tv Headline News RT November 26, 2013 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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think i suspect. they would like to do is show that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck help us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going to hell and we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america among them are you ready to join the movement and welcome the big three. zero on child carbon in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. it's official hobby lobby's
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challenge to the obamacare birth control mandate it's going to be heard by the supreme court hobby lobby says the first amendment protects it from pain for its employees birth control since when for profit businesses have constitutional rights heard about that and more in tonight's big picture politics and also progressive have a friend in the vatican pope francis the first is now come out against trickle down economics and what he calls the tyranny of unfair heard capitalism so what would jesus do the answer later on in the show and ignore the mainstream media the president doesn't have to worry about iran sabotaging a nuclear deal he has to worry about republicans. tell you why in tonight's debate .
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you need to know this if two hundred fifty million years ago you were standing thousands of miles away from what is now siberia. in the first years of the permian mass extinction probably the most you would notice is an odd change in the weather a reddish hue in the northern sky what you wouldn't know and probably your children wouldn't even realize although your grandchildren certainly would is that a tipping point had already been passed and an extinction and an unstoppable one was already underway. extinction what could get america's leading experts on climate change to agree on something that the average american has probably never even heard. methane methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and there are trillions of tons of it embedded in a sort of eisler e called methane hydrate or nothing clathrate crystals in the arctic and in the seas or on continental shelves in north america too and arctica if enough of this
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methane is released quickly enough it won't just produce global warming it could produce an extinction of species on a wide scale and extinction that could even include the human race if there is a ticking time bomb in our biosphere that could lead to a global warming so rapid and sudden we would have no way of dealing with its methane our planet has experienced five major extinctions over the past billion or so years times and more than half of all life has died in a geologically brief period of time and the common denominator of each one has been a sudden palls of global warming increasingly it appears that a rapid release of methane played a primary role in each one back in two thousand and two the b.b.c. documented how just in the previous decade geologists had by and large come to the conclusion that a sudden release of methane after years of global warming led to the death of over
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ninety five percent of everything on earth during the permian mass extinction. then something new with. the flow towards it would have released the said could. be. this huge injection to get. to the degrees. the world was not ten degrees to. that methane is by. back probably even larger quantities as life has been so active since the last mass extinction we laid out the scenario and its possible doomsday implications in a short video titled last hours ago but once again.
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extinct because of manmade climate change. it's hard to imagine earth without life we take life for granted but life has not always flourished here. has experienced dramatic loss of life or what we call mass extinction five times over the course of geologic history each one of these events as resulted in the loss of more than half of all life on earth today a sixth extinction is underway one that will test the survival of not just human civilization but possibly of the human species itself and it bears a horrifying resemblance to several previous global warming driven events like the permian mass extinction i think if he says the world has been recently sensitized about methane we're now discovering more and more of it leaking from oil wells
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fracking operations melting permafrost and even served up by arctic storms and just this week the e.p.a. reported they may have been under estimating by half the amount of methane being produced by human activity meanwhile the national science foundation just released a report that methane releases from the arctic have also been underestimated the caption accompanying their graphic says that all too clearly methane is leaking from the east siberian arctic shelf into the atmosphere at an alarming rate of methane does eventually degrade in a carbon dioxide one large amounts are really are released over a short period of time their effect on global warming can be dramatic since methane is such a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. carbon dioxide or atmosphere has passed four hundred parts per million a number never before seen in human history but we've also never seen methane releases in this order in human history and to a large extent the naturally occurring methane releases are the result of that four
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hundred ppm of carbon dioxide many of the methane releases are the result of fossil fuel extraction processes the most dangerous ones the ones that could lead to trillions of tons of methane escaping into the atmosphere and thus driving and extinction of the melting of frozen methane clathrates with crystals along the seabed it's in the process that drives that is global warming principally driven by carbon dioxide if we want to avoid an extinction that could approach or even rival some of the five past extinctions that have wiped out so much of life on earth we must get control. of our manmade carbon dioxide and methane gas this. is a big picture politics panel with me marc harrold libertarian commentator attorney and author tickle williams democratic strategist and attorney and peterson managing
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editor of the american spectator thank you all for joining me are thinking let's get started. global warming literally could lead to a mass extinction we're talking about everything bigger than maybe a cat or a cockroach vanishing there geologists climate scientists who are seriously having this conversation james and some just published a piece in peer reviewed journal talking about how if you know the carbon the just the the you know b.p. and shell and exxon have on their books was burned we'd see a thirty degree increase in the temperature of the earth the human race would not survive that isn't time for us to start really taking this seriously and you know. i pay. you know i think there's a nuff evidence out there to prove that this is an issue that we definitely need to tackle you know i love the individuals who state that oh there's not enough science out there the proof that global warming actually exists when no there is enough
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science to prove that it actually exists in the ramifications of our carbon footprint granite it may not occur during my lifetime but it will probably definitely occur during my children and grandchildren's life time i mean you can see it slowly with the storms that we're having it with here can't stand the and all these other epidemics that are not normal to the areas where they normally occur i mean definitely a problem that we definitely need to tackle and we need to make very. i guess very solid efforts to reduce our carbon footprint i don't i don't see how this became a left right issue you know this is science this is the science is how to go about tackling it. would be the liberal progressive consensus on that is to tax carbon which is essentially i think the economies of all of life as a really simple question that the only industry that i know of and maybe you know of another missile but you know we here at the t.v.
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studio if we want to trash taken we pay to have our trash taken out you know we're in a boat i live on big charge me for taking my trash out every industry that i know of pays to dispose of it's trash except the fossil fuel industry not only do they not pay to take out their trash but we subsidize them and i'm not talking about things like the oil depletion allowance we pay with our military we you know our navy escorts them we keep their shipping lanes open we don't charge them a penny for that we're they're not paying to take out their trash and we're subsidizing them if you simply said pay to take out your trash at the minimal cost and according to our oil and finland's twenty five dollars it's minimal cost and that's and that just covers the cancers nasm that doesn't cover global warming doesn't exist. and we said oh and by the way when you pick up some of the cost of the sixth fleet the day we do that wind and solar power become less expensive than oil coal or natural gas i mean this is one of the reasons why twenty three percent electricity in texas is being produced by wind power twenty one percent in iowa
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these are mature industries why are we why are we even having this conversation well the utilities right now are dependent on coal power and if if you do that a lot of those costs are to be passed on to consumers i mean there was a. study when there was a cap and trade bill that was being floated a couple years ago that suggested that the impact on middle class families was going to be about a thousand dollars in increased utility bills and that's a huge problem and they have any other i don't believe and look at how much more efficient we would get i mean we have gotten dramatically more efficient over the years mark well first of all my guess would be if we take this on we'll try to take it on for the entire world and we our citizens will pay for the you know finland has done this ireland has done this in australia has it on this you know you and i just institute america's approach to everything is sort of like your neighbor comes over you go over to your neighbor say your grass is too long if you don't if you don't cut it i'm going to cut it for you that's what america will do here we'll go around the world we'll get best practices and then one up paying for the whole
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thing but that to the side some of what you're talking about is the crony capitalism especially in energy that has a lot to do with our electoral politics of texas but no absolutely not the question is how we deal with this and what i would see happening here is this this type of it's easier to tax people is easier to legislate when people are afraid of something i don't know if the science is a tax and i'm talking about is this correct or not a waste disposal fee i'm i'm just saying that what i would see next from this is and we're seeing in health care i mean the next industrial complex is our health care and environment at some point the i.r.s. through health care and the e.p.a. are going to become much stronger enforcement agencies and that's where i see this point are there are reasonable moderate steps you could take absolutely but that's not what will do once this thing gets going this environmental will see this is the next best real complex a major way to tax expand. and like we're seeing in health care well and there's also a very tough and it might save the planet we were at a time we'll get we'll get back to more of tonight's big picture panel right after this break.
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t.v. question for. how is the new alert and if they should scare me a little. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of joy and a great thing. that they had had rendered in a court of law. is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. and
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welcome back to tonight's politics panel we are marc harrold nicole williams and kyle peterson let's get back to it the supreme court today granted cert fancy way of saying yes we will hear the case and actually this is a case that the obama administration wanted them to hear because they have lost to the lower court in my recollection is correct and basically what's going on here is hobby lobby which is a for profit corporation it's owned by a family called the green family who are fundamentalist christians and as fundamentalist christians you know they're entitled to run their business pretty much any way they want they want so shot classes for example we don't believe in charge you can't buy hot you know. but and sunday everybody you know nobody works on sundays a going to happen you know it's the holy day. they should have a conversation so it's been in any case. but now they're saying that as
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a corporation. they can have a religion and that religion is protected under the first amendment of the united states and real confused i mean when what's next corporations can marry and then if they can marry do we have had does that solve the whole issue of marriage equality nationwide because corporations as far as i know are all the same gender or are they different or wow you know what i mean where is this going and what am i missing here mark let me your turn here you're. a libertarian what's this i mean looking at this through the sort of a political lens it's a risky move because when when you the appellate court upholds the law or overturns a law it's really only good for certain jurisdiction to the district of columbia certain states territories wherever that circuit if it's this difficult as you functionally the whole united states if it's a federal law well it's a federal law because in the district columbia jurisdiction i mean there's ninth
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circuit's fifth circuit whatever it is so when you tie it up i mean when you go for the circuit in your t. in this up this can become the law of the land if obviously the obama administration loses it's going to be closer to the election is going to undercut it's going to bring the whole obamacare back into the political sphere that i think is going to be there anyway well i think this is about citizens united a lot of ways and one theory i had one theory i have is that you know president obama scolded the supreme court over citizens united in the state of the union and i think that the search has to be this close in time i don't think this is a certain grant to undercut citizens united if i'm you know the hardest thing to predict the future but if i had to guess my guess is that they're going to bring this up and it's going to reaffirm the basic underpinnings of citizens united corporate personhood in the first amendment a different part of the first amendment and this is really a risky move for the obama administration because if they if they follow the appellate court it becomes the law of the land at this point it was limited to basically one jurisdiction one of the eleventh circuit you think this is more sam alito getting back at the president you know he mouth back at the president during the state of the union do you think this is more sam alito getting back at the
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president or do you think that this is more of the court simply saying you know we have planted. our flag on this notion that corporations are persons and we are going to stand up we're going to stand and die in this moment i don't have the entire course in stand on the mound i have to admit i didn't last five years to basically five and there's also the part that certain justices look in certain jurisdictions as to whether they can get the votes and bring it up for certain in the way it does very few cases are going to search but on this one i think it could be that i really do in the back of their minds i really do think they've got scolded on citizens united they've been kind of laying in a way and this is payback i don't think the grant cert overrule these basic underpinnings if i have to look at this certainly and i think it's to reaffirm the citizens united basic and when we say we keep saying surge here what that means basically certification this or tory actually is the last word but basically yes we will take the case we will. i find a very interesting and surprising they did take the case and. of course i'm hoping that they do not go as broadly as to say that a corporation is allowed to dictate what you know the type of health care that
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their employees can provide that they can provide to their employees i feel like this is a little overreaching to sit there and say that a corporation can deny providing their employees contraception contraception if they want to provide health care in general to their employees as basically they're telling their employees how to live their lives in a sense and i have serious issues with that i think that if your corporation and you want to provide health care to your employees then you have to provide health care to your employees and part of that have to do with health care for a woman or contraception is just basically an extension of women's health care women's reproductive rights. or model birth control do not do so for for birth control exactly they do it for you know for for health purposes right and so i just find what this particular employee are doing is doing is very overreaching a little too broad i think a little broader kyle there's a. you know the glib response i think is
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a you know if they choose not to shoot to serve shot glasses. based on the religious principles nobody's arguing that they have to i mean you know shot glasses are a protected class used to be back in the old south people would use that as an argument for segregation things you know it's my religious but there's nothing you know nobody's arguing this but this doesn't have to do with what they're selling this has to do with how they're conducting themselves with regard to their employees well i think that is even a little different category what i think of the issue is a lot messier than you're making it sound so there are several cases out there the hobby lobby one is the one that the supreme court has chosen to take but i would bring people's attention to differ when there's a there was a catholic group of catholic charities in pittsburgh that recently got an injunction saying that they did not have to do until the case is settled did not have to comply with the mandate and and what the bishop in question he said faith without works is dead and the judge who heard the case said that he was basically being asked to sever the catholic church into the portions that are involved in
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worship and the portions that are involved in the works and he couldn't do it so the hobby lobby case it's a little stickier but i think it's a lot more messy than you're making it sound. it's interesting i mean the whole catholic thing is i mean i could flip that upside down and say if you're a church and you want to run a hospital then you get there on a hospital according to rules and hospitals i mean there are there are churches the believe in healing by the laying out of hands and if somebody shows up at your hospital that your church runs and they're in the middle of a heart attack and you get everybody together say oh it's all a prayer for this guy and he dies i think you've got a case i think you've got a problem so you know at i think that judge is wrong i think if you're if you're in the hospital business you you abide by the rules of the hospital business end of discussion but there are several cases out there and the issue is more broad simply
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that's why this case i'm with mark on this i think it's not as close because they want all the firm citizens united this has very little to do with religion or religious rights or religious freedom this says this is united and it's going to be a backdoor way of wacken obamacare because because i think frankly thomas thomas roberts the only reason that he did not strike down obamacare as he was concerned about his legacy but he's now still having to deal with all the right wing flak from that he's probably not getting those big six figure speaking fees that thomas and scalia get at all over all the right wing gigs i think it's still doing ok. sure it is ok same sex marriage during a recent appearance on bloomberg t.v. wisconsin governor scott walker. who no doubt is going to be running for president said that his state had a healthy mix of laws both discriminating against gay americans and firmly in their equality check this out. and it was some republicans were passed a bill banning discrimination against gays should the house to say well you know i
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haven't looked at that particular bill i can tell you in wisconsin we've had anti discriminatory laws that are very similar that are more than thirty years and they work quite effectively only to a state that has a constitutional amendment to deploy her mother was not. bill the house bill should be some i mean we had not had problems that we had no problems or should say no limit to problems with that at the same time we still have a constitutional duty but the defines marriage as a healthy balance going to the sky is the perfect candidate for president those are the most that was the biggest word salad weasel words that i've ever heard my whole entire life first of all you're coming on bloomberg t.v. to talk about a topic and you say oh gee i haven't even bothered to really come out i mean does anybody anybody believe scott walker on that for even a second but it sounds like you know well it doesn't sound like what he's saying is . we have no problem in our state with people who are gay being discriminated against but. we also have this constitutional amendment that specifically
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discriminates against them. everything's fine can anybody make sense out of this for me. it doesn't make sense honestly tom i mean i have friends of mine who live in wisconsin who are l.g.b. and they would like you know to have the same protections that their friends in massachusetts in california the district of columbia still have and you know getting married in their marriage being recognized by the state of wisconsin and protection in the workplace and that's what i'd like and also to suggest they have this law in wisconsin with regard to discover nation however and it's also been shown that there haven't been a force in this law and there have been reports of people being discriminated in the workplace in the state of wisconsin and the state of wisconsin and the republican controlled government of wisconsin is not enforcing their discriminatory statute that they have the forstmann is the responsibility scott walker's own so it's executive engines like you know what i'm saying his op is not doing there not do it he's not doing that well well i think that that's probably
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a political position and scott walker is probably not being as forthright about his opinions as he might be if you know. where. but i would say that there's something to be said for. but letting things take some time to consider this i mean the thing is just a little bit of conservative anthropology i mean the thing that most conservatives object to is the notion that we can take these institutions that developed organically over thousands of years and we can sit on the border next thursday and read to them and you know strike certain sections that we don't like i don't read and i mean there was a time when the catholic church actually did marry gays and homosexuality has been around for thousands and thousands of years but the other thing that conserves object to is that this idea that we can change things and not expect any flak from that i mean the institution of marriage as used to be a whole lot more about duties and rights and responsibilities and now it has been redefined by the culture of blame for some of this to be about fleeting emotions
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and feelings and i think we. were down and i decided i want to mark in on this isn't this isn't. marriage equality the most conservative position marriage is a lifelong commitment this is this seems to me like this is the most conservative thing you can do it very much is from a point that the government should stay out of all marriage not just same sex marriage same sex marriage surely the same sex marriage should not be discriminated against he's definitely he wasn't ready for the question he needs of much better talking point if he runs for president but the bottom line here is part of the legal problem they have is that legislation that's anti discriminatory can be reviewed either way under some type of state or federal equal protection clause even though homosexuality or same sex couples are don't as suspect class the problem they have is when it gets into a constitutional amendment it's not eligible for the same type of judicial review so you get into this thing where you have laws you're comparing sort of apples and oranges with a constitutional amendment and laws that have been inactive that can be repealed
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but i absolutely disagree with that constitutional amendment there should be protection there should not be just gender distinction for marriage however it's defined i think the government should stay completely out of it but same sex couples should be allowed to marry to the same degree that heterosexual couples can very well and on the. well kyle. nicole i'm sorry and mark thanks so much for being thank you. coming up thanksgiving is supposed to be a time for family and friends but in recent years of the rise of black friday sales has become a time of breeding desperation what does that say about where our society is heading the answer in song right after the break.
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i've got a quote for you. that's pretty tough. if they were it's about story. let's get this guy like you would smear that guy in stead of working for the people both issues the mainstream media are working for each other bribe writers vision by. a good run. we're. i think. it was my goal to do is to show that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution context i that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy shipwrecked albus. that i know i'm tom on and.
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