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tv   [untitled]    November 25, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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this is arts international this morning all room for further agreement bosco claims the u.s. now is no reason to proceed with this controversial missile defense plans in europe but for rand plays by the rules. police and protesters fired tear gas at each other in the ukrainian capital during a second and rest of the government pulling back from an deal. between the oil industry propaganda and environmental panic it's hard to get a grip on fracking decide for yourself later than this let me hear from a former oil executive and those forced to abandon their homes because of a controversial fuel obstruction technique.
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kevin however good morning to you if you just joined us sits just after midnight now here in moscow our top story this morning russia's foreign minister says that reach a compromise on iran's nuclear program should eliminate any reasons for the u.s. to construct an anti missile defense system in eastern europe the american led plan has been a longstanding bone of contention between the countries russia sees the shield as a threat to its national security while the u.s. has maintained that it is needed in so-called rogue states like iran so could there now be a chance for this speech to finally be resolved with a deal to bring terrans atomic program under control with more on that is. it's a deal that saluda diplomats for a decade. and as the crucial make or break iran letelier talks continued into the night details of how they were going for eluding the journalists camped out in geneva so we waited and waited and waited while diplomats from six
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world powers and iran inched their way closer to an historic breakthrough than after sixteen hours a tweet from the e.u.'s top diplomat a deal had been done. that the six negotiating powers agreed to recognize iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy business including its right to enrichment under the condition that this program is placed under strict control by the i.a.e.a. issued. as we received word of the agreement we've got details to iran had agreed to reduce its uranium enrichment from twenty to a maximum of five percent use fewer centrifuges while halting construction of a new reactor near the town of iraq. throughout this long list of concessions iran's foreign minister still had a smile on his face in return he won for his country a partial easing of sanctions allowing tarantula gain control of billions of
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dollars worth of much needed funds in foreign banks we believe that it is the sanctions that have brought us to this negotiation and ultimately to the more significant negotiation to follow for a comprehensive agreement others have stressed that it wasn't the stress of more punitive measures but diplomacy that won the day over the night in the case of these talks the fact that that the iranians have shown time after time that there is no evidence that iran's nuclear program is anything but peaceful is something that has been ignored by the western media and western governments but this despite all that iran's real civilians has forced these countries to accept. enrichment and again the russians and the chinese have played a very constructive role and i don't think that sanctions played as much of a role as a recognition by the united states and britain and other countries that we need to
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engage iran because iran is becoming increasingly influential this is a leader and the interim agreement in six months time well its powers and you were on a set to return to the negotiating table but after ten years in jail. the deal signed here in the middle of the night is a game changer what he'd like to see that meet. all of the agreements only running for six months it says sign of bigger things to come according to professor of international relations and me. both parties have made clear part of a confidence building process and that is exactly what they're doing the fact that i was going to be the cameras are monitoring stuff on a daily basis reporting back to h.q. in vienna and from there to disappear to counsel and so on and all of that is vital to provide to get in teams that america's allies need that iran is sticking to the script and of course also for the administration in washington to show its own
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series that actually this is a good deal not just for iran and the region in the middle east but also for united states. or loosen up the deals made life more difficult for president obama while defending the administration's yes to the concessions now has to come down on israel as well as hawkish lawmakers too did miss the chance to criticize the motion today that diplomacy opened up a new path toward a world that is more secure and flying in the face of president obama what was needed in the geneva. last night is more story. it's a story still. it's not a series of stories in an environment where israel as well as many u.s. lawmakers don't think that iran should develop nuclear technology at all the obama administration had to engage in diplomatic acrobatics to both acknowledge iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy and not acknowledge it at the same time we
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approach these negotiations with a basic understanding of iran like any nation should be able to access peaceful nuclear energy. but because of its record of violating its obligations iran must accept strict limitations on its nuclear program that make it impossible to develop a nuclear weapon the scope and role of iran's enrichment as is set forth in the language within this document says that iran's peaceful nuclear program is subject to a negotiation and to mutual agreement despite the official's attempts to appease the hawks punches are flying here and it looks like we've tacitly agreed that they will be enriching for commercial purposes down the road so i think you're going to see on capitol hill again a bipartisan effort to try to make sure that this is not the final agreement another senator marco rubio call the deal quote
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a blow to our allies in the region who are already concerned about america's commitment to their security and i think a lot of people both in the middle east and on capitol hill are very concerned that this interim deal becomes the new norm opponents of the deal in washington and abroad are already working not to let its survival the six month trial the obama administration is walking on egg shells before congress israel and its allies in the coffers it's trying to convey a carefully worded message which is you cannot threaten war all the time in washington i'm going to check out the israeli national security expert owen alterman told us that the harsh response from the israeli government towards the deal doesn't always reflect the national mood. we've seen over the past twenty four hours or so increasing number of analysts and commentators who have come out and said that this deal is something israel could live with and even if it's not perfect and it's not something that we would have opted for ourselves that it's
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something that's not as bad as our prime minister has described so there's definitely a spectrum of opinion here on this issue as there is in every issue what we do know is in the week or two leading up to the agreement there was a poll taken about what people felt about the prime minister's rhetoric towards the united states and a plurality supported him and only a very small percentage of the public thought that he was fully on justified but that may be different after the agreements come to come into being we'll have to see the two men from very different walks of life but the pope putin have more in common than you might think coming up we report on their first meets again how they brought together by a shared concern over the humanitarian disaster in syria and. yet another leader of bahrain's pro-forma movement falling victim to a relentless government crackdown in about ten minutes time we have from his wife about the campaign to get him out of jail. next the clashes
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a broken out for second day in ukraine is protesters defied police efforts to disperse the rallies been ongoing since thursday in kiev over the government's decision to suspend the deal which would give it closer ties with the e.u. and legs here jeff skis in the ukrainian capital for ati. protesters appear to have set up town camps at european square suggesting that they may still have more time and it's not always as miserable as it is here right now we see clashes between them and the police corruption from time to time with both sides the police and the protesters using tear gas against each other the people here they are strongly opposing the decision by the government to not sign the trade agreement with europe at the moment there are others of course would believe this was a rather problematic decision rather well decision looking at potential damages which a great could have suffered since signing this agreement it's easy to see why first of all modernizing the factories at the country would have cost the goal of more than one hundred billion dollars something the country cannot afford at the moment and waited to modernize would have led to these factories being closed and tens of
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thousands finding themselves in the streets not good for the country as well as raising the sheriff for electricity heating and gas something the government had to do because to comply with europeans that is also a very big problem for ukraine at the moment not taking all that into consideration and the fact that europe would not offer any kind of financial compensation but the potential damage is the government decided not to sign especially after the i.m.f. said it would not provide ukraine with another stabilisation loan which would have helped the prime minister of the country in fact said that the country doesn't need help like that one its economy is in danger of completely collapsing some politicians in europe have said that russia blackmailed ukraine out of signing this deal russian president hit back saying that it is in fact europe which blackmailed ukraine in the course of negotiations stand off continues very interesting to see where it goes and we have to follow all the details and all the developments. absolutely will make some leaders of the european commission of the european
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council of released a joint statement saying the proposal to ukraine still stands both again accused moscow pressuring kiev out of signing from the group political think tank told us that the e.u. simply trying to grab as much influence as possible here. you opinion you just very keen to expand to spread its regulations to new countries and to make sure that made him brussels of people i not only in the european union but also outside of the european union but that's not done in a calm is best interest is certainly not in the interests of ukraine but the european union is looking to expand its but south towards taking in countries from north to turkey and then of course. in the east to do as oppose your own but in the country's best interest to have excessive regulation could on their industries. or i would call my story as well as news of jailed former prime minister yulia timoshenko she declared
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a hunger strike vote was to continue until the deal with the e.u. is signed also online will list the financial hurdles that kiev made can freeze the agreement including gas prices going back to the story again kept may just find a way around by shale drilling machine ukraine sign corp deals with oil giant shell and chevron which could help the country slash domestic fuel costs but the benefits of this technology balance the environmental damage big question we'll explore that in later in the program. and to u.s. lawmakers to sweet talk politicians they're troubled by ongoing spying revelations .
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russian and papal flags of london gather over the vatican tonight where the pontiff is welcomed president vladimir putin it's the first of the meeting brought about in large part because of the crisis in syria. is in the vatican city this evening. pope francis on one hand the figure would be almost spiritual influence over one point two billion catholics across the world and there is a president appointed by heavyweight politician and also one of the most influential people on the globe to me not being on the scene team but they definitely have much more in common than some me think for instance syria polls have been standing strong we firmly against any for military intervention into the situation there back pope francis a letter to the russian president recently personally facing him for helping to prevent military action by the west also the vatican and russia have been paying lots of attention to the rights of christians in syria but what's also interesting
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here is the way italian media has been reporting on the russian president's visit wasn't really the situation in syria nor the relations between the vatican and moscow that were in the focus but the former italian prime minister silvio feet who's clearly looking at having to deal with several convictions including abuse of power and having sex with an underage prostitute and the italian media really has been boiling with speculation over whether or not mr berlusconi will be able to avoid getting punished and the latest for all in that sense was that president putin was going to make mr berlusconi russia's ambassador to the vatican automatically granting him diplomatic immunity. speaking these rumors have not been confirmed but it does show the amount of attention being paid to visit. the pope and president putin also share an unusual distaste of shale gas frac ing and selling this recently pose with environmental activists indeed reportedly exposing
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strong concern about us all giant chevron exploiting shale gas in south america. all field executive turned anti fracking campaign and told us he blames an industry bent on profits for pushing harmful technology. this is a technology that basically has been proven not to work as the oil industry claims and it has resulted in contamination irrefutable evidence of contamination of water soil and the air and also significant negative health impacts on the population that live above the gas fields what it reflects is the fact that we are dealing with a cowboy industry that is driven by greed and little else and in fact i would simply implore that people do a bit of research for themselves and they look at the damage and the contamination that has been wreaked around the world and basically we are doing everything we possibly can to ensure that this does not happen in the u.k. i spoke trying to fracking activist who was forced to abandon her home when the
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resulting board appeared to have told me what it's like living near a drilling site i've learned about this industry the hard way i work for industry first and then moved out to the country and bought my own place and then i experienced the environmental impacts all around me there's the possibility of water contamination water depletion and many many horrible air impacts and the traffic in just a huge disturbance knowing why it's been a fitting a very few people the industry and a few large landowners and it's coming at great expense to the people who live on our land. the bahraini regime once again in its effort to stifle dissent and resting now the chairman of the european bahraini organization for human rights was with many previously jailed activists saying jarred charged with inciting hatred against the ruling monarchy is why for us with darwish says her husband is being
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used as a scapegoat. he was defamed there are no look at office and us paper is he went to the police station to file a case against that so that defame me but he got everest for inciting he read it against the political system in bahrain wristing human rights activists or defenders and behind is not something new there bahrain year there are very few that are seeking to everest human rights activists day after another and if you were to have good clear and knock on on this scene in bahrain many human rights defenders are even either in exile or if they are put and action or are present or sentence for several years. and the bahraini activist opposition it would not be a rug was arrested last year and eventually got two years in jail for criticizing the ruling family and his twitter feed sridhar which again thinks his case has a very clear indication of how the bahraini government views those who dare to speak out. jesus never believe it is
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a very obvious it is of our training our human rights that they don't want anyone to step forward and talk about what people are suffering or to monitor our nation they want everyone to keep quiet and just accept what it has the iranian regime is enforcing it a curiosity option on the political option and they are stopping dogs who are teaching people or making people aware of their rights or speak about them the hope of britain that the country's turned the corner and is getting over one of its worst ever financial dramas it's too early to start popping the champagne in some quarters where critics a democratic line is set in and will leave some struggling for generations maurice smith reports. so the bank of england's forecasts for economic growth is on the up unemployment down it sounds great but beyond those immediate fake is
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a darker picture that pretty much all the measures by which we track economic progress are in decline people's real incomes falling more and more of it spent on basic essentials uniquely this generation of young people is worse educated than their parents and obesity female life expectancy and child mortality are among the worst in europe still losing economics commentator jeremy warner says growth is good but warns it's unsustainable there's not enough exports is not enough business investment in this economy now provided the economy continues to grow the hope is that these things will eventually come through but at the moment it's very little sign of form and you say that these key indicators say living standards education health these are all on the decline talk to me about that ever since the crisis began living standards have been under
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a lot of pressure really for the first time again in modern history we are seeing a situation where people leaving the workforce and retiring are better educated than the people joining the workforce and if your standards of education are declining than your relative income in future relative to the rest the world is going to decline with it what does it all add add up to then these underlying economic into cases i mean where are we going when i think. an extreme wakeup call really i mean britain has a lot of things going for it it's still reckon to be one of the most open economies in the world it has the biggest global financial center in the world these underlying trends are very worrying and something needs to be done about them very very urgent warner says the government's doing some of the right things but to gingerly and ultimately unless radical actions taken in those key areas britain's economy is living on borrowed time. two american senators have made
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a flying visit to europe trying to smooth over the steady drip of spy scandals involving the u.s. and its european allies follows revelations from redwood snowden showing the american spy agency has been siphoning off information by installing malware on tens of thousands of computer networks european parliament member emilia and does daughter spoke to me she's from sweden pirate party she thinks europe faces some hard questions on how to tackle surveillance these days how do we get out of the situation how do we create some kind of positive future vision for how do we get along how do we create a good society together and in order to do this we need a better transparency rules for information technologies we need to figure out what is going on what is our purpose with all of these information technologies that we're having and where we we can't replace a positive vision for the future with gadgetry that's that's not good politics and so european leaders need to sit down and think how do we continue our important mission for peace market development economic prosperity and citizen interaction
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the scottish government for the first time in the data to become independent of citizens vote to leave the u.k. next year chose the twenty fourth of march twenty sixth to make their perspectives but official but they are strongly opposed by london which is warning it will make it easier for scotland to break away more. should scotland be an independent country it's a six word question that requires a simple yes or no but breaking a three hundred year old doing it could hardly be simple and the scots are not taking it lightly as it stands only about thirty percent of scots say they will vote for independence a figure those in the yes camp hope to increase by presenting that much anticipated white paper which a scottish national party says has the answers to all the questions about independents the prime minister david cameron and goes the ball into the no cap and says that in the car this is laden with risks and problems with warnings on just about everything taxes and debt the no suggests deeper a steady and higher taxes e.u.
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membership london says scotland could forget about it the trident nuclear program david cameron claims getting rid of it is a bad idea in case of a north korean nuclear attack and there might even be roaming charges on mobile phones if the split happens at the list goes on it's dubbed project fear by the yes camp and they accuse the government of scare mongering scots into voting no. the white paper would prove that independence would bring about a jobs and a thriving economy cern's that resonate with voters cameron argued that an independent scotland will have to negotiate in the future for the things that house right now along the signalling that it won't be making it easy for the crux of the matter goes back to economics a recent poll found out that if independents made the five hundred pounds richer more than half the spots were growth rate reporting from london i'm tests are cilia . brief twenty one people have been killed dozens wounded in
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a series of bombings in there around the iraqi capital health officials say the blast in a crowded marketplace that claimed fifteen guys. for the help of the rising bloodshed in iraq by providing weapons training and intelligence to security forces at least five hundred people have died in sectarian violence in the country this month. is death toll is already over seven thousand five hundred. the thai promise is another urgency powers to deal with the unrest in the capital bangkok protest as earlier broke through police lines to occupy the foreign ministry some even appeared to be settling down for the night they're calling on the pm and the government to resign over bill that would grant amnesty to politicians both past and present when one hundred thousand people marched against the ruling party on sunday. thanks pete with a snake said news update here at international spot thirty four minutes time with me kevin i would coming up next if you're watching in the u.k. good evening to you we've got going on the ground and elsewhere the rest the world even to you too it's the latest rather poll of the week's sports news this is r.t.
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. if you're thinking about an alcoholic drink associated with russia it's probably not going to be one that springs into your head but they've been making it here on the black sea coast for more than two thousand years and there's an industry which really can compete with the best the rest of the world has to offer i've come to meet some of the people growing the greats and to see if i can find out the secret to the perfect. i. guess. terrorists are simply
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a bad groups of people located throughout the world no different than say motorcycle gain or what have you that are involved in bad activities you're not going to solve that problem by invading countries overthrowing governments and occupying countries that's the solution if you're going to win it with good police work and intelligence gathering that's how you'll defeat terrorism they are just simply little pockets of bad people throughout the world you have to deal with and creating an empire or an occupying nations with your military is not the i'm sure. hello welcome to the all teams will show another half an hour of top sporting
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action from russia and around the globe with me entree here's just a taste. captain marvel skipper christiane iran although grabs a hat trick is portugal qualified for the world cup finals with a thrilling playoff win against him a victory is sweet and. while the next emperor's fighters are good enough and return even a call of triumph in the u.f.c. and ballots will as russia looks to produce a new generation of m.m.a. style. rolling in the day the olympic flame plunges into the world's deepest lake by the record long relay continues ahead of a soft cheese winter olympics. let's get the ball rolling with football off to christiane our now those hat trick eclipsed a price by his lights on either him of it as portugal beat sweden three two in stockholm and four to one odds. gets to qualify for next year's world cup in brazil
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portugal were one zero up after the home leg of the playoffs prior to see of a later another strike and after a cagey first half in the swedish capital the captain again broke the deadlock soon after the restart but opposing skipper abraham of it headed home the equaliser from a sixty seventh minute corner before blasting in a free kick just minutes later to get the capacity crowd on their feet yet were now there responded with two small goals in as many minutes to send portugal to their full straight world cup finals as the twenty eight year old also equaled power that is record of forty seven international goals while the red of each was magnanimous in defeat. to get his ability to go through that. i think we did a fantastic by the budget we had over the years. and they were a bit. well meanwhile former champions france became the first european team to overcome a two nil first leg deficit after beating ten minute crane's three nil in paris
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goes through to their fifth consecutive finals three two on aggregate mamadou sakho scored his first international goal midway through the first half before a side cut in bands and not made it to know off a certain four minutes then it was a second tough to forget for ukraine right after the break he again got a reduced sentence under eighteen minutes to go on to do so netted an own goal to ensure it was world cup the up to be number for the ukraine. well meanwhile russia were already guaranteed their place in brazil after picking portugal to win the qualifying group and fabio capello's men are now looking ahead to next month's world cup draw as they unveiled their new kit for a fee for showpiece tournament is going to put out wolf reports on disobedient for the opening a key goal for the next summer's world cup finals in brazil is growing and as soon as the braves were over and all thirty two competing teams decide.


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