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tv   The Truthseeker  RT  December 8, 2013 10:44am-11:01am EST

10:44 am
certainly had heartburn with it had serious issues with it after months of asking for additional information about the conflicting reports of their son's deaths and getting no answers from the army they've met with dog to me in person for the first time at a ceremony at fort campbell when we were at fort campbell and we were visiting for this memorial service we had kind of gotten to a point where we both felt like we could release it and let it go after the ceremony the two fathers were talking in one of their rooms when there was a knock at the door to when listed men who had vital information about the night that their boys were killed and of them video of the incident they did that because they were sick and tired of the way that fort campbell had treated this that their superior officer treated this and they said there was a cover up going on. i was furious i was absolutely furious here is you know here's this organization that's supposed to protect me my son gave his life to protect me
10:45 am
and they can't even tell me the truth. they're covering up you know it was it was awful for the first time the family was able to truly begin to understand what happened that night. well it's four o'clock in the morning there's very low visibility it's eight degrees. and our guys have we know exactly where they are but we haven't got a clue what they're in there doing as it turns out they're all sitting back to back just waiting for our guys to come. they were told that the enemy was unarmed that we surrounded the thicket you never surround an enemy because once the firing begins you've got a circular firing squad tactically it was a nightmare. in the initial minutes of the firefight they've avoided enemy gunfire and return fire into the thicket. i can see dave he's hugging the earth his feet are moving he's squirming trying not to be seen the rounds are going over his head
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it's chaotic out the field. after five minutes of fierce fighting dave attempted to reestablish his position further back. i want to pull out. and as he sprints backwards he is shot by his lieutenant. and the way we have figured this elf ballistically and through the autopsy reports it had to have been. extreme close range he is shot in the back the lower left buttock but he fell just feet away from the man who shot him and the man who shot him his lieutenant had to have gone like this to do it he would have had to swallow at this kind of angle now maybe he thought it was one of the terrorists trying to run out whatever day full speed from him just feet from him four seconds later hanson gets up and retreats even more and the sheriff's knew early on that.
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it was mistakenly shot by lieutenant hansen but it wasn't until receiving the videos nearly a year later that they fully understood how the commanding officers actions following the shooting further impacted their son's death as two dead there's one one on the two on the battlefield left who are alive and fighting and one who is dying who is still alive. then that's my son. then this guy gets on the chopper an injured in the battle lieutenant hanson boarded the first helicopter out of the zone with two badly injured soldiers he's the one guy who knows where his men would be but he left his men on the battlefield he walked. the time five of his men were unaccounted for and lieutenant hansen took the only active radio. the one guy who has any means of communication has got on a chopper left. this son of
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a bitch shoots my brother in the leg not intentionally because it because it was night time it was four in the morning there was fit a very little star cover very little moonlight and stayed there to point out his position because when they got to him there was a faint heart beat. so the whole idea of brotherhood an author and then and camaraderie in this sense it was it in this context that has absolutely no place. so he goes silent of these guys and they're trying to assess where people are assess what the situation is and he's silent dave is out there for . many minutes vick eighty. yeah dying. there's precious minutes spent trying to find him they don't know where he is.
10:49 am
when they found him he had a pulse and they worked c.p.r. on him till they put him on the bird so he lost precious minutes because his lieutenant left him on the battlefield and in the prize anybody who landed where his men were. with the new information in hand dave contacted army officials and demanded that they reexamined the actions of lieutenant hanson in hopes of appeasing the sheriff family colonel mcbride wrote a scathing reprimand of lieutenant hanson. colonel mcbride writes you are hereby reprimanded for failing to exercise adequate command and control over your platoon your conduct contributed directly to the death of one of your soldiers from friendly fire your mission was ill planned and poorly executed resulting in
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grievous consequences to the unit based on your actions i have grave doubts concerning your potential for future military service as it turns out the letter was filed locally in iraq what was the final letter it was shredded now they happened with it doesn't go past like asian nobody ever sees it and so when lieutenant hanson comes up for a promotion nobody sees this and he skates up to being captain which is what happened he gets promoted to captain that really was the final poke in the eye for us frustrated by lieutenant hansen's promotion dave contacted a former student james me a military affairs correspondent with the new york daily news as meet gather documents and video for a lead story army officials began to question the motives of the family. in an internal e-mail to higher ranking officers uncovered by me
10:51 am
a public affairs officer notes that we may rapidly be reaching the point where respecting slash understanding mr sharon's grieving process becomes secondary to defending the actions of the leadership involved in this incident i've been described as a grieving father who will say anything to bring published city who will say anything i think the subtle implication they're not so application if you will is that i'll make up things in order to try to publicize what happened to my son because i'm so overwrought with grief just people don't take accountability for their actions. and. this i forgive them i would but i have a lot of anger in my heart in my mind towards this man for what he did and the more i find out about the situation the more it just it's unbelievable. you know there's a sort of old sense the. soldier who gives his life for his country
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is a hero. and these people have given their life for their country. so there is a feeling i think i'm actually feeling the why should i burden the family complicate. things further for them i would love to believe that they're trying to protect us from the now in our sons were killed by friendly fire. but it's just not knowing the truth causes more pain. people might think that you can take it but what you want to know is you want to know exactly what happened you want to vision exactly what you want a picture of. individuals. may sometimes act in a way to cover their own. but the army is an institution i think. generally avoid such cover ups in. we make mistakes
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and i think any honest person in the army understands that we make mistakes and is willing to admit that we. call my to sit back and judge a man in the heat of combat. and i don't know what that's like you don't know what that's like. nobody who's never been in it doesn't really have any idea if you watch it on the movie or whatever it happens. unfortunately it happened to us. fire it issues oh do the same thing. illegal for justice justice for your son. are you looking for the truth. you know the the the simple things which don't seem like big things to ask for a start to deal with the world's largest army bureaucracy.
10:54 am
hope that justice is done and where if we get justice maybe everybody who has suffered a little bit and then even know it gets a little justice maybe the little guy wins some day.
10:55 am
where vick got. days a lot. and now don't know me and now.
10:56 am
all bad. guys just. as we have a brother i used to have that don't know him now. doubt where. they are they are. where i am. gary. quite often countries rich in natural resources. are the poorest africa's a colony it's a colony of the big corporations it's
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a colony of someone's home leaders who are under the big corporations so they have to beg from the world bank development of social programs goes to pay back debts whole country is drowning under the amount of debt that they had and so every year they would borrow money. and they would use that same amount of money to pay back their. money. the wages of debt. what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. for a factual standard of living.
10:58 am
so the lesson we teach to the world is that the best way to defend yourself is to get yourself a nuclear weapon and of course the biggest culprit of using nuclear weapons and producing nuclear weapons and weapons about struction is my book nation of the united states and i find it absolutely insane that we sit here and talk about iran suppose have nuclear weapons program where you know the united states is producing every kind of weapon under the sun is spending more than every other military on the planet combined and it's involved in more war and more death and more suffering than every other nation combined and yet it's sitting there on a pedestal talking about other nations developing weapons of mass destruction and it's insane that we even allow them to do this the first nation that needs to disarm without question is the united states. lud.
10:59 am
live. live live. live .
11:00 am
tonight's no tomato of ukraine's president his voice to the massive protest in the capital where the opposition hopes to gather a million man march and lay siege to the government quarter these pictures you're seeing here are the latest live pictures from kiev. and fighting the flames of foreign politicians to with ardent statements support of the opposition some even coming to kiev to spur the anti-government movement. also reporting a series of clashes of the shale gas site in romania seize all giant chevron suspend operations again offering a brief rest by developers who say fracking will destroy their livelihoods. day of prayer for south africans for their former leader and international symbol of peace nelson monday.


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