tv Headline News RT November 26, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EST
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this agreement has made the world more dangerous places it will make our partners in the region safer. israel sticks to its guns and sends a top security aide to washington to get answers on the nuclear deal with iran is world powers of all the diplomatic effort made in geneva. a third day of anger over the ukraine u. turn which saw the indebted nation back off from the e.u. a deal which economists warn would have landed even more money trouble and. to damaging which mr paul the seas are pushing so many people into poverty scotland outlines life would be better side the u.k.
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readying the ground for next year's independence vote. i welcome it's good to have your company you're watching. now a diplomatic triumph in geneva has done little to calm one of the harshest critics of iran's nuclear deal with the west israel's prime minister is now sending his top security adviser to washington to convince president obama to hold out for a final accord with saran which is expected in six months time investigates why israel isn't ready to break open the champagne israel's leaders are lining up to lambaste the rand nuclear deal taking a cue from the commander this first step. could very well be the last of the country's foreign minister vols the world is now closer to
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a nuclear arms race while the economic chief warns a nuclear suitcase could detonate a new york or madrid five years from now this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place. but that world is hating the deal with iran as historic it will make our partners in the region safer it will make our ally israel safer while television threatening to isolate itself even further so the goal is not bob by this. valley if we taint the white to act and yet for all the frustration there is one more hope for israeli politicians to use the next six months before a final deal is drafted to their advantage i suspect they're going to be continuously saying that iran is not keeping its commitments. sure they're going to be in close touch with. and i did states friends than anybody any
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of the countries continuously pressing israel's demands for what should be in that final agreement but with the pressure on israel it's the only country in the middle east that has not and does not intend to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty if you want to avoid. a nuclear weapon for iran we have to be part of a nuclear free zone that's very simple even iran's president hassan rouhani has called on israel to join the treaty positioning himself as a major peacekeeper in the attempt to denuclearize the region iran never threatened israel with nuclear weapons on the contrary. a third iran military outcome. if a nuclear free middle east initiative was ever to work its estimated israel would need to get rid of anywhere between seventy five and four hundred nuclear warheads israel is not going to agree even to talk about the iranian bomb in the context of
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day nuclearization that's the last thing that israel wants to have in the equation . and for a country that has never officially admitted she persists in nuclear arms getting her to destroy them might be the most difficult deal the world has yet to secure policy r.t. television. well these are a prime minister's proclamation that his country doesn't have to go along with the deal has got short shrift from britain's top diplomat william hague has warned that yahoo against undermining what was achieved in geneva of course we would discourage anybody in the world including israel from taking any steps that would undermine this agreement and we will make that very clear to all concerned that it is also very important to explain to them to ask them what the alternative to this agreement would be because the alternatives would involve getting to a nuclear weapons threshold capability or having a nuclear weapon or
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a conflict with iran or all of those. meanwhile benjamin netanyahu is hard line stance on iran isn't winning him much the ported home his refusal to budge has sparked angry reactions in israel's media some commentators suggest his harsh words were prompted by a sense of personal failure excusing have him of behaving oddly in the international arena the liberal haaretz newspaper question their prime minister's diplomacy calling it in your face bellyaching israeli national security expert in autumn and says netanyahu is handling of the issue handling of the issue is far far from popular with the papal. increasing number of analysts and commentators who have come out and said this deal is something israel could live with and even if it's not perfect it's not something that we would have opted for ourselves that it's something that's not as bad as our prime minister has described so there's definitely a spectrum of opinion here on this issue as there isn't every issue what we do know is in the week or two leading up to the agreement there was
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a poll taken about what people felt prime minister's rhetoric towards the united states and a plurality supported here and only a very small percentage of the public thought that he was fully and justified but that may be different after the agreements come to come into being we'll have to see. ukraine's parliament building remains besieged by protesters angry at leaders rejecting a deal which would bring the country closer to the u. mass rallies turned violent again overnight with police and protesters foreign tear gas and pepper spray at each other. is in kiev. another day another protest rallies in kiev have heard people here are clearly unhappy with government's decision to not just sign the euro says he's reviewing the illness by the end of this week they're still clinging to the home despite some serious assurances coming from ukraine's government in the field usual not to mention the sign we heard from the foreign minister ukraine was not ready to sign this deal
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misleading the prime minister went even further and talking about the potential loan from the i.m.f. which will not be given to grant which could have staff allies economy he said that ukraine did not need handouts like the one there's a risk of the economy completely collapsing the criticism of the government robs in these protests in front of the building of the government building we see the heavy police presence here and on monday we actually saw clashes here in the morning some of the question of the police tear gas was used such was the story on monday evening at the protest at the european square where a minor provocation a minor incident caused a rather big brawl with the police to gas was used again i was in the thick of it i actually managed to film part of the some part of this brawl with my cell phone indeed the situation was very tense and judging by the fact the protesters still have ten caps get a cold across the city the protests are unlikely to die down at least until the end of this week when there will be. some of the building where the brain still have
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a chance of signing the year association deal. well as for why the ukraine government wasn't sold on the e.u. deal here it all comes down to money the country's economy has been on a downward slope for over a year and a half with foreign debt at a staggering one hundred thirty six billion dollars i'm risking strained relations with russia wouldn't make it any easier causing a potential nineteen percent drop in ukraine's industrial output kiev would also need to reorganize its factories and raise gas prices to match new levels costing it another hundred billion dollars or more and euro experts warn that brussels wouldn't be able to support ukraine either. the european union really isn't in a very good financial situation ukraine needs to have a competitive economy but if it enters into agreement with the european union e.u. rules would make the economy less competitive it would mean less economic growth it would mean higher unemployment so any money would go to offset the damage that the
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european union would actually do to ukraine if there was an agreement though of course you can union it doesn't have any money to be lending out because it has its own severe very sees. what kind of country would an independent scotland become if its citizens say yes to breaking from the u.k. in next the next september's referendum the scottish government outlined what it thinks will happen in a draft white paper as it's known as riseley has been looking through the six hundred page blueprint. right now they said that this white paper answers some six hundred fifty questions and the details here really are key and they promise indeed a lot of breaking down of all the policies they want to pursue there are two main categories here one those that will be negotiated during the transition period and another those will be made that will be made if an independent scottish government is indeed warm now first of all the main objective that both the first minister and
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deputy first minister had said is that they want to create a stronger economy democratic prosperous and a fairer society let's listen to a bit of what they said today don't you call a halt to damaging which mr policies are pushing soo many people into poverty polish the bedroom tax and ensure that the incomes of the lowest paid keep peace with the cost of living going in to this white paper there were a lot of sticking points that were debated heatedly by both sides those pro and against the independence first of all there's a question of currency scotland wants to keep the sterling pound and form a union a currency union with the u.k. but westminster has been out of it that this is not guaranteed and in fact is highly unlikely and some critics are saying that most of the white paper is based on the premise that indeed there will be a currency union to begin with another issue is that of taxes today alex salmond had insisted that there won't be need to raise taxes and that first of all scotland
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would be the better fiscal position at the u.k. but this is against one of the new studies that have come out the saying that there will be a long term fiscal difficulty for scotland if it becomes independent and there's also the question of who's going to be controlling the oil reserves are definitely bound to the dispute between westminster and scotland if it does become independent again alex salmond insisting that it doesn't want he doesn't want any of the nuclear weapons programs in the country they will maintain some of the more conventional defenses and now the list goes on but i think the. main crux of the matter here is that many critics are pointing out asking if this white paper is going to be presenting the plan b. because a lot of the premises presented requires another party in negotiation what if i know the party the back of england and the british government or new member states in terms of e.u. membership what if they don't agree to what alex salmond has has been proposing but he said that he is confident that everything that's contained in six hundred
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seventy pages will be addressing every single question if anything at this white paper is going to be a springboard for even more debates in the months to come and little earlier i discussed why the brand new document is so important to scotland with jonathan shafi from the radical independence campaign for me some of the main headlines just deferent the scottish government's approach to key economic concerns in comparison to basement discussion so far has been one in which what we've seen from the new campaign has been nothing concerning how the able to improve the lives of people. we've seen no idea about how they would for example start to think about raising living standards or redistributing wealth in fact what we've seen is the opposite of that we've seen them put forward ideas that are going to maximise the bill for the very top of society not everything and this white paper today i would agree with but i think what we've got to say is that this is the start of i hope a much broader discussion i don't want sort of scolding that we want to leaven. in
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a couple of minutes we take a look at libya the authorities are trying to crack down on the. functions are refusing to lay down arms and come under government control. join me to find out what it takes to graduate from europe's only. group of highly skilled trainees defeated to making our livelihood. stay with us. good lumber tour. was to build a new most sophisticated. fortunately doesn't sound anything tim's mission to teach creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should care
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unleash a bloodbath in defense of sharia law the group came under attack from government troops on monday and at least nine people were killed and dozens wounded in the clashes it is the latest crackdown on militias which have been ordered to disband or join the army local journalist kareem an r.g.b. report from aaa to for. over forty people were killed and more than two hundred injured at a rally last week in tripoli as protesters clashed with the militia as they took control of a number of government buildings the gunmen gave into the demands of the libyan authorities and left tripoli but refused to lay down arms reportedly natives of the city of misrata they were among the first to seek to remove the gaddafi regime in general the security situation in libya remains unstable really be as deputy intelligence chief mustafa no our recently kidnapped outside tripoli's international airport. they've been civilians have been demonstrating in tripoli against the road militias who've been causing chaos in the city we've been getting
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some of their reactions. it's a message to libya's government but we want to throw it used to solve the problems that american the people suffer. we want everybody who's illegally carrying weapons to disarm we want and then to the bloodshed the people are rallying for security in libya for the army and police to play the roles they are supposed to. the libyan government has been unable to control the militias who helped propel it to power when they overthrew and killed newmarket daffy there could be seventeen hundred armed groups across the country with no central leadership or unified agenda meanwhile some four hundred years are spread three million bia but only a fraction are controlled by big government and these caches contain some advanced weaponry and foundations of anti aircraft missiles have reportedly gone missing and in the wrong hands they could easily be used to bring down large aircraft such as
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passenger planes for some analysts the ongoing western interference is only fueling the crisis the government is totally incapable of reining in these militias they're not going to disarm there's been a problem associated with bringing together the various militia groups but many of them are motivated by sectional interests criminal activity and we've seen the fruits of this over the last two weeks and then of course there's the international aspect as well other forces that are coming in from outside of libya also participating in the internal political struggles that are going on in libya itself and then of course we still have the ongoing role of the united states and these other western states who are continually interfering in the internal affairs of libya and now the united states is talking about training some five to seven thousand libyans to be a part of this new national army and this of course could cause even more
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consternation inside the country because many of these militia groups even though they were against gadhafi they still do not support the u.s. or nato interfering in the internal affairs of libya at this stage. and we're here's what you're telling us about where you think libya is heading in light of the latest on rest and so far almost half of you believe that the country is on course on a collision course with civil war around a third think libya will become a safe haven for terror groups linked to al qaeda and not many of you think the west will weigh in to help the libyan government and barely any say the two more is temporary and will lead to democracy you can have your say all you have to do is go to r.t. dot com. now in bahrain the clampdown on public dissent is gaining force on sunday police arrested a prominent activist who led the european bahraini organization for human rights on charges of inciting hatred against the regime r.t. talked to hussein jail words wife and she says her husband is the latest victim of
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a campaign to gag all those who speak out he was defamed there are no knock it off or should the u.s. paper its station to fire lucky against that. if it may show but he got everest's dead for inciting he'd read it political or in bahrain wristing human rights activists or defenders and behind is not something new there bahrain yeah i'm sorry is that are you feeling as less of human rights activists day after another as if you were at harvard you don't knock on on this scene in bahrain many human right defenders are even either in exile or they are but in this action or our president or sentence for several years. darwish also told us about another well known bahraini pro-democracy activist in a building a german he was arrested in june last year over his twitter based campaign against
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the gulf nations ruling monarchy. so cannot believe a job as that is a very obvious how behind it i thought i just read human rights defender they don't want anyone to step forward and talk about what people are suffering or to juanita or duck and it is violation they want everyone to keep quiet and accept what it has and the behind you read team is enforcing security option on the political option and they are stopping those who are teaching people are making people aware of their rights or speak about them. russia's president has met with pope francis for the first time to discuss among other things the civil war raging in syria it was flooded near putin's first meeting with the pontiff and part of the president's official visit to italy you could piece can offer ports now from vatican city there is pope francis on one hand
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a figure with enormous spiritual influence over one point two billion catholics across the world and president putin on the other a heavyweight politician also one of the most influential people on the globe to may not be on the scene team but they do have much more in common than some may think for instance syria both have been standing firmly against any military intervention in france is even wrote a letter to the russian president personally thanking him for his efforts to help prevent military action by the west both moscow and the vatican have also been paying a lot of attention to the rights of the christians in syria so they are on the same page when it comes to lots of issues but what's interesting is the way italian media has been reporting on this visit it's not the relations between the vatican and moscow nor the conflict in syria which we're in the focus of their attention what we defeat of alleged friends and the former prime minister of a little scornful screwy facing a string of convictions including abuse of power and having sex with an honor.
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prostituted and the local media was and still is a boiling with speculation over whether or not mr berlusconi will be able to avoid punishments and the latest world in that sense was that russian president was going to make mr berlusconi russia's ambassador to the vatican automatically granting him diplomatic immunity which in real life never of course happens in the end of the meeting of the president with the pope but it did show him out of attention being focused on going to visit and now the russian president's left rome to the studio accompanied by eleven ministers where they're now meeting with the head of the italian government a new batch of leaks provided by edward snowden show that the n.s.a. has infiltrated by the fifty thousand global computer networks with malware the u.s. intelligence agency has reportedly been using the prize around to harvest sensitive information for purposes that have little to do with national security according to
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investigative reporter david lindorff they're actually able to plant these devices inside the servers that's a whole new level of. invasiveness and it's not just on the computers now it's right in the servers that the computers work through none of this is catching terrorists or even stopping terrorists this is really about something else the terrorism is an excuse for having this massive slowing. and while edward snowden continues to be viewed as a traitor by washington approach the campaign on the city's bus routes is putting across a very different message the scheme launched by a free speech advocacy group called on the public to take a stand against america's notorious surveillance operations and thanks the former cia man for exposing wrongdoing. while the revelations on government
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spying have been flooding the media for months now and american am british officials are worried the worst is yet to come another snowden avalanche this time a so-called doings day tranche of highly sensitive and classified documents said to include the names of intelligence personnel employed by the u.s. and its allies r.t. dot com reports on that. forty one line health care investigation finds evidence that some cases of a child being greece are self-inflicted apparently as a desperate measure to collect highly coveted benefits. meanwhile in lisburn public frustration is boiling over as the government prepares to introduce new spending cuts a large rally has taken place outside the portuguese parliament as it votes on the twenty fourteen budget of off duty police officers have joined the crowd angered by government plans to slash their salaries are mourning such a measure would compromise public security the country has been gripped by weeks of
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protests against government cutbacks aimed at reducing the budget deficit in order to receive rescue loans worth seventy eight billion euros. while in thailand the government's facing increasing pressure over a controversial amnesty bill antigovernment demonstrations have been raging for three days now and thousands of activists have surrounded state ministries calling for the prime minister to step down the amnesty law if passed would grant pardons to politicians both past and present pave the way for the return of a. former premier taxi. that's not a job for everyone but there's a dead good living to be made in a very specific kind of professional undertaking as artie's peter all of a discovered while visiting europe's only academy offering a postgrad in post-mortems this a small town college a class like any other except for the coffin in the middle of the room that is
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these students are learning how to be undertake is. what i want to work on help people through that is a very difficult time when my grandmother died the funeral directors didn't do a great job and i saw the distress that caused my family this isn't a job it's a calling. the college in northern bavaria is the only one of its kind in europe each year they take about five hundred students on a three year course rain or shine they are drilled for every eventuality. ok the bodies down all the guests have left but the police call and says this lady may have been poisoned and must be examined how do you get her out of there any ideas yeah. a lot of the courses spent on the job at local funeral parlors despite the onus being on professionalism it doesn't leave the participants immune
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to the realities. do sometimes you know if there is a kid line there or someone my age it hits you hard for a gyal life can be the students don't just spend their time digging graves they also receive extensive studies in the not so me as well as lessons in how to deal with the deceased using some rather realistic props also the correct way to measure on build a coffin including those designed to fit the regulations for international travel. and perhaps most importantly a lot of work is done to make sure the students can be sensitive to the needs of a grieving family if i'm meeting up to hear all that we aim to make sure that when someone gradients they have the skills to work anywhere or even set up their own enterprise when they leave our gates they're professional funeral directors. which
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will be welcome news to any of their future customers because you only get one chance to get it right these are all over germany and from graveyard to vinnie our james brown explores russia's wine growing regions that's next. when the crisis leaves us traces everywhere. empty classrooms become the norm. children pay for the mistakes of adults. by working in a tobacco field or in a cafe. they are the ones who come back home last. so kids games are just in their memories.
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you know there's one thing that i still can't understand and i don't want to ruin your good mood but i have this one question with doing this all for you that you had everything. respect authority that you gave them all up in the senate to go your way but what for. it was a way to inform. he tried to restrain himself but look. anyway. if it really puts me off that i have such a father. who is one small but very great secret that i have to live with for.
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