tv [untitled] November 26, 2013 1:00am-1:31am EST
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on a journey for the soul. only on t.v. . while the world powers are celebrating the nuclear deal with iran israel's prime minister is anger and a warning of grave consequences. this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place. bama netanyahu plans to stay in a delegation to washington to discuss the accord with tehran. ukraine's u. turn on europe triggers street violence with protesters furious at the hold of trade talks while jailed former prime minister yulia timoshenko goes on hunger strike in support of closer ties with the e.u. . and by britain scotland is set to release why a paper on why it will be better off without the u.k. preparing the ground for next year's in the pan is referendum.
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which in our view live from moscow with me marina joshing world powers are celebrating a breakthrough nuclear agreement with iran and with president obama praising the diplomatic solution and saying tough talk doesn't guarantee security by the israeli counterpart prime minister benjamin netanyahu took a harsher stand saying by taking pressure off iran the deal left at a laughing all the way to the bank party's policy reports from tel aviv israel's leaders on lining up to them best the rand nuclear deal taking a cue from the commander this first step. could very well be the last of the country's foreign minister vols the world is now closer to a nuclear arms race while the economic chief warns a nuclear suitcase could detonate a new york or madrid five years from now this agreement has made the world
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a much more dangerous place. but that world is hating the deal with iran as historic it will make our partners in the region safer it will make our ally israel safer while television threatening to isolate itself even further so the goal is not bob by this move the wing it retains the white to act and yet for all the frustration there is one more hope for israeli politicians to use the next six months before a final deal is drafted to their advantage i suspect they're going to be continuously saying that iran is not keeping its commitment i'm sure they're going to be in close touch with. united states friends than anybody or any of the countries continuously pressing israel's demands for what should be in
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that final agreement but with the pressure on israel it's the only country in the middle east that has not and does not intend to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty if you want to avoid. a nuclear weapon for we have to be part of a nuclear free zone with very simple even iran's president hassan rouhani has called on israel to join the treaty positioning himself as a major peacekeeper in the attempt to denuclearize the region never threaten israel with nuclear weapons on the contrary. a third iran. the outcome. if a nuclear free middle east initiative was ever to work it's estimated israel would need to get rid of anywhere between seventy five and four hundred nuclear warheads israel is not going to agree even to talk about the uranium bomb in the context of day nuclearization that's the last thing that israel wants to have in the equation . and for
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a country that has never officially admitted to possessing nuclear arms getting her to destroy them might be the most difficult deal the world has yet to secure policy r t tel aviv. prime minister netanyahu says he will sand a team to the u.s. to discuss the nuclear agreement in more detail meantime his tough position on the long awaited deal sparked a wave of media criticism in israel our commentators suggested his harsh words were prompted by a sense of personal failure and accused him of behaving oddly in the international arena the liberal haaretz newspaper question his diplomacy calling it in your face of bellyaching israeli national security expert when alterman says now when i was ways of handling the issue are far from popular at home. an increasing number of analysts and commentators who have come out and said this deal is something israel could live with and even if it's not perfect and it's not something that we would have opted for ourselves that it's something that's not as bad as our prime minister has described so there's definitely
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a spectrum of opinion here on this issue as there is in every issue what we do know is in the week or two leading up to the agreement there was a poll taken about what people felt about the prime minister's rhetoric towards the united states and a plurality supported him and only a very small percentage of the public thought that he was fully and justified but that may be different after the agreements come to come into being we'll have to see now coming up later this hour abby martin has something to say about israel stands and breaking the set. listen to these rhetoric and six months iran will have its nukes walked and loaded look these are saying largely hurt iran's ordinary citizens not the country's political elite over the last year and a half the number of iranian families living in poverty has risen from twenty two to forty percent or the price of food and medicine has skyrocketed so is it really that horrible but less iranians will suffer for the next six months.
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a mass protests in ukraine's capital turn to violence with clashes erupting both police and protesters fired tear gas and pepper spray at each other tens of thousands took part in rallies after key of backtracked on signing an association agreement with the european union that has jailed acts prime minister yulia tymoshenko has announced a hunger strike in support of an artist like she was in the midst of the protest in kenya. rian square in central city is filled with people it's not as many as on sunday maybe twice as less but that still that is still quite a lot of people they are disagreeing with the government's decision not to sign the free trade zone agreement with the european union on thursday and what we're hearing here from the state is mostly political slogans we're hearing the words like impeachment revolution coming from the moment of a position politicians from the stage here obviously the economic possible economic damages and disadvantages which ukraine could have suffered and cited as the main reason why they would say you don't take this leave i'm. going to sign this
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agreement are not the tone of the town here disappointed just like the possible modernization of the great impact we push through you know machinery. one hundred billion euros and this is the much leverage point economy cannot afford at the moment this advantage just like close a possible close shelf actually look tens of thousands finding themselves in the streets and even the raising of communal tariffs for the ordinary population threefold something which the new required as a as a as a necessary standard for the country more than fifty thousand some even say that up to one hundred thousand took part in the protests we we saw clashes between the protesters in the police with both sides at some point using tear gas against each other and the group was having that they will continue until he began to mislead when there will be a use to partition some of the illness and this is what the people are demanding here they still are clinging to the hope that jellicoe the chinese government will sign the euro is still see ation deal in vilnius whole though we have very very
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strong indications coming from the ukrainian government that this deal will not be signed the foreign minister said earlier on monday that ukraine was not ready to sign this deal with the e.u. so this standoff is still continuing we'll be watching the situation in india power and. now the e.u. has accused moscow threatening ukraine out of signing a deal the european commission and their pm council stressed that the offer for kiev remains open however experts say the e.u. is just attempting to secure its influence as far as possible. you can you just very keen to expand to spread its regulations to new countries and make sure that is made in brussels of people by not only in the european union but also outside of the european union but that's not his best interest it's certainly not in the interests of ukraine but the european union is looking to expand its. southwards
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taking in countries from morocco to turkey and then of course. in the east to do as oppose your. country's best interests to have excessive regulation could on the industries. are closely following the events unfolding in ukraine here and there's more on our website for all the photos and videos from the scene had to r.t. dot com. now the latest fighting between government troops and militia in libya cistern city of benghazi has left at least fourteen dad and dozens more wounded and that has forty six people were killed in the capital tripoli last week when militias opened fire in a demonstration against the rule of armed groups believe an army has been struggling to control armed groups that took part in the overthrow of the country's former leader colonel gadhafi and according to some reports there's up to seven hundred of them now active in the b.l. all with different goals we have is also facing uncontrolled flow of arms estimates
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say there are around four hundred weapons depots across the state while only twenty of them belong to the government meanwhile about three thousand and to aircraft missiles that have the potential to bring down civilian airliners have gone missing from pan-african newswire says continued outside interference is causing only more problems for the country. the government is totally incapable of reining in these militias they're not going to disarm there's been a problem associated with bringing together the various militia groups but many of them are motivated by sectional interests criminal activity and we've seen the fruits of this over the last two weeks and then of course there's the international aspect as well other forces that are coming in from outside of libya also participating in the internal political struggles that are going on in libya itself and then of course we still have the ongoing role of the united states and these
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other western states who are continually interfering in the internal affairs of libya and now the united states is talking about training some five to seven thousand libyans to be a part of this new national army and this of course could cause even more consternation inside the country because many of these militia groups even though they were against gadhafi they still do not support the u.s. or nato interfering in the internal affairs of libya at this stage now still to come in the program tightening the screws and other human rights activists in bahrain as for behind bars is a part of the government's efforts to stifle dissent and coming up we talk to his wife to tell her how her husband and it up in prison. on tuesday the scottish government will release a six hundred seventy page white paper laying out its blueprint for independence coming ahead of next year's referendum opponents have questioned the move saying it will force scots into a risky choice they defy me on a member of the scottish parliament says the document answers all the questions
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about scotland's plans for the future. well it's a very accessible document it's in a sort of catalogue style and very defined chapters and of course it's going to be online with easy search facilities people will be able to look and see what particular issues they want to investigate themselves you know people have been saying that they want more information and with the publication of the paper which is in and then well a little half that information a comprehensive blueprint for an independent scotland so i think people from all walks of life will be able to use it as best suits them the referendum on independence is a long awaited issue for the scottish national party agreed after years of struggle the vote is set to take place next september when a simple yes no vote will decide the fate of a centuries long union with england then a fabiani says independence will lead the scottish people decide which path their country takes most of my life scotland has not had the government such as voted for
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and you don't think independence will bring the people who vote for the representatives the government will be the school board and it's supposed making choices and closer to the choices and defining the future as it is best for scotland and the people who live and work in scotland very straight forward as far as i'm concerned. as a release of the blueprint for in a pan's will take place in glasgow later today and we are going to have a live report on the breakaway issue with our correspondent so don't miss it here in our team and they are two men from very different walks of life but the pope and a lot of important have more in common than you might think coming out report on their first meeting and how they have been brought together by shared concern over the humanitarian disaster in syria.
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arabic to find out more visit our big. dog called. welcome back this is our bahrain authorities have once again climbed down on the sand arresting a prominent activist and chairman of the european bahraini organization for human rights for inciting hatred against the ruling model kate we talked to a say in john's wife and she told us her husband was just another link in a dismal chain of the rulers effort to gag those speaking out. he was defamed there are no knock it off or should a newspaper is he went to the police station to file a case against that it's a different nation but he got everest's dead for inciting hatred against the political system in bahrain wristing human rights activists or defenders and behind it is not something new with the bahrain there are currently is that are seeking to as arrests a human rights activist a day after another and if you were to have
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a clearer knock on on this scene in bahrain many human rights defenders are even either in exile or if they are put to and or our present or sentence for several years. as my darwish also told us about the case of another bahraini pro-democracy activist bill ridge aboud was arrested last year over his twitter based campaign criticizing the ruling regime. jesus never believe a job as that is a very obvious of our. history of human rights defender they don't want anyone to step forward and talk about what people are suffering or two or twenty two are doctors in this nation they want everyone to keep quiet and accept what it does the iranian regime is interesting get a curiosity option on the political option and they are stopping balls who are teaching people or making people aware of their rights or speak about them. our
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team has lined up plenty of stories for human our website including a brand new study revealing there was water on mars billions of years ago. so how dirty dot com and find out what kept the ancient red plan a warm enough to let rivers flow there and even form martian valleys. plus after conquering open space the sochi olympic torch has reached the depths of late by call as part of its ambitious relay and our emotions action are spectacular video for you of the olympic icon at the bottom of the world's deepest like. right seat. first street. and i think the true. on our reporters were very. instrumental.
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in the. russian and papal flags were flying together over the vatican where the pontiff welcome president vladimir putin their first ever meeting was brought about in a large part due to the crisis in syria are getting nervous going off reports from the holy see for us. francis on one hand figure would warm a spiritual influence over one point two billion catholics across the world and there's the president going to play heavyweight politician and also one of the most influential people on the globe to me not to be on the scene team but they definitely have much more in common than some may think for instance syria polls have been standing strong we firmly against any form or future venture into the situation in fact for france is a letter to the russian president recently personally face became quite healthy trying to military action find the west also the vatican and russia have been playing lots of attention to the rights of christians in syria but what's also
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interesting here is the way italian media has been reporting on the russian president's visit wasn't really the situation in syria nor the relations between the vatican and moscow that were in the focus but the former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi's feet truly looking at having to deal with several convictions including abuse of power and having sex with an underage prostitute and the italian media really has been boiling with speculation over whether or not mr berlusconi will be able to avoid getting punished and the latest in that sense was that president putin was going to make mr berlusconi russia's ambassador to the vatican automatically granting him diplomatic immunity. speaking these rumors have not been confirmed but it does show the amount of attention being paid to going to visit. now take a look at some other stories from around the world a series of bombings in and around baghdad of left at least twenty seven people
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dead and dozens wounded the attacks including the blast at a crowded marketplace which claimed sixteen lives and the assassination of a former lawmaker france's offer to help curb the rising bloodshed in iraq by providing weapons training and intelligence to security forces over seven thousand five hundred people have been killed in two thousand and thirteen making it one of the deadliest years since the u.s. led invasion. thousands of anti-government protesters have besieged several government buildings in bangkok and a third day of demonstrations the time prime minister has announced emergency powers to deal with the unrest is protesters broke through and police lines to occupy the foreign ministry some even appeared to be settling down for the night protesting crowds also gave officials of the interior ministry and ultimatum to leave was in one hour they're calling on the pm and the government to resign over a bill that would grant amnesty to politicians both past and present. supporters of the opposition presidential candidate and endorsed him are castro
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have marched through the capital to stay their claim to victory in this weekend's elections the protests was led by the candidates husband former president manuel zelaya urged activists to take to the streets to press the earth claim official returns from the country's election tribunal currently pull kustra around five for sam behind her opponent from the ruling national party both declared themselves winners of the election on sunday. american intelligence hasn't told malicious software and all were fifty thousand computers networks worldwide fresh leaks from whistleblower edward snowden revealed the n.s.a. declined to comment on the allegations while the government said any disclosure of classified data is a threat as investigative reporter david lindorff explains the honest say how far reaching operations have nothing to do with national security. if they're actually able to plant knees devices inside the servers that's a whole new level of. of invasiveness and it's not just on the
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computers now it's right in the servers that the computers work through as none of this is catching terrorists or even stopping terrorists this is really about something else the terrorism is an excuse for having this massive spying job security and a never ending supply of clients that might sound like an ideal career path but being an undertaker might not be for everyone and if you do decide on the business of death where do you learn the skills of your chosen profession or just be all over it went along to europe's only dedicated college a small town college a class like any other except for the coffin in the middle of the room that is. these students are learning how to be undertake is. what i want to work on help people through that is a very difficult time when my grandmother died the funeral directors didn't do a great job and i saw the distress that caused my family this isn't a job it's
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a calling. the college in northern bavaria is the only one of its kind in europe each year they take about five hundred students on a three year course rain or shine they are drilled for every eventuality. but. ok the buddies down all the guests have left but the police call and says this lady may have been poisoned and must be exuberant how do you get her out of there any ideas. a lot of the courses spent on the job at local funeral parlor as despite the onus being on professionalism it doesn't leave the participants immune to the realities. do sometimes you know if there is a kid lying there or someone my age it hits you hard for a gyal life can be the students don't just spend their time digging graves they also receive extensive studies in the not so me as well as lessons in how to deal
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with the deceased using some rather realistic props also the correct way to measure on build a coffin including those designed to fit the regulations for international travel. and perhaps most importantly a lot of work is done to make sure the students can be sensitive to the needs of a grieving family if a meeting until the hero we aim to make sure that when someone gradients they have the skills to work anywhere or even set up their own enterprise when they leave our gates they're professional funeral directors. which will be welcome news to any of their future customers because you only get one chance to get it right these are all over germany. and coming out as promised happy martin tackles israel stands on the brakes or deal with iran and brings and.
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one member of st petersburg's legislative assembly is trying to get child beauty pageants banned in russia starting with his hometown you know i couldn't agree more with this gent on this issue these kids beauty pageants not only put a ton of pressure on children to achieve something absolutely pointless but they're also a pedophile's dream come true and are well very very creepy but why are they creepy that's because whether you like it or not human beauty is related to sex so when you try to make children beautiful and wear bathing suits let's just say active poses yet that's called sexualizing children and it's disgusting although adult beauty pageants are also sort of stupid at least the participants are all adults so see it because beauty pageants are obviously related to sexuality you should be
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able to participate in them until you reach the age of consent in your country otherwise it is just a pedophile buffet but that's just my opinion. i was up guys i'm out in martin and this is breaking and the sets after weeks of intense negotiations in geneva about iran's nuclear program diplomacy amazingly prevailed seemed to her on a sign onto a six month agreement that limits its uranium enrichment to five percent
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a level well below the necessary requirement for the development of a nuclear weapon in exchange iran will receive a minor reduction in harsh sanctions on many of its most valuable exports such as oil and gold and while most of the world is celebrating this encouraging development between the two countries with historic ice cold relations one head of state just just isn't that they've just. got the deal of the century. and the international community got a bad deal this is a very bad deal what is actually a clip from november eighth near days after negotiations began as you can see bibi was already quite perturbed before anything was even close to being settled so you can only imagine his theory now. what was concluded in geneva last night is not historic agreement it's a historic mistake it's not made the world
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a safer place like the agreement with north korea in two thousand and five. this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place so according to prime minister netanyahu an agreement that stops the proliferation of nuclear weapons makes the world less safe because we all know that there is only one country in the middle east that deserves mix right maybe that's not the only fair mangieri netanyahu is dishing out. rather that taking only cosmetic steps which it could reverse easily within a few weeks and in return sanctions that took years to put in place are going to be eased iran is going to receive billions of dollars worth in sanctions relief so the pressure is on iran being lifted they're being eased and with the lifting of this pressure this first step could very well be the last it. the last act wow that's funny considering how this is only
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a six month deal and really only bides more time for future negotiations but if we listen to be his rhetoric and six months iran will have its nukes locked and loaded look these are sanctions that largely hurt iran's ordinary citizens not the country's political lead over the last year and a half the number of iranian families living in poverty has risen from twenty two to forty percent while the price of food and medicine has skyrocketed so is it really that horrible but less iranians will suffer for the next six months if you can see through this war mongering rant too and join me and let's break the said. the please please. please very hard to take that. lightly you better act with the terror threat there are those. that believe.
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that. if you've never heard of the school of americas you're not alone in this military training facility and largely stays out of the media spotlight but hasn't or is a dark past one rife with allegations of corruption and human rights abuses this past week and over one thousand demonstrators descended on the compound just outside the gates of the school in protest of what they see as a major source of political instability throughout north and south america we're going to. travel to fort benning georgia over the week.
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