tv [untitled] November 25, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm EST
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i was up guys i'm having martin and this is breaking and the set after weeks of intense negotiations in geneva about iran's nuclear program diplomacy amazingly prevailed seemed to her on a sign onto a six month agreement that limits its uranium enrichment to five percent a level well below the necessary requirement for the development of a nuclear weapon in exchange iran will receive a minor reduction in harsher sanctions on many of its most valuable exports such as oil and gold and while most of the world is celebrating this encouraging development between the two countries with historic ice cold relations one head of state just just isn't gotten used. to iran got the deal of the century. and the international community got a bad deal this is a very bad deal what's that is actually a clip from november eighth near days after negotiations began as you can see bibi was already quite perturbed before anything was even close to being settled so you
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can only imagine his fury now. what was concluded in the geneva last night is not historic agreement it's a historic mistake it's not made the world a safer place like the agreement with north korea in two thousand and five. this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place so according to prime minister netanyahu an agreement that stops the proliferation of nuclear weapons makes the world less safe because we all know that there is only one country in the middle east that deserves mix right maybe that's not the only fair mongery netanyahu is dition our. lot is a taking only cosmetic steps which it could reverse easily within a few weeks and in return sanctions that took years to put in place are going to be eased iran is going to receive billions of dollars worth of sanctions relief so the
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pressure is on iran being lifted they're being eased and with the lifting of this pressure this first step could very well be the last it. alas wow that's funny considering how this is only a six month deal and really only bides more time for future negotiations but if we listen to b. is rhetoric and six months iran will have its nukes locked and loaded look these are sanctions that largely hurt iran's ordinary citizens not the country's political lead over the last year and a half the number of iranian families living in poverty has risen from twenty two to forty percent while the price of food and medicine has skyrocketed so is it really that horrible but less iranians will suffer for the next six months if you can see through this war mongering rant to then join me and let's break the set of . the three please
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please. please very hard to take kindly to. that or how to act with that when they're looking. to cut. a. little. if you've never heard of the school of americas you're not alone this military training facility largely stays out of the media spotlight but hasn't or is a dark past one rife with allegations of corruption and human rights abuses this
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past week and over one thousand demonstrators descended on the compound just outside the gates of the school in protest of what they see as a major source of political instability throughout north and south america breaking the stats man walter. travel to fort benning georgia over the weekend to find out just why this school is so controversial. behind these gates is the western hemisphere institute for security and cooperation otherwise known as a school of the americas depending on who you ask the school is little more than a training center focused on building cooperation between the u.s. military and its latin american counterparts but for many others it's a notorious breeding ground for some of the worst human rights violators in the western hemisphere the school has graduated over sixty four thousand soldiers since one thousand nine hundred six soldiers were taught everything from enhanced interrogation to psychological warfare at least eleven latin american dictators have trained at the school including the infamous manuel noriega of panama and got
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them on as if i end rios montt who oversaw the genocide of almost two thousand indigenous mayans during his brutal reign in the one nine hundred eighty s. every year the gates to the school of the americas in fort benning georgia serve as a meeting ground for thousands of activists from across the u.s. canada and latin america who have one clear message to. shut it down september eleventh nine hundred seventy three there was a military dictatorship that was funded by the cia funded by the us and part of that dictatorship was you know having people tortured and disappeared and incarcerated as political prisoners and the folks that did that torture were trained here at the school of the americas will you call the school of the assassins father roy a witness to killings in central america founded the school of the americas watch one thousand nine hundred ninety and has been putting on this annual event for the last twenty three years it's about how all pressure mean with the guys who return
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to their countries why contours of other countries out to their training to protect us economically just. to exploit the cheap labor of a natural resource over the years this demonstration has only. attracting people from all walks of life but for some it's a very personal and emotional experience this is adriano barto a guatemalan native who was forced to flee her home country in the eighty's after government forces murdered her brother and kidnapped six members of her family we are certain that my father is dead. and so on the search in that place that there. is to know and. you know we have the whole. andriana now works as a full time activist you're. focused on educating the american public about the horrific human rights abuses fostered and encouraged by the school i don't know.
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where that. is in that's like maybe two different worlds considers herself a survivor of the school of the americas and is just one of millions who feel the same the message from the rally today is for americans from all across the political spectrum to urge congress to act on this issue because the question of promoting human rights abuse isn't about left and right it's about right and wrong . r.t. fort benning georgia. coming out a breakdown more about the school of americas and what people are doing to push for a shut down under my beauty asperger's or not thanks so much manning for going i guess my first question is how did a school like this you know a tourist for all these horrific things and dictators and such how did it start in
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the first place it was it started in the first place right i mean good question this school's been around since one thousand nine hundred six in fact it was first started in panama in one thousand nine hundred six and within two years of it being opened it already had that notorious name being. school of the assassins it was close in panama it was moved to fort benning georgia and from then on the united states was just kind of picking out soldiers from across latin america to train here in the united states as a way of kind of building cooperation with military leaders in latin america so that the u.s. could kind of thwart the communist. expansion throughout latin america over the years of course that's evolved into the u.s. this push for counter narcotics fighting the drug war and what ends up happening is just like father said in the in the interview u.s. ends up just protecting its interests in these places and if democracies in the way of democracy is often the the victim. really quickly let's break this down for people who are watching because it is really fascinating i mean we had
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a school originated to fight communism or to use it through the war on communism for our own devices it's transformed onto a school base in fort benning georgia that americans pay for with our tax dollars to train not americans to train the latin american soldiers thousands every year and paramilitary operations enhanced interrogation and i think that that's probably the most important thing that people people should be considering if someone he's not hearing about the school they should at least consider that this is taxpayer money going to fund not u.s. soldiers that are being educated but soldiers from across latin america that are not being taught how to conduct first aid they're not being taught how to how to teach reading or anything like that they are being taught counterinsurgency they're being taught psychological warfare they're being they're being taught things that they learn and then go back to their home countries and then commit these horrible atrocities eleven dictators in eight different countries have come out of the school sixty thousand troops have come out of the school that have gone on to
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commit horrible things in their respective countries places like bolivia argentina chile and due to us and many other places in latin america so the fact that this is going on and that there is not more public scrutiny is really an. horrible thing and more people should really be looking at what they're doing with their taxpayer money when the way it's going to things like this was you just had to have an enormous influence around the world crew. or if it in. really really despicable what's going on there man i know that you've got this really emotional interview from this woman i wanted you to kind of speak more to her story and other people's accounts i know you weren't able to fit it all in this package right i mean i got to speak to so many people and everybody there had had some i really feel like everybody there including myself you know being born and raised in honduras had some sort of personal collect connection with the school of the americas with with giving her story about how six of her family members were kidnapped she doesn't know if they're alive or dead and she even said at one point
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you know for her to say that they're dead would be almost for her to be killing them themselves or herself because she hasn't heard from them for the last three years we had a sound bite there a short clip from rob stars from. sort of from rebel dia's he's from chile he recounted his experience with the school of the americas and how torturers in chile were graduates from the school in honduras to dictators in honduras were graduates from that school in two thousand and nine the coup that occurred there those were graduates from that school a thousand plus indigenous mayans in guatemala were the victims of a brutal dictator who was trained and graduated from the school of the americas and the list goes on so this story is shared by millions of people and many of them i was able to speak to at this rally and credible i think another important point as as you mentioned before is that we have thousands and thousands of soldiers coming through that don't abide by a bill of rights they aren't hauled into any sort of constitutional law back and
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the u.s. and also this breeds this culture of impunity and immunity with all these war criminals and going and residing from the school of americas i mean it's just a really really astounding that this isn't more on the forefront man and it needs to be i think that's what this rallies about that's what this demonstration was. about it's all about visibility and it's really discouraging to know that the corporate media was there but it is it's also reinforcing you know what we do to bring attention to the story and take our viewer there and people actually have put so much pressure on the school to close and there's actually a bill now in congress that's actually right which is we had which is great and very excited to call attention this because people are always saying that we don't we always highlight the bad news but no solutions well here's a solution if if you want to get involved there's a bill in congress right now it's in the house it's h r two nine eight nine if you want to get involved if you want to participate if you want to make a difference if this is something that you are angry about you can call this number it's eight six six three three eight one zero one five that is the capitol switchboard if you don't know your congressman's phone number call that number bill
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connected your congressman and tell him that you support h.r. two ninety nine for an investigation and closure of the school of the americas the pressure on you guys is close the school for dictators school of assassins once and for all manny rob lowe really appreciate you going out there and thanks thanks. coming up next you guys i'll talk about the private armies of one percent figure around. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy but there's. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and oppressive and we've been hijacked by handful of transnational
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corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once will just i'm sorry mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem try to rush. the bait in a real discussion critical issues facing america for ready to join the movement then walk a little bit further. i am the president and i think a society that case i think corporation trying to convince to consume consume consume and the banks are trying to get all that all about money and i'm passionately that for a politician writing the laws and regulations to tax corporate bankers somehow. there is just too much rat today's diet. that.
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in the wake of the largest movement calling attention to wealth inequality in the u.s. the top one percent of income earners hit a stork milestone in two thousand and twelve the incomes of the over rich grew by twenty percent from the previous year and for the first time in recorded history is one percenters now hold one fifth of all household income not only have the michael bloomberg and jamie diamond of the world survive the economic downturn but they're all right even more than ever before how the six family heirs of the wal-mart fortune are now worth more than the bottom forty percent of americans meanwhile having a college degree no longer guarantees you would job and more and more people are seeing their benefits lashon homes foreclosed upon but the lifestyles of the rich and famous couldn't be further removed from the reality unfolding across the nation because millions of dollars comes in handy when you want to private mercenary force
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at your disposal. i park international the six min time information is used for the most dangerous situations the most crowded rooms each man at a different point each responsible for a different area it's all about protecting the protectee. but sometimes the protect these need more than just manpower when it comes to security whether they're at home or globe trotting the dangerously rich or full blown. nothing like six fully loaded shack doods to stroke your ego yes six mercenaries does seem a bit extreme doesn't it but before you rush to judgment there's a legitimate threat to your folks ever heard of the militant leave violent occupy wall street movement. experts say that one percent is casting a wary eye on social instability in fact a recent survey by the pew research center found that the wealthy are increasingly concerned about class conflict so there is something to be worried about. brian uli
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is part of the occupy movement in west palm beach he says a small minority of his group should make billionaires an easy. yeah i'm sure that tents and picket signs are physically threatening this guy's fortified and got every poured in there see n.b.c. way to gloss over actual income inequality issues by highlighting some polls showing that the rich are concerned about the less wealthy being aware of them now as the super elite are spending millions of dollars on their own private armies and reinforced mansions just check out what this guy is selling to protect hollywood royalty from those pesky occupiers. most americans home security means an alarm system or maybe a dog but for this house in hollywood it's a totally different picture the nice thing about this teleport it was designed to take excessive blood so that al gore b. is the president of c. which stands for strategically armored employ to fight environments affirm the designs custom sometimes hidden protection for the rich yeah unfortunately
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a street urchins can't afford anything more than a watchdog and an alarm system for making us feel inadequate about not having our own escape pads but it's not just helicopters that wealth hoarders buy to combat their neuroses and absurd delusions it's ballistic beds doors and windows including hidden machine gun walls. you've got a device here this is terrifying but these are fifteen shotgun shells and you mail this into the wall or into the ceiling or where either when you fire this off could anybody survive underneath there's not a chance because one gun just isn't enough to fend off the ninety nine percent you mean military grade machine gun walls that won't give out in a chance of survival you know it's fitting that these people are living like drug kingpins master criminals and political all of dark surrounded by their own luxury after all it's hard to be a billionaire banker these days without also being a criminal and you know what i'm going to sleep better at night knowing that when
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the economy crashes again because it will because of the one percent shortsightedness at least they'll be holed up safely in their prisons of paranoia. a couple of weeks ago while the stop watching us rally here in d.c. i had the privilege of witnessing a young man named malikai byrd reciting extremely profound spoken word performance . the week. obedience of the hypocritical cabinet expect us to assimilate and so this republic which. is one nation under many gods individuals their liberties and it may be just. as high school student inspired me and countless others vitam on the show to talk about another topic and passionate about education as malikai bird performing intelligence. merriam webster defines
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intelligence as the military to learn understand or deal with new or trying situations the american school system and consequently the american public define intelligence as twenty four hundred thirty six seat four point zero g.p.a. repertoire of a regular unnecessary synonyms the ability to preach without true practice there was that sound where i wanted to conform but as a black boy i was told i was inadequate as a good test taker i was told i wasn't sold i was just a product of edit pressure from multiplying economic obstacles and racial divides that subtracted my motivation but still couldn't excel in a mathematician profession because of my pigment citizen issued oppression always hit the hardest stephanie grace esteem ivy league graduate says blacks are genetically inferior less than whites while ms grace let my three millenniums of african blood in my three decades of american force fit education answer to
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ingredients for your food for thought i was told that your conclusions are primarily reflective of that that blacks only comprise thirteen percent of ivy league school that's in d.c. but i don't need to be valedictorian and so you there we don't need princeton's approval and so you know we've already given birth to sons of princes of dot mouth . perceives the poetic expressive darts that spew from our mouths this ignorance it doesn't mean that we are powerful understand. you're upset that you let you pin pin you down under the weight of their common application i transformed you from sweet heart to the to stick but even you being a white woman in me being a black boy i hear your subconscious screaming screw cornell columbia harvard and yale you just want to be brown you just want to be brown to be the brown saw you that was cast off as dirt but then sprouted the most beautiful wallflower was to be the brown tree that was cast in office for real but has the strongest of roots outsell you where you weaken to a foundation you can foam and lost your uniqueness s. eight c.
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and sat in complacency you let's just go on the ac t. act as your only identify if your g.p.a. was your only g.p.s. or your path to success you might have money and you might be we'll known but it does not make you a strong woman taking an african-american studies course does not mean you understand my race if we were to let our complection only be a reflection of the darkness of a bubble and a scant chon we would just be confining ourselves to bars on an american grave and i'm pretty sure that you already think there will be confines of bars on america's behalf so ms grace this is not a hate letter this is not liverpool ammunition promising threats because you probably expect it so this is an aggressive yet peaceful yet not peaceful protest against any teacher looked at me like i was a shooting star in the dark hole of math in this city because i know my words like they do this is a war crime against any outside enemy who questions while we were fatigues an oppressive heat and while we casually cup combat boots because we are warriors choi
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davis system failure recorders jordan davis jenna six newscast reporters militants turn minion to a school system society just trying to strip us of a title that we truly deserve mirriam webster defines intelligence as the ability to learn understand or deal with new or trying such. and that is all my people have done so ms grace i know that this is side he has told you that you are mentally ill and therefore you have the right to damn black inferior but on the contrary you assumptions only want to prove that you are mentally inferior and that we are genetically and simply sell idjit. amazing molokai thanks for coming in and talking about your performance what was the inspiration for intelligence. inspiration one always been. my mother and father both completed some college and so really it was just me and the
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qualities and characteristics and people beyond what can be seen on a transcript or a resume and so just my experience with that and also hearing stephanie grace quoted in the poem saying that blacks were genetically inferior and that she quoted test scores and other types of reports and things like that just made me try to emphasize the good in a human being and not necessarily what comes from test was a g.p.s. that's extremely shockingly offensive that anyone could actually be saying that at this point in time what kind of effect do you think that standard standardizing education has on the process of learning right assembly believe that it compares people to false false standers. really bad way of comparing someone's value measuring someone's value a sort of political cartoon when a different animal is trying to climb a tree and it was a monkey swimming animals implying animals could climb the tree and it was just saying that the other animals weren't valuable because they couldn't climb a tree and that's essentially what it is is like valuing some students because they
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don't. have the unique characteristics that we all have a really great analogy actually you gave an amazing spoken word performance i just played a little clip of the n.s.a. rally i'm just curious being in high school i mean you grew up kind of in this post open world where the patriot act happened before you're probably politically active what inspired you to get in to serve valence activism at this age right first started with my induction into public school for public policy so i was a public policy school in a lot of our curriculum is based around public policy and public policy school and so it really got me looking into politics. more and looking at the cause of it and that just necessarily i can see this happening but also. make a change and that's what happened at the rally i got a bit of the to speak and. created a spoken word piece about it enough it's amazing talk about this large spoken word
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troop that you're a part of a little bit more about it. i wish i had my thinking here is that i can call out. to bars which is reflective of the three stars in two bars on a d.c. . so if we are socially at the intersection of social justice it's social change in art so it's like bringing the light our abilities and how we can use it to change the world in our community around us so we're wonderful collective. high school students that's amazing where do you guys performed and people check out our about you don't want to be everywhere all social media sites. location. and anything. anyway and i'm just curious here as a high school student are you a d.c. native i mean how do you feel disgraced now kind of in the belly of the beast are a lot of kids your age politically charged as well. it is a really interesting and it's really stimulating to just take in all of this around you. in an urban atmosphere but this is really where i'm from and just to see the
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drastic difference and see the change that this city has gone through and just. is really interesting and it just makes me want to get into things more like yeah it's an incredible city a lot going on thank you for being a part of that molokai bird spoken word artist for d.c. appreciate it appreciates. that for our show you guys thanks for watching join me again when i break over again.
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think i suspect. that it might go to doing the job did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution because it's high that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy correct all books. that i know i'm sorry and i'm this show we were real the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying and trying to fix rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america have bought the book go ready to join the movement then walk about in a big hurry to. go on tom hartman and washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. news of an iranian nukes.
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