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tv   Venture Capital  RT  December 8, 2013 2:29pm-2:45pm EST

2:29 pm
slave today there is no attention paid to social affairs like health and education can you imagine we have to sacrifice congolese children who have to die who cannot study because they have to pay for the debt. and the international community talks about generosity now they are talking about cancelling the debt as an act of generosity by controlling the country's resources. that they say the debt is used to keep countries with natural resources under control. it is used to control countries in the southern hemisphere both politically and economically.
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today we've got less than five percent of the world's population living in the united states consuming almost thirty percent of the resources and roughly half the world is living in poverty close to starvation are actually starving that's a failure it's not a model it's not something that can be replicated in africa or india or latin america so it's a failed system we know that it's a failed system. like the world bank and the international monetary fund play a crucial role in the entire history of the debt crisis a fact that these two situations created in nineteen forty four began to lend on large scale developing countries in the sixty's. they had actually started in the fifty's. the real surge in loans explores in the sixty's. the roles of the i.m.f. and the world bank have changed radically since then it's all driven both
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institutions have become instruments of oppression. and control over new sovereign countries in the immense. most typical way that economic hitman work is it will identify our country that has resources our corporations covet like oil for example and then arrange a huge loan to that country. from the world bank or one of its sisters. actually go to the country and to our own. in the democratic republic of congo was the most powerful. one of the best examples the workings of the system since it was built one problem after another. represents the most emblematic of what we call the. realisations that have increased the country's foreign debt with objectives that have nothing to do with human or economic development but.
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today the congolese people have to pay for a station which was not built for them but to supply energy to the. two kilometers away. what i find appalling is the complicity of the multinationals of certain countries of businessmen and even of scientists who proposed this giant machine. but today we have reached a situation where we have to pay back the debt without necessarily having access to electricity. but the main problem that we face when we have financial institutions like the world bank or the international monetary fund when we debated the construction of the dam these institutions knew that we weren't going to use all the electricity nevertheless we were made to build this stand because it suited the big multinationals today it is the congolese people the little people who pay.
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for me this status odious we should repudiate it and we should even ask for compensation from all of these companies who brought us equipment that didn't work . ingo is an example of something that has not worked but it's also an example of an investment that can work you've mentioned in those three and four are interested in seeing that the existing investments in are actually used to generate electricity for the people. ultimately over time maybe this in future ingo can provide electricity elsewhere but we're not there yet right now the priority is getting to work. he did today was to link to the katanga mines out there bypassing electricity through a high tension line which flies over most of the country. could be punished at any time by cutting the interrupt in the lower congo. they want to.
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move we want an interest of the you know village after all it is ours. instead of the foreign countries are using it. and we who own the power find ourselves in darkness. what is happening is that angola south africa and butts wanna be the authorities with currencies well the people of the lower congo feel less interest. in this village like in all other villages the main difficulty is the electricity supply. and as the dam also has its own problems it cannot supply electricity in the entire public republic and more particularly in the capital kinshasa which experiences major problems with regard to energy supply. and as you can see we find wooden post says they are their defeat and lines which literally cross the rooftops of houses. with this situation we risk having problems with
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electrocution even house fires. in a village near the. witnessed an incident which could have had dramatic consequences . everyone knows that electricity contributes to development in the well but when there are no roads we need them so you can transform farming produce electricity would allow us to conserve and packaged goods but what is happening today i think. is it if we had electricity we could save our forests today we destroy them for firewood so we lose out twice a day dead has its consequences now the forest is being destroyed instead of being
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able to use electricity we are destroying our forests. the forests of the congo basin cover an area of over one hundred seventy two million access. in a widespread context of corruption and poor governance despite the moratorium and the forest code imposed by the world bank in two thousand and two attempts to reform that would industry have not yet met with any success in the democratic republic of congo and are endangering the planet's second. some seventy percent of the world's poor people who live in the countryside and
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depend completely on the eco system. houses them and takes care of them and. when the world bank finances projects that destroy the. quality of life and even the livelihood and survival of local populations. without permission we decided to try our luck at the steelworks. threatening to call for the intervention of a minister we were allowed to visit this immense empty factory. cities in this factory was built to use and consume electricity from the anger. yet we knew very well that when they were building this factory the raw material they were going to use was scrap iron and rusty iron gathered in europe which is unacceptable given what we know the country's potential in terms of minerals is.
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in effect the situation is ridiculous underground particularly in katanga the minerals of dug up to be exported eight thousand kilometers away and smelted. then used to make steel in the northern countries to make vehicles and machines and with these vehicles all machines end up on the scrap heap they are compacted and shipped in a boat to my time in the congo. which causes the river to rise if you were to. go on the food this scrap metal is then melted in to create refined steel. it's completely ridiculous. so never worked it was money down the drain just a waste but not for the multinationals which one yet multinational sold their technology it is the congolese people who are losing out today. and
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all the wealth is being controlled because of this debt. i don't think so because what is the reasoning of the heads of the world bank and i.m.f. . this is what they say we will make these developing countries used to the funding we provide them for the development and for the daily management of their business . if we make them reliance on this funding if you know we vary by obtaining a means of influencing them and it is a six eighteen eight certain type of policy the pretty take. over when robert mcnamara to go for ed the world bank he wanted to do something grandiose. he began by boring on the markets in order to be able to lend more he flew home and
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sell loans in the south where some countries and me to they were completely incapable of think them back like i say so at some point we can all make it mean go back and we say listen you know since you can't pay your debts give us a pound of flesh sell your oil real cheap to our oil companies or vote with us on the next united nations both it's critical to our to our policies or allow us to build a military base on your soil things like that and in the few times when we fail when we're unable to corrupt presidents to get them to accept these loans when we fail then the jackal's going on and they either overthrow governments or assassinate their leaders both rolled oats of ecuador and to rehearse of panama were assassinated because i was unable to corrupt them i couldn't get them to accept these conditions. he didn't see. who condemned the world bank the i.m.f. the exam lenders in general is a clear example. there was
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a coalition of interests against him by the great powers governments pre-sold. companies and international institutions. who gave the order to assassinate. the assassination plots of course is that i don't know but what is clear is that those who assassinated him since he knew that they did it to defend certain interests in these interests they would the interest of lenders that's for sure most of. do you think that you as a representative of the. gazan government and government in general could achieve that easing off live for the palestinian people through all the way they
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communicate through the way they present themselves to the wall to communique need we need respectful of from all of the kind of governments good and to recognize this government which recollected a from the people actually. presented to from the palestinian people themselves respect our choices respect our what i would believes i would need someone to run. right to see. first for you and i think you're. on our reporters. in. the in the.
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you have to remember that israel if there were. probably award for best dramatic performance by a country israel would win every year it's a real fear. not to know who is the star of the theater so i would serve the few moments ago now we have to distinguish between israel's rhetorical position and its actual position israel wouldn't be investing billions and billions of dollars into building this wall if it wanted territory beyond the wall if we go back to our lines of even if i made a i had a hard time doing it's not go ahead go ahead go ahead i'm sorry if it's not just the war and the west bank and gaza there is. a fear actually because it's true poland they're drilling gassed or they think it's somebody else of gas and oil.
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that's on top of all this is the context of the cold war when western countries strongly prodded these countries to become indebted to keep them in their place. if it was very difficult for instance to stop backing mobutu. even if we try to. but given the geo political balance of the time we couldn't take the risk that a country so rich in mineral resources year could move to the wrong side. to the problem of the. problem with that is not its absolute level. home. country to paid back and with what means this.


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