tv Headline News RT November 27, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EST
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protests against the halt of e.u. trade talks rage on in ukraine while russia's president calls on brussels to tone down its criticism of moscow saying it's about business not politics plus. police in cairo in force a new law that restricts protests amid fears the country is sliding back to an authoritarian regime. and a ticket to ride n.s.a.
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whistleblower edward snowden appears on posters in washington bosses as campaigners urge americans to follow his lead and reject government surveillance. in moscow you watch ninety with me maria joshie welcome to the program now thousands have rally it for a third day in ukraine's capital kiev over the government's decision to turn down an association agreement with the european union and that us president putin called on e.u. leaders to stop their criticisms criticism of russia over ukraine decision the european bloc has accused moscow of pressuring key of out of signing the deal well we can now cross live to a corresponding likes here chef ski who is in the rain capital for us i see you've been following these protests to tell us what's happening right now where you are
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in the korean capital. right now the protests are continuing despite subzero temperatures and keep there be continuing overnight there are several squares occupied by the people in central key if we are certain expecting these protests to continue until the end of this week until the eastern partnership savaging vilnius and people here are still clinging to the polls this agreement maybe sign despite its stronger surance is coming from the government and has been real. and again by the prime minister the foreign minister that the deal will not be signed and unocal which will be traveling to buildings but not be putting his signature under this deal last night from one of the protests we had a call from one of the opposition leaders to go to the government building in the morning and staged protests there at the same time we've had. i warned him he should by the local police to abstain from any kind of provocation because according to the local police to have information that certain provocator groups may incite riots and even possibly attempts to take over government buildings so
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the situation is just still very tense despite looking at peaceful at the moment so as i said these people are still hoping that the deal will be signed but. looking at the numbers looking at the economic figures and looking at stats it seems that ukraine is dodging a bullet but by refusing to sign this deal let me break down some of these numbers for you. do you jordan may have stunned a few people but it's no surprise to those who looked at the numbers the country's economy has been on a downward slope for over a year and a half with foreign debt at a staggering one hundred thirty six billion dollars it would have cost of one hundred billion dollars to modernize factories not all can so closures would trigger massive unemployment at risk if cannot afford especially since the e.u. made it clear no immediate compensation then a huge drop in industrial output from last trade with russia which said ukraine cannot get loyalty points from everyone ukraine's decision has also started
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a political street fight between brussels and moscow as the two traded accusations of pressuring kiev. i wanted to ask our friends in brussels my personal friends in the european commission to refrain from harsh statements do we really have to stifle an entire segment of our economy just to get them to like a salute to. the fear is that with a free to. great agreement already in place with key of the russian market could be flooded with european goods that could destroy entire industries and see tens of thousands of people out of work. but those camping out in kiev central square are adamant about becoming part of europe despite the risks to their own countries you can only kill. that was like here shasta reporting from kenya well for all the latest updates from the ukrainian capital you can follow his instagram he's got food it's from the scene plus
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pictures from the heart of the demonstrations. would be in. europe and ukraine were expected to sign a political association agreement as well as a free trade pact at an e.u. summit in lithuania later this week ukraine's president has said he will a tandem meeting to explain why a key have turned down the deal are just peed all over explains why some believe key of c. u. turn is saving europe a lot of trouble. ukraine's decision not to push for closer association with the e.u. could turn out to be a blessing for those european countries there was going to have to be some two hundred thousand pieces of regulation that would have to be changed to allow ukraine to fit into this new partnership all of which would have had to it being paid for by the european countries now these pieces of regulation range from quite
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big issues right down to things like the type of screws used on road signs and the gauge of railway tracks and those are things that really european countries can't afford to be paying for right now we're seeing eighty four million people on the brink of poverty across the european union this is according to euro the european union's own statistics organization youth unemployment is endemic across most of europe all of these things leading europeans here in berlin to tell me that well europe should look to put its own financial problems correct before it starts taking on the debts of others. so that the e.u. already has plenty of problems in its own right at the moment for example bulgaria will be joining soon i will only create more problems. we have and yes this will be expensive we have not realized it yet but we just have to wait and see. it's hard to say there are plenty of problems in ukraine in any case if we take them it
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should be done under different conditions. so it seems year it may have dodged something of a financial bullet following ukraine's decision not to push for those closer ties. one reason ukraine shelved the e.u. deal was the international monetary fund severe terms for an aid package and included the freezing of salaries and additional harsh budget cuts we've got more analysis on the story plus all the latest updates so had to r.t. dot com for this. police in the egyptian capital cairo have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse crowds protesting against a new law that restricts public gatherings. dozens of demonstrators have been arrested in the operation the bill requires police approval for public protests of more than ten people critics say the law is a major blow to the martyrs in egypt as artie's belt reports. protesters today who
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took to the streets in defiance of this very oppressive new law they told me they felt like egypt had turned back time to the mubarak days when these kinds of rallies were swiftly moved from the streets by security forces who are in fact to be given carte blanche to use violence to move people on so certainly feels like we've moved into a new era here in egypt people were fired on by to gas and water cannons heavily beaten within moments of coming to the streets to protest in defiance of this particular new piece of legislation they were rounded up among those dozens that were arrested including sixteen women and very well known activists including one human rights lawyer now this sparked uproar across the country in egypt committee of fifty years in the last few days of drafting egypt's constitution had to suspend that session after ten of its members walked out in anger over these arrests there's also been a lot of. faction saying this protest will cannot continue so really aids
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yet to be seen what's going to happen but so many tips feeling like it's moving into a new era where people can demonstrate people do have a voice of rights groups are saying freedoms are being really haven't cracked down on so it remains to be seen really whether the military backed government is going to be able to keep these very oppressive laws in place and keep restricting freedoms in this particularly tumultuous political time coming up on our team we take a look at the latest images from the syrian civil war. with a country engulfed in violence international mediators agree on a day to resume peace talks already shunned by the rebels fighting the regime in syria. the meantime britain is turning into a color coded society with the u.k.'s why it's an athlete minorities choosing to live apart and that's according to a new study that warns of comfort zone segregation which could lead to division and
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still be between the communities are just out further as more on the worrying trend . well that warnings that person could be drifting towards becoming a color coded society coming from the former head of the equalities and human rights commission trevor phillips now mr phillips has been leading some research with think tank demos and the university of london and what they've done is analyze data from between the two thousand and one census and the two thousand and eleven census and what they found is during that time more than one hundred thousand people from ethnic minority groups had moved out of london but instead of moving to areas considered predominantly white have preferred instead to move to so-called mixed areas where there are already established minority groups now here in sheffield a local community has hit the headlines over recent weeks the concerns raised over community tensions between the roma population and other ethnic groups in that
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community but what this research is saying is that this could be a pattern that we see played out across the u.k. the segregation really needs to be dressed and acknowledged because of course it does have very serious implications for community relations across the. now it's estimated some six hundred thousand wired britons left london between two thousand and one and twenty eleven opting to move to areas with a high white population eric halfman a professor of politics of the university of london says they're driven by the need to stay in the majority. one of the negative consequences is that you are getting whites british people avoiding very diverse areas so it's not because they dislike anyone group but they just want to be in a comfortable bit jordi so you can get a situation where like in parts of east london new him or in parts of south london . each census there are fewer and fewer white british there and it is possible that there will be areas that have very few to know or not know but very few white
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british people living there we see the same trend in the united states there are sections of the diverse cities like houston and los angeles or very few white people living there and that could be a concern for integration so it's just that inability to attract or retain white british population in some of these areas that are maybe not so close to central london but are not far enough away to be sort of leafy and green so it's that felt where you might get this effect. and coming up later in the program on the way to saw change. the club is taking for the polling place some twenty point two you know when it's a games join me to bond with a yacht in the black sea resort as i bring you mole all the brightest imagine that countdown to one hundred days before the paralympic.
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welcome back this is our team you know one of america's most wanted n.s.a. contractor turned whistleblower edward snowden has been spotted and washington d.c. but unfortunately for authorities they are only on a bus and retirement human rights activists launched a campaign to credit the leader and call on the public to stand against america's widespread surveillance program are just going to shake out on hopped on the snowden bus. these things giving weaken the us in civil liberties advocates are saying they're saying q to edward snowden it's a crowd sourced campaign so people across the country have donated small and large amounts to get this message across. in the eyes of the government edward snowden is a traitor and civil rights advocates through campaigns like this one
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a show there are many who don't think so there are millions of people across the united states that recognize that edward snowden is an american hero and a hero to much to democracy worldwide so it's important it's important to combat the message of propaganda that's coming from the obama administration in top leadership that are trying to demonize him when what he's done is a case of classic whistle blow with the united states government classified its evidence of its own criminal misconduct its its violations of the bill of rights and all that that mr snowden did was revealed the basic facts that the public is entitled to know there's several legislative initiatives right now all stemming from edward snowden's revelations to make sure that the just later don't forget that edward snowden supporters plan on launching new buses around january when congress is back in session in washington i'm going to check on our team. while the
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olympic torch continues its odyssey across russia to its final destination in sochi the countdown to the winter paralympics is also on there's just one hundred days left before the games begin would say is that a black sea resort. come rain or no sunshine at the olympics and the paralympics will go at. the paralympics they will begin here in sochi between the seventh and of the sixteenth of march twenty fourth that's ten extra days all the olympics as well as sportsmanship almost seven hundred athletes from forty five countries will take place in terms of the facilities everything has been prepared to cater for those with disabilities which will be above the transport tells as well as the limited stadium ramps as well as live put in to make sure that they tend to will be paid it will be a limp dick told to make its long run rough shod to some of the most exotic places like that's a good luck. but the problem fixed which is that phrase that we do will take
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place between at the twenty six of february till the seventh of march and next a keeping up with that i limp experience in terms of the new sports that will be added for the paralympics for big is something that everybody is why they want to pull the paralympics up a spokesman now present blood to putin who will be here in sochi today will be following him around as you take a look at all the infrastructure and how far they've come and also you'll be talking more on security on the a limited so we're following the events and we will bring you more as soon as we get it. now take a look at what our team has lined up for you on our web site a new report says as many as eighteen million americans may be suffering from gluten related maladies caused by. modified food had to are tito kong for the full
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food investigation. plus the truth is stranger than fiction and our website you'll find a story of a hollywood spine film director found himself involved in a real wife clandestine operation. news today. again flared up. these are the images the world has seen from the streets of canada. giant corporations are the day. bunch of losers real men do deals with their own so this is the number one i would say the only one so far victory for the obama administration it could be the beginning fall for obama nixon in china movement fasten your seat belt ok richard.
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nixon in china analogies being brought up in the media and i tend to agree with pepe this could be the only positive thing we've seen in the obama administration do foreign policy wise in a while not sure of this in a store or a man or the nixon in china analogy holds but we just don't know and certainly it's a modest risk for a big gain so i think it's i think people are going to give the president the benefit of doubt here for a while well i think what's happening is that the the media and certainly congress is overselling this. you know she did lumber a tour to mccurry was able to build the most sophisticated. fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the.
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welcome back this is r t a bomb attack near the syrian capital damascus has left at least fifteen people dead including civilians and government troops this comes as further dramatic food which emerges from the war torn country. interviewer with saudis are still. going to our flag ship the st fortunately the children who were on the hurt meanwhile world powers have agreed that peace talks on the syrian conflict will resume in january next year in geneva a western backed free syrian army has denounced the talks saying it will continue its fight against the regime of bashar asad during the negotiations syrian political activist says the opposition or mine any agreement. is one of the only two factions who can claim to present if i should part of the
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security. of the part of the opposition can claim to have such legitimacy for your presentation or if you're presenting another group of syrians but if the syrian government for example goes to geneva politicians who are new to this edition of the ground who differ is going to be agreed that this isn't going to be because any good underground can actually go through. and a brief look now at some other stories making headlines around the world the west has reportedly flown to be fifty two bombers over disputed islands in the east china sea define new chinese air to fans rules china expanded its air to fan zone on saturday threatening measures against aircraft the didn't identify themselves japan that also lays claim to the islands dismissed the new instructions as in value. in germany angela merkel's
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christian democrat party has reached a coalition deal with the center left social democratic party merkel's c.d.u. fell just short of an outright majority at last month's polls when its liberal partner won no seats many s.p.d. supporters are wary of the deal after the party suffered in merkel shadow during a previous grand coalition. really security forces have killed three suspected palestinian militants in the west bank israel claimed those killed were a link till qaida and were planning assaults in the coming days against israeli targets the palestinian authority has denied any links to terrorist groups and accused israel of killing innocent people. and endorsed thousands of students have clashed with police in the country's capital during a protest against presidential election results officers fired tear gas to disperse the crowds and cold for a recount of the weekend's vote which appears to have retained the governing
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candidate. a rescue operation is underway after a boat carrying haitian migrants capsized off the bahamas leaving at least thirty dead around one hundred survivors are clinging to the wreckage the u.s. coast guard is of the scene such incidents are common in the area with hundreds losing their lives every year. a bomb explosion close to a near plant in south india has killed six people and destroyed several houses and anti-nuclear activists and a suspect in the attack was injured in the incident police also recovered two unexploded devices from the scene. scotland has taken another step in its campaign for the panels by releasing a white paper dubbed by the country's first minister as a mission statement for the nation's future a six hundred seventy page blueprint outlined scottish plans to cause corporation
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tax expand free childcare and raise the minimum wage document comes ahead of next september's referendum when the scots will be asked a simple yes or no question whether their nation should separate from the rest of the u.k. one has strongly opposed the idea of clashing with edinburgh on the issues of currency oil reserves and e.u. membership but despite all the uncertainties scottish national party m.p. i guess mcneil says the white paper sends a very positive message to the nation it really is on the medium of different from asian husband put it that and yes i think people do have the information to make a choice people to be inspired in scotland the reaction is that there are people already who felt that they were all on the frames of put up side towards no who've had the positive messages to do you have seen or knew that there's a level of detail they have to say on this level of detail that is accessible to them and there's of course we knew that people who who do have some kind of information on independents are more likely to support it know this white people is
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only going to increase the movement in the polls with a nine percent of the moment that's less than a five percent swing referendums of this kind to usually have bigger swings towards the end and we're very very optimistic on the u.s. side that the people of scotland will indeed make the right choice a local fashion he says my be impressed but visitors to moscow's iconic red square have been taken aback by the side of a larger than life louis of aaton suitcase that's been installed near the kremlin argues margaret how when to find out why it's there. standing here right in the middle of red square what do i expect to find here the kremlin of course linens laws only on very sacred ground here in russia in addition to these major landmarks we now have this gigantic leave aton box which is featured behind me now it stands thirty feet high it's a huge monstrosity of sorts and there's been a lot of social outcry about this box on twitter a photoshop images have come up on line regarding this gigantic leave
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a ton box and twitter of people online have been commenting that this sacred ground has since been turned into a commercial space members of the do must have come out in regards condemning it saying you know that it just doesn't belong here and in the good department store has since decided to go ahead and remove this box now they're citing that it's not because of the outcry the public outcry but it's rather because it's just simply too big so we're going to see this major live aton trunk being taken down in the coming days it was originally supposed to be here for six weeks now they're saying it will come down. or up next the breakthrough nuclear deal with iran as a center of debate in peta what else crosstalk.
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do you think humanity as a whole would ban affair from living some parts of the world g.m.o. free just to play on the safe side view through biotechnology research through genetic modification we can give those small holder farmers the opportunity to be able to deal with and survive all of those challenges that i believe they should have all of the tools. yeah there's one thing that i still can't understand and i don't want to ruin your good mood but i have this one question doing this all for. everything they
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respect and so you give them all up in the senate to go your way but what for. it was a late send for him he tried to restrain himself but look it all burst out anyway. if it really puts me off that i have such a father. it was one small but very great secret that i have to live with. the olympic torch is on its epic journey to. one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred thompson cities of russia. relayed by
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fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand kilometers. in a record setting trip by land air and sea and others face. a limp torch relay. on r t r c dot com. hello and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered on peter lavelle deal has been struck well at least some kind of deal there can be no doubt this first step agreement between iran and the great powers is of historic significance it could become the foundation for far reaching geopolitical ships in the region but have no illusions the naysayers are intent on scuttling the deal and the use of force we're told remains on the tape.
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