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tv   Headline News  RT  November 27, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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what's happening is that the media and certainly congress is overselling this. day before the e.u. summit towards eastern european partners public fury in ukraine refuses to die down as the government has a tate's and signing up to trade deals also they are not disability with their own will with unlimited bills with a hundred days to go before the paralympians take over at the sochi winter games are teammates amount of money to turn his life around on the ice rink last. egypt orders the arrest of two prominent activists who spearheaded regime change in twenty eleven as police chase anyone defying the new law which restricts public gatherings. and the crackdown on terror here in the russian capital where police say they've arrested a group of heavily armed islamic extremists. good
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evening it's nine pm here my name is kevin owen this is our top story the breaking news the italian senate in the last hours voted to expel former first prime minister silvio berlusconi from parliament of his conviction for tax fraud a larger than life billionaires lead the country for most of the past two decades he addressed his supporters in rome before the vote saying it was a day of mourning for at least democracy before being removed from parliament rather bigger move from parliament means the seventy seven year old is now stripped of political immunity and could now be arrested on criminal charges we bring you more details as we get them. there's an eastern european economic get together starting on thursday but there's one country in the wings having trouble making up its mind he crane is seeing days
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of violence and protests demanding that their president signs closer ties with the e.u. even though he knows being hasty could be costly. protesters still continue in kiev they lost it overnight despite temperatures dropping well below zero and right now several thousand people are besieging the government building in central kiev and there's been a warning coming from the authorities for the general public to abstain from any kind of provocations because they had information that some provocative groups were preparing some royals and even an impossible attempt to take over the government building that's why you can see there's heavy police presence riot police are all over the place i when i walked here to the government building i saw literally hundreds of riot police all over the place there securing every governmental building the parliament of the government building and the administration of president building and judging by the fact that these people have ten camps across the city they're not willing to go anywhere until friday until the summit in vilnius still clinging to this last hope of signing your association deal during
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the eastern partnership summit even though there are serious assurances coming from the government that this deal will not be signed ukraine's decision has also started a political street fight between brussels and moscow as the two traded accusations of pressuring kiev. i wanted to ask our friends in brussels my personal friends in the european commission to refrain from harsh statements do we really have to stifle an entire segment of our economy just to get them to like us. the fear is that with the free trade agreement already in place with key of the russian market could be flooded with european goods that could destroy entire industries and see tens of thousands of people out of work. but those camping out in kiev central square are adamant about becoming part of europe despite the risks to their own country's economic health. well it could be ongoing public unrest and kid from day one follow up on instagram for his images
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from the very heart of the demonstrations. ukraine's dire economic conditions are being cited as them. same reason lawmakers backed away from the e. deal a burning correspondence been hearing reaction in europe with some believing it can't afford to accommodate here. ukraine's decision not to push for closer association with the e.u. could turn out to be a blessing for those european countries there was going to have to be some two hundred thousand pieces of regulation that would have had to have been changed to allow ukraine to fit into this new partnership all of which would have had to have being paid for by the european countries now these pieces of regulation range from quite big issues right down to things like the type of screws used on road signs and the gauge of railway tracks and those are things that really european countries can't afford to be paying for right now we're seeing eighty four million people on the brink of poverty across the european union this is according to eurostar the
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european union's own statistics organized nation youth unemployment is endemic across most of europe all of these things are leading europeans here in berlin to tell me that well europe should look to put its own financial problems correct before it starts taking on the debts of others. so it's not the e.u. already has plenty of problems in its own right at the moment for example bulgaria will be joining soon i will only create were problems if you know what sean's i think yes this will be expensive we have not realized it yet but we just have to wait and see i am a gives canoe it's hard to say there are plenty of problems in ukraine in any case if we take them it should be done under different conditions. but it seems year it may have dodged something of a financial bullet following ukraine's decision not to push for those closer ties. we also spoke to people not all from the u.k.
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independence party he says many ukrainians are europeans fail to appreciate the risks attached to the association agreement. they don't know enough about the problems that you're up how low the european union wants create ukraine to eventually join they will albania to join they won't say happy it's a joint i mean they even want to take you to join you know ninety five percent of say he isn't even in europe i mean this is an expansionist organization reem britain certainly don't want ukraine to join the european union because if they join that means our borders will be opened up to forty six million ukrainians and in ukraine the average wage is around three hundred euro moment and we know that if they do join a lot of them will come west and at the moment we have twenty two percent youth unemployment in britain and we can saturate out all market any further with any more people.
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it's just over ten weeks to go until the such a winter olympic games and the countdown to the paralympics has just reached one hundred two is to say with the latest on the preparations. certainly a hundred days before the paralympics kick off the twenty fourth and this day was marked a specially by president. made a surprise visit to the city to check for himself if the infrastructure and everything around around sochi it's of find and ready for the start of day now the president toured around the infrastructure facilities and was quite impressed even giving the thumbs up and saying that everyone who's come into the situ be able to enjoy. the city as well as the olympics the balance so will starts on the seventh of march until the sixteenth. that's almost nine days are all balled limping
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feeble as well as sportsmanship now russia has been taking really important step in making sure the disabled kids for last year they actually read to. convention know the whites people with disabilities and then in the same day yeah they went on to introduce a program that made accessibility environmentally easy for the disabled so indeed those infrastructures have been seen they've been in place a. transport system with the stadiums the restaurants hotels all ready to welcome those with disabilities not only the athletes but also the spectators noble the athletes will be preparing themselves for aiming for that gold will be almost seven hundred athletes competing in the paralympics there's also around forty five countries who will be taking ponte seven disciplines a five sport and a newly introduced so called apparent snowboarding which has had everybody excited
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here in sochi and my colleague catherine often met up with the the russian paralympics the hockey team to find out how they're preparing for that gold. ice hockey as it should be intense fierce determined and fast. like you still hockey just with two sticks one in each hand with extra risks. you're constantly flying around at high speeds collisions in everything it's all crazy fast and tireless commitment because. we're here training all the time morning to night every day these seventeen paralympic athletes are in the twenty fourteen russia sled hockey team and thirty six year old is their captain he was injured in two thousand and two while serving in the russian military in chechnya a little filled with before the age of twenty five i used to have
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a completely different life. but after the injury i turned to sports to realize my potential. he went from swimming to taking up a chance to join russia's brand new sledge hockey squad. for the worker your words no one is going to bring you things on a silver platter but here we had an opportunity to work for it since two thousand and nine when we were told we were going to participate in the paralympics it's been our driving force in a country that struggled to accommodate people's disabilities russia's paralympic coach says the team is helping to change perceptions in the demos there were a few minutes we're going to need more of these guys managed to prove to themselves their relatives and the entire society that they're not people with disabilities but people with limited abilities. he has been a part of paralympic since one thousand nine hundred four but this is the first year that russia will compete this board only came here few years ago is by d.m.
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remembers before the move we were just staring at one another not really knowing what to do first of all let me show you. here is the sledge what it is this is the blade and this small area is the seat. which means it's terribly unsteady your just imagine you have to keep your balance and simultaneously carry the puck you keep falling down then it takes a lot of time to get back up but now we're skilled at it. these search party players the really just so she hasn't been easy it's taken an immense amount of hard work personal sacrifice and dedication but the payoff isn't just on the ice the crucible of the pop world after this experience i believe that people who have survived a car crash or a plane crash will look at us and realize that even with an injury like that you can live on it you can set your own goals and achieve them. you see captain of our team to the region russia. and egyptian prosecutors ordered the arrest of
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two leading activists known for their major role in toppling longstanding dictator hosni mubarak and two of the eleven the news comes after police broke off several protests in cairo under a new law that bans demonstrations of more than ten people without permission though true reports from the capital. we expect protesters to once again return to the streets against this very oppressive law which security forces basically enforced on cheers day as those mass public outrage at the behavior of the police towards protesters who were just standing peacefully for a few minutes and that's all the time they were given demonstrating now just before midnight on tuesday we had reports from fifteen prominent activist female activists that he had been sexually assaulted beaten and dumped in the desert after being part of those who were arrested on tuesday for this demonstration this sparked uproar across the country egypt's committee of fifty supposed to be drafting
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egypt's constitution suspended its session and many of the political parties called for the draft law to be revised saying that this was a return to the days of hosni mubarak where protests were basically a jew to emergency law the situation in egypt has obviously been deteriorating in the last few months but this new protest more effectively restricts demonstrations in some case criminalizing protesters not allowing people to even gather for a few minutes on the streets in numbers above ten. means you need to do food it was a good place to get the news coming out of that part of the world from us will have details of the major c. ter road here in moscow the. news the couple of minutes after the short break. do you think humanity as a whole would benefit from living found parts of the wall g.m.o. free just to play on the safe side through biotechnology research
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through genetic modification we can give those small holder farmers the opportunity to be able to deal with and survive all of those challenges and i believe they should have all of the tools. we speak your language i mean some of the will or not at the end. will music programs and documentaries and spanish matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angola's stories. are you here. to try to teach spanish find out more visit.
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exactly quarter past nine i read most of the russian police say they've arrested fifteen members of an al qaeda linked terrorist cell in moscow the suspects were reportedly caught red handed with a cache of guns and explosives on his bed in a coach never reports. that comes after russian security forces detained and other member of the same group at the beginning of november now the man who was allegedly involved in recruiting young women to join in the organization now all of those so a member's cell all those people there are detained now are thought to be members of an extremist islam a very good musician and were involved in a number of for criminal activities to fund it now this arvid ization is described as a you magics of terrorist cells which inspired some of the tactics and methods. now that organization that was created back at the beginning of seventy's and egypt
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however a leader of the country's authorities banned it and back even twenty tanna russia also banned its activities i spoke to professor exam the don't release an international lecture on the terrorist problem he told me the latest arrests are must go hollow the global nature of the threat these very kind of be extremist islamist groups we're going to get funding from overseas that's for sure saudi arabia qatar you name it we have the same problem here once again when i say we're in the same boat i mean not only we believe in those russian countryside or in moscow or in sochi where the same boat this is my message but they send to my colleagues and friends in america in great britain and elsewhere. online war games against imaginary enemies are vital to trading any army and cyber warfare units are no exception now at r.t. dot com our website we look at nature's biggest ever defends exercise against mask
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water and hacking attacks all this just a few kilometers from the russian border and also online to read faces of the world health organization after admitting to an embarrassing blunder in a report on a child the infections in greece. a recent study suggests britain is drifting into a color coded society with the u.k.'s whites and ethnic minorities choosing to live apart the results what's known as comfort zone segregation which is feared could lead to hatred and intolerance among communities it's even led to the country's long time figurehead on racial equality to say that britons have been in denial on the issue for too long sara firth explains more. well that warning that person could be drifting towards becoming a color coded society coming from the former head of the equalities and human rights commission trevor phillips now mr phillips has been leading some research
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with think tank demos and the university of london and what they've done is analyze data from between the two thousand and one census and the t. thousand and eleven census and what they found is during that time more than one hundred thousand people from ethnic minority groups had moved out of london but instead of moving to areas considered predominantly white have preferred instead to move to so-called mixed areas where there are already established minority groups now here in sheffield the local community has hit the headlines over recent weeks the concerns raised over community tensions between the roma population and other ethnic groups in that community but what this research is saying is that this could be a pattern that we see played out across the u.k. the segregation really needs to be trashed and acknowledged because of course it does have very serious implications for community relations across the.
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way to run six hundred thousand white britons left london in the last decade to settle in other parts of the country the predominant lee white politics professor kofman from the university of london believes that driven by the need to stay in the majority one of the negative consequences is that you're getting white british people avoid being very different serious so it's not because they dislike anyone group but they just want to be in a comfortable bitch already so you can get a situation where like in parts of east london or parts of south london. each census there are fewer and fewer white british. the areas that have very few you know not know but very few white british people living there we see the same trend in the united states there are sections of the diverse cities like houston and los angeles where there are there are very few white people living there and that could be a concern for integration so it's just that inability to attract or retain white
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british population in some of these areas that are maybe not so close to central london but are not far enough away to be sort of leafy and green so it's that where you might get this the fact is we started off break news about silvio berlusconi we've got more on it now let's have dates just to remind you the italian senate within the last hours were to expel the former prime minister silvio berlusconi from parliament over his conviction for tax fraud the larger than life billionaires led the country for most of the past two decades but this expulsion now puts a six year freeze on his political career he addressed his supporters in rome before the vote saying it was a day of mourning for italy's democracy being removed from parliament to means the seventy seven year old is now stripped of political immunity crucially could now be arrested on criminal charges as we get more details about this a big story coming from italy tonight we'll of course update you you know what you know. more world news in brief demonstrations in bangkok invented
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a fourth day forcing the evacuation of thailand's top gun fighting agency testers are demanding the government step down and they're surrounding state buildings cutting off electricity and water supplies the government's pledge not to use force against the crowds but wants to rest a key protest leader the rallies were sparked by an amnesty bill that could see exiled former premier texan shinawatra turn to thailand he fled in two thousand and eight alleged corruption charges. china says it monitored the flights of two ananda's american b. fifty two bombers that flew over disputed islands in the east china sea on tuesday in defiance of that need to be played defense and beijing announced the air space boundaries on sea. saturday and threatened action against any aircraft in the area that failed to identify themselves the incident being seen as a symbolic challenge from washington now and part of president obama's asia pivot policy of containing china's growing clout. luvvie as prime minister signed along with his government over last week supermarket collapse in riga that left fifty
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four people dead in tragedy the worst hit the baltic nation in decades as part of the government's failure to oversee construction projects valdis dombrovskis was the longest serving premier in that because history is resignation comes just over a month before the country is due to join the euro zone's it. might to part of the stadium the studio hosts the opening match of the twenty fourteen football world cup of brazil collapsed killing three people the accident in sao paolo happened when a crane plunged onto a huge metal structure there brazil's been in a race against time to complete the world cup arenas before the deadline set by fee for for next month's work which. it's a big day for big coing the cryptocurrency set the one thousand dollar mark for the first time no it isn't cash of course most people know it so is a quick reminder of how it works for me to traditional money it has a value linked to a real goods and services and it's regulated by governments of course now the value of bitcoin is entirely a matter of supply and demand there are no banks involved just encrypted strings of
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letters and numbers that can be traded freely on the internet at the beginning of the month one big call in traded for just over two hundred dollars by mid november that had soared to four hundred dollars right now as a just saying today it's broken through that one thousand dollars threshold as well to economist mark fulton who believes the new virtual currency is starting to win over the doubters. i think it's a matter of just just a matter of time at this point to go over and what we've seen in recently is that there's a lot more acceptance of bitcoin by both merchants in by governments the governments have recognized it when they're willing to accept it they realize that it's the type of currency going forward in the world where it's more secure it's more private it's more efficient and it holds its value better as well i think you're going to see much higher prices for bitcoin i don't forecast market prices but i think that over time you're going to see big quantity rising in value because
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currencies are continuing to depreciate around the world we're in a world currency war and that's good things for investors because one edward snowden may have prepared a so-called doomsday cache of top secret data for a lease in cases of a captured or killed for his activities that's the fear of american and british officials who said the whistleblower probably hid the files online to make inaccessible to his contacts me most notice being cited in washington although not in the flesh is going to she can explains next. it's thanksgiving week in the us a civil liberties advocates are saying there think you to edward snowden it's a crowd so just campaign so people across the country have donated small and large amounts to get this message across. in the eyes of the government edward snowden is a traitor and civil rights advocates through campaigns like this one show there are
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many who don't think there are millions of people across the united states that recognize that edward snowden is an american hero and a hero to much to democracy worldwide so it's important to. at the message of propaganda that's coming from the obama administration in top leadership that are trying to demonize him when what he's done is a case of classic whistle blower that the united states government classified its evidence of its own criminal misconduct its its violations of the bill of rights and all that that mr snowden did was revealed the basic facts that the public is entitled to know there's several legislative initiatives right now all stemming from edward snowden's revelations to make sure that the edges later years don't forget that edward snowden supporters plan on launching new buses around january when congress is back in session in washington i'm going to check on our team. likes a big first might really want you around the world the next news just over half an
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hour full up next though after the break the young and exploited takes a look at the harsh realities of child labor in europe. i do it's been struck well there could be some kind of deal there can be no doubt this first step agreement between iran and the great powers is of historic significance it could become the foundation for far reaching geopolitical ships in the region but have no illusions the naysayers are intent on scuttling the deal and the use of force we're told three me on the table. deliberate torch is on its epic journey to such. one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand and nine hundred top two cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or
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sixty five thousand killed and. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limb victoria. really. on our team. i have to get up at seven in the morning school i go to school go easy do my homework in. my work and finish it eight o'clock and then i do the same thing
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the next day. as time goes by and we see the crisis getting worse those who have a job have to hang on to it. because it's not easy to find another. i don't think it's full of people my age of the responsibility of things like this . if i'm going to. like school. i'm not going to do well at school because i'm on a tight. here in the countryside dreams do not come to very easily so i don't get my hopes
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up. southern belgariad endless greenfields people in traditional dress. the region of the day as a natural paradise where time seems to have stood still. people have always worked in the fields. as a family a mother a grandmother and two children. it's midday the sun is scorching more than thirty degrees. or more and it's getting hard little one. seven and his sister ellie nine to school today then they did here. the no one to see whether the situation is normal or not. it's these little children that punishing them like this making them work so hard what life are they going to.


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