tv Headline News RT December 4, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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james brown on a journey for the soul. only on r.t. . this is our t.v. tonight no resolution protesters in kiev pledged to continue receiving the government to the end they say despite the opposition losing a no confidence vote. we stand with the vast majority of ukrainians who want to see this future for their country top western diplomats way into urging lawmakers to listen to demands for euro integration also. remain in place cautious village's struggle against an american oil company that's fracking for shale gas close to their homes and. libya's militias are on the receiving end of public fearing now over the government's failure to bring security all stability to their oil rich country.
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this is r.t. broadcasting live from moscow just past nine pm there now my name is kevin first the protesters here in kiev this is the latest scene we've got tonight now partially blocking the government building opposition m.p.'s have also been disrupting parliament's work by blocking the rostrum there a little bit earlier on and it's not just in kiev where you've seen protests thousands of also being showing up for a rival rally in one of ukraine's industrial hubs the scene here from donetsk in the east of ukraine this time though in support of the government these crowds preventing their frustration with the opposition for what they say turning their capital into a battlefield all this amid increasing interference from abroad as ridiculous reports. we stand with the vast majority of the ukrainians who want to see
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this future for their country and we urge the ukrainian government to listen to the voices of its people who want to live in freedom and in opportunity and prosperity and the elected representatives of the ukrainian people made their choice deciding against giving the government a no confidence slap down for the defeated opposition it was back to the streets if the democratic process won't force the government out let the protesters do the dirty work blockading official buildings paralyzing give the protests in the west calls of encouragement the supporters of your integration must remain firm and seize the momentum of the protest this is the only way they can get you know coach to make concessions one neighbor in particular seems to be paying especially close attention to events in ukraine. the european union needs you and you need the european union and if you needed you would be with your poland has always regarded ukraine as its backyard it has i would say neo imperialist designs on ukraine what
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some powers may be hoping for is a repeat of the events of two thousand and four when the country stood still for months in support of the western backed victory but things have changed over the years the orange revolution worked because people didn't know what it was about at the time. nine years later things are a bit more clear all the promises that were made then. have been repeatedly broken the crowds in key of are clearly disillusioned and a bitterly divided parliament has a tough task in building bridges a job made all the more difficult by western nations fueling what could become another revolution and the demise of a democratically elected government in kiev it in a close call r.t. . well meantime nato leaders have condemned what they called excessive use of force in kiev and russia's chief diplomats also commented on foreign leaders getting vocal on ukraine's crisis after meeting nato secretary general. which of the
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putting in with the accuser. we consider the events in ukraine an internal matter i'm counting on ukrainian politicians to bring the situation on to a constitutional path and we're asking that no one interferes with this ongoing crisis. while the executive director of the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity says care has been saying a pattern of provocation throughout the two weeks of public dissent here. the u.s. and the e.u. talk a lot about european values and western values but is it a western value to allow a foreign country to come in and influence politics on the streets of course it's not see a pattern here of of escalation in provocation i think really the protesters on the ground they had a very large provocation a few nights ago they were using chains and tractors the question now i think is will the protesters ratchet up looking for a government overreaction so that they can get some new energy into their protests
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you know what's funny the u.s. has counseled. nonviolence but what would happen if i'm here in washington what would happen if someone drove a tractor and tried to drive it into the white house lawn you're going to tell me that there wouldn't be violence against the one hundred thousand people trying to break into the white house. ok let's talk to jeffrey summers knows joining us live in a studio he's an associate professor of political economy public policy at the university of wisconsin milwaukee thank you so much for being with us tonight we've heard so many times over the last two weeks that the e.u. is really good news for ukraine not so much talk though that's in the long term not so much talk about the big golden through the ukrainians in the short to join it is that that's not so widely publicized what would it be like well it's been quite painful in some regards of course i mean we have to wonder what is going to happen with social expenditures with pensions and other similar kinds of social programs the cuts that could be forthcoming could be quite severe and of course they would
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be dealt to a population which is already very much at risk and really can't afford to have much more in the way of any kinds of cuts to their already just barely existing other hundreds of thousands of american streets over the last couple of weeks fully aware of that has the full picture been paid to the pros on the coals i don't think so and i think that the issue is somewhat of an emotional one at this point and so i think many of the protesters are motivated by what has been a very in a fair. ukrainian government over the past twenty years in the post soviet period there hasn't been much economic development there hasn't been much capital formation much of the money that. is resident in the country has been sent offshore by its old so it's gone to banks. latvia cyprus etc and hasn't been used at home to invest in the country. should the ukrainian government that so show that the e.u. is bad news for ukraine be doing a better job of telling those same hundreds of thousands out on the streets why
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it's bad news maybe they're not getting their message across clearly enough no well no i mean they're absolutely not but again to a certain extent they've brought the situation onto themselves because their failings and i think those who are seeking a better situation in tangling themselves of the european union are unfortunately looking at a fool's gold i don't think it's going to deliver immediate prosperity and i don't even know if it's going to deliver prosperity in the long term no argument the ukraine needs to reform. well unfortunately the options are ones which would be very difficult to implement but are nonetheless necessary i mean what we need to see is a wholesale change in the economic development model again one which would keep capital at home capital formation needs to take place and we need to see investments occurring in local enterprises until this happens we're not going to see a transformation of ukraine's economy and i don't frankly think we're going to see it with the european union either so in other words seeing both choices as being
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not very attractive they may appear attractive to the protesters but i don't think in the long run it's going to serve the ukrainian people well to continue with the current model nor to become part of an enlarged european union which is by the way on a very kind of strong neo liberal trajectory so in other words the social model that people are looking at when they think about the european union is one which is being euthanized. as we speak but people don't see that and it's like with the united states during the one nine hundred eighty s. when people from the soviet union looked at what they were essentially saying was the old franklin delano roosevelt a new deal america and they associated that ironically with reagan the guy who was in effect euthanizing who was killing it and so we see the effects now of reagan's policies in the united states today so in other words the kind of mess that we have a financial ization and attendant economic dysfunctionality is. planted in the one nine hundred eighty so i think now we're starting to see
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something very similar with the european union people look at it as a model to follow but what they don't recognize is the direction that it's gone. in the full picture. being told what a great market would be for you good if if you crane comes closer to it but of course there's also going to be the millions of ukrainians the want to go and work out west is the ready for that the people certainly are not i think that. when you hear about you hear about from. one to the. benefit to us is that cold right right right right and you'll see a massive number of people of course that will constitute a veritable precariat people who will live a very kind of precarious existence in very low wage service sector jobs and while that may be a job do these guys get from the east of europe where they go rest everything from construction or working in restaurants service type jobs anywhere where the standards are not as strong in terms of labor protections. fortunately labor can be
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exploited so i mean we've seen this already you know we know about the famed polish plumber of course in the united kingdom or people coming from. the u.k. and ireland. i would say that those experiences have been very bad for those people and i would also say that ukraine of course is suffering from a demographic crisis already very low birth rates so what happens when you have all these poor. all of childbearing age more people to look after the future as well as an expensive one of the good you mentioned poland the polish plumbers he said but we've seen some polish politicians on the streets in ukraine urging them to join the e.u. they got involved and of course i think there is that cultural affinity with western ukraine so they would be much happier with a ukraine that was more ensconced with the european union and of course paula. let's be honest it doesn't like russia and of course it would be more comfortable with ukraine which was more against firmly in the european union so i think that's
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partly what explains that. given the sheer thoughts and i'd like to see how did you do so. fracking is more and more around the world the i guess stems from the fuel extraction techniques potentially enormous environmental dangers do the latest anti fracking rallies have taken place in romania or northern england now has pretty boy to report smokes it's a tough struggle for locals and activists cracking and protests seem to be synonymous certainly in my experience of covering the stories there hasn't been an area where locals haven't been opposed to this technology taking place on their doorstep and there's just been a crackdown we've heard reports from romania where police have forcibly removed local villagers from where energy giant chevron was supposed to start test drilling
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well i can tell you i can believe that that crack down was brutal and i can tell you it would have to be because i was in that village and i was covering that story when those protesters were forming a human chain around that. that they would point to the death to avoid this fracking taking place. we. do not want to look to stop them even if it means playing with our lives you want to send the army. who won't give up until the. rumanians says that a big issue in the u.k. as well people here on to new to at the moment we've got protests taking place in greater manchester where a company called i gas is supposed to start exploratory drilling and we know that protesters there have been trying to block roads in order to avoid trucks from arriving at the test site and this is just one particular test well but this
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company is supposed to be. opening more wells and they're supposed to have more. drilling sites because the north west of england is full of shale gas its reserves to last the u.k. in terms of energy supply for up to six years and i've been covering these fracking stories we've had protests in sussex as well. other test sites and i personally spoke to a man in lancashire last year who showed me a crack on his wall from earthquakes that had taken place near blackpool but the fracking taking place there so there is a sense that if companies are investing money into exploratory drilling it's going to lead to fracking. but for the green party she thinks europe's divided over frankly with a great deal of pressure from big business. there's a big disagreement there are countries which are a very much in favor of moving ahead with maximum extraction of shale gas they see
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this as a way of maybe securing more of their own energy supply rather than perhaps relying on someone whether it's russia or brando or wherever there are others that have a de facto moratorium on this that are not going to go ahead countries such as france so there is a real difference of opinion but i think that across the european union we really need to be deciding what are the criteria that we need here particularly from the environmental perspective there's a lot of big business pressure there's certainly a lot of people that are saying look there are jobs in the us we're saying well look there are jobs in a lot of other things as jobs in renewable energy jobs in energy efficiency there are jobs in new technologies so quite you know we don't necessarily have to go down this route of fracking is also causing a stir across the atlantic to the u.s. state of texas was shaken by several earthquakes last week as you know if you watched last week was some scientists pointing the finger at dozens the shale gas
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drilling wells in that area to go to church account went to find out about the concerns. we're in a town called them ten in texas guess wells are everywhere here they're hard to mix there are two hundred seventy three gas wells just in this town fracking is responsible for the gas boom in the west but people here fear that they're going to be the ones paying for that. i'm very worried that when they start fracking i will have to leave because of the diesel fumes more than anything i was has already had two heart attacks from it and they tell us it is an environmental basically coming from the actual whales. we do believe it's coming from fracking you know the gas industry holds a lot of weight with the government that is frightening but when you see where your friends and family are being polluted you see people getting sick around you you have to keep moving for and you have to keep gathering you have to keep speaking
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out because you know it's right while energy giants are rubbing their hands to support gigantic profits many here are increasingly fearful about the water that they drink about the air that three about the land that their house is standing on and they don't trust the government assessment of the damage from fracking because they say the oil and gas industry will make sure that no conclusive study comes out and even if it does come out they believe the industry will make sure that it doesn't become a basis for effective regulation. in denton texas i'm going to shut down r t. well if you want to find out more about how fracking works and why people don't want to look at our coal coming up the christine's cool in the syrian crossfire surely that's a group of nuns from a rebel custody we hear from a mediator trying to resolve the apparent hostage crisis plus.
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zero zero eight was i've come to the choice between. he takes all he take the government advice to british sewage too poor to pay their bills for an extra pullover household prices rocketed with rapidly dropping temperatures so after the break. this is the place that has been consecrated to god for almost a thousand of years people came here twenty some years ago it's very established last a life on the silent. and people feel the love of christ all working. people say you can catch up when something happens on this island that makes them return to it again and again they say the below saves them. join me james brown on
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a journey for the soul. only on a t. . speak your language. use programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you. use the alternative angle stories. here to. find out more visit. kidnap christian nuns have reportedly been relocated by the islamist rebel captors the women were abducted when opposition fighters stormed the town of it's mostly populated by christians that placed by the rebels as backers of the syrian government damascus appealed for international efforts now to free the captives
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mother agnes is a nun from syria she's been in contact with the rebel officials to try to resolve the situation here. we've had some contradictory statements the leaders of the free syrian army deny involvement in the incident and have condemned it they say it might have been carried out by extremist groups but others say the autonomy's fighters from homes could have been responsible and that the allegedly took the ones to protect them from government forces this is what the free syrian army told me over the phone they say they will send someone to check up on the miners and provide video footage to troops there all right. and we'll keep track of that story for you meantime across in libya and he will issue rage is spreading a mob of protesters in the town of durnovo reportedly driven out an armed group of islamist libyans a furious at lack of government control right now which is allowed militias to run rampant throughout the country so unusual not least of all in the east they've got a big problem they formed a self-proclaimed autonomy there of course and control more than half of libya's oil supplies the embattled authorities in tripoli of give them
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a ten day deadline to stand down the crisis has already seen the export of crude in fact from a country plummet to just ten percent of previous levels libya's no longer if ideal to satisfy even its own domestic needs for oil producing just half of what is required that's where the figures stack up made time corruption is booming conversely the country's tumbled to being among the world's worst for that an estimated seventeen hundred armed groups now have led to this nationwide security crisis we're seeing and authorities have been able to take control of the country's arms supplies which are mostly in the hands of said militias some analysts say the western countries that helped usher in the libyan revolution and reluctant to help it out. participated in creating this to asian the current situation is not too bad as far as the us thing countries out because their interest is still there the libyans are buying goods from the from europe from the west they're selling oil from them and the west is interfering with various groups some of the
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country some of the western countries france britain and what have you they are actually backing more than one on one group or another so i am not so sure that the west is actually willing or interested in doing that of course they can do that if they so wish but i don't think they are doing that. while all this plays out libya's indigenous tribal groups are largely being left to fend for themselves so we're being targeted by militias for allegedly having supported colonel gadhafi and his day paula reports on the plight of one embattled minority there. this to track was once a building site teeming with foreign construction workers now it's home to forgotten victims of the revolution the people of to work two years ago after the revolution rebel groups expelled them from their homes accusing them of supporting president gadhafi two month long siege of misrata to work there is now a ghost town the only living things straight animals and the odd militia men the
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population scattered across the country in terry come at a refugee camp run by the aid humanitarian organization is home to one thousand five hundred of them that's around three hundred families the to work in say they're constantly under threat. the camp is not protected militias make problems for us they killed people here they arrested people here who did not the militias come and say to we are go to we're go and take three or four people how mistaken for him was the victim of such an attack on october twelfth my sons were at home and militia from misrata came they stormed the house and to greet people i don't know what happened with one of them we're not at risk from mobile attacks people complain they live little better than animals there's a lack of clean water or sanitation most families as many as eight or nine people are cramped in single rooms. we are building
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a room because the one we have is not enough for the whole family where seven and as you know we have young and old children and we cannot stay in a single room it's allegations from the past that prevent him from attending home. misrata does not want us to return until there is a law that compensates them they say that there are women who are raped by two we are go they want to investigate us and apply justice they are asking the libyan government not to allow us back until those guilty go to tribunals in our sentence the refugees at the camp believe they are being collectively punished for the crimes of a few. we are sure some people did bad things we are not all guilty for that people from too we are good have met with people from misrata to solve the problem we apologize to the families of misrata the mediums were good but there is no answer from their side. for now the displaced to work and i can only hope and pray
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that one day they can return to the former lives police here r.t. . meanwhile in tripoli libyan politicians are reportedly voted out of favor of basing legislation on islamic sharia law that made it run for cations on the move and clear yet but especially considering the authorities in tripoli don't hold sway over the entire country of course. now the news tonight many british households are wondering how they'll stay warm this winter after being hit with massive energy price rises just as the cold begins to bite it's on top of foundations of u.k. families trapped below the poverty line unable to heat their homes even with the promise of government help us reseller report. it's that time of year again when temperatures drop and to feel sore as the heating comes on. here they are protesting saying that it was like down to the choice between eating or heating they're angry at the price increases of the energy companies and the
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government's lack of action to helping those who are most vulnerable not to mention the comment from downing street that there's you can't afford to pay the bills they just simply put on an extra job. gently as you can let me say in the wing it isn't the. only area killing of his wife rita keep the heating on for only two hours during the day and five hours at night i do worry. particularly to me then obviously. freedom will. meet all the costs on their own it's affecting every family in this country and this is britain two thousand and thirteen sturgill depending on the provider the hike set to take effect this winter could be as high as ten percent with excess winter deaths in england and wales rising by a third to thirty one thousand compared with the previous year six big utility
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companies are controlling the market and not deciding when to put up prices whether that's above the rate of inflation or not is another question the big six blamed a rise in wholesale costs but industry regulator off jam said costs rose by less than two percent profits meanwhile have gone up by seventy five percent in the last year alone but it is going to see if you need to that's what we're trying to see to do to play out really. the pressure. trying to build. and there's a double whammy the national grid war that energy reserves are dangerously low the risk of blackouts this winter will be higher than it's been for almost a decade but the more pressing problem for many remains simply getting through this winter how many of the. cabinet truly live on the almost sort of money that that we get doesn't make any difference to david cameron or anyone else if
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those tests are cilia r t london. thank you companies not the next news update just over half an hour's time we're out international between now and then though a soul searching journey across some small islands of the big history the russian orthodox christian treat of the lamb invention begins that what after the short break. you know councils here in the u.k. are calling for tougher laws to police aggressive bankers finally no longer will the banker beggars be shaking us down for yet more and outs and bailouts every time we passed the city no longer listening to them plead for more money printing and free credit facilities we're sick and tired of all the banker beggars harassing us every time we pass one of their toll booth guns like this famous one day i'm jamie dimon oh look i found it your banking system that i found trash on the ground
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before me get it through dollars it'll give a bird give me a trillion i want another trillion more trillions gimme gimme gimme. i was thinking somehow i had to come back because mom was waiting for me. i just knew that everything would be fine for some reason we were so confident because we were going to get married officially after he came back how could he not come back because the mere thought of it never crossed her mind. when the militants decided to try and break through and i heard you get screaming grenade. the explosion blew him will run his back toward us and it was all over all. we know that are called rats on our commander won't leave us no matter how tough it gets we're
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a team. you're getting was a senior in his military trio. he knew that if he didn't smother that grenade with his body more of just comrades would die he gave his own life to save his friends. the windswept journey to the law can be an act of penance in itself. doesn't offer excitement or adventure yet many come here for months at a time some never leave it all they say that the law saves them.
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