help of the u.s. but it is in the late twentieth century that tensions started really to heat up around its atomic ambitions back in one thousand nine hundred six the u.s. finally moved down the track of sanctions lambaste into iran after alleging its nuclear program was for military purposes that's also when talks started but they reach a deadlock in two thousand and five and iran's president at the time a job resumed iranian enrichment the un to work quick to respond unanimously
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agreeing on their own set of sanctions a year later while this though failed to convince iran to drop its nuclear program on the contrary in twenty tan and increase the level of uranium enrichment to twenty percent and that was widely seen as a significant step towards arms production the move allegedly triggered the assassinations of four raney a nuclear scientist with israel's mossad suspected of involvement and filing in june this year iran elected hassan rouhani as its new president something many see as a game changer in terrans relations with the west. well russia's foreign minister was among the first stop diplomats to arrive in geneva my colleague bill dodd discussed moscow's role in the with our. bush's role in this process bill really is to bridge the gap between some in the west and iran russia has been opposed to iran acquiring a nuclear bomb but acknowledges that iran does have
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a right to peaceful nuclear program which iran says was really a precondition to these talks they were saying that no deal was going to be struck unless this precondition was met and russia has really tried to ease the tensions because that precondition led to some in the west being quite suspicious about iran and their motives and russia really has tried to ease those tensions and suspicions in order to try and get all parties around the table which they they've obviously done and it's also something that's proven slightly easier of course since the election of his son rouhani who's a comparative moderate in comparison with his predecessor mahmoud ahmadinejad's pressure isn't opposed to playing hardball with iran when it needs to with its role as a permanent member of the u.n. security council has agreed to four rounds of sanctions against iran over the years between two thousand and six and two thousand and ten of these sanctions include a ban on the supply of heavy weaponry and nuclear related related technology a block on iranian arms exports and an asset freeze on key individuals and
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companies but as these sanctions have tightened over the years an economic sanctions have grown. they've started to hit the population of iran hard in moscow saying these are increasingly ineffective method really it's the wrong people that are being punished relationships between toronto moscow complicated i think it's fair to say not as straightforward as perhaps it would seem on the face now in two thousand and seven a military deal was struck worth around eight hundred million dollars it was for to tehran to purchase missile defense systems from moscow that was in two thousand and seven but then in two thousand and ten after a tightening of un sanctions russia's then president dmitri medvedev canceled that deal without any explanation not iran to call for compensation on the issue has since been resolved but it just shows there are. plex a tease when involved when dealing with iran and it is worth noting of course that moscow is involved in iran's nuclear program very much so moscow funded the
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building of the nuclear plant in iran and it was only in september this year that it handed over complete control of that plant to the iranians and i think moscow sees this is possibly the way forward the way forward is cooperation with iran with the country's nuclear industry because if you're cooperating with the country there's less secrecy and then that could lead in turn to a less mutual suspicion and i think that russia sees that as the way forward. well here's a reminder of our breaking story today on our t.v. and a story deal on iran's nuclear program has been reached and being a decade long standoff between the run a world powers according to the agreement iran will freeze its nuclear program for six months in exchange for partial sanctions relief all six negotiating nations hailed the deal some issues are apparently and the differently russia says recognition and ron's right to peaceful nuclear energy includes its right to uranium enrichment while the u.s.
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insists it's not mentioned in the deal. well of course so we'll be bringing you more on of this story at the top of the hour a live analysis with our correspondent in experts alike so do stay with us for that if you can in the meantime we reveal a day in the life of some scary thing i'm an activist just ahead here in our stay with us. in my research i randomly came across a sad statistic according to the center for the constitution only twenty eight percent of americans have actually read the constitution although the overwhelming majority claimed that they understood some of it and now we see why the constitution especially the bill of rights are getting whittled away the average person doesn't really know what their secret covenant with the government actually
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says which means the government can get away with reinterpreting the agreement to suit their needs and not yours because no one is the wiser but if you think i'm going to see blue where average american how dare you then you are wrong the problem is that any kind of philosophy or ideology or just even asking why seems to be getting out of favor in educational systems all over the western world and beyond i mean shouldn't the average american be taught in school about. you know america unlike the constitution and capitalism how going to society advocate praise or defend values they don't have any idea about please let's get the stuff back into the educational system but fascist my opinion. terrorists are simply a bad groups of people located throughout the world no different than say a motorcycle gang or what have you that are involved in bad activities you're not
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going to solve that problem by invading countries overthrowing governments and occupying countries that's the solution that's insane if you're going to win it with good police work and intelligence gathering that's how you'll defeat terrorism they are just simply little pockets of bad people throughout the world you have to deal with and creating an empire in occupying nations with your military is not the answer. yes. you can be my best friend. but he was only. a moment something. like this when you know which enjoys some work to do as you go
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through the first thirty two only a fraction looms if you don't. believe you say you show us this is a. good even. for we look. cute dog looks good only it was looking like this will be a good boy the boy you. yes this. but us the moon the nobody needs to be but it isn't since the state is the only libel. the most someone did those us knew months enough but that a movie that will be zero zero zero. zero. zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
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zero i mean you. can continue to. push the. because only to. what i think the global climate and the body will. tell you that i'm not the fourth but the f.a.q. . but but it's so. obvious or is pretty i want to come so go for it. ghostface killah breasts thanks this brave. young man's. president he prepared to. dismiss.
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