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tv   The Truthseeker  RT  December 8, 2013 2:44pm-3:01pm EST

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drilling gas or they take somebody else of gas and oil. that's on top of all this is the context of the cold war when western countries strongly prodded these countries to become indebted to keep them in their place. if it was very difficult for instance to stop backing mobutu. even if we tried to. but given the geo political balance of the time we couldn't take the risk that a country so rich in mineral resources year could move to the wrong side. to know part of the. problem with that is not its absolute level. home to see their ability of country to paid back and with what means this.
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file structural adjustment programs are aimed at supplying capital to it is that. in reality we are reducing these countries to achieve any economic success and kong. the most what is structural adjustment. it is really the awareness of the fact that these countries were put in a complete deadlock. it is to say that these countries were in bed and had an incapacity to continue to function which led to them taking quite drastic and radical measures. with the structural adjustments the following diagnosis was made with your economies acknowledge the deficits and these deficits have to be paid to pay these deficits with cuts in the public spending were necessary. expenses hits were social expenses unfortunately. in doing that we cut spending
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including social spending and that obviously had a negative effect on health education and social housing report obviously. this took place at a time when natur was in power in the u.k. and reagan in the us. it was really the law of the markets. and so the economists of the i.m.f. and the world bank and in a lot of other countries even bilateral cooperation said allow real prices to rule and all problems will be solved. i think that by doing that we did a lot of harm mainly because we didn't know ways to understand the economic policy of these countries.
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once the structural adjustments were imposed by creditors namely the world bank and i.m.f. it was like hell on earth here. at the hospital everything had become. the consultation you have to pay to see the doctor to get more syringe is more alcohol . i mean it was hell people often died from curable diseases. and people in poor health who have no access to health care makes development impossible. you know you can't concentrate on development in those conditions at times it makes you sick and revolt because it is unacceptable and unbearable that's injustice in the world but the debt of congo fourteen billion dollars. what does that represent as of two thousand and ten the total of the developing countries public debt is in the region of one point three five trillion dollars.
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and the us foreign and domestic debt is thirteen trillion which is ten times more. should these countries continue to pay millions of dollars the president of the republican the government have said that it takes fifty million dollars every month to service its debt how much gets spent on health and education every month the answer is zilch. teaches in primary schools badly paid and underpaid. the teacher comes to school with little biscuits that she gives out to children who should pay them back. so already from the first year of school children are taught how to get in debt we. give to children and after three days children have two. parents for money it's like an international
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institution if you missed the deadline the child is forced to pay double the price really think if it sometimes this makes the child afraid to come to school. today with the system of parent the child who doesn't pay. before five times these economic policies have been conducted for reasons of budgetary adjustment we could no longer finance a certain number of public services and therefore we thought means of financing them through privatization. but the people who controlled the privatizations were people who came from the outside or people well connected in the end and that did not produce very favorable results for people who were low down on the social ladder was. one of the examples of the i.m.f. most brutal policies of forced privatization bodies in niger. prevent disaster for
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false promises all the national transport office and private entrepreneurs who took over the national office. work according to the principle of private entrepreneurs which is completely normal. you'll soon see so they never send a lorry on the ground which in periods of famine in niger. leads to death as a dozen the rife because of this privatization you got this is. the international monetary fund applied the first program of structural adjustment in congo in one thousand nine hundred eighty six since then the i.m.f. has been there. and no progress is being made in congo i always say that it is like a sick person who goes to the doctor the chemists there are all there the laboratory assistance they do the tests they prescribe medicine and the sick person stay sick forever what should actually happen is that the doctor should resign and
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thats it. what is the role of the i.m.f. if it doesn't prevent crises what is the role of the world bank this bank which is supposed a development. if it be the i.m.f. kills the world bank by blindly of course not intentionally. but by its dogmatic and here to the washington consensus which is completely brutal. but in poor countries people africa's a colony it's a colony of the big corporations it's a colony of some of its own leaders who are under the thumbs of the big corporations so in a way the european empires marched out and supposedly gave africa its independence but immediately the corporations marched in and a few handpicked leaders handpicked by the european nations and the court and the corporations took over many of the countries especially the countries with good resources.
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for thirty years all african and latin american economies have been or unstated towards. reimbursing this debt and this is completely shattered the economies in other words the ones that we have specialized in farming which represents eighty percent of the economy in countries like mali products such as cotton cocoa for export to west african countries. behind that is the neglect of food production and the exposure of these countries to famines and malnutrition and it's no coincidence that today if eighty percent of the world's population who are dying of hunger in fact don't exactly. agriculture with its current production rates could easily feed twelve billion human beings which is almost double the world's population in other words. cannibals is that dictatorship of globalized
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financial capital has imposed on this planet is both murderous but at the same time. it is a figure speak for themselves i could take. victims of polluted water etc you. see they are asking us today to produce more products for export to make more money especially to pay back the debt so they force us to produce palm oil they ask us to produce coffee at the time of structural adjustment it was coffee palm oil cotton people had to. ask the d r c as you have diamonds you have gold gold. would you can sell and buy products which may come from china or europe the chicken that
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comes from europe the chicken that comes from france do will key which come from the belgian abba chores or from argentina the new one and we don't need them because we can raise our own i assure you that in this country when you have planted maize for months afterwards you already have the product yeah as for rice there are regions where we produce rice even here here where we are we produce rice but as for meat we have the plateaus and. today places like the plateau of are used for mining exploitation and today we import meat chicken awful we import more than one hundred forty thousand tons of meat an awful and chickens so all that is really a policy of submission a policy of dependence but we can grow everything here everything. in terms of the market fish frozen sick in. tomatoes even onions everything is
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imported rice because there is no local production they used to be in these countries we used to have big rice paddy fields we grew it in these countries but everything that we produce here now has to be exported especially wood and petrol for the most part this is why you don't farm land to feed people. they have imposed a policy of zero cultivation in particular that is to say that here priority is given to encourage today where even trying to substitute menu for bread in order to make weak imports more profitable because money is made locally so fortunately people hold on to their money orc their only productions that still exists are small family productions all the farms that were built during the eighty's to produce for the country and to make the country self-sufficient were destroyed. as the world bank has insisted that everyone plant food for export. that's all right
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if it is one two or three countries but when the red dozen or more countries which make the same thing remember and in the same quality of. coffee cotton metals etc that's an acceptable proof if there is too much supply on the market that brings prices down still concourse because this is led to a reduction in the income since the income comes from exports because they're told to do so and agree to do it you could do it in bill didn't is a perfect example of this for export eighty year where we are held out the prospect of demand that the market exist that it only had to be produced and must exist. and what do they find better to tell us today well we're incapable of feeding ourselves a group of google. it's because it answers to turn towards biofuels well but if you feel our stomachs or will we have to feel reserve wise to pollute more i didn't
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mean right now we're selling agricultural land. we're the problem we in the west of the problem especially the united states government so it really is quite ridiculous that we get manipulated into saying oh we have to take care of this problem over there the problem is in our own backyard and we know this. is what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. or a factual standard of living.
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we can with. the consensus. choose you have to. choose the stories that impact the. speech. the olympic torch is on its epic journey to such and. one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand nine hundred towns and cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea an outer space.
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a limp a torch relay. on r t r c dot com. and . look. look. look. and. i took.
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six. this is our team this morning i know to make some for ukraine's president his voice stood a massive protest in the capital where the opposition hopes to gather a million man march and lay siege to the government quarter. fanning the flames of serb forward politicians with the odd statement supporting the opposition some even coming to kiev to spur the anti-government. in more of the stories of the week a series of clashes at the shale gas side in romania seize all joyn chevron suspend operations and offering a brief rest wipe them to villagers who say fracking will destroy their livelihoods . day of prayer for south africans for their former leader an international symbol of pigs nelson mandela we look at how heal the pain pitted the region and countries are now.


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