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tv   Headline News  RT  December 2, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EST

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ukraine. protests almost a decade with a government building seized and hundreds of policemen and demonstrators injured in the violence a live report coming your way shortly. flirting with big business. or working class ideal it's inspiring a new political force to take matters into its own. party had done on the right by creating a party that seriously challenged conservatives on the left. for me at least life was like going to war no longer the promised land. become disillusioned with bad economics at home looking for money and prospects of.
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international with the top headlines from. the entire news team welcome to the program the ukrainian capital was headed for another turbulent day thousands of move from the central square to surround their prime minister's office in kiev earlier the country's largest protests since the orange revolution turned violent the government building stormed in hundreds left injured most of them being police . is following the top model in kiev now joins us live. it would appear that the crowds of the bit but still there are enough people out there right behind you. well actually i can just tell you that actually the number of people out here on the independence square in the center of kiev has actually grown in just over the past hour and we are getting reports from. the residents who are staying in that
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actually there are more people coming in from various really. region so we're bound to see these numbers these crowds grow of course is at this point it's hard to compare them to the hundreds of thousands that were here over the weekend but there are there is the very large numbers over by the government buildings and this is what the opposition leaders have been calling on people to do to take over all the government buildings in kiev and that is also the places that they have and buildings are also the places where mass confrontations between the police and the protesters have taken place over the weekend with some of the most severe brutality that has ever been witnessed that has been witnessed in ukraine over the past you can say several decades and my colleague alex here said he was there and he has at this story to tell us that several hundred people have gathered in front of the government building there now blocking it obviously the blocking the roads as well so that no government official can get inside this is their way of telling that
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this government needs to go the night has been more or less peaceful there have been no clashes reported even though there were some warnings coming from the police at some point that they will try to get back the city administration building which the protesters took over last night during the protests the tension is pretty much tangible and at the same protest is happening in front of the presidential ministration building i went there last night and i saw that the cord on between the protesters and the police there still remaining there's a very thin line separating those protesting and those defending the presidential administration to administration of the president building became the scene of a battlefield yesterday when several hundred supporters clashed with the police in a very routine matter for ukraine with rocks flying towards the police tear gas use flash bangs it was pretty much hell breaking loose we are certainly watching the situation how it unravels here and give but for now these people are here they're not letting one inside the ride police are inside they've blocked the entrance with
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these buses as you can see and the continues standoff. in the ukrainian capital. and some opposition figures in ukraine openly calling for a revolution to overthrow the current government professor mark almond a historian at oxford university he says the passionate speech is heard in kiev's independence square don't resonate well with all ukrainians i think we should because of attributing what's going on to the majority of people and i suspect that the tragedy of the greatest great majority of people rather passive and certainly around the dissolution about politics when both equation the risk now is that we have a politics of two minorities and it may be that the group on the streets with kind of paramilitary nationalist support from the west not just western plane but also from some of the work or new countries. the strobes kind of who were seen during one time of same time and this could change go but it could lead to
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a very violent situation and it could be a question of the ukraine is far from the state and some senior politicians have blamed russia for what's led to the situation in kiev saying it was kremlin interference that sunk the deal with the e.u. but international relations professor marks the border he says is those exact same european politicians who are al blatantly interfering in ukraine's internal affairs by simply involving themselves directly in the protests the fact that they are essentially on the ground in kiev cheer leading the protesters on calling for a revolution in the country this is a tantamount to the regime change that has been called for in german newspapers earlier today this is a most agree just violation of the united nations charter and international law violation of sovereignty and the noninterference of the domestic affairs of other states and i think russia cannot take the whole world community cannot take this.
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act like. now with little left in its piggy bank. ukraine wanted time to sort out the problem of its ever growing foreign debt and trying to arrange compensation for a modernization program now he said this could have helped to safeguard jobs before and who didn't do any deal with the e.u. a robot oulds the chair of the bruges group or u.k. independent all party think tank he says ukraine has to look east now to try and save its faltering economy the way forward is to look at the cold hard economic facts such as ask the question where does most of the ukraine's exports go to the answer is the vast majority of ukrainian exports go towards watches in the c.i.s. states therefore ukraine should we see that trade deal with a customs union with russia and the same you have to follow but they have the european union that's one aspect another aspect is if they were to sign
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a deal with you in union what would be the effect on the economy it would mean adopting new opinion break elations with very little influence over them what would be the effect of that if it would be to make the economy far more on the head to see if it would mean factories closing down it would mean unemployment you've been unit has dange history high levels of unemployment because of its economic policies particularly its excessive regulation just look at the economic facts leave the motion to one side and on so he's clear that a deal between the ukraine and the european union is not in ukraine's interest and r.t. international is keeping a very close eye on the situation in kiev plus you can check r.t. dot com for the updates as well as the latest videos and photos and we've also got a detailed timeline of the events for you just in case you missed anything.
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thanks for joining us a new radical force in u.k. politics is rolling up its sleeves and getting down to business the left unity party wants to revive the working class ideals of labor who they claim now only pursue the interests of big business. now finding out whether the time is right for change. this area right here in front of the house of parliament the house of commons the scene of numerous protests from those who are gets the bedroom. or the very high cost of living that's simply unsustainable for many in this country the two thousand and thirteen british social attitudes survey found that about seventy five percent of people here the political system is not working for them so they're disenchanted dissolution and i'm looking for another solution here found in the office of the left unity party hoping the creation of this party will give a voice to those who feel like resented by the current government we conservatives
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and stooges launch an all out class war on the poorest people in this country and labor is doing nothing about it britain is different to the rest of europe in that in most of the european countries have a project to lift people in poverty if that's the best they can do with the economy we can think of a better word what it has been quoted as saying the u.k. independence party have done all the right by creating a part of the serious conservatives who want to do on the left to change overnight but if anything like this is that a recent thread of citizens reaching a point where they are looking for a turn of the which they feel simply do not exist within the walls of the. reporting from london. and while a rising number of births are disappointed with the government their frustration with the rest of europe is also gaining pace online we report on the widening gap
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between the u.k. . and why people. increasingly. are still to come here on r.t. international waters a vital part of everyday life. a luxury. break here on the program look at how people make it through the day in. a country running dry due to a very unusual problem. meanwhile in bahrain critics say the key thing missing there is freedom of expression for reporting on how the country's role is it dealing with the send simply by looking at. the interview.
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this is the place that has been consecrated to god for almost a thousand of years people dream here twenty some years ago he established lastic life on the silence. and people feel the love of christ all working. people say you can. come and something happens on this island that makes them return to it again and again they say the below saves them. join me james brown on
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a journey for the soul. only see. but the pledge to play it was terrible to say the i'm very hard to take out a letter once again a little longer there's a plug that you never had sex with her make their lives let alone. listen to the i'm listening.
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economic down to the final. sang i and the rest because i was doing meet every week. thank you for joining us here are three international drug addictions are well known for ruining lives but in yemen it's going a whole step further the male population is love chewing one particular leaf is leaving the country facing a life threatening water shortage we should follow the story.
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it's midday in sun not like clockwork each afternoon these narrow lanes fill up with people behind cut the out god is the essence of nature if we don't sure we're not alone banned in many countries but legal in yemen the leaves contain a mild narcotic and almost everyone chews more than ninety percent of men according to the world health organization at this market countless fridays and plenty of customers are separate and so this is about five dollars worth of caught stealing this substance moving around the national past time for someone even to say our national identity that we don't know are we having a lot of addiction comes out of a whole lot of one that the country as a whole is not is it ok for that it a lot to play with yemen has no shortage of problems but
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a shortage of water could make some not the first world capital to run dry caught is one of the main culprits. yemen is chewing itself to death and the country has limited water resources ninety three percent of the extract of water goes to agriculture and that's mostly to grow pot amid the rugged landscape on the outskirts of the capital got trees as far as the eye can see if they can be harvested all year round and the farmers here say they earn more cash from drugs than food it takes an incredible amount of water to irrigate these got fields the more you pump in the faster these trees grow but even here it's taking its toll of the thirty wells that serve at this village ten have already gone dry and two more are on the verge. in some no the consequences are already visible those who can afford it by their water from these trucks the rest struggle to get by however they can there are public taps but the
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water is often dirty and shortages are common the city's groundwater could be depleted in less than a decade but for the poorest residents it's as good as gone should be talking about . what in ten years has actually is run out of water it's a matter of definitions no. and that's not just some countries they have the most serious what's the problem in the world. it's a race against time and one that yemen is losing but here the evenings belong to cut men gathered together to talk smoke and chew their chosen escapes for a country that has precious few of them and for now escaping the water crisis will simply have to wait another day. to see caffein of r t sanaa yemen. and over on our website for you right now iran's nuclear program is in the crosshairs of the intelligence services of saudi arabia and israel. both state to
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develop a computer virus to try and tear rounds. you can always find. the latest from the far right political. it's also international law from moscow not far off from the world update but for now a buck rains most famous human rights defender not build a job looks set to stay behind bars for another six months authorities are in no rush to set him free despite him now being out of trouble for release a job was jailed in twenty twelve for taking part in anti-government protests and
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in the meantime it's well known new rules do not tolerate dissent just recently another rights campaigner was detained out of hussein. had gone to a police station to follow a defamation complaint against a government run newspaper but he's the one who ended up getting arrested instead his wife told us here at r.t. international that the authorities know her husband is innocent but they refuse to let him go. i mean the channels they ignore that quite husband is innocent and he is just defending human rights and he is exposing them by donations rightists by the government of bahrain age i have tried to company it with the police station with the. notice plant has been there it created mr interviewed by judges and sent and he is a peaceful and human rights defender he always calls for peaceful movement and amnesty international and other organizations as well as e.p.o. which are has been pressuring the bahraini government to relieve him but there is no call great from bahrain to cite the government to respond at least two or three
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of these officials letters being sent or calls or join to statements or whatsoever . now to open up the world update it's where the country's prime minister has rejected to choose day deadline set by the opposition to step down amid fresh violence police used tear gas and rubber bullets against demonstrators as they try to access the heavily fortified government house under a police station an officer and dozens of protesters were injured yangon responded by a proposed amnesty bill for former prime minister who was ousted during a military coup in two thousand and six over corruption and abuse of power. and to paris where thousands of people have marched on the streets protesting against planned government tax reforms it's the latest in a string of demonstrations across the country the region of brittany has been hit by frequent rallies against the so-called eco tax on trucks which is feared will
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undermine the competitiveness of local industries the protests are seen as a sign of the growing frustration with the socialist government economic policy. and yet more protests for you this time in mexico city people have marched against proposed energy reforms on the first anniversary of the president's inauguration the rally staged by the opposition leader was joined by schools of teachers union members and. people demonstrated against the sale of the national oil producer pemex to foreign investors that a company generates more than a third of the entire government's budget saudi arabia is the focus and crosstalk coming your way throughout the day actually here on r.t. international after the recent iran nuclear deal the saudi monarchy has cast doubts on the loyalty of its old allies who live elena's guests bring the latest developments into perspective again that will be crossed. the saudis are
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furious over western dealings with iran disappointed that obama didn't bomb syria and determined to export its radical form of islam can the house of saud afford what it calls an independent foreign policy saudi arabia fears isolation they really cannot carry out independent foreign policy because of their regimes limited strength and durability every government the middle east except turkey and israel because their democracies every single other government is fragile you look at a fairly stable country like jordan it is fragile as well i hope for side arabia's would become a constitutional monarchy more like jordan but saudi arabia has lots of work to do . throughout the day on r.t. international there will be cross talk for now though low salaries and poor prospects and cited among key reasons that young israelis are increasingly leaving their native country who are now reporting on the new generation choosing the bright lights of europe the u.s.
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and even latin america over that of the promised land. their ancestors may have courted the promised land but more and more young israelis are seeking their fortunes far from its golden shores a former israeli prime minister yitzhak rabin once branded those who immigrated from israel cowards but these days most of the people who are leaving are young educated smart and successful many don't come back there's a word in hebrew for those israelis who leave your dream which means descending until recently it was attributed to misfits lower class and people who couldn't find their place in society but alone a is a straight a pupil she want to scholarship to study at the american university in washington d.c. the fact that that's the only jewish country plays a certain role but it's not something that should limit ourselves. but the debate has reignited after two of this year's nobel prize winners in chemistry were israelis who left for the states an embarrassing reminder of the extent to which
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local talent has fled very bible has a computer technician who sitting up his own business in the german capital in israel for me at least life was like every day going to war your always fight with your customers you fight with your clients i had my own business there and it was always a struggle and your life is more calm you can relax you can sit quiet you can sleep quietly like barry many israelis land up here which is why the country's finance minister recently funded from his facebook page that he's a little impatient with people who are willing to throw the only country the jews have into the trash because burnin is more convenient actually pissed me off to read this comment on why if i stay there it's because it's good for me financially it's good for me socially but bottom line it's still economics for many the most common complaint among those israelis living abroad is that back home salaries are
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low and prices high and it's almost impossible to make ends meet. it's a cliff does well two years ago with his ecuadorian wife after giving israel a try he decided to leave for her country if israel was in such a complicated place economically. i wouldn't have left it. tens of thousands of his live today approved to israel's founding fathers it's a sad lament goodbye to the beloved country. television. the international live from moscow with the rover sushi i thank you very much for joining us today i'm stepping aside as sophie shevardnadze coming your way next.
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ukraine is in a tough spot right now trying to figure out whether to join the e.u. or the arrangements custom union it would be nice if they would you know maybe allow the populace to vote for their future via referendum but sadly it looks like the politicians will be making the historic decision i can see why some people want to look west and some people want to look east but i don't understand why so-called ukrainian nationalists want so desperately to join the e.u. first off any nationalist groups in the e.u. are automatically demonized as right wing extremists and the politically correct west patriotism is pretty much a dirty word generally nationalist like their culture and the people who are part of it but if you look at migration trends within the e.u. we see that the slavic part of it is flooding western europe looking for work i have many relatives from the slavic part of the e.u. and almost all of them have to work abroad and might sound nice to be able to work in europe but the reality is that ukrainians will probably be paid even less than bulgarians rumanians to clean toilets in london ukrainian nationalists don't have
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to like russia or join the customs union or join any bloc of countries but advocating a future for themselves the e.u. seems absolutely backwards at least to me but that's just my opinion. right see. lifts her straight to live and i think the tourists. on a recorder splitter live instrumental live live in the live in la live. language or. react to situation i haven't read the reports so let me put it to the no i will
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leave them to the state department to comment on your letter play the monthly so it lists are k.l.a. because i'm not talking. no more weasel words when you fade a direct question be prepared for a change when you run should be ready for a little bit of a speech and a little down to freedom to cost. technology innovation. development around we've. covered.
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hello and welcome to. the shevardnadze today where in my native p.c. capital of georgia though small in size this beautiful country has seen some major changes in the last decade and police who has been at its very heart there was a power slump has raised many hopes for a breakthrough but also. today was held to the new government's front line or the new prime minister. after two terms in office really has just been replaced in the presidential seat just like his party was replaced in parliament. but also to such a powerful. economic and political. will the new arrivals be able to prove themselves will they be able to live up to the claim reflected in the policies name well they fulfill the georgian dream. mr prime minister thank you very much for being with us today great to have you on our show. only two years ago
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you were making your first steps in politics meanwhile georgia is transformed from a presidential republic into a constitutional republic and all of a sudden you find yourself holding practically absolute power. were you expecting something this huge. amount of frankly i never expected it to happen. however life is a strange thing and it's full of surprises to me office or position does not imply luxury neither is it a matter of honor fame once position implies a responsibility more than anything else it is the duty i have assumed before my country and my people and it is the responsibility i have before mr bigs in there when it's really who has put his trust in me and in trusted me with the feet of our country i'm extremely mart of aided by motivated to do a quality job in every way.


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