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tv   The Truthseeker  RT  December 8, 2013 6:44am-7:01am EST

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which before. is no longer but a minority shareholder. is a perfect example of an organized hold up on the country's gold. despite months of secret negotiations with. presumptions weigh on this which contaminated the region with. used in the treatment of precious metals. without their faces covered for fear of losing their job. as somali icon talk about it. concerns us the workers in the mine and the locals is that we haven't earned anything for ten years. we don't live here there's nothing to drink here there's no drinking water these little boxes which you see surrounding us. this is where the work of the mine live in these boxes here. where does the
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money from the mine go i don't know. i really don't know they're a big caymans within the government. all of the west gives them goes into. the. mining exploitation company. to film in his village despite ministerial authorization. confessing to us that women regularly a miscarriage is here and that the contaminated water from the ground is surely responsible for the evils and that the dust causes serious respiratory problems especially for children.
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today we speak about the plundering of resources in congo because the world bank in its p.c. program initiated different reforms especially the forest code and the mining code permits for mining exploitation were granted the world bank was their experts to help congo and in all of these authorizations from mining exploitation almost all the authorizations have to be reviewed because there was systematic pillaging of resources and the world bank watched on we were told that the world bank was a development bank wrong it's a bank of under development it has to be said it's clear. the big outside is china china has two point five trillion dollars in currency reserves
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and china is now present in africa latin america and in other asian countries where it offers extremely high sums for new loans. china has committed to invest six billion euros in projects in the democratic republic of congo these are aimed at the development of road infrastructure schools hospitals as well as the revival of the mining sector. in exchange the chinese will have access to six and a half million tons of refined copper two thousand tons of cobalt and three hundred seventy two tons of gold this minerals for projects barter agreement to surprised western countries and the i.m.f. and the world bank in particular both of whom were on the verge of cancelling the democratic republic of congo's debt these two institutions have set as a precondition that the contract be reviewed downwards.
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and so negotiations have been extremely hard with it has to be said with key being blackmailed by representatives presidents of european countries have told us. here cheney's contracts we get treated you don't give them up. so we're happy to say that. the government and its chinese partners very hard to take a second look at that package and have indeed improved it so now we'll be benefiting from both debt relief and additional resources for infrastructure which it desperately i think china understands that africa is a continent. has for many of the things that it needs particularly natural resources it has the potential of being a significant market because it's under
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a million people now that in twenty fifty it'll be close to two billion people today they are certainly at a stage which resembles a lot like what was practiced by france in the seventy's and its own commercial relations with africa we will also review operations which resemble line for line what could have been done china is welcome india is welcome brazil is welcome france as well you know it's a place with tremendous potential. my experience was. that until i arrived at the bank the word corruption had never been used by a president of the bank it had never been discussed at the board and the reason was as i was told by the general counsel was that unfortunately many
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member countries and corrupt governments and what you didn't want to do was to offend countries that were corrupt even some of the big company countries were thought to be corrupt and i. decided that i didn't care whether any of my members were corrupt or not but that i was not going to run an institution that was giving money. knowingly to corrupt governments deposit i think that it is no accident that we began to speak about corruption after the fall of the soviet union before them on the cars at that time but we couldn't really speak about this sort of thing without risking moving to the other side i think we changed the moral stance and it's. but i can tell you it wasn't easy. and not every country even today.
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regards that contribution as ring constructive and by the way not every country to a. administers anticorruption practices. there are many countries. that use it as a competitive tool. i won't name the countries but they must be known to you. and some pretty large countries. sure thing the but corruption here is a way of life it's even that's how people live because you can work for the big companies of these countries take for example our customs company off. when you go to our feeder you will find really all fashion buses but the people who work there travel around in all some jeeps. you would see people who work at
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a feeder with or some houses these people build skyscrapers but there's something fishy going on at a feeder where do they find what they earn because they only work at a feeder of course so are optional rules here. is to surpass conceived and it seems as if the fight against corruption works for low level corruption only. but as soon as you reach the government with that in the head of state the prime ministers the ministers it no longer works they investigate or start and presidential personal richmond political financing and then the richmond to friends is no longer tolerated i could not complete and i'm claiming that this is right not only naff reka. but.
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i know in that context we. we've worked with our membership to improve the institutions that make for better governance. economic governance and in public financial management in other areas that we work with. our membership and i think we we think there's been considerable progress in in focusing on. governance and progress in. corruption in a number of countries. when we treat people as corrupt we are not there to clear their name if they are corrupt they are corrupt but the truth is that this corruption was supported by the great powers at the time of the cold war it's the same today no african leader keeps his money at home not in congo the ivory coast brazzaville. they always keep it in switzerland spain in the united states it's
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true too in south africa and in morocco not only in europe. africa should seek inspiration from the example of ecuador in two thousand and seven eight this latin american country proceeded with the audit of its debts to determine the illegitimate and odious debts there is a whole series of contracts and we see it in the african case. absolutely unacceptable including from the point of view of international international law. which are particularly rendered void. the purpose of the audit is to identify what must not be paid and it's on the basis of an order that the government of ecuador
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decided to no longer pay illegitimate debt. and i believe that if we don't want to be a martyr it's true. even by the time has come for us to take action the congolese have to understand that it doesn't have to be like this i'm sitting on a gold mine and diamonds and wood and coal to. an electrical energy like being a say and despite it all we have no electricity. i am standing alongside an oil palm and despite that we import palm oil and i'm in a country where there are thinned leaders who have spoken out. like simon combine
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grew kimbo. and loons. but the problem is that people are disengaged today but i'm not despairing. and things will change.
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what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. for a factual standard of living. so the lesson we teach to the world is that the best way to defend yourself is to
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get yourself a nuclear weapon and of course the biggest culprit of nuclear weapons and producing nuclear weapons and weapons of. the united states and i find it absolutely insane that we sit here and talk about iran suppose of nuclear weapons program when you know the united states is producing every kind of weapon under the sun is spending more than every other military on the planet. war and more death and more suffering in every other nation combined and yet it's sitting there on a pedestal talking about other nations developing weapons of mass destruction it is insane that we even allow them to do this the first nation that needs to disarm without question is the united states. please speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the will talks about six of the i.p.t. interviews intriguing stories do you. see them trying.
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to find out more visit our big. league. please please.
7:00 am
antigovernment protests well in the ukrainian capital as the opposition hopes to gather a million man march declaring it's the country's leaders last chance to listen. but fanning the flames of foreign politicians with ardent statements supporting the opposition some even coming to kiev despite the anti-government mood. remaining villages beat back chevron's fracking advances with weeks of violent clashes forcing the oil giant and its police back up to suspend operations for a second time. a day of prayer for south africans for their former leader and international symbol of peace nelson mandela we look at how he overcame bitter derision from countries who are now queuing up to mourn him.


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