tv Headline News RT December 7, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EST
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breaking news an artery clashes erupt in romania in the remaining village between police and locals who don't want american energy giant chevron to drill for shale gas in the area. the kremlin refutes western media allegations that ukraine joining russia's custom union is a done deal as protests in kiev showed no signs of dying down despite the cold weather. and the mourning for nelson mandela continues worldwide we look into concerns the traces of south africa's dark past may return this time the country's minority. and i welcome you watching r.t. international coming to you live from moscow. breaking news this anti fracking
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protest in northeastern mania has turned violent clashes have broken out between police and locals who are trying to stop the u.s. oil giant chevron from drilling fish gas in the area we can go in live now to artie's lucy calvin off he was there for us to see things have died down somewhat now but what was the cause of the violence earlier today. hi there and i do apologize i'm having a bit of a hard time hearing you but basically i'm impinge actually right now this is the aftermath of the clashes that have taken place here we basically saw something like two hundred thirty protesters largely villagers who had gathered to demonstrate against chevron's plans to explore for shale gas in this area the protests have begun largely peacefully this is mostly villagers who had come here to express their frustration with this oil company's plans to dig. the area the situation had
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then escalated basically some people had run across the road towards the chevron property there was a bit of a commotion and we saw the protesters run into the property of the surrounding perimeter fence as were taken down the police had chased in after them we then saw riot police officers backed up units called in to the area this is when things got very heated there were clashes between the demonstrators and the police we did see some demonstrators injured as well as police officers injured they were taken away and medical advance we also saw probably about four to five arrests possibly more we're still not confirmed on the numbers there were some people had actually clashed with the officers the officers in the beginning were largely restraint but things did get out of hand but we have to keep in mind the context here what's really behind this this campaign actually runs standing right now this has been the scene of demonstrations for more than a month and a half now earlier last week the police officers came here in the early hours of
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the morning there were violent clashes people as old as sixty seven years old one gentleman that i spoke to was beaten beaten by the police officers and so he was very very frustrated with this and this sort of set this very tense climate where people you know they have a lot of anger and they don't have a lot of patience for what was going on here i'm sure you can see there challenging behind me right now for chevron to go. loosely we understand that chevron wanted posters to dialogue with the protestors but obviously that doesn't seem to be happening. it doesn't and what we hear from the protesters largely is that they feel like they haven't been consulted on this they're not necessarily opposed to the operations taking place here but it's the way that the land the way that the land was sold they felt it was a corrupt sort of unclear process they're also very concerned about the environmental contamination that could take place here although chevron says that it's trying to do things and. environmentally safe manner they simply don't feel
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like they have that insurance they've heard stories about what happened in areas like pennsylvania in the united states where water supplies were contaminated and there's also reports although unconfirmed for example earthquakes taking place as a result of this high pressure water being pumped into the rocks to extract the shale gas they simply feel like they don't have assurances about the environmental consequences here and again this is an area where people survive off of the latins and this is their livelihood and if the environmental contamination does take place here they feel like their very existence is threatened and that is why there's so much frustration here. from northeast remain in force thank you. of course we will keep you posted on the developments in romania and you can also stay up to date by following the. tweets. kevin i mean spoke to social and environmental safety campaign george bush who believes big business and government closer than ever when it comes to show. you see essentially is this this
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battle between big business and the interests of the people and a consistent pattern both in the u.k. and i don't know where you're saying you major figures from the energy industry moving into into government directly david cameron as i came came to power on the promise of being the greenest government ever and what we've seen is exactly the opposite in romania it's exactly the same scenario we say leave it there is no fracking because the people want it and then when he's in power he starts dancing to the tune as a these major players like chevron and what we've seen recently is this very brutal fiction of the peaceful protests have been for a number of months in romania all the entrances to the village were shut off it was a military operation none of the press was allowed to go in that there were reports of incredible brutality george the problem the bottom line here is that the general public not as may be. involved no not even a little concerned about the environment that got kids to bring that little card to
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really go job to do they want cheap fuel this is one of the law is being you know both here and in romania that you know pursue shale gas gas maybe a poison your children but it's going to be cheap through the people in neighboring plots of land the ones that have to suffer the consequences the huge increase rates of cancer of all sorts of a spiritual problems thousands of families are being forced to move out of that areas and one of the reasons that we're not hearing more about the specific stories of illness is that in order to get any kind of compensation from these fucking companies they have to settle out of court because they can't begin to fight the legal battles that chevron can afford. the kremlin insists that ukraine's president began a covert vladimir putin did not discuss kiev joining russia's customs union at a meeting in sochi it's refuting media claims that cabs agreed to join the union in
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return for retroactive gas deal scott has more. frayn's under fire president viktor yushchenko which stopped off in sochi for a meeting with his russian counterpart vladimir putin on the way back from a visit to china on the cording to quote attribute it to you cranes prime minister the cove it was looking to secure and cement a stronger economic ties with russia what's being described as a road map to remove disagreements between the two countries in the areas of trade and the economy but that's going to be of little consolation to the thousands of protesters that you can still see behind me who are continuing their demonstrations in defiance of the weather really as you can see the weather is up pretty bad here but the demonstrations do continue with organizers say they hope that up to one million people will descend on kiev on sunday now some of the protesters has been caused by the forceful dispersal of demonstrators last weekend the authorities
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have launched an investigation into those events as my colleague arena calista reports it grew by new delhi now my gun uku the worst moment was when i saw people being beaten on the ground at my feet they were just kids and i couldn't do anything about it and it was terrible it must never happen again. the night of november thirtieth when peaceful protests in the heart of kiev were broken up by ukraine special riot police force dozens and up in hospitals images of police beating defenseless people emerged on the internet with. the next day it was the police on the receiving end of the violence but at the hands of a mob and not the peaceful protesters who were dispersed just the day before. because i get hit by either a brick or a piece of pavement square in the face it's hard to tell because everything was
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flying but no one could predict it will. go like this that there will be rocks bricks most of cocktails. i was scared for my units who were there because it was totally unexpected right in front of all of this there were these boys eighteen nineteen years old who serve in the army and everything was flying at them rocks molotov cocktails. these men are among the officers still in hospital a week after the attack some received injuries severe enough to leave them disabled or to convince them to leave the force but both. i determined to return to service and don't have any animosity towards the crowd on independence square i can understand the people they want to express their opinion. people have the right to voice their opinion but without breaking the law it would not be an overstatement to say that many people here in new probably says their enemy number one especially
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after last week's intense clashes what's there is opinion out there that. police forces were simply following the instructions they have received and it's those who gave the orders that should be held responsible for the violence so. there are recordings on the internet of the actual orders that received an accident prone to clear we must create a parliamentary commission and find the person who blew it all up and hold them criminally responsible i'm sure the orders came from someone higher than the head of police. as the protests enter their third week the tension is palpable no one wants a repeat of last week's nightmare but a resolution requires calmer efforts from both sides among people whose patience is already wearing worryingly thin. while journalist who's followed ukraine's recent history says the bitter divide among its people
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would only deepen if the. deal happened. it would be a nightmare come true in the long term ukraine and the european union have a lot to gain from increased relationships with each other but the package that the e.u. was proposing and the price you create would be severed ties with russia on the east bloc would in the short term cause a very we'll drop in standard of living for the ukrainian people much greater energy price costs and the european union in the european commission given their own financial woes would not be in the position to give ukraine the necessary financial support it would need in these situations the european union has major problems within its own really must resort before it can really new its all first to reach out to nations like ukraine and i think there really needs to be a fundamental reassessment in brussels of what ukraine needs which has not been adequately recognized in brussels european and american politicians have been
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lending their support the opposition in kiev online we've got more on that and the reaction it is called first of all that is that are to come. that there are moves to stop britain's prisons becoming breeding grounds for extremists coming up a crackdown on hate preaching behind bars is under way to try and stop impressionable brits from being radicalized in the us. the man who led south africa darkest days of apartheid nelson mandela will be laid to rest on december the fifteenth at his family estate but can the change and equality heem body be maintained in a country which suffered such deep scars poor a slayer os if a different chapter on segregation lies ahead. for many years south africans in particular have been asking themselves the question what happens when mandela pos
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is on and for a long time there was a war we that everything he stood for which was essentially bringing white and black south africans to give it would disappear when he dies this question has become this urgent as the years have passed on and a new generation of south africans has come to the fore but certainly there are pockets of particularly white south africans who are today afraid now i visited the community of plain fun tain which is a white on cave they you find only off the condos now these are white south africans who can trace the roots back to european settlers who came in the sixteen hundreds you need special permission to enter the area there are security guards everywhere there are statues paying tribute to the founders of a party which was some africa's legal system of discrimination between blacks and whites people there justified the existence of such enclaves as merely a way of preserving their history the culture their language they argue against any
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kind of claims of racism we feel strongly about our identity and we want to protect back and preserve it this together with the fear that some one tough economists feel has caused some to put in place contingency plans now there's a group called the state land is they estimate that their figures are around eighty to one hundred thousand people and they are all linked through mobile phones in such a way that if in any time they believe a genocide happens and they do believe that a genocide is coming against white south africans they can then mobilize him selves and move to an area where they will be able to both protect themselves and be completely self-sufficient and i visited this community and this is what they had to tell me right now oh we're the stage or little six. little sort of is really a true congeals these white south africans our. are in the minority the majority will be credited mandela with putting the country back from the brink of civil war
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regardless of the color of the skin they race the creed they've been made to suffer africans were god mandela as the hero of the struggle against apartheid and seen him as one of the greatest sons this country has ever given birth to. after the break up british terrorist cells being recruited from within prison cells stay with us. technology innovation. developments around russia. the future
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covered. pleasure to have you with us today. welcome back now the u.k. government has drawn up measures to stifle the spread of extremism following the brutal murder of british a british soldier by islamists in london the plan includes blocking jihadist material on the web and cracking down on hate preaching but as artie's lower smith
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reports the country's jails are also becoming a breeding ground for radicalism. wormwood scrubs prison in west london temporary or longer term home to around fourteen hundred male prisoners apart from the inevitable gang activity and drug taking that goes on inside many prison inmates find religion while they're doing their stretch some are genuine others not so much. those who watch on to and use that religion is an excuse for treatment and we're particularly concerned by that and there's clear evidence that there are youngsters being radicalized. and forced to join the rest of causation of young i phone report prisoners. who then can become a tree machine while evidence from the prison office's union shows prisoners are necessarily so much finding gods as having shoved in their faces muslim gangs
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have grown in power and influence in jails all over the country and the prison officers association is concerned that they target vulnerable new arrivals for conversion and that those who are muslims already are being forced into more extremist views you speak to some prisoners or noble. food or out on it to get more time. or just to be seen as to be part of a gun culture i've done it for protection i've done it because i was bullied extremists who are ultimately released from behind these walls back into society. now being a foreigner stuck in a north korean jail can't be easy so how do you get anxious apologize for your war crimes apparently that's exactly what an eighty five year old us better and to do to walk for a head to our web site to get the full story there but in egypt more and more
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people are being thrown behind bars for not keeping in line with military rule r.t. dot com has details of an almost daily iraqi. right to see. her story. and i think you're. on a reporter's. instrument. on . france's leading its second major intervention in africa this year with reports of around a thousand troops on the ground already in the central african republic bloody clashes there on thursday have left almost three hundred people dead paris began to send reinforcement hours after the u.n. authorized the mission to quell the rise of sectarian violence in the country
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thousands of civilians fled to the country's airport seeking refuge from fighters christian militias loyal to be ousted president fighting with the muslim rebel rebels which currently control the country. france which is sometimes known as the policemen of africa has been active in the continent since colonial times and here is where it gets to wield total control in the past decade france is led interventions in mali which was which was its most recent operation also chad ivory coast and the democratic republic of congo that's the side from its involvement in libya as for the current conflict in central african republic earlier this year france refused requests to intervene from the president who was ousted by muslim rebels in march now though it's chosen to act lawrence freeman from executive intelligence review magazine believes french domestic problems are behind the decision recently france has become more active
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militarily and i think the problem with that there france and britain have not given up they are intent on having access and use of some of the resources and wealth of the african countries or so i think france is suffering serious problems at home. devastating collapse in living standards throughout all of europe so many things i think combining to push france forward into some of these more very activities. more of them recently than we've seen before. some international news in brief now a group of christian nuns who were reportedly kidnapped in syria this week of resurfaced in a video where they deny being held hostage the women say they were in fact rescued by rebel fighters from a shelling attack in their hometown and will be released within two days the
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footage has not been verified and it's not clear whether they were speaking under duress or radical islamist group earlier claimed to have captured nuns and offered to exchange them for one thousand female prisoners being held in syrian jails. the world trade organization has agreed on a landmark deal which could provide a trillion dollar boost to the global economy the agreements designed to speed up cross border trade by slashing red tape at customs checkpoints analysts say this will give a lift to developing nations by creating up to twenty million jobs it's the first global deal of its kind but has yet to be ratified by each member government in mexico six people suspected of stealing a truck with highly radioactive material have been released from hospital only the youngest suspect age sixteen was found to have traces of radioactive poisoning the men remain in detention for further questioning the vehicle was carrying extremely dangerous cold both sixty when it was hijacked at gunpoint near the capital earlier
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this week. it's one of the world's most popular vacation spots but those who try to settle down in paris often find their romantic notions shattered sesar syria explains why. it all looks great on paper but anyone with an aspiration of living in central paris quickly discovers the nightmare and becomes looking for what here this picturesque center of the city might as well have a sign that says off limits to anyone with a tight budget but if you must prepare for very tight quarters when you first arrive to the far out i was completely shocked because this was the smallest area that i found myself ever but i didn't like it from here through here. donica pay seven hundred seventy year olds for this tiny twenty square metres central paris flat in the popular lot in quarter area plus another hundred for bills and internet she chose convenience over price
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a choice that's not quite there for others like sabina who lives just outside paris with three other people her bedroom in the basement. was about five hundred euros when i moved. i was looking in internet for a place for five hundred euros couldn't find anything really. expensive visited a few places. couldn't find any so i decided to look for somewhere in a server close in more extreme cases not only do people end up far from the center but in apartments like this one where there's no kitchen or hot water so. it's a real problem in fronts this lack of housing we need a hundred to nine hundred thousand more housing this is what explains the high prices in july report released by france's national institute of statistics and economic studies found that one hundred forty one thousand five hundred people were without a fixed residency in france
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a rent control law was recently passed as part of a larger housing reform to address the lack of housing substandard conditions and the trend of people being pushed out of paris and other major cities but changes in living standards won't come overnight a fact many in the city of lights have just come to accept. you know. ok listen if he. does or syria r.t. paris you're watching on t.v. international up next it's max kaiser and the kaiser report.
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ukraine is in a tough spot right now trying to figure out whether to join the e.u. or the arrangements custom union it would be nice if they would you know maybe allow the populace to vote for their future via referendum but sadly it looks like the politicians will be making the historic decision i can see why some people want to look west and some people want to look east but i don't understand why so-called ukrainian nationalists want so desperately to join the e.u. first off any nationalist groups in the e.u. are automatically demonised as right wing extremists and the politically correct west patriotism is pretty much a dirty word generally nationalist like their culture and the people who are part of it but if you look at migration trends within the e.u. we see that the slavic part of it is flooding western europe looking for work i have many relatives from the slavic part of the e.u. and almost all of them have to work abroad and might sound nice to be able to work in europe but the reality is that ukrainians will probably be paid even less than bulgarians romanians to clean toilets in london ukrainian nationalists don't have to like russia or join the customs union or join any bloc of countries but
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and how do you. well success for david cameron's trade missions a giant of this way. they at downing street announce that the u.k. has won the right to export pig semen to china this is going to be a long one in a deal worth forty five million pounds per year. little piggies well rescue britain's economy for sure and exchange it appears china will win the rights to more of the ukase real income producing assets such as the h s two high speed rail link between london and those places up north that nobody ever goes there not only will china invest in the new rail network but may even build it they did a good job in america building a railroad cameron the brag that the u.k. infrastructure is worth investing in not just by the government.
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