tv Larry King Now RT November 29, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EST
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coming up on r.t.e. our recent c.n.n. interview may not show the full picture of the russian ambassador to the u.n. claims that his interview was censored including his thoughts on syria a look at what was missing up ahead across the u.s. wal-mart faces more than just a surge of shop earth wal-mart workers gathered in protest demanding better wages and conditions we'll bring you the sights and sounds of this black friday protest coming up and while there is hope for an economic boost from black friday shoppers the future may still be dire the new book the crash of twenty six team that warns of a future economic catastrophe brought a balance by the dealings of wall street bankers and the government the books writer tom hartman tells us more later in the shell.
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it's friday november twenty ninth i'm meghan lopez in washington d.c. and you are watching r.t. well the russian ambassador to the u.n. claims his interview was censored after an appearance on c.n.n. but only churkin says c.n.n. made significant cuts to his interview with christiane amanpour which aired on tuesday night churkin says the network but the majority of his commentary about the situation in syria and his assertions that a number of people in the country support president bashar al assad c.n.n. says since published a full transcript of the interview on its website it also offered this statement to our t.v. the encore team conducted a lengthy interview making it clear that it was taped and would be cut down for length and time on air this is normal practice for taped interviews we never do anything to an interview that would alter its meaning. but is that really the case
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and joining me now for more is christopher chambers journalism professor at georgetown university and christopher thank you so much for joining me now i want to get your opinion on this the case with of the tali churkin and your opinion was it simply an edit for time or a case of censorship it looks like censorship to me because yes when you're taping you do edit for time there are things that get trimmed every media outlet especially in visual media a visual medium like television cable television satellite does that but again it is for form it is to pare down excesses depair down repetitiveness you do not go to what might be the lead of the story and it looks like the meat the lead the thesis of the story was affected by this and you know i think that it shows you how sloppy c.n.n. has gotten in the last few years i mean since the beginning of the jeff zucker
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administration there at c.n.n. this is this is it's sloppiness to che's over to censorship i don't know if it was intentional but it's so sloppy that it seems that way now is something like this what you consider an isolated incident or a symptom of c.n.n. or christiane amanpour as a larger political stance in your view. well i think it's sloppiness on the part of c.n.n. again this is been the hallmark sense. especially since the zucker administration basically began there under the time warner banner christiane i'm a poor does have like like all reporters and all commentators and analysts which is what she is a point of view and you must also realize on the other side she is a bridge to the old glory days of c.n.n. with bernard shaw and john holliman frank says no but all those people are gone and they have jumped ship soledad o'brien has jumped ship frank says no has gone into
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university teaching like i have she is the last of that breed and so it's it would be sad to think that she would use a point of view. to edit the meaning of interview with the subject interview source who was the russian ambassador it doesn't get much more newsworthy than that if there's something repetitive if there is some surplusage there i can see that but this is the russian the best or now i heard media critics say it time and time again that there is no such thing as objectivity these days do you think that's terrible. oh i think that there is objectivity when it's in the interest of serving the ratings usually the ratings are served by the serving up of raw meat to your target demographics if you look at the sea to an extent definitely tunics that on fox news and then you mix in other media
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like satellite and talk radio where the where the demographics are even more defined yes i mean there's no objectivity you're objectivity is a tool just like taking a point of view there's no there's no absolutes there it is just a tool so you know if the tool means that you can get more viewers you can generate some some controversy even if you get caught i mean c.n.n. now has eyes on on its website and on t.v. because they've been caught in this controversy of. the russian ambassador his words or more people are watching so it's like hey you know we you know we win if we have even if we mess up because people are going to talk about us so let's take a step back and consider c.n.n.'s business model and that work has been sinking in the ratings are the latest year as you mentioned jeff zucker's administration can you put a finger on what the problem might be. well it's it's basically ferment
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are things falling apart in these in these various broadcast media outlets c.n.n.'s business model counts on taking the other demographics from say fox news which has a very old skewed to most white male older white male demographic well c.n.n. is battling for everybody else but everybody else is looking at other media they're looking at news media like younger people are looking at buzz feed younger people and people in their mean middle age groups are watching outlets like r t so they're battling for that and they have to be a little more edgy and controversy all to get those eyes on the screen and get those eyes on the social media and their their or their alter ego websites to you know to get their message across and that's what jeff zucker has been doing has been trying to make things edgy trying to stir things up but he hasn't always stirred things up in a good way chris chambers journalism professor at georgetown university thank you
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for coming in and why hang in. you well this is not the first time c.n.n. has come under fire in recent months for editorial decisions the network makes meanwhile the news program continues to slip in the ratings artie's perry and boring looks at those it slipping ratings and what c.n.n. and can do to reverse the trend. c.n.n. is having their worst year ever during that awful auctioneer and most news organizations will see their ratings decrease a bit but cnn's are currently some of the lowest their ratings have dropped to forty eight percent since november of last year and for the important i'm a graphic of twenty five to fifty four year olds these ratings have decreased fifty nine percent taking a look at their competitors and they said d.c. has dropped forty five percent just since november two thousand and twelve and fifty two percent are for the twenty five to fifty four year old demographic the fox news channel only saw an eighteen percent drop in viewership since last november and the twenty five to fifty four year old demographic is down thirty
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percent so what is c.n.n. doing wrong jon stewart has highlighted some obvious obscene examples a certain news network show remain nameless has been occasionally as we watch it move through you know when there's a breaking news incident and it's that we're just fans out of the streets and. guesses it might be happening so we can take a shot of this chopper right here if we can and this apparently is only some kind of a rescue chopper to look at all these cars that are coming something just happened we don't know what it is. it's really but it. took over as cnn's president in january of this year he was the previous president and c.e.o. of n.b.c. universal well head of n.b.c. he found himself caught up in numerous confrontations the biggest lead to conan o'brien leaving the network altogether stepped down from n.b.c. after comcast purchased fifty one percent of the company he has been at c.n.n. for eleven months and at the same time c.n.n.
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is facing terrible challenges during the week of october twenty eighth c.n.n. provided heavy coverage of the troubled obamacare website rolled out the results with the lowest a weekly ratings for c.n.n. and more than a year that we can see in an average three hundred eighty five thousand total viewers fox averaged over two point three million well i mustn't be. see ever six hundred eighty three thousand for that same week maybe it's seen and approach to breaking down complex issues that's hurting their ratings a good thing or a bad thing to shut the federal government down for a few days seven in ten americans say a bad thing to shut it down for a few days nearly six in ten americans say it would be a bad thing if the debt ceiling is not raised but nearly four in ten say it would be a good thing remember that but also remember there's nearly six in ten of you believe in. some way you see that as a spice things up bikini babes be the next step for c.n.n. michael bolton the creator of bare essentials news is they need to fight box news
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with fire hot anchors with hotter news anchors and they have to be journalism's elite verisign jewels news features anchors and bikini's and speedos but who come from pop journalism schools which is columbia and northwestern and they say the cast at a fox news channel is helping drive their ratings c.n.n. has declined to comment on if they are looking at working with bare essentials news to revamp their cast at this time in washington d.c. perry and boring r.t. well happy belated thanksgiving everyone or for shopaholics perhaps thursday was just a prep are for the real holiday it's a day every year black friday is a tradition people are willing to pull themselves away from their beds and out of their thanksgiving food come was to participate in and every year people fight and punch or throw elbows to get their hands on discounted goods while the shoppers have a jolly good time wal-mart workers gathered in los angeles this morning to protest
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wages and work conditions warehouse workers united staged a protest of about one hundred fifty people or to correspondent linda was there and brings us more. on this black friday americans are inside of retail stores ballina over cheap electronics outside the store there's a different type of fight going on this one pits wal-mart versus its no wage workers we are the employees we are the store we are the ones who service the customers and we're the ones that are here to fight for our rights for twenty five k. and and for respect. to wal-mart's you know above poverty wages me myself personally i make around twelve thousand year you know it fluctuates but i make around twelve thousand a year which is poverty poverty levels and on my food banks wal-mart claims that the protests have been her business in fact they say that this has been a record breaking black friday for the corporation introduces to an associate who
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claims that there's plenty of opportunity inside of wal-mart is going and didn't learn his fancy retail everybody know it takes a whole lot of patience so you have a lot of things to learn so within a company i have the whole entire nine years i've been here has moved everything is going to be easy so you will have to work hard for which you want i can stand up and say i see something i don't feel like is me. there have been several rests at wal-mart protests from these goes here to the west the mega retailer has come under major scrutiny lately especially after a story coming out of ohio where some are deployed were sponsoring a food drive for other fellow employees there's no reason i should be on marriage should be on marriage there's no reason i should be one of free advance free events to have my my tooth pulled. you know there's you know another another reason is to end retaliation for workers i speak out never give up the fight never feel that you don't have the right to live a comfortable life in pursuit of happiness. as americans we have that right more
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than a million people work for wal-mart nationwide many of them making less than twenty five. thousand dollars a year supporters years say they're going to as long as those wages and conditions continue they will continue to protest in los angeles. while still ahead here on our table for you spend all your savings on black friday deals be warned some analysts believe another economic crash could be on the horizon a new book warns of a future financial calamity caused by a wall street and the government and end up walking the pressure of twenty sixteen after the break.
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ukraine a country divided its government's decision not to pursue winter breaks with the european union and for russia instead as western politicians and media enough for brussels feel snubbed while moscow has a wait and see approach as ukrainian politics is anything but stable the so-called struggle for ukraine far from over. welcome back well it's no doubt that black friday sales are a much needed financial boon to the economy in fact the national retail federation estimates that one hundred forty million people will shop over the four day thanksgiving weekend but despite the fact that the economy is more or less moving again after the worst financial meltdown in a generation some analysts argue that the government bankers and stock brokers
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haven't learned their lesson yet in fact they believe we are on the brink of yet another perhaps more catastrophic crisis impending doom is the topic of a new book called the crash of twenty sixteen the plot to destroy america and what we can do to stop it written by artie's very own tom hartman here's my interview with tom who walk me through some recent events that he says are a recipe for economic disaster i think the government shutdown is a symptom of the rise of the royalist class that i talk about the book using the old phrase that f.d.r. did to describe you know the billionaires and not only they're attempting to seize total economic dominion power but also political power. really the crash started back in two thousand and six and when the housing market sort of fall apart just like the great crash nine hundred twenty nine hundred twenty seven when the housing market fell apart and and we are still in it you know in two thousand and nine we
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were losing seven hundred thousand jobs a month when obama was sworn in that month and he didn't stop the crash what he did was he basically jammed enough bubble gum and bailing wire against it to just hold it which is why worst. well in this very very painful phase phase it's interesting that in the one nine hundred thirty s. they didn't refer to it as a great depression that that phrase didn't come about until the one nine hundred forty s. i think you know a decade from now two decades from now we're going to be referring to this of the great depression of two thousand roughly twenty twenty ten twenty fifteen twenty sixteen so what does a recession in two thousand and sixteen look like and what kind of symptoms can we see i think we saw a glimpse of it in two thousand and eight when the market fell almost in half i would expect that it's going to be that and worse and you're going to see you know more unemployment massive unemployment a large drop in the stock market. the risky part if you look at these crashes about
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every eighty years these things happen eighty years ago it was the great depression eight years before that the civil war eighty four years before that the american revolution in economic crashes are always followed by wars so the question that we have to face now and this is something very serious consideration is will this be followed by. the good news i think is that americans are so war weary because bush linus' in the two wars we said basically no one president obama wanted war in syria but on the other hand there are things that might be out of our control i mean a saudi arabia or iran decide to go to war you know warming something like that or china taiwan i mean who knows there are so many things that could suck us in and a lot of people argue throughout history of that war has been used to boost the economy is throughout time so what you're saying is possibly that the war could be used to help get us out of whatever crash or recession comes well that's sort of
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what happened in world war two wars are massive government spending programs and the most efficient way to get out of a great crash is to have a massive government spending program you know it's tragic that world war two was the. thing that pushed spending up to the point where we really finally popped out of the great depression roosevelt got us three quarters of the way there though with other. c.c.c. and things like that let's hope it's the one that gets most of this time so is there anything that we can really do to reverse the trend that we seem to be on leading up to this twenty sixteen or whenever it happens to be crashed crystal it could happen any time i'm projecting twenty sixteen because the obama administration is doing the same thing the bush administration did which is try to hold off until after the elections in november of in that case twenty two thousand at this time in this case twenty sixteen i don't know if they'll be successful or not i'm frankly skeptical what can we do the fundamentals have to be changed we
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need to we need to break up the big banks we need started forcing the sherman antitrust act not just the big banks but virtually every industry in america has been totally vertical as in this the hands of two or three or four corporations that that in nature broad and diverse is strong top heavy and very narrow is fragile and every aspect of our economy now is like that in fragile from from banking to ag to fill in the blanks so we've got to we've got to start enforcing the sherman act bring back something like glass steagall we've got to bring back the middle class you've got to change or and trade in same trade policies and these are things and that's just the beginning but basically it's a roll back the reagan tactics it's largely rolling back the reagan revolution if we could successfully roll back to the reagan revolution we could stop this thing in its tracks but the political will is not there the political will for these kinds of really big changes only comes about with crashes so where do we put the blame does the blame solely lie on the heads of these big banks these corporations
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are one not or does the blame go back to congress back to you know one back to me. blame is an interesting word because this this is the result of our forgetting what we once knew as america you know america knew how to get out of a depression we've done. three times arguably actually five or six times with minor minor depressions and we just we forget the lessons arnold toynbee is said to have said that when the last man who remembers the horrors of the last great war dies the next great war becomes inevitable the generation that remembered the mistakes he made in the one nine hundred twenty s. . harding coming into office nine hundred twenty and dropping the top income tax rate from ninety one percent out of twenty five percent all that stuff that generations died or is dying and those lessons have been forgotten and we making the same mistakes that we made in the twenty's so that's really where the blame is . due to the corrupters in the greed heads
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they're always there but we're allowing them to take over again just like we did in the nineteen twenties and some of the stories that you kind of highlighted in your book where these tragic cases where people lost everything so will it take another generation of people losing everything to to really wake up the country and have those changes that you're talking about the need to happen we're already half way into a lost generation of people who are coming of age right now and have been for the last six or seven years the people who are in their late teens through their twenty's and are. so in debt that it's going to take them a decade or two just to get out of debt much much less start a family start building equity by buying a home the kinds of things that people historically did so we are already into that last generation and that's the kind of hope is that the next bubble
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bursts will be the student debt bubble that the young people in america are going to wake up and say to hell with this we've had enough and that could be actually a very positive way that that would possibly provoke the crash but could also provoke the. appropriate response to it and finally. you've talked about some ways to fix this but given the society that we have built given the government that we have voted in how viable is it to actually happen. i don't think that any of these major structural changes are i mean many of them have been proposed by nancy pelosi actually got a number of these things out of i was representative only to be filibustered by republicans in the senate. and the senate has proposed some of these things only people are now in the house so i don't think we're going to see the necessary political and economic changes happen until there's just an overwhelming national consensus that's going to be that that's going to the consequence of the crash i
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think that so many years actually the good news of the crash is there is there can be some light at the end of the tunnel there tom hartman is the host of the big picture and author of the new book the crash of twenty sixteen thank you so much for joining me thanks michel and in case you're in the d.c. area and interested in learning more about what america's financial future holds promise to discussing his new book at politics and prose on to say december third from seven to nine pm. well since the botched rollout of the affordable care act website healthcare dot gov the obama administration has been scrambling to get things right president obama himself promised that by the end of the month all major glitches would be fix and that the majority of americans would be able to apply for health care online well it's the end of the month and it appears as if the obama administration once again is attempting to quell the excitement by lowering its own standards the white house announced on wednesday that small
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businesses will be able to enroll online in the new health insurance exchanges in november of next year that is republican opponents of so-called obamacare say this announcement is an indicator that the website is once again not up to par believe contractor on the web sites. you s.s.i. says it has had thirty to forty people work throughout the holiday season in order to finish the fixes on the deadline by this weekend administration officials say the website is expected to handle eight hundred thousand people a day smoothly and ambitiously from the twenty thousand to twenty seven thousand people who rolled on line during the entire month of october so once again it's a make it or break it moment for the administration the consequences of yet another botched rollout could be the final nail in the obamacare coffin if this website doesn't receive c.p.r. and fast. flowing in the age of the internet the answer to just about every
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question is just a few clicks away gone are the days of card catalogs library books and memorization good old knows all but is all of this technology actually dumbing us down the residence laurie harshness with her fox on that. psychologists at harvard recently found that people now you google and other search engines as extension of their own intelligence rather than a separate tool to which i say get paid do are resigned to they better get me up on something i tell people all the tired me before the internet we used to have to
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remember things for ourselves that was a drag right but now if we forget the name of a song we can just google it as if we knew it all along it's fantastic that we can prove our date wrong about their assertion that kale is better for you than dandelion weeds by whipping out our smartphones right at the damn dinner table it's awesome that we can post news links i'm twitter and facebook and somehow feel like we wrote the articles ourselves or otherwise own the facts because we always have google at our fingertips and now that we have the internet we're not only relying on it to store our knowledge we're also mistaking its store of knowledge for our own enough we think for so little clever because we know so much but actually all we're doing is accessing the internet all the die and that makes us feel smarter but those wonderful harvard psychologists found that actually we're sort of getting dumber they found that people who believe their knowledge is saved online are
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actually much worse at remembering in a series of tests the researchers found that people were much more likely to recall information. if they believed it was going to be of race when they were led to believe that the information was going to be stored on a computer somewhere the subject were likely to forget the information even when they were told to remember it since we believe the internet book always be there we don't bother to remember nearly as much information as we used to the researchers conclude the internet nay undermine our natural impulse to inscribe important just learn facts into our biological memory banks they call it the google effect i personally call it stop acting like a know it all is back but the spot of light is the same while the internet grows to contain more information we as
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a species are starting to retain last information so we better hope the internet never goes away because all of our knowledge is bound to go right away with it tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the red button. all right that does it for now though from one of the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america and check out our web site r.t. dot com slash usa follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez see you later. wealthy british style.
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is one thing that i still can't understand it and i don't want to ruin your good mood but i have this one question when doing this all for you had everything. we spanked him so that he gave them all up in the sunday to go your way but what for. it was a late in form he tried to restrain himself but look. anyway. it really puts me. i have such a father. i have to live with.
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