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tv   Headline News  RT  November 26, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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today on larry king now the legendary james tang the godfather established you the jewish kid with all those attacks shall we say that the cause of good might make money being italian without emotion oil interest plus the a bundle size good to be seen in the air in the right cities. but i still get the best tables when i walk in and it's people are afraid to say anything to me they say what should i be going up a nice realist since it's a good plus can disable a shell. and i love and his newest costar maggie lawson be shell full of mission i know all of us all today on larry king now. i feel like i'm home because my kids grew up playing baseball here they graduated
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from the little east went to the juniors but when devil hills were on the set of a.b.c.'s new sitcom back in the game and i would start a show one of hollywood's most respected names one of the guys to james caan he plays terry the canon gannon sr a single dad was welcomed as a strange daughter terry jr and her young son back into his life terry jones played by maggie lawson will leave her in a little while why did you go to tell if you are a movie star here star well here's what happened when. i don't get the girl anyone right you know obviously i can't. like fight prehistoric animals with a short you know giant ones and can jump from building the building and i get nauseous hanging from a wire so what's left yeah so i did it i did yeah i did that for a little while i didn't like that right. i liked it there was some things i didn't like about it. but that was all executive stuff. but. the bone and then i was
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broken like hard times on my make a monkey eat red peppers right. but i've been doing movies and the truth is it's just not making the movies that you know that i like to do i mean i've done a couple but like all of a sudden you do in movies like they asked me what was the name of that other movie that i should call it was called the rent and what was the movie before that that was also called the rent you know well i get a call. from my agents and they said. to me the coen brothers. they won't this. dish comedy thing is yeah and they won't feel they're not going to do it unless you do it the coen brothers really do that well to come well i got to read that so read it's pretty funny but i look in the column brothers and i didn't say to comment about those insta columns brothers so i find out that's the way these guys make a living they mispronounce they they. but it's
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a very good guys and they're very very funny so i make fun of them so i and i met with them and i know him i know them both from vegas and other places and i mean they're both among a home they're great and funny and. and then i you know i have two young kids still stay home and i found it to be really fun and creative it's a great cast. of characters which we rated on set yeah he was not a good ballplayer like no he was he was like the second coming of sandy koufax actually he was already like you know he dragged me out of the league and was on but it sounds like maybe but i just thought it was a so post she called her junior because i raised like a boy her mom died when she was eight and i raised it just you know baseball and all these wealthy this is just not a great dad and. she went on to college and become an all american softball player
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and she got married had a kid they split up now the kids ten years old she hates her dad because june you know i quote julia. and i mean to the point where she goes. well i had my first period you told me to walk it off you know. so everything was funny so she was raised that way then she's forced to live with me now with the kid. because there's nowhere else and i'm playing a pretty horrifying kind of person which i always probably easy right how does a horrifying kind of person. keep up as the head of a weekly sit com. what i mean is what motivates you i like you i sort of like archie too i sort of like him yeah you wind up like oh he's not like it's not that he's angry he's like impatient he has a good time you know he's not and when he does he when he feels something that's it . apologetically or it lovingly it's a sign of weakness to him so he does it privately and quietly without express
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himself well he does but it's kind of like a sign of jobs. that he has a pension and he's a hustler you know. the place cards how do you view him when you play someone like that to you i think he'll larry. me when you go look for well the the what in the lousy need to do is to be very very funny and long with you know with robin his brother mark of this great writing staff there they're not seriously rob belongs there is cena people walking the streets and this guy ok they're nuts and. the uber is great so we figure out like. from anger it doesn't there's not a lot of human to call and there's not a lot of room for transition from anger to be eleven but for a guy who hasn't got time for. can you say. i love. a good time for people. and it's like got anything to say don't bother talking to
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me so there's a lot of humor that comes out of sarcastic humor that comes out of impatience that wouldn't come out of anger you know another baseball two yeah i mean this is certainly a far cry from the bed was because was a hey i'm not doing bad those bases ok no so you know we see these kids that we have who they're pretty good right larry it is not. one gene that lettuces them in any one of them they will never win if they scored two runs we're going to a party. so i mean the point is it's not about this team getting any better. they will never win in the life of this is to share in just what they are there are these kids are like little kids that we had to do did not act this except for my my grandson was the best script and he's in. the placement. do you like the images the tough guy guy that suit with the godfather established you the jewish kid with all
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those that say that because it might make money be in a time when i just push the a bundle so it's good to be taking it in the right cities. know the you'd like that tough guy image you know i mean what your parents are eyes that way a lot yeah well i mean that you know fortunately god follows the success you know and on fortunately you know every script i got you know they're after for a few years of the war and twenty people dead by page eleven i think at the you know i didn't get the script but. no i mean i went on to sing and dance people wait they don't relate to a great movie for the boys yeah could a little better movie i guess you'd have been it could have been a better it was a good movie a day for cock that a little bit but it was one enjoy them you had a good time. so you've done a lot of very clearly kissing by a tap dance and you know a lot of that when they think of you they think jane you cause you made such an impression right i mean it was like what is it really evaluating because i get you
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know i still get the best tables when i walk and people are afraid to say anything to me they say watch out you can wind up a nice really good moving a little less sunday at fordham university mariel cuomo and i did a seminar for the law school of the show the godfather and then a discussion about the godfather a movie that mary o. appreciated technically i thought it was brilliantly done the music and everything and he hated the movie really because he was still the stereotype to tell us the story that is that italians have suffered as americans from that movie react to that as we think he feels you know well we're going to join his parade think are you going to go to home with what he's talking about the truth of the matter is that if you had a life i mean obviously when you do a picture about the mob it's about the mob and to make it at the taping a movie you know you're not going to have i'm planting flowers and selling laura fides murda and you know i can see where he's coming from kind of i mean the truth
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under surely is not the truth about the success of the godfather has to sholay do with francis coppola i mean i remember i was with evans on them when i would talk augusta gravitational of that francis and and the reason i say that is francis is not a brooklyn that. francis is a mediterranean and his father was lead flutist for tuscany you know they come from music and art and food and wine i mean you know what i mean and the kids were the same way they were in cutting rooms when i didn't know about any wise guy stuff used to further but there in lies there in lies the success because everything was done for the sake of family you know because question i got to go higher it was not a real horse eighty people were killed at one of the old dollars was a real. nobody cared who died because everything was done you know what i mean it was yeah it was a single feel he should be told he did this to his sister that's ok this guy did this to his mother you know what i mean joy of course i was at some point. and you
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see that in effect you know people don't tell you not at all as a matter of fact. i'm very french ninety percent of my friends went on in the home ninety five problem ninety let's get this right about eighty seven and ok ok but did they they. they have never heard that. this is certain and the sopranos follow that he did well as a little coarser i mean you know the godfather was still close when it's a great time saying i mean the sopranos is a little course you're in it's in it's. the crimes with head here if you look at the years there's such a word we invented it i just came up with it but. the petty things and the godfather was there was more like you talk about senators and you know they were all involved what was that like for you a young guy great role for you to work with brando's chinos that you know was scared to death he told me but we will i mean listen anybody that was my age or you
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know even a low they say they're pretty that brando didn't you know didn't mean anything or wasn't the most you know looked up to guy you know when we were working at acting the line you know he was he was the guy that like to work with he was a riot i mean. as you want to know with him and then he did i said for some reason he started laughing up in the middle to see just or to laugh and i call him on a phone a lot. so we had a great time but the first you know when i first met him it was you know i remember we had this. francis for the first reading we took this big restaurant up in the bronx spread wall italian food was like and then and we read you know so al myself to follow and. read the what the head of the table in the hallway down the end of the day was francis and every all the other characters you know in sterling gable was all the way down. in france you could see we all probably started to lead and all you'd hear. on sunday you know. and i don't you
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know and al gore. is funny and you can see fans are starting to lean fully called him a freak of word for. he's found that they're all of a sudden the story gave them a light why did you want everybody to throw up one quick thing before we break the death scene of sonny yeah how long did that take to shoot. that scene in the car how long a day i mean one day oh my god you can't do that over again you know how many times . it was you did to the one hundred forty seven big ships not like these says she squibs they have today i mean they blow it so they all have a shoulder jack and they should have about one hundred forty seven on me too of five thousand all over the place now how many times you think you would shoot that for years and yeah i mean now i wouldn't done it at all i mean it's kind of scared me because the guy you want to see the squibs they will like. like
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a brass casing they heard them blow up holy hands like they showed him and he jack they sort of went to the seats and shot him into the car to build a bond two out of the car she had to be in we had to choreograph where your hands were and all of that the only reason i did it was because there were girls on the set. otherwise i would have said and if i don't know what i'm made to i'm going to make money i was in a screw you francis i had done it right now we'll be right back with the star of that in the game on a.b.c. changed on. the air a. very sorry to take. once again on here by that time that that her big hair.
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plus how does a new alert animation care me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of the one i pray for the other that there have been regarded or
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a lot around alive is a story made for the movies playing out in real life. but back when james tawny stars in back in the game on a.b.c. in the next segment we'll meet his costar maggie lawson we have some social media questions for you social media yes straight out to me for k.j. am ten sixteen on twitter k j m it was whatever kind of a lubricant what is that the question is are you it's in service of audience think i just should keep their political views to themselves yes to both as to both you
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all i ever did but no i think they should keep. there's nothing worse than an actor like talk i mean unless they have political science they were political science majors and they know something but most everybody that talks about it that i've tested a couple of the heads on a scale of a needle does a full ok. but i am it's the president time horses for courses conservative kathy be forty five on twitter wants to know when did you first know that your son had talent he stars in hawaii five zero when he was born. no i didn't i mean he was a great ball player was getting ready to play he was baseball got was yeah he was on believable he was like the number one pick me all start going to me and he lopez was coaching pep i give a scholarship like when he was thirteen fourteen so i thought that proceeds at the stadium and then he decide to become a lesbian i mean if you lead to be gay but there's be a but he he went off and rap when he was sixteen he was going to really be very
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proud and very proud he said he's a great writer too he writes plays to dunk on twitter wants to know what was the most challenging role to date and why i think it was a chis that it was for you days old is there a role for those i did not that might get into it it was exhausting ira ties it was my favorite role in this series i know that larry look you want to be jelly on facebook always the best part about filming las vegas was there are oh sure i mean the cast was great the girls will beautiful so i mean it was the hot years like it but i didn't get a look at the brando every day you know and you know. all right joe and kathy i still don't you know i live in these a little quick thing what advice. does rise do you have a young and upcoming that is to maintain a long lasting for it in the toughest business of them all acting on a serious note which i told my kid and my kids you know i used to say like acting is in my life you know and people would think i don't care that's not true i want
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to be the best in the world if i was about their one of the but. your family and your friends have to be the most important thing because no matter what success you just achieve no matter what heights you achieve inevitably and this happen to everybody there's a slide back which that they have which changes from person to person but the people who put all their eggs so to speak in that one best who live and die and breathe that crap because that's what it is inevitably those people when they hit that slide they are the ones that hurt themselves they drug died a big press they commit stupid crimes because there's too much of it is too much importance self important it's meaningless it's not meaningless i mean you try you you can only do what you can do where you never let it go. i guess that's one way of putting a but don't don't make it your life i mean you gotta look at what you have you know and not what you don't have let's play a game of if you only knew
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a little quick things sure everybody first girl you have a kiss little boy remember who actually and i will actually know as in this way i was cheated you get partial oh you just really kiss like that kid i don't know that had it happened like in the kid's show that probably i don't know what i was in capsule i was much seen as this she was next as this is. from the front you know nice she was my girl from when i was thirteen when i had a little you know i think that's really where the little thing biggest regret. he turned into the you're a great many yeah yeah you can i'm going to start a business with the stooges i always have done if jimmy likes it don't put a dime in it if he turns it down put everything you've got it made a fortune but i turned out a lot of movies i you know i mean when i turn on some bad ones too but you know it was i had but having gone to a lot of has that been a movie when you said why did i turn that. no i mean i felt it but i wouldn't
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say you know i'm a schmuck i have a hidden talent we don't know about i have so many larry you haven't got time favorite role of all time. i love doing feet. the face good that was a good movie it was fun to do and then it was fun movies like you know i like this music i love doing it they would barbara it was a lot of fun to play that character billie rose we're still edition. will is why i told the guy to screw up a lot walked out i wanted out of your own oh yeah he said to me the four seasons was the best the above a done what kind of question is that i just walked in to say hello you don't say hello first he said you always way like that it's a hello. and he said what's the best the lawyer remember him sure and then this poor little castigates was sitting next to me says to me you know don't you know because i found out in early age if you say no to the people who play god then they can take that who's that punk to say no to me get him out show him i'll make him do this movie so i had that going and he said what's the best the above the done i
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said i was right ninety yards for a touchdown the auditions of the. worst favor they called me back to do it favre costar oh i can't i mean brando i mean bobby the bile and i are we've done five together where he's my closest friend and it's always your first impression of a los angeles. pastor that's years ago biggest regret my biggest regret is probably disinhibition. you have a favorite scene in the godfather one was actually cut in half to one but you know that whole bottle being thing was a scene with bobby and i. but i don't know i like to see what i thought of my sister when i came to see i don't know about when you beat up the brother i like that very. best advice you ever got. from mel brooks she told me not to run after a bust always. and find something no one knows about you james. this
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is. a woman at the coalition cookies cupcake. we're back with james caan and now joined by maggie lawson his costar she plays terry jr in back in the game how did you get the part. but i had to i had to read this one a couple times right and we do a couple times i think i read once or twice and then i read about you i had this sort of normal audition process and hearing you were already cast and then they had to test our chemistry. yet you're like oh right away you know you did. it yeah very much i came here i didn't have to audition you know i mean you know you had to audition i guess you could girls left i came in when i went to left. so she was one of the two what is it like. never a dull moment really it's been wonderful here i feel like i've learned so much from you know t.v. is so fast sometimes you get into like this this me it almost feels like
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a machine get it done get it done right we got time we got these occasions i got to go got to go and sometimes you forget to just pause and think about a scene and the characters and where they're coming from and who they are and jimmy is so great and that i call him jimmy he's usually all we do is put to good use for this interview. but we pause we actually take he he comes on set and we sit down and we talk about the scene and it's really nice because you usually don't get the time to do that and i love i love how he works and i feel like i've learned so much from them and i feel like so much about our relationship sort of came out of you know time will do that. the runaway would be really just grab my hand like i love you. every day. he's married yes yes what have you done. i just well thank you still running but i just came off of a show that's on usa i did for the last eight seasons which show it's called psych
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and we still the last season it still has to air out but. that is sort of what i think they're pretty good hearted it's not bad it's not bad it's been busy but it's wonderful and i feel really well would you describe. what does she very into the screen she's very down she's she's got what we call in her life which is the most important product a general electric chair easily i mean you have to have something going on it's not about words or anything it's about behavior i like her behavior where you grew up. in louisville kentucky. a city with the prettiest women in the world wow you build a hero go to the kentucky derby you see the women that's when you went that's because god gave you to. have covered with that had finished how our how would you know a little bit of blood work who are just so much maybe we had we have ok well he never
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could well he went to the derby and the mint julep and now we know if you go into downtown louisville and. it's true you would the dugout jimmy you never went away for the derby show political machine i know. you flew and you went to the derby and that's right exactly right i don't boil a body to get you back you back something back to me are you enjoying this this so much other than jimmy why do you like it i like that we're making a show that i've i feel like i feel like we're trying to find. i think i feel like we're trying to find the comedy in real moments first is a show that's based just around jokes i feel like we have we have relation like real relationship stuff going on. i love baseball and and so i feel i feel like we're trying to do something you know a little more real and authentic and let the comedy come from that you do play softball baseballs and to face off i did play in southall yeah i play until i was
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like sixteen so in this you play a former star so cool yeah yeah i had to train a little bit because baseball different i am i was i'm a pitcher so i had say that's wrong and then over that yes and i was a pitcher when i played softball but it's a whole different animal do you get to play on the show a little i have a little bit not as much as i would like to we do have a batting cage on set which is really. and all the scenes all the baseball scene shot here and then this is our field you know we built. we built this field we jimmy and i'm jimmy and i'm you know the size of a soulful at night yes not a baseballs no but we were gators holding everything this is basically i seriously do not love though this was a field there they will get it and charge of the twentieth yeah yeah but everybody drug charges you. did a great great for the community you're leaving this field now for the community got to tear it all up jim well that's a funny thing you should if that's why i still got why it was funny but those
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because we had we had to get a permit i don't think this makes sense to to relate all the pipes in the sprinkler and they said you should ok you can build it but when he leaves you got to take that stuff out now you don't really i don't know that you'll figure it out later but don't really like this for a long shot you can't give up on the field. the field is this i mean we built it but the whole system underneath there you know there's this whole sprinkler system to keep the green. yeah they said i don't know when when when this show is dead which we don't know when that will happen as a matter of fact right the middle of this interview that so many i mean i know there are many that you're offended to comport with it but that one day we'll have sprays of stuff out there that is meaningful easy yeah one of those jams i'm so happy to you actually see on how do you do and you suspend this thank you jimmy jimmy john and maggie lawson she's terry jr he's terrie see the show is back in the game on a.b.c. we're in beverly hills on a beautiful seal where they have to tear it up after that only in beverly hills so
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they think this time they need a permit now to tear it up. just find me on twitter and change things thanks for joining us to say that's true that's true. well. science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future of covered.
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crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want to. put it on your arm in a large city hall of fame so i feel. a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure.


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