tv Boom Bust RT December 2, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm EST
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it was a crazy one steve warning. by his work he was home. we were good new carpet installed upstairs i was getting ready to babysit my grandson because my daughter had a whole point so it was a crazy crazy morning and. i thought it was a and she forgot she forgot her key or something. in. the soldiers. and. i just. looked at amber and she said peggy and i want. the door. get here something wrong with. that i pull up and there is.
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a car out there with cover plates on it they said just see it was killed. a full paragraph and that's all you know. the family began hearing details about the circumstances surrounding jessie's death within days of the official announcement they had said that. just. his humvee was struck. broke the checkpoint had the torch just to be hit just. came out of the top of the turret and they think that he had broken his neck. that was it was a little. bit now. within an hour of the incident just the arrived at the thirty first combat support hospital in baghdad where he died on the operating table as doctors tried to save his life jesse was pronounced dead at two thirty five that
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morning from what doctors at the scene described as. massive blunt abdominal trauma the result of being thrown from the humvee that evening when the doctor examined the results of the post-mortem cat scan he noticed the presence of a bullet in just these back but did not fill out the paperwork to correct the death certificate later in a sworn statement he claimed that jessie did in fact die as a result of a gunshot wound or g s w the final autopsy was performed on jessie's body at dover air force base during the autopsy the doctor discovered that jessie had not died from a trauma but from a penetrating gunshot wound to the back the issued a new certificate of death the media only although jessi's officers in iraq were alerted to the change in status the family continued to believe that their son was killed in a traffic accident. on the day of the funeral jessie's family and friends were joined by thousands of canton residents who pay their respects the funeral it was
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amazing i mean i've never. been to a funeral where even i literally felt the love from the people around the community helped raise him in the community help bury him within hours of learning that jessie died from a bullet lodged in his back army officers in iraq knew that jessie was killed by either us or polish forces who opened fire when the driver of the dump truck failed to slow down or heed warnings to stop as gunfire rang out across the traffic circle the driver was shot and killed sending his truck careening into jesse's humvee. the search conducted on the dump truck revealed that the driver had no weapons officers inferred that the fatal gunshots must have come from us and polish forces firing from positions behind jesse army officers launched an immediate investigation into the friendly fire incident including a ballistics analysis by the u.s. army criminal investigative laboratory within weeks the laboratory confirmed that
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the bullets extracted from jesse's back contain sufficient. for comparison purposes and advised that the weapons used by u.s. and polish forces be collected. the final report disclosed that the shots likely came from the sector manned by polish forces the report concluded however that polish forces could not be held accountable for just because the army was concerned about international repercussions in other words because the polish were the third largest contingent in the coalition of the willing the army was hesitant to lay blame and anger their allies as a result of the investigation. by. the end of middle of july. i got a copy of the casualty. and the cause of penetrating.
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that's first i heard that jesse was shot. friendly fire. me early start calling you know the army was shot he said shot him calling us commanders the moisture. state did you know just. confirm anything. like in february i get the autopsy. and it describes all just. and under circumstances such as friendly fire that's first we heard currently fire like nine months after i ask the house was just good soldier to people like. how could they make the mistake of not telling us it was shot not no one is a war at all until i read everything over and seen that the weapons were never collected and i knew they had them properly.
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in hopes of satisfying peggy's questions investigators held a powerpoint briefing for the family the presentation reiterated the army's position that the shots most likely came from the polish sector but that it remained inconclusive they did not mention that a ballistics test would have conclusively identified which weapon fired the fatal bullet during the same presentation the officers noted that the family had been informed that friendly fire was involved within days of the incident immediately peggy challenged the officers that's wrong. and they could not prove they could not show anywhere in the notes we want to the second investigation prove that to me show me the casualty assistance officer document every thing everything has to be documented and show me where we were officially told me that. this was friendly fire they couldn't show it because it never happened. never.
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what i've been trying for a year. if indeed my son is shot at they anybody from the army told me he was shot nobody nobody frustrated that the army seemed to be evading the truth he turned to the press. for more than a year and a half the mother of a fallen soldier has been trying to learn the truth about her son's death jessie's mom doesn't know exactly what to believe the family was told he died from internal injuries after a dump truck crashed into his humvee months later she saw all this stuff to get their training gunshot to the back what's more it was friendly fire. in response to the press coverage of peggy's story the secretary of the army directed the inspector general to open a new investigation into jesse's case in the midst of the new investigation one officer stated that he felt the case had been swept under the rug and other
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officers said he thought investigative officers were walking on eggshells because they felt they couldn't say anything bad about the poles. when the new investigators sought to retrieve the bullets for ballistics testing they made an unnerving discovery that they threw away the. they would treat the bullet from. the bullet he found the bullet would get the army i don't think they do anything out without a novel of regulations they probably can order toilet do and. they have a soldier that hopes. for questions they give a medal and say was a hero be good enough for which part of the lie am i supposed to believe. for every body there is a next of kin and for every next of kin a telegram from the adjutant general to mrs rebecca. the secretary of the army has asked me to express his deep regret that your husband. died in vietnam on fourteen
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november one thousand nine hundred sixty five throughout history families have waited anxiously for word about the health and well being of their loved ones on the front lines during world war one the war department introduced a formal policy for informing families when a loved one was lost in battle to my knowledge they received a telegram saying the secretary of war is quite sorry that your loved one has been killed in action just what happened was a soldier in that unit would write the family and say johnny really got shot by. in which case then the family would start asking questions demand an investigation or or an official explanation. of the famous incident that carol burnett made to tell polish a movie i think that's what happened there if i recall correctly somebody in the
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unit communicated with the family and they subsequently went questions of the military as to what to what happened. and similar incidences. where the families did become involved and did ask questions. probably brought this change of policy in the movie friendly fire starring carol burnett appeared on a.b.c. in the fall of one thousand nine hundred seventy nine based on the struggles of iowa farmers peg and gene mall in the film depicts their fight to obtain information about their son's tragic death in a foxhole in vietnam as a result of shrapnel from a u.s. artillery barrage. garnering an emmy for outstanding drama friendly fire raise public awareness. about the lack of information provided the families of the fallen and likely was the driving force behind the subsequent changes in policy instituted by the department of defense within five years of the film's release the pentagon established casualty reporting regulations that specifically addressed friendly
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fire for the first time regulations dictated that the army inform families of the inflicting force involved and stipulated that reports should include circumstantial evidence as long as it's made clear where facts and supposition begins the army was now mandated to notify families of situations where friendly fire was even suspected. the integrity of this new policy would be tested in gulf war one. i think. i would like to know that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy right albus. in
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fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across the cynical we've been hijacked lying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one school class i'm talking mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing up to five different go ready to join the movement then walk a little bit but. i've got a quote for you. that's pretty tough. stay with substory. let's get this guy like you would smear about john stead of working for the people most issues the mainstream media are working for each other dr brown's vision by robert
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holmes. who did run it well. were by the time the vietnam war ended. the image of the united states military in american society was that the military was rather bumbling. incompetent ineffective institution and the officer corps in the couple of decades following the vietnam war was absolutely committed to. changing that image and restoring the reputation of the american military in the eyes of the american people get released. you know like who cares about the war.
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to a great degree that effort achieved success by the time of operation desert storm in early one thousand nine hundred many commentators had expected the war against iraq to be a long drawn out bloody some people said another vietnam this was a great triumph in the eyes of the officer corps a triumph not simply that. kuwait had been liberated a great triumph in the reputation carried over from vietnam days was seemingly buried once and for all. the one blemish on operation desert storm. was that. a substantial proportion of the small number of u.s. casualties suffered occurred as a consequence of friendly fire that's the fundamental lesson of vietnam for much of the military at the time we're talking about and so they were determined to
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maintain public support to show a new face to show success to show the recall the talk about smart the precipitation and training and professionalization of their force and they were determined to control the facts that fed that story line by any military standard gulf war one was a stunning victory by u.s. and coalition forces in the midst of such overwhelming success however reporters at the pentagon began to hear rumors about friendly fire. washington post pentagon correspondent barton gellman was the first journalist to thoroughly cover rumors about friendly fire so it took about six months after the war for us to find enough people find enough data pieced together enough information from public records and spaces inside them that we could do the story and the story was stunning frankly the army and marines agreed and the army up held it to the letter that they would
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tell no family. about a friendly fire casualty and until they could tell all of them in a synchronized matter that was intended to set up a press conference the next day so it was decreed that always fell five pm would be the time that thirty five casualty officers would show up on the doorsteps of thirty five next of kin and tell them that their loved ones had been killed by american forces and no one was to be told before that even if there was categorical evidence months before as there as there was in many cases. the army held a formal press conference on aug twelfth at five pm announcing that thirty five of the one hundred forty eight american servicemen and women who died on the battlefield in the gulf war were killed and it virtually by their comrades for many families like the family of captain lance fielder the army's public relations strategy left them disconcerted douglas fielder everyone called him lance he was a combat engineer. the basic facts are that his truck broke down he was waiting for
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repair another unit from across a boundary which was a little bit lost on the map stumbled across and thought that he and his guys were actually s. and killed a lieutenant perley and john daly understood at the scene as soon as you got out of his bradley fighting vehicle that he had ordered his gunner to open fire and that the casualties were very good as he'd only knew it was friendly fire he did it. and yet the casualty officers went back and they reported to the family that their head son had died in an encounter with the republican guard it was just made up out of whole cloth. it was only when they got back to saudi arabia that the soldiers had access to phones and field as best friends of the unit called the family and told them what really happened to. the two soldiers the list of guys who called fielders family told their unit commander. low ranking officer and they
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wouldn't say who they were afraid of getting in trouble as a lieutenant or a captain. what they told the family and he told them to shut up that if they said anything more they'd be court martialled. that this was way above their pay grade and they'd better not do it again despite the family's six month campaign for information about the circumstances surrounding lance's death the army refused to confirm whether fielder had been killed by friendly fire until the joint notifications on aug twelfth at five pm the army had a clear directive explicit regulation six hundred thing that said that the families shall be notified promptly in any case and which has determined that the soldier died in friendly fire and the three star general who was in charge of personnel for the army unit to our interview with me said that he is obliged to follow regulations but he's also applies to deviate from them when he feels he has
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a good reason which is the usual understanding of regulations. he flat out admitted that he had broken the rules. within six months of the end of combat operations the army had clear evidence that friendly fire was involved in every one of the thirty five incidents and yet they failed to follow explicitly defined army regulations to notify families when defense secretary dick cheney appear before a. senate panel he acknowledged that the families had to wait months for information about the deaths of their loved ones but defended the delays stating that it takes a few months to get a full and complete accounting is just a normal natural part of the process. and even within the officer corps people begin to say how could this be this is unacceptable. and senior members of the officer corps. embarked upon a major project. the declared purpose of which was to ensure that
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in future conflicts there would be no fratricide as it was as it was called. and i think that. in essence in declaring friendly fire casualties to be unacceptable despite the fact that they have been commonplace throughout all of military history. the military itself therefore set the bar that much higher in terms of what the public would expect. from that point forward due to issues in the handling of friendly fire cases during the gulf war the army completely revised regulations regarding the casualty reporting a friendly fire regulations now require that families be informed in an accurate and timely manner when friendly fire is suspected further the army must notify families within days of an investigation into a suspected friendly fire incident i think the phenomenon of friendly fire probably
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extends back to the invention of gunpowder war is probably the most complex and difficult to pass. such world war two particularly we've invented a lot of technological means to assist us in overcoming that fog of war. but even so it doesn't it's still haven't gotten to a hundred percent even the best command given the best soldier. going to make mistakes the deadliest occurrence in u.s. military history is believed to be an incident during operation cobra in world war two when allied bombing raids missed enemy targets and killed over five hundred soldiers in a single day. when army regulation shifted and required that families be informed of friendly fire casualties the attitude toward friendly fire incidents also
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transformed in the new era of public disclosure friendly fire incidents were cast as criminal and accompanied by a campaign to demonize the responsible parties or even court martial during gulf war one an incident involving nineteen year u.s. army veteran lieutenant colonel ralph alles became the first high profile case resulting from the change in friendly fire policy. on the night of february sixteenth one thousand nine hundred one hales took command of his apache helicopter to check on two iraqi vehicles believed to be a mile north of the american line. the flying conditions that night were less than optimal it was dark and there was a sandstorm growing. concerned about his true position on the battlefield males ask for clarification. and i don't want to bet that they could go like that i think that if they have an arab red line. roger get everybody right so they're going to take him out although hills identified what he believed were iraqi vehicles he
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became concerned when his apaches fire control computer contradicted the grid coordinates provided by the troops on the ground relying on his battlefield instincts and commanding officers directions males prepared to fire on the vehicles . but they it's hard to pull the trigger back me up a little bit here tell me how far ahead here are seven zero forty eight hundred meters. before firing hale's attempted to lock on the vehicle but since they were friendly vehicles that failed to engage. the plan. to. help us up and go. up one you could say that it was like a second one. got out of that completely destroyed i forget what.
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the psychological. what i do i do if i can because it's still a fact but it's like going to go away ready in the back but still. a. lot. we did we get the forgive. me when i needed anything at around the vehicle there are no hard and i've got you know we're going to walk away from the car and. roger you got good. i got a better walking on the end of the. router i needed that i'm really afraid of that. fire fire fire. right there i thought that i want to have
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a. look at that i want to. see but they go. for a country and. kill a bunch of people you don't know so they're really us people. that night two u.s. army soldiers were killed and six wounded the day afterwards hales was relieved of duty within a week reports of the event appeared in the press including unidentified sources within the pentagon to describe hales as a cowboy and as someone who was looking for a fight several months later hales defended himself noting that the army abandoned me they sold me to the press to make themselves look good.
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well. science technology innovation all the least of melamine from around russia we've got the future covered. that was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little. loopy. there is breaking news tonight and they are continuing to follow the breaking news namely the alexander family cry tears of joy at a great things other than their. own regard and of course a wall around. is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. wealthy
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a classic. over but. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck all books. will. never go on i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying to try to fix rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america go ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. hello i'm john berman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the.
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