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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  November 28, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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i don't think. european leaders say there is no hope for a last minute change of heart from ukraine on financial integration but that's not stopped tens of thousands of pro e.q. protesters in central kiev and demanding just that. tremors in texas any usually high number of earthquakes hitting communities as locals and scientists point the finger at racking plus. the sound of a gun made using a three d. printer is triggered fears in the u.s. that it could lead to a deadly revolution in homemade firearms. two am in moscow i matter as
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a good to have you with us here on r t our top story this hour each new leaders have admitted there will be no association agreement with ukraine a day to day summit that opened in vilnius thursday at the free trade deal between kiev and the bloc should have been signed this weekend but ukraine chose to ditch it at the last minute now ukraine's parliament is besieged day and night is pro e.u. demonstrations in the capital and to their sixth day or he's paul scott intellects they are chefs here following the events in kiev and vilnius. protests are growing in numbers in kiev right now i would say approximately thirty thousand people are kiev's independence square in the city center the process the speech will but this may well be a calm before the storm because we've already heard a statement coming from some opposition leaders that in case that unocal is does not sign the euro station deal on friday in vilnius they will be taking people into the streets for a national wide strike and even inside what they describe as a euro revolution indeed this deal this is what it's all about that we heard strong assurances from the government from the president that the deal will not be signed
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still these people here are hoping that the agreement will eventually be reached indeed it's a tricky situation because the korean government explained the move of not willing to sign this deal by economic damages possible economic damages to the country the economy which is already ailing and has one hundred thirty six billion euro a low debt annual debt and modernizing the factories ukrainian factories alone for the e.u. standards would have cost more than one hundred billion euros but in the case of ukrainian politics which is the growth of coaster ride and it has always been like that you can never say anything with hundred percent certainty and despite those assurances by the government and the president i mentioned there's still a chance that unocal which may take a u. turn a last minute u. turn you turn and sign these deals michel the couple scott who is now in vilnius covering the summit will tell you more over to you paul well a new leaders and heads of state have gathered here in bilious for the two day summit german the german chancellor angela merkel and british prime minister david
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cameron are amongst the guests attending an informal dinner on thursday evening it's believed they're going to be discussing their next moves on how to deal with ukraine politicking have decided that this isn't the right time for them to sign that association agreement with the you know of course the summit was meant to be where the formalities were completed on that deal of the last week decision from kiev surprised many off the years in the gushy ations to get to this point but the ukrainian president viktor yanukovych says that the terms of the deal. and agreeable for his country out the moment he says that the six hundred million euros on offer from the e.u. and the i.m.f. to the country to modernize simply is not enough now that is something the president of the european parliament has come close to admitting on today saying that the e.u. may have underestimated the drama of the domestic political situation in ukraine that the country is economically and above all financially in the deepest crisis for decades and he goes on to say that kiev needs money and a steady gas supply suggesting that's why they're leaning towards russia this time
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now another largest stumbling block appears to be the fate of former prime minister and jailed opposition leader yulia tymoshenko she's currently in prison and in need of medical treatment on her back now that you say that that was a precondition that she goes to germany to get treatment all not back however that money was blocked by ukraine's parliament now the e.u. offer does remain on the table with president obama coverage being given until the eleventh hour to change his mind if he chooses to do so but with the e.u. looking on willing to budge on their stance that prospect looks unlikely earlier we heard from ludovick did dan an aide to the leader of france's national front marine le pen he says it's not surprising that ukraine is reluctant to go ahead with the deal. they're making interventionism inside the national politics of train i can go totally understand the president of ukraine why he felt humiliated on this case they're mixing up with the international internet this is difficult questions of don't you get to go in there and their tastes you cringe should be thinking twice
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about these officers which were seen as you really hate seeing and which even upsets their russian friends i mean what does the european union have to offer when it says politically i did when it's that time is rising unemployment rates are rising ukraine is divided into would you have a pro european opinion you have pro russian opinion in this country for months history and its geography is complicated let's not make things even worse. a three point six magnitude earthquake struck an area in north texas the strongest tremor there for five years no damage or injuries reported but many locals have been left shaken not everyone's blaming mother nature though some scientists say the drilling in nearby fracking wells is setting off the quakes the area's been hit
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by more than a dozen small tremors this month alone in seymour quakes since fracking started there in two thousand and eight than during the previous four decades combined one texas resident in the affected area shared his experience. we had like three or cords one of the two point five minutes and in that three point. and it's a marker aren't boom and then the house again and we did have a damage minor just a little crack in the sea rock my wife and. i are cut from one lady. here the pier being how good it would have been a very thin like we have. heard very good. pay when they were really concerned about it. let's take a look at the controversial process of fracking a well is drilled more than a thousand meters underground a mix of water sand and so-called fracking fluids that can concur that can contain dangerous toxins are pumped into the well creating fissures of while and gas to
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bubble up to the surface but the harmful chemicals used for fracking accumulate in the soil and can contaminate groundwater toxins also evaporate into the air and cause pollution and there's a growing movement to ban the process but it's confronting a powerful energy lobby looking to tap into lucrative deposits texas activist sharon wilson used to live near a fracking site until she made the decision to abandon her home. at one time i turned my tap on and nothing came out which was very frightening so the air was degraded horribly lots of air attacks tracts lights no i was just it completely changed the character it's the worst concern for me was to end up without water over there my son could end up being sick from the chemicals that he was panic says to you i lost eighty thousand dollars in property value as they expand this practice more and more people are harmed and more and more people join
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the opposition right now there's a an entire neighborhood over five hundred homes in demand where they are fracking very very close to two hundred fifty feet in some cases from people's back yards. british anti fracking activist stephen hall worries that using fracking to extract shale gas is more hazardous than burning the gas itself there are much better alternatives are the disposal of we don't need fracking whatsoever and know only that i mean people such as me that it's a transition if you haven't showed it america from the leakage is from all the wells that. is the three to seven out the sense of leakage of the me thing gas into the atmosphere is a lot more polson greenhouse gas the watts c o two is so you know there's a case to be said it's actually a more harmful form of energy than burning coal in power stations.
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stay with us here on r.t. still to come a report from egypt where there is a spike in arrest after the government effectively banned demonstrations. when the crisis leaves us traces everywhere. close rooms become the norm. children pay for the mistakes of adults. by word feels. they are the ones who come back home. his games are just in their memories. ukraine a country divided its government's decision not to pursue integration with the european union and russia instead as western politicians and media in an uproar
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brussels feel snubbed while moscow has a wait and see approach as ukrainian politics is anything but stable the so-called struggle for ukraine is far from over. thanks for staying with us eleven minutes past the hour now drones aren't toys the message from russian president vladimir putin at a meeting in sochi devoted to the country's air defense industry the military is going through some major changes at the moment and russia artes to say has more. well at the presidential residence the president has had a very busy day so far now he went on to talk a little bit about of the defense and aviation industry particularly about the drug use technology let's listen to what he had to just in the drones are finding an
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increasingly wide use all over the world but we are not going to operate them as other countries do it's not a video game however it's absolutely clear that on manned systems have a big future russia's armed forces at home to going through something of a transformation in fact if they have begun as modernization program since the soviet era the government says it needs to adapt to face up to new threats this all comes at a major cost of course hundreds of billions of dollars and the process will continue until twenty twenty old hardway is being modernized and new cutting edge weaponry is being born but him and abroad keeping up with global advances an unmanned military system it's a vital part of this revamped drone technology has become highly sophisticated but is also very controversial with all the hell reports of civilian deaths in u.s.
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drone strikes in yemen and pakistan all in the name of the war on terror russia is determined not to go down that road although it does want the technology so it's a new phase for russia's military but with some clear boundaries in place to bomb with a small cheap. and egyptian student has been killed several other people wounded in street violence in the country's capital cairo police are using tear gas and water cannons to break up a rally outside cairo university all the details coming away from our true students for angus harsh jail sentences given to twenty one young women i cannot xandra who were arrested in october for protesting and suppose it's islamist president mohamed morsi he was ousted in july by the military house fourteen of the. women have been given the eleven years in jail for supposedly holding weapons and assaulting police officers seven of them are minors that just fifteen years old sixteen years old they've been sent off to juvenile detention centers their families say they were
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just protesting on the corniche of onyx holding balloons handing out flyers but the authorities claim that they were actually being very violent not it's not just islamist protesters who have been cracked down on people who left as activists who have been arrested the new protest by the government which was issued a few days ago and prohibits any protests that happened without permission from the interior ministry so anyone who is in the streets volleying is being rounded up security police are going into the limits of demonstrations occurring with tear gas but it's also water cannons the latest news we've had is a depiction of who is one of the key boyce's the donor to the five edition was picked up this evening his wife beaten as he was being summoned by the general consequence of for inciting protests he is of course a liberal and leftist activist showing that it's not just the islamists who are being talk it is the question is whether the government can continue this has been
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massive opposition from a lot of the political factions including comments from one of the main liberal leaders he's going to be a presidential hopeful he tweeted this afternoon asking the interim president to pardon these girls who've been sentenced and there's been no pressure from broad's about this new protest or asking for it to be looked at again so the question remains whether this military led government will be able to continue this crackdown and continue issuing these very difficult. restricting freedoms. cultivating life on other planets may sound like science fiction but a breakthrough could be on its way. you can find in our t. dot com how scientists could be a couple of years away from sowing the first plant seeds on the surface of the moon click on line to argue dot com for more on that plus. how a welshman tucked away a fortune unfortunately it was in a landfill site found out how he lost millions of dollars worth of big points on
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our website. the. right to see. the. first book. and i would think that your. orders with their. instrument. in recent years the e.u. has been including new members which have left some of the blocs major players unhappy germany france and the u.k. all made clear they're on the same page when it comes to the huge volume of internal migration within the union and that's created tensions with brussels has more. well in a little over a month's time on january the first rumanians and bulgarians will have the right to move within the european union and seek employment now we saw david cameron the
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british prime minister say he wants to see limits put on the amount of benefits that those type of migrants would be able to receive now those calls have been echoed by anglo-american here in germany and france who are land in france and it does seem that there is this movement between this split between the the west in the east in the e.u. those in the west are concerned that there's going to be a huge influx of migrants moving their way now in backing up mr cameron's mr cameron's words we heard from angela merkel saying that migrants poverty migration was the cause of considerable social problems in certain cities in germany no she didn't mention those cities but it was almost understood that she meant those along the eastern border of germany in the former the former east germany. no. it was announcing a coalition government that you want to. restrict sions that would not allow
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migrants to just move here without a job and sign on for social benefits for housing benefits and the like that they would only be allowed to do so for limited periods of time now in france france warland was saying similar things he said that this type of migration was a threat to the social fabric of fronts and that something must be done to try and curb these type of large scale migration from east to west from those who are not just from east to west but really from the poorer countries in europe to those that . have weathered the storm much better than others those in the high echelons of the european parliament of being concerned by these comments coming out but it hasn't stopped leaders in britain in france and here in germany saying they want restrictions on migrants. the right to keep and bear arms protected by the u.s. constitution but how about printing them a revolutionary three d. printing technology could soon make it possible for anyone to create
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a homemade gun in the city of philadelphia has already banned it but it may be hard for the government to do the same as artie's marine important i reports. rhett's shooting range in austin texas is normally packed with gun enthusiasm. today the difference is that these men are firing rounds with a do it yourself firearm the world's first three d. printed metal gun we wanted to showcase the abilities of what direct metal can do and what a better way than find something that can withstand a bunch of heat tolerance and accuracy all wrapped into one which in america everybody knows how to par. eric much later is a project coordinator at solid concepts company specializing in three d. printing here in prince arena archie was granted an exclusive tour of their austin facility which boasts ten three d. industrial printers and
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a glimpse of our technological future these are all the three d. printed parts that went into making this car after getting a federal firearms license the company used a process called direct metal laser centering to produce this browning nine hundred eleven pistol takes about twenty five to thirty five hours depending on the machine we put it on and what materials were grown in. this three d. printing and metal gun has fired over one thousand rounds in the meantime solid concepts has manufactured its second nineteen eleven firearm we plan on making a few more prototypes for additional testing. you know we don't we don't plan on going into full production on these we can afford to sell them. at the price of be required to get our money back while the prices of many three d. printers have fallen below one thousand dollars solid concepts insists the
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stainless steel firearm they've introduced to the world can't be replicated by hobbyists these machines start at six hundred thousand and go up to a million dollars they need to be in. industrial environments they require more electricity than is available in residential areas and they require inert gases in the chamber that are just not commonly available so it's definitely an industrial commercial type process and it will be years before metal printers become available on the consumer market if at all not exactly the world's first mini metal maker has already been created it prints using precious metal clay and with laser centering patterns set to expire in february it's predicted that metal desktop printers will hit the consumer market before you know it five years no small this is going to do it maybe five years after that you starts a whole workshops and and you know having one on your desktop at home so that we are going there that it took knowledge exists the price will come down. as the
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world has learned the convenience of technology has a downside we all love to the internet cell phones e-mail and social media before finding out that our beloved data is being monitored and stored by the n.s.a. . the astonishing capability of three d. metal printers is no longer a secret. so when they become a part of our households have alongside the microwave and flat screen t.v. i think what people choose to physically create in the privacy of their home thanks will be beyond the control of the us government arena point i r r t texas a three d. printing technology can also make plastic guns which are far cheaper the first plastic firearm printed in may but so far they have proven to be extremely unreliable for use but as marina said in her report metal printers are becoming more affordable potentially making it possible for ordinary people to stand working replicas of real weapons one firearm specialist warns about the dangers of the
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technologies massive implication. it's a very universal kind of technology that can be used in los of different ways some some good some not so good but but it is alarming that people have started printing guns i would say the most dangerous thing is let's say a gun that doesn't look like a gun but looks like a flower vase or something else and so that is this ability to make things in any shape or form really defies a lot of the conventional thinking around regulating guns around detecting them and so forth and i think that's sort of it's a whole new world when it comes to controlling these kinds of things russia's foreign ministry has lashed out at c.n.n. for what it calls censorship the ministry claims the news network was unprofessional and how it edited an interview with moscow's ambassador to the u.n. on the syria conflict the network is now promising to make amends as artie's media coaching over reports. american news network c.n.n.
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says that it will publish the entire interview with russia's ambassador to un vitaly churkin on its website that the statement comes out turia was revealed that c.n.n. means some really significant cuts to its interview was at that age would get most notably has commons on the number of people that actually support syrian president bashar now their first question that was concerned i saw a role in the interim period so which of the russian envoy sat should be up to the country's people and no one else and there was also another topic that c.n.n. felt was necessary in the final version of the in from that was all about the rebels in the conflict it was a valid should be afterwards on their part to hamper humanitarian aid delivery to the war stricken population earlier russia's u.n. representative. grads that have been with the complete interview i did not
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make the c.n.n. cots and the censor and some of the most important and crucial issues of the resolution of the syrian crisis will be going now to some other international headlines a powerful five point six magnitude earthquake struck southern iran killing at least eight people and wounding dozens more of a disaster happened in the bush era province where iran has its only nuclear power plant twelve people remain in serious condition no damage reported to the plant. protesters in highland managed to cut off power and water supplies to the national police headquarters earlier in the day prime minister yingluck shinawatra anti-government demonstrators to back down after she survived a no confidence vote in parliament security has been raised across the capital bangkok as the country's as a country facing its largest civil unrest in three years crowds have been marching on state ministries from sunday using their premier of acting as
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a proxy for her exiled brother taksin shinawatra who was forced from power in two thousand and six. an explosion at a weapons dump in southern libya left more than ten dead it's not clear what caused the blast but some reports claim civilians tried to seize i mean ition and remove its valuable copper new while in the northern city of benghazi to resolder as were killed in clashes with an armed militia the government is trying to wrest control of militant groups in the country which have links with al qaida. and next the impact of economic stagnation on the most vulnerable in society are a board on child labor in europe just ahead and for our american viewers a very special thanksgiving.
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i hate to be a downer but i really think the olympics have lost all meaning in the past when there was the cold war it was like a battle between two ideologies taking place in the abstract and the one nine hundred thirty six olympics nazi pseudo science their self proclaimed superiority was put on trial for the whole world to see and it's quite the olympics having the majority of the countries on earth participating there now horribly horribly bland one could argue that they have become a great way for countries to show off for an excuse to build up some. infrastructure by think this is a big misconception let's look back to two thousand a lympics in beijing china is really develop in the last twenty years but they do live picture really teach us anything about this country with a radically different political system or anything about their ancient culture or the way they think of the way they live no nothing at all all we saw were some flags and some pandas that rather unique stadium which was mostly the work of a swiss company yeah i have to say i think the olympic flame is kind of burnt out over the years although i have to admit that saying the torch in the space was kind of neat i think that when and if the world ever becomes an ideological battleground
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again and then the olympics will become worth watching but for now it's just generic sports from generic countries of generic stadiums but that's just my opinion. there's a so we leave the. oceans secure. there's an. issue is that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from. politics. the interests of ukrainians are not what the european union is interested in this and that is why of course the ukrainian government hasn't signed because quite simply they've seen the writing on the wall they know that they're running out of money they know that the president and the coach said all they get from europe is
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nice words and they realize that if they had signed the agreement it would have been to paraphrase a british politician the longest suicide note in history the party of regions that at the end of the summer all the way to the present was pushing for this to happen this is unicode which is party and almost no one wants to say well the party of regions is run by a group of oligarchy they don't want to reform the the economy and they just want to get in bed with the e.u. so they can clean their money and clean up their reputations the principle interests of these all of is integration with the european union on conditions of that will allow them to legitimize and probably gone with a great deal of what wealth they have acquired through london or one of the other european financial centers. and a lot of these. people. pleasure
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to have you with us here. i have to get up at seven in the morning school i go to school go out easy do my homework in all of my work and finish at eight o'clock and then i do the same thing the next day.
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as time goes by and we see the crisis getting worse and all of those who have a job have to hang on to it. because it's not easy to find another call on and off . i don't think is most people my age of the responsibility of things like this. if i'm going to. like the schools. i'm not going to do as well at school because i'm a bit tight. here in the countryside dreams tonight contravariant silly so i don't get my hopes up.


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