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tv   Headline News  RT  December 1, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EST

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unrelenting thrushes grip ukraine despite having hundred toxics employed by police as people over the president's decision to shout a trade deal with the e.u. . also the top headlines of the week amid general praise for his story deal on iran's nuclear program is well further isolate itself from the international community by criticizing its allies. this government independence movement launches it's a manifesto to claim but critics say the way to text is heavy on detail and light on fun plots. to sound over the dirtiest algon
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a fully functional metal called me of the world's most iconic pistoles printed with three d. technology it's about twenty five to thirty five hours depending on the machine we put it on and what materials were roman. and we made the engineers a printed three d. firearms to find out whether the promising to kill a tree is actually cause for alarm. the latest news on the week's top stories you will change the weekly hero announcing to national with me. hello and welcome to the program processes in the ukraine. to breach police lines around the presidential administration building hundreds of thousands of demonstrators have turned out despite a month long bond on rallying in the city center there are reports of
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a bulldozer being used against the ranks of police protesters have already broken into the city administration building and right now we have our correspondent in the ukrainian capital alex a good high that looks a so what's going on there right now. well know things are happening in here right now are nothing short of extraordinary clearly the biggest protests we've seen in a decade literally several hundred thousand people are in the streets it's a bit different protest to what it used to be in the course of the week when people were protesting against the government's decision not to sign a free trade agreement with the european union now it's more about the rage that the peaceful rally was dispersed brutally by the police on friday if i asked my cameraman now to zoom to the independence square which is right below where i'm standing right now you can see how many people there just a short while ago the protesters broke the police lines and over to the square the same square from where they were kicked off kicked out from on friday night at this
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square alone we can see maybe two two and two hundred fifty thousand people at the moment it is definitely a huge crowd will also know that some protesters are ticketing the building of the government the building of the presidential administration and pretty much the protests are happening everywhere across the city has been very peaceful so far we see no police presence no right police on the scene even at the at the government building my my my contact there told me that only the protesters no right police over there but this fragile peace maybe violated it at any moment as it's been happening with ukraine because no one actually expected that the rally would be peaceful protests would be brutally dispersed on friday night so definitely a situation is pretty pretty tense now these protests are coming as a result of a very true. once week for ukraine both politically and on the streets and in my report i summed up the facts that was what ukraine was experiencing this week. from smiles to host tiles after key if said last week would not be signing
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a free trade pact with europe eva officials were jumping out of their skin to persuade president got a call that. think. that. there are. things. you could see ropy and politicians were not too happy to hear the korean president citing economic troubles and as it became clear kiev was not going to sign the deal at this point paired with a violent dispersal of protests in the capital that's when europe assumed a different tone we have to set aside short term political calculations. and we may not give in to external pressure not the least from russia such tactics from europe which have been accusing russia of pressure in ukraine not to sign the free trade pact raised some eyebrows they should really really stop using the methods of the caldwell their blackmailing ukraine add that to the e.u.
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offering no compensations to ukraine for potential economic losses which could have been catastrophic in practical terms it would be a disaster for the ukrainian people it would mean gas prices going up mean prices going up unemployment going up the industrialisation so i think in a commish we didn't have a choice the e.u. deal is a very bad one ukraine already has a staggering foreign debt of hundred thirty six billion euro and just more denies it factories to standards would have cost a staggering one hundred billion or more with the people in the street scared little about such implications if we deserved to be near a crisis to deal would have allowed us to get better education in europe during the week he of central square was the stage of the mass protest of those supporting your integration opposing president acknowledges decision not to sign the euro association deal in vilnius and even in a typically violent dispersal of their week long sit in on friday night with dozens detained and injured did not stop the protesters still insist the deal with the
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e.u. will happen most likely in early twenty fifteen but after riot police come to peaceful protesters thousands are converging on the capital kiev to join the opposition's calls for unocal which to hand over the reins alexy recess the ante reporting from kiev in ukraine. and here is why the ukrainian government is under pressure now thousands of personal things as well as the opposition and parliament want to move the country towards europe but the government things that's premature saying brussels is not offering parks like membership and the privileges most europeans enjoy as i believe that life closer to europe would be cheap. but the government warns the deal would actually damage the economy for little compensation the opposition still insists kier should resist pressure from moscow but close economic ties with russia including a free trade zone a shared business landscape and increased exports aimed to pull the states together and for more on ukraine's turn away from the e.u. and the events it's provoking let's now talk to marcus papadopoulos publisher and
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editor of the u.k. magazine politics first and a commentator on russian and balkan affairs mr marcus papadopoulos it's great to see you today. saturday all right as we know the level of kiev straight with the u.s. pretty much the same as it has with russia so it won't actually pushes key of towards russia that. officially speak in ukraine hasn't decided with whom it's going to sign an agreement with the european union or the customer or the customs union of russia kazakstan and deloris this whole issue concerning ukraine is a very shallow instore very fluid story and i think we should expect to see an official decision in the forseeable future but i think it's very important to view the whole discussion concerning ukraine in its correct historical context because we're not actually seen that in the west going by western politicians and the
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western mainstream media what we have is the population of ukraine who want to break away from gratia forma oppressive colonial masters and war they seek is freedom and that freedom they will finds in the european union now that makes a very good romantic hollywood's blockbuster movie but it doesn't correspond to the reality of the situation and of course the reality of the situation is that a strategic game of chess is being played out train and swing the west the e.u. and nato because let's remember you and nato membership go hand in hand and russia and why it's a game of chess being played out between the two it's been instigated by the west ever since the collapse of the soviet union ukraine is being viewed by western policymakers in particular in washington and in brussels as an as
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a very important country to get influence in it has a population of a fourteen million has a large industrial sector a large i could go to a sector and of course it is placed in the under in the soft underbelly of russia and so that's what this whole dispute is a balance it's a game of chess which has been instigated by the west. and it's completely natural it's what we're hearing at the moment for example in the british media that russia is perceived as an alien country to ukraine that's absolutely nonsense the western most regions of ukraine for example delay syria that's where you will find situations russia that's where you'll find and see russian sentiment regions where you work so be austria-hungary one empire and poland but that assigns the ukrainians and the russians a part of the east of family along with bella russians it's completely inaccurate
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to say that ukrainians are hostile to russia they're from the same family i think the question journalists are the same that should go to cockle they should go to donetsk go to dinny croce since go to a desk and asked the people there is russia an alien force right and talking about its economy again we know that many european countries many european economies are suffering right now. how is trade with you crazy awake economy how anyone. well that's the sixty four thousand dollar question isn't it the european union the you very sorry isn't a diet states at the moment who we have to do is look at greece and look at this though there are other countries as well even the big countries for serious problems certainly britain france germany it's starting to come out but that was one of the main concerns of the ukrainian government and certainly president. and
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prime minister abhisit certainly expressed those concerns. that the you at the moment not the city it's to the crimean economy and remember the ukrainian economy is very closely tied to the russian economy and indeed to the economies of valorise and kazakstan because they used to be on country and that's something that must be taken into serious consideration when we're looking at the whole issue concerning ukraine and its. marcus papadopoulos publisher and editor of the u.k. a magazine politics fast and a commentator on russian and balkan affairs mark thank you very much indeed for your time. this week saw a diplomatic differences exposed by the historic deal between six world powers and iran over its atomic ambitions by cutting back on its nuclear program to run will
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say it cannot make sanctions softened or the big deal is still just a small and cautious step as r.t. has pointed out reports. it's a deal that's eluded diplomats for a decade and as the crucial make or break iran letelier talks continued into the night details of how they were going were leading the journalists camped out in geneva so we waited and waited and waited while diplomats from six world powers and iran inched their way closer to an historic breakthrough than after sixteen hours a tweet from the e.u.'s top diplomat a deal had been done. to the six negotiating powers agreed to recognize iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy including its right to enrichment under the conditions of this program is placed under strict control by the i.a.e.a. issue. as we received word of the agreement we got details to iran had agreed to
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reduce its uranium enrichment from twenty to a maximum of five percent use fewer centrifuges while halting construction of a new reactor near the town of iraq. throughout this long list of concessions iran's foreign minister still had a smile on his face and its hand he won for his country a partial easing of sanctions allowing to monterrey gain control of billions of dollars worth of much needed funds in foreign banks we believe that it is the sanctions that have brought us to this negotiation and ultimately to the more significant negotiation to follow for a comprehensive agreement others have stressed that it wasn't the stress of more punitive measures but diplomacy that won the day over the night in the case of these talks the fact that that the iranians have shown time after time that there
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is no evidence that iran's nuclear program is anything but peaceful is something that has been ignored by the western media and western governments but this despite all that iran's real civilians has forced these countries to accept. enrichment and again the russians and the chinese have played a very constructive role and i don't think that sanctions played as much of a role as a recognition by the united states and britain and other countries that we need to engage iran because iran is becoming increasingly influential it is only an interim agreements in six months time well now it's time to run a sense of return to the negotiating table but also to hear a little. bit mean that scientists in the middle of the night it's a game changer polyploid a hot seat to meet. in the very first moments after the nuclear deal with iran was
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reached it was clear there greenland left much room for interpretation iranian. enrichment program will continue this first step does not say that iran has a right to enrich but. and we spoke to i had times correspondent pepe escobar hey believes the u.s. is stuck in the middle of a delicate balancing act to spin the war has started at three am in geneva and it's going to be going for another six months kerry had to say that so he could of peace the israel lobby the u.s. congress and the hobby petro dollar law of the us not to mention some neal can see us as well still very thoughtful and in iran it's different they are saying we still have our right to enrich you were and it's correct because that deal keeping the region you reading into the size percent for the next six months for the moment
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we have a breakthrough it's going to last six months there will be all sorts of interest to try to pull barges to you but for the moment we have diplomacy in action something that we haven't seen especially between us and iran for thirty four years and not everyone is happy with a iran deal israel called it a historic mistake that could lead to the formation of a global nuclear terrorist state but as once he's point to spare a pause amid tel aviv's rhetoric questions over its own atomic program being on asked israel's leaders are nine ing up to them best the rand nuclear deal taking a cue from the commander this first step could very well be the last that the country's foreign minister vols the world is now closer to a nuclear arms race while the economic chief warns a nuclear suitcase could detonate a new york or madrid five years from now this agreement has made the world
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a much more dangerous place. but that world is hating the deal with iran as historic it will make our partners in the region safer. it will make our ally israel safer while television threatening to isolate itself even further so your goal is not bomb by this very valley it retains the right to act and yet for all the frustration there is one more hope for israeli politicians to use the next six months before a final deal is drafted to their advantage i suspect they're going to be continuously saying that iran is not keeping its commitment i'm sure they're going to be in close touch with. united states with friends than anybody in any of the countries continuously pressing israel's demands for what should be in that final agreement but with the pressure on israel it's the only country in the
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middle east that has not and does not intend to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty if you want to avoid. nuclear weapons. we have to be part of a nuclear free zone with very simple even iran's president hassan rouhani has called on israel to join the treaty positioning himself as a major peacekeeper in the attempt to denuclearize the region never threaten israel with nuclear weapons on the contrary. a third iran military outcome. if a nuclear free middle east initiative was ever to work it's estimated israel would need to get rid of anywhere between seventy five and four hundred nuclear warheads israel is not going to agree even to talk about the uranium bomb in the context of day nuclearization that's the last thing that israel wants to have in the equation . and for a country that has never officially admitted to possessing nuclear arms getting her
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to destroy them might be the most difficult deal the world has yet to secure policy r t tel aviv. is coming up after a very short break including how antigovernment protests continue unabated in bahrain just stay with us. when the crisis leaves this traces everywhere an. empty classrooms become the norm . children pay for the mistakes of adults. by word you know tobacco fields or in the cafe. they are the ones who come back home life. so his games are just in their memory.
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this is the week here on aussie international welcome back it's been a critical week for scotland and then only after the vote on independence late next year lead to alex salmond launched a way to document laying out what him labeled a mission statement for the nations he tried to see that looks now and the key
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points put forward by the pro independence movement. should scotland be an independent country it's a six word question that requires a simple yes or no but breaking a three hundred year old doing it could hardly be simpler the scots are not taking it lightly as it stands only about thirty percent of scots say they will vote for independence a figure those in the yes camp hope to increase by presenting that much anticipated white paper which a scottish national party says has the answers to all the questions about a dependence the prime minister david cameron then goes the ball into the cabin says that in the car this is laden with risks and problems with warnings on just about everything taxes and debt the no camp suggests. higher taxes e.u. membership london says scotland could forget about it the trident nuclear program david cameron claims getting rid of it is a bad idea in case of a north korean nuclear attack and there might even be roaming charges of mobile
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phones if the split happens at the list goes on it's a project fear by the yes camp and they accuse the government of scare mongering scots into voting no and they insist the white paper will prove that independence would bring about a jobs boom and a thriving economy concerns that resonate with voters this white paper answer some six hundred fifty questions and the details here really are key there are two main categories here one those that will be negotiated during the transition period and another of those will be made if an independent scottish government is formed they promise indeed a lot of breaking down of all the policies they want to pursue let's listen to a bit of what they said we would call a halt to damaging westminster policies are pushing many people into poverty abolish the bedroom tax and ensure that the incomes of the. peace with the course of living the main crux of the matter here is that many critics are pointing out asking if this white paper is going to be presenting the poor because
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a lot of the premises presented requires another party in the go. what is the part of the bag of england that the british government or e.u. member states in terms of e.u. membership what if they don't agree to what alex salmond has has been proposing but he said that he is confident that everything that's contained in six hundred seventy pages will be addressing every single question if everything is this white people it's going to be a springboard for even more debates in the months to come. with three d. printing proponents say the future is here and regulators are just a trying to get a grip on it already people are designing everything from sex stories to fully functional hundred guns and he's a marine operation i have found it's carrying some lawmakers. red's shooting range in austin texas is normally packed with gun enthusiasm. today the difference is that these men are firing rounds with
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a do it yourself firearm the world's first three d. printed metal gun we wanted to showcase the abilities of what direct metal can do eric much later is a project coordinator at solid concepts a company specializing in three d. printing game prints are in the arts he was granted an exclusive tour of their austin facility which boasts ten three d. industrial printers and a glimpse of our technological future these are all the three d. printed parts that went into making this bar after getting a federal firearms license the company used a process called direct metal laser centering to produce this browning nine hundred eleven pistol the three d. printed in metal gonna has fired over one thousand rounds in the meantime solid concepts has manufactured its second nineteen eleven firearm solid concepts insists the stainless steel firearm they've introduced to the world can't be replicated by
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hobbyists these machines start at six hundred thousand and go up to a million dollars they need to be in industrial environments they require more electricity than is available in residential areas and it will be years before metal printers become available on the consumer market not exactly the world's first mini metal maker has already been created and with laser centering patents set to expire in february it's predicted that metal desktop printers will hit the consumer market before you know it as the world has learned the convenience of technology has a downside we all loved the internet cell phones e-mail and social media before finding out that our beloved data is being monitored and stored by the n.s.a. . the astonishing capabilities of three d. metal printers is no law. a secret. so when they become a part of our household tap along side the microwave and flat screen t.v. . what people choose to physically clean in the privacy of their home. will be
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beyond the control of the u.s. government going up or r.t. texas the fast the functional gun was created in may this year a single shot model made of plastic over a period of six months fully functional metal copies of the world's most iconic handgun began appearing at the gun ranges and one expert in this failed told us that the biggest danger is that three d. printed guns can be easily disguised universal kind of technology that can be used in lots of different ways some some good some not so good but it is alarming that people have started printing guns i would say the most dangerous thing is let's say a gun that doesn't look like a gun but looks like. something else and so there is this ability to make things in any shape and for really defies a lot of the conventional thinking around regulating guns around detecting them and
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so forth and i think that's sort of it's a whole new world when it comes to controlling these kinds of things. stay with us as i take you through a signal of child labor markets in europe. i hate to be a downer but i really think the olympics have lost all meaning in the past when there was the cold war it was like a battle between two ideologies taking place in the abstract and the one nine hundred thirty six olympics nazi pseudo science their self proclaimed superiority was put on trial for the whole world to see and it's right the olympics having the majority of the countries on earth participating they're now horribly horribly
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bland one could argue that they have become a great way for countries to show off their ex used to build up some infrastructure by think this is a big misconception let's look back to the two thousand a lympics in beijing yes china is really develop in the last twenty years but then the olympics really teach us anything about this country with a radically different political system or anything about their ancient culture or the way they think or the way they live no nothing at all all we saw were some flags and some pandas that rather unique stadium which was mostly the work of a swiss company yeah i hate to say it but i think the olympic flame is kind of burnt out over the years although i have to admit that saying the torch in the space was kind of neat i think that when and if the world ever becomes an ideological battle ground again then the olympics will become worth watching but for now it's just generic sports from generic countries of generic stadiums but that's just my opinion.
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i have to get up at seven in the morning almost cool i go to school go out easy. do my homework and all of my work and finish it eight o'clock and then i do the same thing the next day. as time goes by and we see the crisis getting worse and all of those who have a job have to hang on to it. because it's not easy to find another on and off. i don't think is most people my age of the responsibility of things like this.


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