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tv   Headline News  RT  November 26, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EST

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by by britain scotland releases a white paper on why it will be better off without the u.k. preparing the ground for next year's independence referendum. while world powers celebrate the nuclear deal with iran israel's prime minister remains unconvinced and is sticking to his aggressive line. this agreement has moved much more dangerous. than human yet who now plans to send a delegation to washington to discuss the you called also. ukraine's u. turn on your trigger street violence with protesters furious the whole to trade talks
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while jailed for former prime minister yulia timoshenko goes on hunger strike in support of closer ties with the. glow of watching our team with me and three farmers. now the scottish government has launched its six hundred seventy page white paper laying out a milestone blueprint for independence it comes ahead of next year's referendum however opponents fear it will force scots into a risky choice well for more let's cross live now. tessa can you outline for us the key points of this white paper. well there are many key points is going into this launching of the white paper there have been a lot of questions and right now they said that this white paper answers some six
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hundred fifty questions and the details here really are a promise indeed a law. of breaking down of all the policies they want to pursue there are two main categories one those that will be negotiated during the transition period and another those will be made that will be made if an independent scottish government is indeed to warm now first of all the main objective that both the first minister and deputy first minister had said is that they want to create a stronger economy democratic prosperous and a fairer society let's listen to a bit of what they said today. would also call a halt to damaging westminster policies are pushing so many people into poverty abolish the bedroom tax and ensure that the incomes of the lowest paid keep peace with the course of living. these are some of the points that they raise that they want to do if scotland indeed does become independent but remember going in to this white paper there were
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a lot of sticking points that were debated heatedly by both sides those pro and against the independence first of all there's a question of currency scotland wants to keep the sterling pound and form a union a currency union with the u.k. but westminster has been out of it that this is not guaranteed and in fact is highly unlikely and some critics are saying that most of the white paper is based on the premise that indeed there will be a currency union to begin with another issue is that of taxes today alex salmond had insisted that there won't be a need to raise taxes and that first of all scotland would be a better fiscal position as the u.k. but this is against one of the new studies that have come out there saying that there will be a long term fiscal difficulty for scotland if it becomes independent and there's also the question of who's going to be controlling the oil reserves are definitely down to the dispute between westminster and scotland if it does become independent again alex salmond insisting that it doesn't want he doesn't want any of the
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nuclear weapons programs in the country they will maintain some of the more conventional defenses and now the list goes on but i think the main crux of the matter here is that many critics are pointing out asking if this white people is going to be presenting the plan b. because a lot of the premises presented requires another party in negotiation what is the part of the bag that the british government or new member states in terms of e.u. membership what if they don't agree to what alex salmond has has been proposing but he said that he is confident that everything that's contained in six hundred seventy pages will be addressing every single question if everything of this white paper is going to be a springboard for even more debates in the months to come sure we can expect plenty of. life from the you carrie. well london has opposed the go it alone idea with warnings on almost everything scotland wants to keep the pound in a currency union with the u.k. an idea dismissed by westminster taxes and debt the no vote camp suggests there
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will be deeper sterrett in higher taxes what about the e.u. membership will london says scotland can forget about it the trident nuclear program david cameron claims getting rid of it is a bad idea in case of a north korean nuclear attack and there might even be roaming charges on mobile phones if this happens linda fabiani a member of the scottish parliament says independents will simply let the scottish people decide which path their country takes most of my life scotland has not had the government such as voted for and you don't think independents will bring books that people will vote for the representative government will be a school in want and it's a boat making choices and positive choices and defaming the future as is best for scotland and the people who live and work in scotland there is shit for it as far as i'm concerned still to come on the program tightening the screws another human
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rights activists in bahrain is behind bars is part of the government's efforts to stifle dissent coming up we talk to his wife who tells r.t. how her husband ended up in prison. well powers are celebrating the breakthrough nuclear agreement with iran with president obama praising the diplomatic solution and saying tough talk doesn't guarantee security but his israeli counterpart prime minister benjamin netanyahu took a harsher stance saying by taking pressure off iran the deal left it laughing all the way to the bank artie's reports from tel aviv israel's leaders are lining up to lambaste the rand nuclear deal taking a cue from the commander this first stone. could very well be the last of the country's foreign minister vols the world is now closer to a nuclear arms race while the economic chief warns a nuclear suitcase could detonate a new york or madrid five years from now this agreement has made the world
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a much more dangerous place. but that world is hating the deal with iran as historic it will make our partners in the region safer it will make our ally israel safer while television threatening to isolate itself even further so the goal is not bob by this new valley it retains the right to act and yet for all the frustration there is one more hope for israeli politicians to use the next six months before a final deal is drafted to their advantage i suspect they're going to be continuously saying that iran is not keeping its commitments i'm sure they're going to be in close touch with. that states friends than anybody any of the countries continuously pressing israel's demands for what should be in
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that final agreement but with the pressure on israel it's the only country in the middle east that has not and does not intend to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty if you want to avoid. nuclear weapons. we have to be part of a nuclear free zone. even iran's president hassan rouhani has called on israel to join the treaty positioning himself as a major peacekeeper in the attempt to denuclearize the region never threaten israel with nuclear weapons on the contrary. a third iran. outcome. if a nuclear free middle east initiative was ever to work its estimated israel would need to get rid of anywhere between fifty five and four hundred nuclear warheads israel's not going to agree even to talk about the uranium bomb in the context of day nuclearization that's the last thing that israel wants to have in the equation . and for
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a country that has never officially admitted she put this in nuclear arms getting her to destroy them might be the most difficult deal the world has yet to secure policy r.t. tel aviv. or prime minister netanyahu says he will send a team to the us to discuss the nuclear agreement in more detail meantime his tough position on the long awaited deal sparked a wave of media criticism in israel commentators suggested his harsh words were prompted by a sense of personal failure and accused him of behaving oddly in the international arena the liberal her its newspaper questioned his diplomacy calling it in your face bellyaching israeli national security expert. says netanyahu is way of handling the issue is far from popular at home. an increasing number of analysts and commentators who have come out and said this deal is something israel could live with and even if it's not perfect it's not something that we would have opted for ourselves that it's something that's not as bad as our prime minister has
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described so there's definitely a spectrum of opinion here on this issue as there is in every issue what we do know is in the week or two leading up to the agreement there was a poll taken about what people felt about the prime minister's rhetoric towards the united states and a plurality supported him and only a very small percentage of the public thought that he was fully on justified but that may be different after the agreements come to come into being we'll have to see and abby martin has something to say about israel stance and breaking the set. political he's rhetoric and six months iran will have its nukes walked and loaded walk these are sanctions that largely hurt iran's ordinary citizens not the country's political elite over the last year and a half the number of iranian families living in poverty has risen from twenty two to forty percent or the price of food and medicine has skyrocketed so is it really that horrible but less iranians will suffer for the next six months.
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in the set a little later on the protests continue across ukraine with anger spilling into the streets after kiev rejected an association agreement with the mass rallies erupted into clashes with police and protesters firing tear gas and pepper spray at each other. he has the latest from the ukrainian capital. the protests are continuing the stayed overnight despite it's getting very very cold in the ukrainian capital we're certain expecting the protests to continue right now the both the squares where the protests are taking place are not so crowded but last night was so how after working hours finished thousands came here and it wasn't a very peaceful protest one minor incident one minor broke ation led to clashes with the police to you gas was used i was standing literally just away from it and that the crowd was in fact very very angry until the police left it was still very tense we also expected protests in front of the government building and the people
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here seeming time and to stay until the end of the week and to see whether there's any hope that the euro's association the free trade zone agreement with european union would be signed we also know that the their leader that he told opposition of the jailed former prime minister huge machine go has declared an unconditional hunger strike in support of the signing of this deal on monday ukrainian foreign minister mr gonzaga said that ukraine was not ready to sign this association agreement before that the prime minister also was very critical of the international monetary fund which said he would not provide a stabilization loan for the country just that i was out of said that the country doesn't need handouts like these when it means practically destroying the country's economy the reasons for not signing this deal are too serious possible with an isolation of ukrainian factories costing one hundred billion dollars which the country cannot afford a possible closure of this matches with tens of thousands finding themselves in the
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streets all this contributes to the decision by the government not to sign the deal that we have to wait and see until friday this week until the summit in vilnius to see whether ukraine will actually refused to sign the free trade agreement with the european union meanwhile the e.u. has accused moscow of batman ukraine act of signing a deal and the european commission and the european council stressed that the office for kiev remains open however experts say the won't be able to support ukraine if it can claim its new green and with the union. the european union really isn't in a very good financial situation ukraine needs to have a competitive economy but if it enters into agreement with the european union e.u. rules would make the economy less competitive it would mean less economic growth it would mean higher unemployment so any money would go to offset the damage that the european union would actually do to ukraine if there was an agreement course you can union it doesn't really have any money to be lending out because it has its own
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severe boy sees. we are closely following the events unfolding in ukraine and there's more on our website so you for all the photos and videos from the scene to you head see r.t. dot com. there are two men from very different walks of life but the pope and vladimir putin have more in common than you might think coming up we report on their thirst meeting and they've been brought together by a shared concern over the humanitarian disaster in syria. with . science technology innovation all that is development from around russia we've got the future covered. i told you my language as well but i will
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only react to situations i have read the reports for. pollution and no i will leave it to stick to comment on your latter place. to carry out a cause are you talking. you know no more weasel words. when you made a direct question he prepared for a change when you thought you should be ready for a. critical speech and now the freedom to question. hello again without taking our civil servants and oil company workers and libya's
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eastern city of benghazi have gone on strike demanding militias leave the area that itis fighting between government troops and armed groups in the city has left fourteen dead with authorities ordering residents to stay indoors freelance journalist karim in a g report from tripoli for. this would only be allowed there are fourteen people were killed and more than fifty wounded in a recent clash between islamic militant group and sat sharia and the military says a report by the interior ministry tripoli is witnessing security problems to over forty people were killed and more than two hundred injured at a rally last week in tripoli as protesters clashed with the militias a to control of a number of government buildings the gunmen gave into the demands of the libyan authorities and left tripoli but refused to lay down arms reportedly natives of the city of misrata they were among the first to seek to remove the gaddafi regime in general the security situation in libya remains unstable believe me as deputy intelligence
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chief more stuff i know are recently kid national airport. well the libyan army has been struggling to control groups that took part in the overthrow of the country's former leader colonel gadhafi and according to some reports there's up to seventeen hundred of them now active in libya all with different goals libya is also facing an uncontrolled flow of arms and estimates say there are around four hundred weapons there pose across the state while only twenty of them belong to the government meanwhile about three thousand and eighty aircraft missiles that have the potential to bring down civilian airlines have gone missing about your me as a kiwi from pan african news wire says continued side interference is causing only more problems for the country. the government is totally incapable of reining in these militias they're not going to disarm there's been
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a problem associated with bringing together the various militia groups but many of them are motivated by sectional interests by criminal activity and we've seen the fruits of this over the last two weeks and then of course there's the international aspect as well other forces that are coming in from outside of libya also participating in the internal political struggles that are going on in libya itself and then of course we still have the ongoing role of the united states and these other western states who are continually interfering and the internal affairs of libya and now the united states is talking about training some five to seven thousand libyans to be a part of this new national army and this of course could cause even more consternation inside the country because many of these militia groups even though they were against gadhafi they still do not support the u.s. or nato interfering in the internal affairs of libya at this stage and fisons
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recently gathered in tripoli to demonstrate against the creeps r.t. spoke to some of the protesters and here's what they had to say. it's a message to libya's government we want to fill its use to solve the problems of this and making the people suffer. we want everybody who's illegally carrying weapons to disarm we want and then to the bloodshed so the people are rallying for security in libya for the army and police to play the rules they are supposed to. and on our website we're asking where you think libya is headed in light of the recent unrest so far almost half of you believe that the country is on a path to civil war around thirty three percent say libya will become a safe haven for terror groups affiliated with al qaida and thirteen percent think western countries will intervene to help the libyan government get hold of the country and only seven percent of you say the ongoing turmoil is a natural phase on the way to democracy you had to r.t.
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dot com to have your say. bahrain authorities have once again clamp down on dissent arresting a prominent activist and chairman of the european bahraini organization for human rights for inciting hatred against the ruling monarchy we talked to her saying words wife she told us her husband was just another link in the dismal chain of the rulers efforts to gag those speaking act you want defamed there are no knock it off or should u.s. station fire like that. but he got every did for inciting hatred. political. wristing human rights activists or defenders and behind it is not something new for a new year there are very few that are feeling as well as human rights activists day after another as if you were you don't knock on on this scene in bahrain many
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human rights defenders are even either in exile or they are but this action or our president or sentence for several years. well as my darwish also told us about the case of another bahraini pro-democracy activist in the bill of a job who was arrested last year over his twitter based campaign criticizing the ruling regime. it's often i believe a job as that is a very odd use of our training of human rights they don't want anyone to step forward and talk about what people are suffering or to i want you to our nation they want everyone to lie and accept what it has and the brainy reaching him isn't forcing it to curity option on the political option and they are stopping dogs who are teaching people or making people aware of their rights or speak about them. now our team has lined up plenty of stories for you on our web site too
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including a brand new study revealing there was water on mars billions of years ago had to r.t. dot com and find out what the ancient red planet warm enough to let rivers flow there and even for martian valley this. person after conquering open space these sorts helium pick torch has reached the depths of late by cal as part of its ambitious relay you know in motion section there is a spectacular video for you there of the lim pic icon the world at the bottom of the world's deepest late. russian papal flags flew together over the vatican when the pontiff welcome president vladimir putin on monday their first ever meeting was brought about in a large part due to their views on the crisis in syria the audience with the pope is part of the russian president's official visit to italy pieces of is following
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the trip. pope francis on want to end a figure with enormous spiritual influence over one point two billion catholics across the world and president putin on the other a heavyweight politician also one of the most influential people on the globe he may not be on the scene team but they do have much more in common than some may think for instance syria both have been standing firmly against any military intervention pope francis even wrote a letter to the russian president personally thanking him for his efforts to help prevent military action by both moscow and the vatican have also been paying a lot of attention to the rights of christians in syria so we are on the same page when it comes to lots of issues but what's interesting is the way italian media has been reporting on this visit it's not be relations between the vatican and moscow nor the conflict in syria which we're in the focus of their attention really defeat of alleged friends and the former prime minister over the release of google
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scorning risk really facing a string of convictions including abuse of power and having sex with an underage prostitute and the local media was and still is a brewing with speculation over whether or not mr berlusconi will be able to avoid punishment and the latest girl in that sense was that the russian president was going to make mr berlusconi russia's ambassador to the vatican automatically granting him diplomatic immunity which in real life never of course happens in the end of the meeting of the president with the pope but it did show him out of attention being focused on. the situation and now the russian president's left rome to the studio accompanied by eleven ministers where they are now meeting with the head of the italian government. some international news in brief now a series of bombings in and around baghdad has left at least twenty seven people dead and dozens wounded the attacks included a blast a crowded market price which kind sixteen i need. summation of
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a former lawmaker france has offered to help curb the rising bloodshed in iraq by providing weapons training and intelligence to security forces i was seven thousand five hundred people have been killed in twenty making it one of the deadliest years since the us led invasion. thousands of anti-government protesters have besieged several more government buildings in bangkok in a day of demonstrations the thai prime minister has announced emergency powers to deal with the unrest as protesters break three police lines to occupy the foreign ministry some even appeared to be settling down for the night protesting crowds also gave officials at the interior ministry and automates him to leave within one hour they are calling on the pm and the government to resign over a bill that would grant amnesty to politicians by past present. and to portugal now you are seeing live pictures here from the heart of lisbon where protesters have surrounded the parliament building lawmakers are meeting that discuss next year's
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budget and are expected to approve a further twelve percent cut to public servant salaries portugal has been gripped by anti hysterically protests for several days with police officers also joining the rally. up next as promised abby martin tackles israel stance on the nuclear deal with iran in breaking this. one the crisis leaves us traces everywhere. empty closed rooms become the norm. children pay for the mistakes of adults. by working in a tobacco field or in a cafe. they are the ones who come back or blast.
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so his games are just in their memories. you know there's one thing that i still can't understand it and i don't want to good mood but i have this one question would do this all for you that you had everything they respect and so that you give them all up in the senate to go your way but what for. it was a way to inform he tried to restrain himself but look at all the first out anyway. if it really puts me off that i have such a father. who is one small but very
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great secret that i have to live with for his. dramas that truth be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. the faces changing the world writes no. full picture of today's events my own tucson's from around the globe. local. t.v. . i was up guys i'm out in martin and this is breaking in the set after weeks of
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intense negotiations in geneva about iran's nuclear program diplomacy amazingly prevailed seemed to her on a sign onto a six month agreement that limits its uranium enrichment to five percent a level well below the necessary requirement for the development of a nuclear weapon and exchange iran will receive a minor reduction in harsh sanctions on many of its most valuable exports such as oil and gold and while most of the world is celebrating this encouraging development between the two countries with historically ice cold relations one head of state just just isn't that used. wrong got the deal of the century and the international community got a bad deal this is a very bad deal what is actually a clip from november eighth near days after negotiations began as you can see b.b. was already quite perturbed before anything was even close to being settled so on.


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