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tv   Headline News  RT  November 28, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EST

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if you care about you and this. is why you should care only. i it's day five of pro e.u. demonstrations in ukraine with the speaker of the lithuanian parliament joining the rally adding fuel to the growing diplomatic tension. european leaders take a tough stance on migrants with germany and france joining the u.k. in its call to curb benefits paid to foreigners. that's the sound of it do it yourself three d. technology now allows weapons of any shape to be printed in metal. twenty five to thirty five hours depending on the machine we put it on and what materials were on their way talk to engineers of printed three d. firearms and find out whether the technology could get out of control.
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and i welcome you watching r.t. this afternoon made. the eastern partnership summit is kicking off in the lithuanian capital venus ukraine's president will be attending the gathering where he promised to explain why he rejected a european trade pact that is prayer demonstrations continue in ukraine against the government's decision. for us. protests continue in kiev they have been very peaceful over the past several days but this might well be calm before the storm because everyone is waiting for the eastern partnership summit in vilnius and the biggest question is whether the e.u.'s o.c.a. should deal between brussels and key if will be signed the opposition already said that if it will not be signed they'll be taking people into the streets on
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a massive national wide strike and inside what they describe as a euro revolution would in any case the euro association deal is not only causing attention on the ground here in kiev but also the diplomatic level while moscow and brussels are still trying to find out who blackmailed who over this deal some european politicians are coming to keep their waste no time to energize the crowds from the stage with the a fiery speeches one speech by a lithuanian a parliamentary speaker caused controversy and some sort of pressure on the ukrainian government in these words let's listen and i congratulate the people of ukraine as you have gathered here to stand for the european future of your country if you any and trust that the ukrainian people will make the right choice well after the speech was made by the least twenty and a parliamentary speaker. a high ranking diplomat of the twenty numbers he was summoned to the ukrainian foreign minister to provide explanations so you can see that it's not only causing tension on the ground but also the diplomatic level we
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do know that ukrainian president called which is traveling to vilnius but the biggest question is whether or not he will sign the euro so sation deal in the least when ian capital right now we have stone wall assurances from the korean government refund by the prime minister by the foreign minister by the president himself that the deal is off as it stands but in the rollercoaster ride which is the crane the politics you can never say anything with complete certainty and there's still a chance that you know congress may bow down to the pressure which is applied on him by the protesting crowds in kiev and sign this deal my colleague paul scott will be in the least when capital covering the summit there and i will of course provide all the details on developments from the u.k. . capital a few other e.u. m.p.'s have issued a statement supporting those protesting in ukraine saying decision deprives the people of their european future and the e.u. say she craned still has time to change its mind over the signing of the deal well we spoke to paul nothing from the u.k. independence party and he believes the risks of ukraine joining the union are being
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disregarded. they told olaf about the problems that you're up how does look european union wants create ukraine to eventually join they were albanians to join they will say abuja to join me they even won't take you to join you're ninety five percent of turkey isn't even in europe i mean this is an expansionist organization really in britain certainly don't want ukraine to join the european union because if they join that means our borders will be opened up to forty six million ukrainians and in ukraine the average wage is around three hundred euro per month and we know that if they do join a lot of them will call western at the moment we have twenty two percent youth unemployment here in britain and we can saturate out all market any further with any more people. well for more on what is behind ukraine's u. turn and the backlash it is do head to our website at our state dot com.
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while they use summit in lithuania is a bank to look at the possibility of closer ties with ukraine some european leaders are pushing on another agenda they want to curb migrant benefits the laddies calls are coming from britain france and germany let's get more on this now from artie's peter all of. peter so. essentially what is going on here i mean what is this migrant debated back. well in a little over a month's time on january the first rumanians and bulgarians will have the right to move within the european union and seek employment now we saw david cameron the british prime minister say he wants to see limits put on the amount of benefits that those type of migrants would be able to to receive those calls have been
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echoed by anglo-american here in germany and france who are land in france and it does seem that there is this movement between this split between the the west in the east in the e.u. those in the west are concerned that there's going to be a huge influx of migrants moving their way now in backing up mr cameron's mr cameron's words we heard from angela merkel saying that migrants poverty migration was the cause of considerable social problems in certain cities in germany no she didn't mention those cities but it was almost understood that she meant both along the eastern border of germany and the former the former east germany. know what she said is that as she was announcing her coalition government that she wanted to try and put in place the. restrictions that would not allow migrants to just move here without a job and sign on for social benefits for housing benefits and the like that they
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would only be allowed to do so for limited periods of time now in france france warland was saying similar things he said that this type of migration was a threat to the social fabric of france and that something must be done to try and curb these type of large scale migration from east to west from those who are not just from east to west but really from the poorer countries in europe to those that . have weathered the storm much better than others and has that been reaction from other european leaders. well there has indeed those in the high echelons of the european parliament of being quick to point out that freedom of movement is a core principle of membership of the european union now. under whose the employment commissioner warned david cameron yesterday that on one david cameron in the states. by doing this by pushing forward with this the risk of making britain
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the nasty country in europe it seems that the likes of germany and france are too bothered about joining that nasty group that's all now jose manuel barroso who's the the president of the european commission said that he'd had a phone call with david cameron warning him about undermining a fundamental principle of membership this freedom of movement idea is all part of the the european ideal that we're all in it together that we can all move freely between each member states countries and work in those countries is a fundamental idea of the european union but also worried that that's been undermined by these type of comments and then vivian reading who has been a vocal critic of britain in the past she was speaking about these type of restrictions that they want to put in place in countries can't have their cake and eat it that if you want to be part of the european plan you have to accept freedom of movement so those european leaders concerned by these comments coming out but it
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hasn't stopped leaders in britain in france and here in germany saying they want restrictions on migrants ok thanks to this artie's peter oliver life from thank you . now what does it take to make a fully functioning gun at home well as technology advances it seems just as three d. printers will do the job but in the us critics are warning that development has reached a dangerous point and time is running out before metal desktop printers hit the consumer market r.t.s. marina porter has more. rhett's shooting range in austin texas is normally packed with gun enthusiasm. today the difference is that these men are firing rounds with a do it yourself firearm the world's first three d. printed metal gun we wanted to showcase the abilities of what direct metal can do and what a better way than find something that can withstand
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a bunch of heat tolerance and accuracy all wrapped into one which in america everybody knows which is a par. eric much later is a project coordinator at solid concepts company specializing in three d. printing game prints or in the arts he was granted an exclusive tour of their austin facility which boasts ten three d. industrial printers and a glimpse of our technological future these are all the three d. printed parts that went into making this bar after getting a federal firearms license the company used a process called direct metal laser centering to produce this browning nine hundred eleven pistol takes about twenty five to thirty five hours depending on the machine we put it on and what materials were grown in. this three d. printed metal gun has fired over one thousand rounds in the meantime solid
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concepts has manufactured its second nineteen eleven firearm we plan on making a few more prototypes for additional testing. we don't we don't plan on going into full production on these we can afford to sell them. at the price of be required to get our money back while the prices of many three d. printers have fallen below one thousand dollars solid concepts insists the stainless steel firearm they've introduced to the world can't be replicated by hobbyists these machines start at six hundred thousand and go up to a million dollars they need to be in. industrial environments they require more electricity than is available in residential areas and they require inert gases in the chamber that are just not commonly available so it's definitely an industrial commercial type process and it will be years before metal printers become available on the consumer market if at all not exactly the world's first mini metal maker has
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already been created it prints using precious metal clay and with laser centering patterns set to expire in february it's predicted that metal desktop printers will hit the consumer market before you know it five years you know small this is going to do it maybe five years after that you starts at home workshops and and you know having one on your desktop at home so that we are going there the depth of knowledge exists the price will come down. as the world has learned the convenience of technology has a downside we all loved the internet cell phones e-mail and social media before finding out that our beloved data is being monitored and stored by the n.s.a. thing the astonishing capability of three d. metal printers is no longer a secret. so when they become a part of our households have alongside the microwave and flat screen t.v. anchor what people choose to physically clean in the privacy of their home thanks
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will be beyond the control of the u.s. government during a point i am r.t. texas. now a small earthquake has struck an area in north texas lying close to fracking drilling wells at least three tremors have been felt as you can see here in the city of aser which lies close to dozens of controversial sites the six quakes have struck the same area over the past week in the yellow dots you can see there where the quakes have happened pretty close to fort worth and also dallas there aren't reports of any injuries at the moment or damage at this time but of course we'll be keeping you up to date on this story well let's take a closer look at the process of fracking a well is drilled to over one thousand meters underground and a mix of water sand as well as tons of toxins called fracking fluids are pumped into the well creating fishes that allow the gas to escape the harmful chemicals used for fracking accumulate in the soil and the result in the can and result in
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the contamination of water chemicals also evaporate in the form of greenhouse gases releasing pollution into the air. coming up we report live from sochi on the final preparations for the winter olympics that's coming up. mum. plenty. plenty. plenty it was terrible to say the i'm very hard to make other plans against along here a plum log cabin that has sex with the perfect there's no place let's
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play. lists the i'm. just so i'm lists. slips a bit. of a. phyla welcome back now with the sochi games just around the corner the construction of sporting venues has been completed president vladimir putin is in the black sea resort to oversee the progress let's cross live now to artist having not say who's
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in the house city so tell me what is the news from sochi today. and i'm coming to you from of the presidential residence a here in of the black sea resort really on president putin the spoke about how small she added russia was ready to host the olympics so she twenty four to take a listen. will be almost everything is done and when i say almost as if it means that only some final touches need to be late. the president went also to say that it's really important for russians i like to buy the tickets for the olympic twenty forty to support the home team and more support for the paralympics men and women who work hard to give their best in the sports that they've chosen so it's really those tickets are on sale of course as we speak now in terms of the infrastructure they are
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a few simple touches to be finished off including the final fish the stadium which is still being prepared for the opening as well as the closing ceremonies two hundred new buses and vehicles will be available for gas as one of these the olympics will also broadcast to about ninety countries in about one hundred in one thousand channels. in one hundred countries around the world in terms of just of the basic necessities of transport more and more infrastructure has been adapted to make sure that all the visitors will be able be able to move around the city quite swiftly including more flights coming so indeed we're counting down to almost one hundred days before the paralympics and the olympics coming up with the torch making its really around the country excitement is underway here in sochi but also it's those last minute a touch up in nailing down those nails in the last blocks that everybody is making sure that we need to finish and. live from sochi thank.
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while the olympic torch continues its record breaking trip to sochi disabled athletes are getting psyched up for them moment to shine with the winter paralympics now less than one hundred days away. some of russia's medal hopes. i was talking to should be intense fierce determined and. like you. just with two sticks one in each hand with extra risks. for you miss you're constantly flying around at high speeds collisions and everything for it's all crazy fast and tireless commitment which is. training all the time morning to night every day of these seventeen paralympic athletes are in the twenty fourteen russia sledge hockey team and thirty six year old by doing so you can is their captain he was injured in two thousand and two
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while serving in the russian military in chechnya. still does more before the age of twenty five i used to have a completely different life were also for both of them but after the injury i turned to sports to realize my potential. he went from swimming to taking up a chance to join russia's brand new sledge hockey squad. because. no one is going to bring you things on a silver platter you've got here we had an opportunity to work for since two thousand and nine when we were told participate in the second paralympics it's been a driving force in a country that struggled to accommodate people's disabilities russia's paralympic coach says the team is helping to change perceptions in the demo so we're focusing on the second i need more of these guys manage to prove to themselves their relatives and the entire society that they're not people with disabilities that people with unlimited ability. has been a part of paralympics it's ninety ninety four but this is the first year that
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russia will compete this board only came here few years ago as remembers before the movie version of when we were just staring at one another not really knowing what to do first. let me show you what it's like here is the sledge what it is this is the blade and this small area is the seat. which means it's terribly unsteady so just imagine you have to keep your balance and simultaneously carry the puck you keep falling down and it takes a lot of time to get back up but now we're skilled at. these sledge party players the road just so she doesn't believe it's taken an immense amount of hard work personal sacrifice and dedication but the payoff isn't just on the ice. after this experience i believe that people who have survived a car crash or a plane crash will look at us and realize that even with an injury like that you can live on you can set your own goals underachieved. captain of our team to the
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region russia. now we've plenty more on our website see what the moments including the digital currency that is sweeping to success the price of the big boys has reached a record high of one thousand dollars having doubled its value in the last week alone to find out how it works and why it's causing so much concern to authorities to head to r.t. dot com for all the details and analysis also there astronomers across the globe prepare to be mesmerized by the sight of the comet of the century passing close to the sun all these stories plus more of just a click away at r.t. dot com. international news in brief now in thailand anti-government protesters have gathered at the parliament building in bangkok they've also reportedly cut electricity at the national police headquarters
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and in the jason hospital the thai prime minister yingluck shinawatra has easily survived a no confidence vote and that's adding further tensions to the street protests demonstrators how dearly a paralyzed several government ministries in the capital accusing shinawatra back to is a stooge for her. brother the former prime minister. in nigeria they are flowing through the streets of canada's city the bottle breaking is part of the police clamp down on immoral behavior strict sharia law has come into force in the city and alcohol has been confiscated from trucks in recent weeks hundreds of arrests have been made in canada since september following the state government directive. now states without nationality that might sound strange but for some it is a reality people in israel cannot be documented as being israeli and as artie's paula slayer discovers a united national identity could be an important step towards ending discrimination
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in the country the u.s. has uncle sam russia has the bear france has maryon and israel has a question mark if nothing else it's weird in france your french in the united states your american in south africa your south african but here in israel you cannot be registered as israeli i'm doing the really low you can come from moscow. and demand to be registered. but you can not there man. no it's a totally absurd situation in israel's population registry there are one hundred thirty five recognized nations people are listed as jew arab druze and more but never as israeli and the most seem ok with that it's the mountain the meaning is the same the nation is the jewish nation and it has the jewish nation state both in
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the proclamation of independence and the un resolution of november the twenty ninth one nine hundred forty seven which says that a jewish state will be formed not an israeli one if a person was to be identified as israeli in the national wages treat it would challenge the claim that israel is a jewish country something the supreme court is aware of as is all we have mary and a group of israelis petitioning for change there already is a lot. of different routes from an arab citizen this is something to accept it's not that more crowded we were despicable long. all of that. but for now the supreme court has dismissed the case leaving the debate on what is an israeli open for years it was truly created by one of the country's greatest caricaturists camile goddaughter better known as dorsch but slick is clearly jewish as a question of additional yet he came up with a young man because israel was still
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a young state and slowly he created the new israeli national guard more with the issue what happened with their neighbors palestinians included but they weren't part of the character. like the registry cyrillic lives in a world where culture faith and history are more defining then once present and by all accounts it's likely to remain that way at least for the nearest future and israel without israelis. r t hold on. it's just approaching half past three here in moscow needs for me in about half an hour time and i would be writing this and. i hate to be a downer but i really think the olympics have lost all meaning in the past when
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there was the cold war it was like a battle between two ideologies taking place in the abstract and the one nine hundred thirty six olympics nazi pseudo science their self proclaimed superiority was put on trial for the whole world to see and it's quite the olympics having the majority of the countries on earth participating there are now horribly horribly bland one could argue that they have become a great way for countries to show off their excuse to build up some infrastructure by i think this is a big misconception let's look back to the two thousand a lympics in beijing yes china is really developed in the last twenty years but the olympics really teach us anything about this country with a radically different political system or anything about their ancient culture or the way they think or the way they live no nothing at all all we saw were some flags and some pandas that rather unique stadium which was mostly the work of a swiss company yeah i hate to say it but i think the olympic flame is kind of burnt out over the years although i have to admit that saying the torch in the space was kind of neat i think that when and if the world ever becomes an ideological battle ground again then the olympics will become worth watching but for now it's just generic sports from generic countries
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a generic stadiums but that's just my opinion. i think. they would like to know that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our press simak we've been a high jinks trying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one still just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing define go ready to join the movement then walk in the big picture.
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the the. happy almost thanksgivukkah folks i'm having martin this is breaking news sets well thanksgiving isn't just a time for mass consumption it's also time for the annual presidential turkey pardon that's right thanks to the generosity of obama to lucky birds were spared from the deep fryer today in fact of the course of his presidency obama had the great privilege of saving the lives of ten of these adorable gobblers if you only cared this much about humans rotting away in cages across the nation right now there are over three hundred thousand people in prison for drugs and guess how many nonviolent drug users obama had the pleasure of pardoning
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a whopping eleven people now as obama has almost pardon as many turkeys as he has drug offenders well if you count the massive hormones injected into his. well burns i guess the number stands at twenty one pardon living things which is a shame considering how bombers of former user of marijuana and cocaine so how many people how has obama pardoned in total while the number stands at forty just for comparison at the same point ronald reagan's presidency he had already pardoned three hundred thirteen people and reagan was a horrible president so go with the program obama last time pardoning but that a paltry and more time pardoning persecuted prisoners. it's a. very hard to take. that are sad.


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