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tv   Headline News  RT  November 29, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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games are just in their memories. strong protests in kiev grow. after ukraine's president definitively. agreement with the e.u. . tens of thousands are still protesting in new gradient and hundreds of riot policemen are on the ground as well creating simmering tension. i kept on and nothing came out which was very frightening. horrible a lot of. slides and if those side effects of fracking weren't enough communities in texas and also having to cope with earthquakes which some blame. all drilling. i began to have some serious philosophical reservations about what the fed was doing and i decided to apologize to america as the black friday shopping in the
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u.s. we look at where the wild buying spree of the federal reserve has landed the american economy five years after it started. this is r t international live from moscow with twenty four hours a day. police have been deployed on independence square in the ukrainian capital where thousands of been besieging the parliament building day and night demonstrators are angry that the country's president refused to sign an association deal with the e.u. joining an eastern bloc summit and she is in kiev and joins me now live appears and these protests are in big growing what can you see from where you are what do you know. well clearly the protests that kiev's independence square
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a central square of the city are getting bigger and bigger every minute working hours are coming to an end in kiev and more and more people are flocking here we can say maybe tens of thousands are already here and at one point all of a sudden several hundred right policemen arrived on the scene and created some tension they were here to literally cordon off the street just to not let the people out on the street and now the traffic has been suspended and people are protesting not only on the square but on the adjoining streets as well the biggest question right now obviously is how long this protest will last whether it will result in any brawls and clashes we've already seen some pushing and shoving between the protesters and the police i even saw with my own eyes a smoke bomb detonated in front of the riot police but that is this far as it went so far with nobody excludes that that might result in violence that might result in clashes and rolls and also now the question is school believing these protests because the opposition leaders still not here probably that on the way back from
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vilnius where they also discuss the future of the euro association deal with the european politicians but for now we certainly understand that the deal will not be signed alexi thank you very much indeed. from here. ski there well there was no agreement in vilnius as e.u. leaders have failed in their fight to pull ukraine closer to europe or he's pull scott was at the eastern partnership summit in lithuania as expected the e.u. summit here in vilnius has concluded without ukraine it signing that association agreement however on friday the president of the european council herman van rompuy said he is hopeful that the deal can be revisited at a later date european union's position remains clear. of signing the most ambitious agreement the european union has ever offered to a nonmember state is still on the table so the e.u. insists that the offer is still on the table however it is a deal that has already rejected president. maintaining that the deal of the
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financial deal on offer from brussels was not adequate for his country right now saying it left his country feeling three million ated now cameras caught the moment he came face to face with e.u. leaders and heads of state for the very first time since stalling that decision now the president was also present you can just about make him out on tape saying but if you signed the agreement he says to go on a card which i'm going to merkel says we expected more we being the european union in this case now going to cove it justifies his decision to markell by saying the economic situation in ukraine is very difficult we are facing serious threats and of course the e.u. precondition that jailed opposition leader yulia tymoshenko be released to go to germany for medical medical treatment on her back was never likely to be agreed in the ukrainian parliament so for now president of coverage has given a far no to the e.u. deal in its current form well at the vilnius summit the president of the european
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commission was once again critical of russia's involvement by let me groom and between dupion union and crane. there should be no trilateral for. the times of limited sovereignty are over in europe one financial analyst told r.t. that europe is just trying to divert attention from its weaknesses if the european union's leaders whether individually or collectively started admitting to their shortcomings there'd be no end of problems wouldn't there i mean look at the european union massive run down employment throughout the course of the entire union we've got things like fifty percent plus of youth on employment in several mediterranean countries they have a euro currency project which is a thing built on sand by their sort of deluded technocrats who believe that they know the best thing for all people and therefore realistically the only thing the
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european union can try to do is keep blame storming anybody russia who cares because ultimately the european union that started and has rendered wonderful supranational tred project is ultimately falling apart at the same because it has become itself a crumbling soviet style empire which in many cases replicates some of the more ridiculous facets of the old soviet union. a fresh wave of anti fracking fury has gripped texas which has been struck by a series of small earthquakes some scientists blame the drilling for the tremors which cause no casualties but still left locals quite literally shaken the latest three point six magnitude quake was the strongest in years and feel panic in some texan communities the state has seen a massive boom in fracking operations of oil and gas corporations seek to tap into
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the most lucrative deposits well earlier we spoke with local resident sharon wilson who different era fracking sign was forced to abandon her home. at one time i turned my tap on and nothing came out which was very frightening that the air was degraded horribly lots of air attacks trucks lie no i was just it completely changed the character the worst concern for me was to end up without water or that my son could end up being sick from the chemicals that he was being exposed to i lost eighty thousand dollars in property value as they expand this practice more and more people are harmed and more and more people join the opposition right now there is a an entire neighborhood over five hundred homes in jenin where they are fracking very very close to nine hundred fifty feet in some cases from people's backyards george barda is an activist who campaigns against fracking in the u.k.
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he says the process is difficult to combat because of powerful backers in london as the problem starts emerging and they try and start holding these companies to account what they find is like in both can for instance as a separate company called culture lowball can we set up so those massive legal liabilities that might emerge in the future of actually impossible to link to the parent company called or the resources. managed by lord browne who is a member of the u.k. government and not just a member of the u.k. government advising on energy a member of the u.k. government that gets to appoint people in every single other government department so when we look at the problem of fracking we see not just this immense threat to our local environment and to driving climate change wider but we also see the wider problem of how it is that these very powerful economic interests essentially dominating what should be democratic politics. live from moscow this is r t
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international still to come for you peacekeepers patrol the streets of britain. people are on very small and very densely populated and people as you can see so terrace houses people living on top of each other with the flow of immigrants into the country locals take matters into their own hands to try and bridge the divide the full story just a few minutes away. if you're thinking about an alcoholic drink associated with russia it's probably not going to be one that springs into your head but they've been making it here on the black sea coast for more than two thousand years and there's an industry which really can compete with the best the rest of the world has to offer i've come to meet some of the people growing the greats and to see if i can find out the secret to the perfect.
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the holiday shopping season has kicked off in the u.s. with some retailers breaking tradition by pushing their opening hours into thanksgiving night instead of waiting for the official start in what has become known as black friday and it's been exactly five years since the u.s.
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federal reserve began its own unprecedented shopping spree back in two thousand and eight it unveiled the largest stimulus package in u.s. history let's just see how it all panned out well banks were handing out too many mortgages and as financial troubles plagued borrowers people simply couldn't repay their debt the u.s. federal reserve a massive program a bond purchases printing more cash and by bad loans not by pouring more money into the banks they intended to help the average american by driving down the cost of credit so that more people could survive the financial meltdown but it turned out to be a bigger win for wall street than for the taxpayer. on the fed's experiment you know sees it as a big mistake black friday the day after thanksgiving is america's busiest shopping day of the year millions standing in lines for hours or even days before stampeding into stores to snag door buster deals oddly enough the first reserve bank has also
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used this pseudo holiday to launch its own unprecedented spending spree otherwise known as quantitative easing following the two thousand and twelve prices the fed began buying up massive bonds to drive down the cost of credit and experiment pitched at helping main street as the program marks its five year anniversary the former fed official who helped spearhead the quantitative easing is publicly apologizing to all americans for the role he played his name is andrew and he joins me now andrew what is so bad about quantitative easing that you felt you had to publicly apologize to the entire country i believe we have a very big wakeup call with the financial crisis five years ago we got we realize we have this economy that was over we were lying on wall street where the banks have become too big and too too concentrated for the larger economy and what i feel
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quality quantitative easing all to me has done is to reinforce. that structure of the u.s. economy and a lot of the benefits of q.e. have ultimately gone to the banks rather to to to main street america so if we see that over the course of five years those that have benefited from q e have been the richest people in the united states of the richest companies the richest banks in the majority of americans are not benefiting from this and why is still continuing the problem is. the fed at this point is the only one doing something and so it feels like it keeps on having to do something to help mild to the argument is what it's doing is it not only helping but it may actually be hurting far for much about the u.s. economy. the grand mufti of saudi arabia wants to protect the people from evil in his eyes that means prevent women from getting behind the wheel of a car headline to find out more on this. bus
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a fully equipped cannabis factory in a u.k. bunker designed as a shelter from nuclear strikes it's all been taken down by police now but you can read all about it at r.t. dot com. right see. first rick. and i think you're. going to. instal. another extremely disturbing video from syria has surfaced online an amateur clip posted by the syrian observatory for human rights allegedly shows hardline islamist militants publicly executing members of a rival rebel group however the footage we're about to play couldn't be
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independently verified and it is of a graphic nature the leading men are believed to be from a moderate islamist group and it's claimed they're being shot dead by members of the islamic state of iraq and leventon al qaeda affiliates operating in the region a terrorist cells been pushing for more control in rebel held areas in syria against more moderate opposition factions but it became a new shoes a political analyst and a professor at these out in a university in a man says the roots of the cause is that other regional players have no interest in peace. they do not hold any respect for human life and not all and political opponents of anything even if they were against the syrian regime would become an enemy to these groups so basically we are talking about a medieval mindset here and i doubt even in medieval times that we've had something like this this is something that probably harks back to the stone age and some
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people in the area do not want to see a political settlement in syria and this is very crucial to understanding the behavior of these groups this kind of escalation against other opposition groups especially if they have said they are going to geneva two so really the only people to talk to here is not these groups but the people behind them namely some saudis and israelis who are supporting these groups that are clear and that actually because they are opposed to geneva two there's a political fallout in washington after anonymous u.s. officials revealed the cia had secretly recruited some al-qaeda members held at guantanamo bay the double agents were then allegedly set free and allowed to infiltrate the ranks of terrorists well former pentagon security analyst michael maloof says the revelations work as a smear campaign for the detainees still trapped at guantanamo. there are displaced
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people they no longer have any citizenship anywhere and certainly they cannot come back in the united states and their families their families are probably going to be under watch and scrutiny it's a very problematic situation for the individuals involved especially if there was nothing nothing no charges against them in the first place they're basically people without a country now. u.k. is now home to almost two hundred thousand roma immigrants looking for jobs in cash many british because they believe few of the newcomers are ready to adapt to the rules of venue home on the surface reports on how some locals have made an unconventional step to deal with the matter. well ping up against the cold this team is setting off on one of their regular nightly migrant patrols organized by the pakistan community association their beat is this small neighborhood in
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sheffield in the north of england known as paige hall they're trying to save the community tensions here but i know there are tensions in the area and people are angry because it's a very small area very densely populated and people as you can see so terrace houses people living on top of each other it doesn't take us long to see what some members of the local community a say concerned about even on a monday night in winter large groups of roma men congregated on this small high street i just saw a. cd so look around this mess you sensed noise that most of the roma here from stood back here and they're eager to tell us that they don't want to cause any trouble for my friend you know. people who speak you just so if you have too many more of them you know looking for a draw in all your problems here for a nine pm curfew has been put in place here under sixteen can see the police thanks coming down so they have what sort of significant presence in the area in let's
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have got a presence here from eight o'clock in the flame right the way through until like three o'clock i mean i know it's a very difficult thing to police the situation has gained national attention but some voicing concerns of a repeat of the race riots that blighted the north of the country to stave a decade ago it didn't concern me that it was going to happen what concerns me was how that would make very much population and the longstanding population feel that they're living in an area where tensions of perhaps not so hard either that might happen like all the e.u. citizens of rome or have the right to move freely throughout the european union but so what is the most persecuted ethnic minority groups in europe the migrant patrol at. trying to aid integration here but with restrictions being removed next year allowing both gary and sam rumanians to enter the u.k. sparking wide public concern it won't just be the patrol keeping
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a careful watch on what plays out on the streets of this small local community so r.t. reporting from sheffield in the north of england. back to our top story here on r.t. international ukraine refusing to sign a trade and association agreement with the e.u. louise because from the u.k. independence party joins me live now from the u.k. liverpool ways you're probably a little envious aren't you ukraine's president has basically said no to the e.u. is stood up to the e.u. well i suppose you could say we're a little bit envious really bad. unbelievable really isn't it i think the two words i would use to describe the whole situation actually is probably on believable hypocrisy. in light of what the and what the european union have done seriously we cannot really believe the joint statement issued by. regarding the issue really
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shows the entire situation to be unbelievably hypocritical but your party that purports to listen to what the u.k. the people there in the u.k. want now what about the fact there are tens of thousands of people protesting in ukraine at the moment shouldn't the president listen to what they want they see much better benefits by joining up with the e.u. in the long term. well absolutely there have indeed been protests but i think we have to compare those two protests it being elsewhere in the european union where you have to look at the protest being in greece riots burning the european union flag and i think i think these people who are protesting are actually protesting because they feel i'm sorry the line is gone really does there's a lot of noise on the line that i get out of here i can hear. oh ok thank you sorry about that i think actually it's all down to propaganda i think the propaganda
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machine of the european union has still to down to these protesters and actually if they really knew what was involved in joining the european union and actually what it meant for their country i think we'd see a whole different thing out there but it means a lot to them doesn't it means freedom of travel they can get jobs in the e.u. they'll be a lot of trade opportunities businessmen from the ukraine will be able to trade with the u.k. and the rest of the european union there are definite benefits. i think the trade issue is a very interesting one but i personally don't believe that belonging to the european union means that there's any ease in trade we can open long to free trade agreements that is something that is very popular and very very well we ourselves here in the united kingdom think that we would trade better outside of the european union and i think our friends in the ukraine would be best place to look in what is happening elsewhere in the euro zone to see that really do they want to be
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a part of this organization do they want to be a part of this organization that has twenty five percent youth unemployment age eighteen to twenty four do they want to be a part of the euro the currency that is collapsing i think there's some really interesting questions that then or what are the problems for the people in liverpool and indeed the u.k. if you was eventually to join the e.u. . i think ultimately i am a u.k. politician and obviously we seek withdrawal from the european union if the ukraine join the european union obviously they would have free movement within the european union and here in britain we say that is just wrong we would like to see a points based system in terms of migrants people who are who skills we require your skills we need please come here and work but in terms of free movement the european citizens we say that is wrong we are an island nation we haven't got the infrastructure to support that so as far as we're concerned we would like to say no to the ukraine and no to turkey who i'm sure david cameron and mr gross i would
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love to say next in line is a member of the european union just briefly the european commission president is blamed moscow for sinking this deal and it's all about politics as it rather economics this whole situation and indeed the idea that the e.u. has ambitions to expand eastwards what's the matter with. you know how dare he actually impugn anything against russia in my opinion we have heard david cameron state that he would like to see european union stretching all the way to the urals we have heard barroso compared the european union to an empire the only empire that is now in the globe this is an expansionist organization we should be very wary of the propaganda very spouses and i would say to the people of ukraine keep your sovereign say keep your borders and let the people go over to be the people who you actually vote for great to talk to you know it's like you very much
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of the council always live from liverpool thanks thank you thank you time now for some other international news in brief police are trying to curb protests in several different parts of egypt's capital cairo security forces are using tear gas for the crowd responded with stones demonstrations followed days of similar walkouts in defiance of a new law which bans gatherings without government approval recent multiple arrests of activists including teenage girls of added fuel to public anger over the military's grip on power. the u.s. military commanders call the afghan president to apologize for a recent drone strike in washington a bit killed and wounded civilians but child was among those who died in the death sparked outrage from afghanistan's government and came during crunch talks in the security in the terms of america's military presence in the country beyond twenty four teams. hundreds of protesters stormed the headquarters entire capital bangkok during the largest civil unrest in years demonstrators demanded the
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removal of the prime minister recently survived a no confidence vote last few days crowns of the seats several ministerial buildings and power to the police headquarters the prime minister is widely seen as a puppet of a brother user tycoon convicted for corruption. and finally in. china has sent fighter jets to routinely patrol its newly declared at the fence of a disputed islands in the east china sea this comes after japan and south korea all have their own military flights over the challenge to beijing threatens to overshadow the u.s. vice president joe biden's trip to the region next week washington maintains a robust military presence in the region trying to contain china's growing clout. brings up today for the moment i'll be back with a news team in just over half an hour from now including updates from kim next looks at a transgender tragedy is name is julia just ahead. i
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hate to be a downer but i really think the olympics have lost all meaning in the past when there was the cold war it was like a battle between two ideologies taking place in the abstract and the one nine hundred thirty six olympics nazi pseudo science their self-proclaimed superiority was put on trial for the whole world to see and it's quite the olympics having the majority of the countries on earth participating there are now horribly horribly bland one could argue that they have become a great way for countries to show off their acts used to build up some infrastructure by i think this is a big misconception let's look back to the two thousand a lympics in beijing yes china is really developed in the last twenty years but the olympics really teach us anything about this country with a radically different political system or anything about their ancient culture or
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the way they think or the way they live no nothing at all all we saw were some flags and some pandas that rather unique stadium which was mostly the work of a swiss company yeah i hate to say it by think the olympic flame is kind of burnt out over the years although i have to admit that saying the torch in the space was kind of neat i think that when and if the world ever becomes an ideological battle ground again then the olympics will become worth watching but for now it's just generic sports from generic countries of generic stadiums but that's just my opinion. ukraine a country divided its government's decision not to pursue integration with the european union and also for russia instead as western politicians and media in an uproar brussels feel snubbed while moscow has a wait and see approach as ukrainian. all it takes is anything but stable the so-called struggle for ukraine is far from over.
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there's one thing that i still can't understand i don't want to ruin your good mood but i have this one question what do you doing this all for. listen to me you had everything to respect authority you gave them all no you decided to go your way but what for. it was a way to inform he tried to restrain himself and find his place in society in spite of this disease at the club but look here burst out any way in the woods that. you sit on that really puts me off that i have such a father.


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