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tv   [untitled]    November 24, 2013 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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cut out there is no basis for this week the budget cuts are going. to be the reality they also got it right and the facts are these. are. the sound is making its way to the so they are hoping these to come j.p. morgan. so are. they going to reached an all time high this week of a nine hundred dollars now that is paid if you have invested one thousand dollars a year ago and cashed in on that day you would have made over seventy six thousand dollars and the reason behind the huge gains were largely put down to us lawmakers hearing that virtual cars is all a legitimate financial service during a special meeting in congress with the same benefits and risks as our online payment systems another reason behind because as late as gains as it's growing popularity in china now about a third of the world's big corn transactions now flow through the china exchange bt
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say so are now joined by bobby lee who's the heads of the exchange ok bobby what i want to know is why is the big question so popular inside out because it's been quite popular in china over the past few months due to come in you should know more where miss in china because it is a nation of savers people tend to see for the rainy day and because we want to you know when they see the heart where they are when they see their hard earned income they want to put the money to good use it should be you could buy realistically buy gold buy stocks be put in long term deposits in the bank and you should be quite has come up as i know that yet another way for them to to invest money why is the big so volatile because this week we've seen outrageous volatility spinor that's raised the reason small towns because of supply demand in essence because big. it is limited to twenty one million it turns out there's only about
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twelve million because it's available today our daily volume has spiked to about eighty thousand two hundred eleven hundred ten thousand people in the day so as prices go up and up and up there are just not that many people or people who want to sell because it's have already sold it declines at lower prices so the next buyer who is eager to buy the coin at whatever price it is then has to buy at the very high price so you see a sharp jump in the price so what happens over time as there is more liquidity in the market that would sort of calm down a little bit in the price it will be more normal but they want to regulate the full day could it potentially tell that they. i know i know a lot of people out there are free to begley should but i take a different perspective all the rules and regulations related to currency do what i do because because because it is not a currency so there's a sort of cash for me to wear until because it is recognized it cannot be regulated yet people are afraid of being regulated so my cake is our business for my puppy
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mean we want the coin to be regulated in china we want china to take an active role in order to indorse and. promote point in the space that we can do you nation the sector so relay that talking to us from shanghai speaking bt see china has just that we really appreciate your thoughts and we're now joined by about him exeunt t.v. c t i of the company that invest into big point doesn't is that right yes right we were the first company to make it quite fun so our customers for the green investment to be buying i.k. so with that in mind what happened this week was that nine hundred mark what was going through your mind you must be in pretty excited now we were pretty calm about it because we knew that option is rising that's why it was just one movement in the price and then it got back to the same levels really the reason that it did. so much is because of what was happening in the us see us regulation talks are you can
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you know with that killed a bit shady that's part of its attraction the fact that it is private yes i think one of the main drivers this week was the us talk about the. the guys on the internet they were really very optimistic because the government showed that they're ready to get involved into this digital currency being and we know that a month ago germany accepted bitcoin as legal plantar because raising taxes and use it was a change that so i think that government showed people that they are quite comfortable with it and they're looking for different ways too. come to regulation yeah and moving on so what is the future the big point you think that it's just going to get bigger and better and more improved is about your cars i think i think yes i see the future that it will become one of the major accounts of the current system in the digital world when you first started investing into bitcoin to think people
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think you were mad yeah actually they still do this today now even though it was up to the nine hundred s. but try to splay in that knowledge is quite for bust sporting like fourth for years . even more. it has been proven by many millions of transactions over it so quite mature. and in terms of a portfolio how would you recommend going about it in terms of the because there is so volatile isn't it yes that's what i say it's all the investors not only because work or school stocks investors you should always diverse for you. but you know the best from the risk from the big risk diversification that's why you should take just portion of your money and if you believe in the knowledge invest into it going for them great advice just from flattering mazelike or from exam to thank you for
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coming in today we really appreciate that. j.p. morgan chase will pay thirteen billion dollars for its part in the financial crisis of two thousand and eight the bank acknowledged serious misrepresentations to the public and investors about the real state of toxic mortgage loans leading up to the financial crash and it's not all over for j.p. morgan the criminal part of the investigation will continue as well as charges over dodgy hiring practices in china and the huge london while trading losses ukrainian government has suspended preparations for entering the free trade zone now with politics involved as well as the economy playing its part two with the crimean energy minister commenting that the decision was based on the best economic interests of his country. now we've got alexei jarosz s.k. our correspondent in ukraine for us giving us a full report on the details as to what's going on alexei what are the main issues
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at the moment. well the main issue at the moment is that the government of ukraine decided to take a u.-turn hundred eighty degree u. turn from what was said about two months ago by joining the european union for a free trade zone basically it's been a matter of choice we bring all along the choice between the free trade zone with the e.u. and the customs union with russia and the c.i.s. countries everyone thought that ukraine would be joining the free trade zone with the european union but now it said that it suspended all preparations for signing the association deal and is looking to restore a crippled and damaged trade ties with russia and the c.i.s. countries simply understanding that the crane in the corner me it's ailing already and would not be ready for such a leap of faith would not be ready for aligning itself with the european union and the european union on its turn never promised any kind of compensation for the
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potential economic damages that ukraine might have suffered and what about ukraine now what the real sense is what's next on the table. for the quite obvious option for ukraine now is to. basically estimate how they can avoid all these economic damages that is why according to the first vice prime minister of ukraine's government is the boycott they're looking to create a three sided commission between russia the e.u. and ukraine to discuss potential. compensations of those damages and risks to graney an economy and how these things could be avoided we understand at the moment that the e.u. have is hasn't promised any kind of compensation to ukraine the f.b.i. in the next seven years is to be expected at the level of around one billion euro per year grain is estimated to be losing more than three billion euros a year if it severs its trade ties with russia so this is basically the only offer
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. very very nervous dress to meet our very avoid those losses because the surgery we understand there do you still looking to sign the association deal in the future only results or those there will just be great it's going to be alexei thank you for the day to. really appreciate it go in size and have a cup of tea and get warm today the south stream will begin broad channel to serbia and they do work two point four billion dollars construction is now underway for the natural gas pipeline to run under the black sea to bulgaria and hungary before reaching out to western europe but there's a bit of a a spanner in the was because an official claims that the deal is in collision with the rules mr bush from the energy department said that is not in line with their rules since they do not allow for third parties which in this case would be gas problem mr bush he went on to say that an exemption could be granted but it's not
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been requested. corporate news now then and we're going to start with the aircraft sector because boeing russia's largest titanium producer they've agreed to expand their joint venture with fathers who make plane parts of the urals region boeing plans to spend around twenty seven billion dollars on russian titanium over the next decade. gazprom increased gas supplies to europe by fifteen point five percent in the first nine months of twenty germany turkey and italy remain the biggest buyers of russian natural gas. production telecoms giant ross tell a call was his exports to return a giant payout he received when leaving the company the golden parachute just seven million dollars paid to alexander provost told caused outrage. now been particularly looking food to this section of the show yes we're going to get over
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to the business as we're going to talk to mr schoen solvers. it's going really well for you this way so it's been amazing in fact these balloons be symbolic of the rise in my portfolio as things are just going great in fact bitcoin you know if you remember i put twenty five percent of my portfolio into bitcoin it's up forty four percent on top of that gazprom is up one percent the remaining seventy five percent of my portfolio was in gazprom which means i made nearly twelve hundred dollars this week putting me up like i've made money for the first time since this entire venture started my portfolio now at ten thousand dollars nine hundred ninety two was. fantastic good stuff so listen big calling savalas i'll call you. strong enough are you going to stay with a how do you still have to stick with that i've got the balloons to stick with it
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in fact i am going to stay twenty five percent in bitcoin because here's my theory because you know the holiday season is coming about in russia they do new year's and people are going to be buying gifts and what have you on line shopping this i figure because it's going to be a good way to stay i'm also going to stay fifty percent in gas problem this time because it's starting to get cold people are going to be using more energy i think it's a good time to stay in energy and then also. the potage wars i'm going to kind of go twenty five percent because i've got some idea that things are going to be stabilizing there which means prices are going to be better for the producers so i'm going to get involved in the potage wars twenty five percent so twenty five percent your colleague twenty five percent bitcoin to fifty percent gazprom is going to do for next week let's go. in the bail is. indeed well done congratulations see. that thing but today's venture capital we've all kind of think cooling haven't seen the phone message that surprising next week i'm going to be
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seeing how the crane get. on how the situation develops as well but if you're excuse me i've got some fear is partying and celebrations today with that so i feel like. they're free you take out your personal example off the government topping your phones and you know you see them later on to me years later you know some governments cannot afford to do that not only you know again some prominent journalism so again some had to say that i remember thinking at the time i discovered all this if there were tapping my phone for this ocean in consequential . nation demonstrating tapping thousands about telephones here or not.
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if you're thinking about an alcoholic drink associated with russia it's probably not going to be one that springs into your head but they've been making it here on the black sea coast for more than two thousand kids and there's an industry which really can compete with the best the rest of the world has to also welcome to meet some of the people growing the greats and to see if i can find out the secret to the perfect.
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question a weekly around about the top stories of the last seven days with me kevin allen now of all the countries targeted by america's drone war far campaign yemen has suffered the worst losses and despite president obama's promises for greater transparency accurate data on casualties is still hard to come by at his lucy catherine off went to one remote yemeni village to see the real impact of the unmanned strikes. it says no faith for the one who has no trust but both are now in short supply in this part of yemen for months the class has been without its mouth teacher and this pupil without his father this is the big show about a charity i didn't ask his name is still on the staff schedule but i leave hasn't been here since signing out of class on january twenty third the last of the the
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final to be the father of three was killed by a u.s. drone alongside his twenty year old cousin salim a college student who drove them in a borrowed to yoda they picked up two strangers who turned out to be suspected al qaeda militants witnesses reported a whirring sound in the sky then missiles struck their car. the smell of death was everywhere some of the bodies were burned beyond recognition the rest were ripped to shreds and scattered all around. i found a part of saleman side the car the rest was outside we only recognised him by a piece of his trousers. you couldn't tell who was who if they were even human it was sickening. one drone change the sleepy farming village for ever less than an hour's drive from yemen's capital kabul lawn is far removed from al qaeda operations but without warning it was thrust into the war on terror. saleem's mother shows me where her son used to sleep she can't bear to get rid of his things
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although she knows she'll never return home. can't help us i didn't understand until the next day that an american drone killed my son why tell me may allah deprive them of their souls like they robbed us of our son he was the only one providing for this family all we have left now is our tears we only target al qaeda and its associated force and even then the use of drones is heavily can strike before any strike is taken there must be near. certainly but no civilians will be killed or injured the highest standard we can set. except there was a deadly failure yemen's interior ministry confirms the cousins had no links to terrorism in a country where tribal ties surmount all the loss was felt far beyond the family the white house has never acknowledged the deaths let alone the strike but mohamed
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shows me the evidence this is what killed them what's thought to be a fragment of a hellfire missile launched from a drone. the u.s. believes this is its best weapon against al qaeda although not officially out war in yemen the covert drone campaign has been dramatically ramped up here under president obama. yemen's al qaeda threat is real it's plotted attacks on international airliners and caused hundreds of deaths the cia describes it as the most dangerous and active branch of the terrorist network the defense is that drone strikes have seriously damaged his ability to plan attacks but critics here say it's doing the exact opposite it does not contain the ghosts of the facts that may have contributed to the growth and expansion of. at some point when i. get off powerful enough to be able to inflict serious damage
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the u.s. war on terror has no borders often waged remotely with cruise missiles and drones it's an undeclared global battlefield in which yemen is just one of the front lines of fight against groups like al qaida in which ordinary civilians also end up paying a price. i ask obama to bring my dad back to life all the kids at school have their fathers but we don't reporting in ca law on in yemen and lucy catherine of. well this week a delegation from yemen describe u.s. lawmakers the horrors of drone called for an end to the attacks families of drone strike victims describe the pain of their losses an international conference in washington where there is well calling for more transparency of accountability to some declaring americans on my company in a form of terrorism it was heartbreaking to hear these stories of people who had not even heard about the united states didn't know why these missiles were coming
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down and attacking them you know people who have committed suicide because of the mental pressure of having these drones hover overhead twenty four hours a day in my mind having missiles come out of the sky from out of nowhere and attacking families is a form of terrorism. so i don't know how you can determine that somebody is a terrorist without presenting evidence against them and that's what the geneva conventions call for so you know these drone strikes violate many many tenets of the geneva conventions they violate the sovereignty of the foreign countries that we're attacking the drone attacks are not only you know not effective but they're actually counter effective because absolutely we are creating more enemies with every innocent person that we kill. so the completely different acts were used to get more grocery sky usually but in britain it's shoppers facing getting checked out the u.k.'s largest retailer tesco
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a set up cameras with facial recognition technology to pinpoint marketing they say needless to say it's not sitting well with privacy companies or his laura smith's story. so say it's thursday morning i walk into a shop it is all the usual stuff plus a special camera that scans my face it recognizes that i'm female and age between thirty and forty five then so there's that information back to advertise who collects it to establish a pattern of who goes into the shop from now on on thursday mornings customers will be bombarded with ads for shampoo and fashion magazine. if you think about something out of a futuristic movie think again it's what's happening now tesco the u.k.'s biggest supermarket chain is planning to introduce facial scanning technology in its petrol
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stations with a view to targeting advertising at the demographic that uses the shop most times of day even the c.e.o. of the company that makes the technology says it's like something out of minority reports seemingly not realizing that comparing something to a film about the negative effects of having technology in media everywhere is a bad thing but tesco defends the practice saying it's not new technology and isn't capable of facial recognition we're always looking to work with partners who provide innovative ways to enhance the customer shopping experience the ability to tailor content based on time and location means it can be extremely useful and timely for all customers all in the name of advertising customers permission would be sought and privacy campaign is worried it could be the tip of the iceberg with technology improving all the time how long before you're being tracked identifies
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why you pay for your groceries. the right to freedom of assembly may be in stride america's constitution blunder a new bill proposed it could soon come with a price tag too to be exact it would cost five thousand dollars to stage a rally at any oil drilling site and it doesn't end there either another bill would exempt the government regulating the fracking industry leaving that to more compliant local authorities jus of amendments courtesy of your lobby get to become law but have already passed the house of representatives in europe meantime bureaucrats are still not sure what to make of the fracking revolution on the one hand there's overwhelming public opposition on the other backing from powerful interests but attorney juniper one of britain's leading environmentalists tells us the real cost will be paid by future generations. makes more money for some people in the short term and those people happen to have very powerful leverage over government institutions this is not about whether this is a better energy source or not in an economic sense it's basically a rigged market that the environmental costs are not being paid for by the shale
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gas companies therefore we get a false illusion as to this being a cheap energy source when in fact it's only cheap now because we're passing on the costs of it being used into the future for our children and grandchildren indeed we're already beginning to see some of the costs of this kind of energy being used in the in the present and that hurricane that hit the philippines a couple of weeks ago is an example of the kind of extreme weather conditions that we can expect to accompany rapid warming of the atmosphere. in brief tonight in pakistan more than ten thousand demonstrators have held the city near the city push our blocking nato supply trucks from reaching neighboring afghanistan they say they'll continue their protest until u.s. drone strikes stop the rally was organized by a nationalist political party headed by former cricketer in. tension between washington and islamabad has been high over america using unmanned bombers in pakistan's tribal areas. crowds of protesters gathered at fort benning in the u.s.
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state of georgia to demand the closure of a controversial military college there the western hemisphere institute for security cooperation formerly known as the school of the americas provides training to latin american soldiers it was briefly closed in two thousand only to be opened again the following year under a new name the institution faces some severe allegations. training assassin was a torture and overthrowing governments and the us had absolutely no place or no role in doing that or is wrong we think the fact that we're trying to be better lyricist on so many levels and you know trying to get to other people's government is not the way to do it it's not the answer so many clearly me it is a fear card should you close it this you call it the scream of the americas where we. know that you've given. the same the shape of a general. and to go protest getting momentum in thailand where more than one hundred thousand people have been rallying in the capital for the premier to resign
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it's the largest turnout since a violent government crackdown on protesters in twenty ten left ninety people dead the demonstrations just bought two months ago by a government plan to grant amnesty to the prime minister's brother taksin shinawatra was in power at the time. thanks to a company of about with more of the day's in the week's top stories in just a few minutes here on out to international from was. this one thing that i still can't understand it and i don't want to ruin your good mood but i have this one question would do this all for you that you had everything . respect and that you give them all up in the sun to go your way but what for.
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it was a wait and for him he tried to restrain himself but look at it on the first out anyway. if it really puts me off that i have such a father. it was one smooth very great secret that i have to live with. but let me just tell you something right now president george w. bush never claimed the right to extradition really assassinate american citizens this president barack obama should be impeached for crimes against the citizens and against the constitution because he has killed women and children in drone strikes so i just like to say that i think that history is not going to judge the presidency of barack obama and george bush in the same light whatsoever i think
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obama is way worse than bush and i am not a big fan of george w. bush ok and you could probably be co-hosting this program i guess i don't need to say very much definitely reflected from what we've heard from good ruby and from austin there there is no compare and contrast between either president whatsoever besides having a spending problem this president currently has spanned and the debt and deficits out of control more than all presidents combined however george w. bush did spend too much but his governing style foreign policy prowess taking a set of crisis and leadership style or night and day over what president obama's are. we are still far in debt to be born today in the united states when it takes its furthest first breath of years fifty thousand dollars in debt. ringing home we have no money to give anyone how can you call us the richest
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country in the world when we're true true humans of dollars in debt. right from the scene. first street. and i think the church. orders. the. secret laboratory. to build. anything tombs mission to teach creation why it should care about humans. this
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is why you should care only on the. days of intense talks crowded into secrecy resulted in the storage deal ending a decade of diplomatic standoff over iran's nuclear program but divisions remain. enrichment program we'll continue this first step does not say that iran has a right to enrichment mixed messages so what exactly did the sides agree on. in the war has started. to be cooling for another six months experts warn that the deal vague language could see all sides in the details themselves. you know the news a. new ukraine's government building where over one hundred thousand people protesting over the country's wavering on integrating with.


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