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tv   Headline News  RT  December 8, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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thank. you i'm going to be. tens of thousands stage mass protests in ukraine's capital kiev the opposition hopes to force the president from power by beseeching the government quarter. foreign politicians fanned the flames with statements of support for the demonstrations some even traveled to kiev to strongly anti-government mood. u.s. oil giant chevron resumes drilling near a village in romania furious locals and gauged in a bitter fight against the fracking site they say will destroy their livelihoods. to both the blue jury would you believe that it's going to bridge. the editor of the guardian newspaper offers a robust defense of his papers reporting of the n.s.a. surveillance scandal was being grilled by u.k. parliamentary committee.
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watching our two live from moscow on lindsey france thanks for joining me tens of thousands of anti-government protesters gathered on sunday in central kiev for a massive rally the opposition says it's a decisive moment for the country's future and has called supporters to stage more protests early in the morning and block more public offices paul scott is following the developments in cuba. there's a still ambiguity over the exact figures heavyweight boxing world champion batali klitschko taking to the stage behind me and hurting the protests and the protesters to remain peaceful was a symbol ten years later giving the government an ultimatum but i have to say despite klitschko schools we can pull this evening the masked men carrying nationalistic flights over pull down a statue
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a monumental lenin and smashed it with sledgehammers elsewhere today there are a number of key demands being outlined by the opposition as part of that ultimatum these include the fact the protesters should be released any protesters who've been arrested throughout the course of these demonstrations on those that come down violently on the protesters last weekend should be punished and other key demands include the resignation of president viktor yanukovych china's government and an immediate election now on their part the opposition opposition have called for a nationwide general strike and they continue to surround the blockade key governmental departmental ministers of buildings here in the center of kiev for their part the ukrainian security services say that investigating what they are calling an attempt to seize power in the country and it's also much on sunday that the e.u. foreign policy representative catherine ashton is set to visit kiev later this week
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to try and find a political solution to the crisis on the whole movement really has been void by support from european officials as my colleague kareena galicia now reports the only way in is not the only way your neighbor is saying and government anger on the street but for some reason cleaves independence square has captured the minds of not politicians from europe and the u.s. we have seen a veritable parade of them here on similar running out was with the opposition leaders and even sometimes taken in this way to speak for the crowds and yet few seem to have made the pass to hear it from. both sides from the country players and their supporters. right there from an assistant u.s. secretary of state we stand with the people of ukraine who see their future in europe and want to bring their country back to economic health and unity to former polish president here the supporters of euro integration must remain firm and seize
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the momentum of the protest this is the only way they can get you know coach to make concessions and current members of the european parliament we suffer all civil society and democratic opposition in its claim to have possibility for the nation to express its will and saudis which means every election what began as a pro e.u. push descended into an out and out attack on the leadership the usual buzzwords of democracy justice and the will of the people were interspersed with not so subtle calls for the president if they can quote to admit his been beaten this is clear where the kerosene tunnel fare is arsalan hodge and they're not even hiding it anymore so this is something that should be unacceptable. about mike stanton widely seen as a clear breach of diplomatic conduct it also raised questions in moscow. but i can imagine how our german partners would have felt if russia's foreign minister decided to attend
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a rally that was being held against german room i don't think they would consider it a friendly step was meeting with opposition members is one thing but taking part in rallies that's interference and domestic offense just punishing early in the week the government survived a no confidence vote in the ukrainian parliament was removed from. defeated by the democratic process opposition m.p.'s went home to block the stage and stalling parliament. outside protest leaders called on people to take over as many civic offices as possible what should have been a public debate on the pros and cons of the e.u. friendship has descended into a foreign fuelled meddling to boost an opposition with a different axe to grind in english go r.t. . journalist neil clark compares the reaction of european politicians to the protests in ukraine hypocritical. there were hundreds of thousands of people protesting not just in the capital but throughout turkey and it was much more
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national protest this protest in ukraine is very much approaches in the west ukraine we didn't get that we could be going out to respond will show solidarity where anybody in the e.u. really got the potential to take people peaceful they would go to great brutality by the police there were no calls for them to be arrested to be to the degree taliban to be sacked is always easy credit so the double standard recipe glaring it seems to go on the streets abroad demonstrate here it's far above european thing courage site should be turkey you know they go you go to spain they go so the double standards are absolutely outrageous really ruling party officials are urging the protesters to go home they said the blockade of administrative buildings is preventing the approval of the twenty fourteen budget it could have an impact on state salaries and pensions across the country so far though no sign of the rallies abating now thousands of pro-government activists staged rival rallies in kiev and across the east of the country poll suggest ukraine is sharply divided along
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geographic lines in the west more than seventy percent of people favor a trade deal with europe but in the east less than a third want closer links with the e.u. amid the turmoil the security services are investigating claims some politicians are aiming to seize power that that were likely to happen analysts think the east would back the government. if there is a pro e.u. neo orange revolution there would be a pro customs union pro russian counter-revolution so it would be the path to the civil war because let's face it in the industrial base in of the east they know that if they join the e.u. package they would of course they will never join the e.u. itself they would lose customs privileges in russia and their industrial goods which are still being exported to russia in increasing quantities would suddenly become thirty five percent more expensive which would price them out of the market
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in the same time i doubt very much that e.u. countries will suddenly express an interest in buying ukraine real goods so even if there is an attempt at the violent overthrow of the government there would be definitely a very sizable counterforce ready to come onto the streets it is no longer two thousand and four when no one was willing to risk their skin for. beneath all the political problems rupture in ukraine there are even more pressing economic concerns catch on venture capital later on r.t. when she explains just how close the country is to going under. despite violent clashes between locals and the authorities operations have restarted at a fracking site in northeast romania and the shale gas well was being developed by us energy giant chevron with an army of police to ensure security but the residents
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were horrified at the prospect of thousands of tons of talks and is being pumped into the land which provides them with their livelihood with the cafe doctors there for r.t. . in a remote part of romania a day of rage and fury. protesters stormed a work site operated by chevron and police responded with full force those who didn't leave willingly were dragged away so you can see. what's concha we are losing the police forces are behaving like a private protection called when you thought of so wrong. but what the people here want to know is who will protect them from big business this is one of the poorest corners of the european union but it's believed to sit on top of large reserves of valuable natural gas it's the sort of place that's changed a little over the centuries and most of the residents still live off the land land
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which could soon be pumped full of toxic fluid in order to get the fuel underneath it's a simple everyday action drawing water out of the well for the villagers here and put in jest this is really what's at the heart of the matter the environment and the water for them it's not so much about fighting chevron as it is about protecting both their lives and livelihoods but you've done this all my years i have been working on the land it is the only live the time now. during the day isn't your typical sort of protests. a farmer all her life she and her husband were also some of the first villagers to speak out against chevron's plans to drill for natural gas in their community we've heard horror stories of water supplies being polluted forests no longer being green we don't want to risk everything for this company to make a profit chevron says it's committed to working with the local community to drill without damaging the environment it insists that it is abiding by all safety rules
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but that's not reassuring for farmers like the silly to have a dam they could completely destroy if we just want to protect what's important in our land and that's what they've done for more than a month now braving the cold to villagers set up makeshift tents across from the company's drilling site chevron did temporarily suspend its operations but last week the camp was raided by the police on the one hand i was punched in the face it was humiliating romanian but the police treated us like criminals i felt like we were found out. retired ourselves together to form a human chain they were kicking ass and beating us with their bottoms i was kicked here there was another religion who's in hospital now because of how hard they had in the stomach. and on saturday more violence would began as a peaceful demonstration was broken up by force another arrest the protests are at an end but demonstrators continue to get taken away in this car in some ways it's
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a case of david versus goliath a tiny romanian village fighting to get an energy giant chevron off of its land but despite the arrests despite the protests and despite the clashes the chevron trucks are already here and the work looks set to go on reporting into ingest romania for r t. many believe the chemicals used in fracking could can accumulate in the soil i even causing water and air pollution activists claim there are over eighty thousand documented cases of contamination near drilling sites that's as the health risks could include sensory and respiratory damage environmental safety campaigner george barda says that even if the fracking vick back in victims were to take these cases to court they'd be unlikely to win. you know because you sail trash and gas maybe a poison your children but it's going to give it to you that the people in neighboring plots of land don't pay the ones that have to suffer the consequences the huge increase rates of cancer of all sorts of
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a spiritual problems thousands of families have been forced to move out of that areas and one of the reasons that we're not hearing more about the specific stories of illness is that in order to get any kind of compensation from these trucking companies they have to settle out of court because they can't begin to fight the legal battles that everyone can afford. on top of chemical and chemical pollution rather. than water contamination fracking is also blamed for causing earthquakes rockey dot com read how texas communities are being rocked by unexplained tremors which locals insists are down to fracking. and emerged this week that sweden's in on the n.s.a. spying game what's more it's accused of peeking through the kremlin's keyhole swedish t.v. reported fresh leaks from edward snowden that stockholm had fed intelligence from
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russia's leadership and energy giants to the united states here's what the chief editor of the news program that broke the story told r.t. earlier about the findings we have it revealed that the very close relationship between the swedish defense radio authority f.r.a. and american counterpart n.s.a. and. according to the documents. if i may have spied spying on the russian leadership and they are passing this information on to n.s.a. we got access to these documents thanks to edward snowden so far we have don't have any details more than the documents are mentioning. that they're talking about. intelligence by talking about classic intel against us and i also mentioning cables the spokesman of f.r.a.
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didn't give any comments but. when axed asked about being. seen as a leading partner that's the way that spell it in these documents for a is a leading partner to n.s.a. then he says ok that's flattering he says so that's the only comment we have received so far meanwhile the editor of britain's guardian newspaper was the grill that i tara hearing this week alan rusbridger faced questions after exposing the scale of the global surveillance program in which the u.k. played a major role in strictly that did happen was dealt with by the i received with the following exchange chairman can we assume you are having discussions with your american colleagues about the hundreds of thousands of people who appear to have it's just your information it even if all three of us rebuild in those discussions jim. thank you very much. one of britain's top
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spooks accuse the paper of assisting terrorists by revealing how they're being spied on but the editor strongly defended the reporting insisting the accusations were veg national security was not breached and the articles were in the public interest the hearing led to concern over the issue of free speech in the country both at home and abroad journalist glenn moody believes it's all part of a campaign to publicly embarrass the guardian. it's theater because it's actually for internal consumption it's really for the united kingdom and david cameron is trying to demonstrate that he's the strong man that he's tough on terrorism that he's not going to let journalists you know tell him what to do and therefore he's coming out with these statements which for the rest of the world thinks pretty crazy because everyone is saying from president obama downwards that we should have this debate about what all the limits of surveillance and what kind of oversight should we have and it's really only david cameron the u.k. government that's saying we shouldn't do that. hot news on prices for coverage from
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iceland where controversial government plans will see twenty four thousand euros written off every household mortgage in the country that's a few minutes after a break. do you think that you as a representative of the. gazan government and government in general could achieve that easing off live for the palestinian people through all the way they communicate through the way the present themselves to do want to crimean they need we need respect to live from all kind of governments. this government which recollected a from the people actually. presented from the palestinian people themselves respect our chances respect what i would believe as i would need someone to run.
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washington so-called peace process to resolve the israel palestine conflict which produce little if any results in fact the palestinians are experiencing excel or if you we go and seizures is it time to accept a one state solution and or look to global institutions like the un to replace the current negotiating framework. welcome back you're watching are two live from moscow i'm going to france iceland's alive and kicking the country's economy has rebounded after the recession what struck hard five years ago with the state treading its own path to financial well being now instead of trying to save its bankrupt banks the government will let them go to the wall the leadership then decided to reject a last deposit repayment scheme swayed by protesters who said the plan was unfair
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instead every household in the country will now have twenty four thousand euro is written off their mortgage banking executives accused of causing the crisis in the first place are also being pursued by the state professor of binary economics rodney shakespeare believes that iceland is setting a remarkable example you must rely on your own national bank for your own uses for your own real economy and for the spreading and if you don't do that you'll retracts into debt in the same way that where you got greece you've got iceland which you've got every country in the world is being tracked into increasing debt and all that happens is that they increase the levels of the debt and smash the populations down we need a revolt against this global financial system and in its own way iceland is setting a recent poll thank you iceland the international monetary fund has criticized the
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atlantic government's policies saying there is little space left for additional debt relief measures and by leaving the insolvent banks to fend for themselves the country's already let down its biggest creditors and our two crew went to two of the biggest the u.k. and germany to gauge opinion. great yeah. well just to get rid of you perfect because then obviously you can spend that money isn't real but certainly would help us families just go over the code so that source a chunk of money that would make a difference which people think would be better for the country woman reason the economy. is the public that just don't think the country can afford it it would be very great to you know everyone could. think of i think it's a good thing we used to have laws in germany where you could get subsidies as a home owner but that's one thing about this is ok you didn't get i think for individual people it would be good news but not for the country you never know
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where the money comes from for such gifts. if you ever wondered how wiki leaks got one over on the united states defense and state department head to r.t. dot com where you get the story from the man behind wiki leaks julian assange has just marked his third year in the ecuadorian embassy in london. plus. a record level of radiation has been recorded at the fukushima nuclear plant in japan and experts say that such a level could kill a human in twenty minutes get the full story online. sunday was an official day of prayer and reflection in south africa in memory of former president nelson mandela who died on thursday tens of thousands of people including sixty world leaders are expected to attend his funeral in just a week from now paula slayer follows mandela's course from an angry young rebel to a global icon of equality and compassion. he's the man who traveled in divided
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land back from the brink of civil war the man who after twenty seven tough years behind bars walks free from prison in his heart was not to avenge but i think that he's greatest legacy to this country is reconciliation. in the last three decades the world tirelessly polished the image of nelson mandela and image recognized around the world only coca-cola is better known better men who struggle for racial equality again south africa's ruling white minority had a dark side and world has conveniently forgotten about now some and i've been leader of a struggle. a radical. someone. embraced violence and as a necessary political instrument at a particular juncture in our history this house was the secret headquarters of the african national congress it was here in the early sixty's that mandela and his
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comrades launched the armed struggle it was also here that most of them were wasted put on trial and sentencing to life in prison south african journalist chris bishop believes the one nine hundred sixty four trial that saw mandela and his comrades sentenced to life helped turn the world in their favor during the trial. these gentlemen who were on draw the rivonia trial as they went from being the accused of being people in the dark as slowly transformed they became the benjamin franklin's of africa they became the freedom fighters they began the man of principle who is standing up merely for the rights of others and it's only to turn world opinion around from a vile terrorist to one of the greatest freedom fighters to have ever walked the earth the story of nelson mandela is remarkable a man who stood up for the rights of people everywhere but also a familiar tale of governments putting a garland of flowers around your neck one day and evoke the next. r t
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johannesburg south africa. a group of syria nuns who went missing after rebels captured the christian village of have made contact with the world in a video that emerged they claim they were not kidnapped but in fact were rescued from a shelling attack their statement has raised many questions though people suspecting the women were speaking under duress meanwhile oxon writer a journalist who's been to syria several times and has met with christians there doesn't buy the claims of the rebels good intentions. we have to see that. doesn't have a military strategic well you but it has the symbolic well you would it's a very old it's an ancient christian. with a very it's always more history so when we see know where the nonce are filled with this one it's telling that they are treated well and all like this we shouldn't
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forget that the shelling the attack on the monastery wasn't turned off by the syrian army it was turned off by so-called rebels who are in reality nothing else then terrorists that's that's the fact so and we saw in the past the couple of the media will sort of kidnap christians of course they are saying we are treated well we get good food we should look on the facts on the very fight for what we see is that. was the text right now the second time within several weeks or. so more of the brief the main opposition party in thailand has resigned from parliament in a move likely to deepen the country's political crisis hundreds of thousands taking to the streets in recent weeks demanding the government resign mass rallies began when the prime minister tried to pass an amnesty bill many feared that would have allowed the ex pm also her brother to return to power.
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tensions between south korea and china have heated up after seoul expanded its defenses own to include areas claimed by both countries in the east china sea that's in response to a declaration by beijing two weeks ago claiming that a submerged chunk of land fell into its own military zone south korea has said it informed the u.s. before making its decision. a series of bombings across the iraqi capital have left at least thirty nine people dead and more than one hundred injured the deadliest attack took place in the shia district of baghdad where a car exploded near a workshop peace activist dark adrian sends believes the situation is worse for many than it was under former dictator saddam hussein. months after the bombings in ninety one there was electricity there was telephone again there was a fair distribution. russians people didn't die of hunger
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people died because there was no you know and not enough clean water i'm sure on a lot of diseases goddess actions in both the united states but there were basic services that people have to work and it's not like the situation where after ten years. of your patients eleven years know that there are no basic services. i'll be back in about thirty minutes with more news but before that exxon of waco looks into the role of hamas in the peace process with israel. just imagine a foreign leaders like alexander lukashenko or vladimir putin to shoot up an anti e.u. protest and all garia greece are hungry to urge people to leave the e.u. and join up with the eurasian customs union obviously the mainstream media would be
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on fire screaming that this is part of an attempt to usurp democracy and steal the country's away some sort of imperialist agenda and you know what they might be right about that but the weird thing is that for some reason the mainstream media isn't talking about foreign politicians speaking to and or possibly agitating protesters in ukraine like speaker of the lithuanian parliament loreto grows in india and e.u. vice president got sick put to sea of each and former polish pm jaroslav kaczynski he had the european union brassfield is just fine for their politicians to go to foreign countries and fire up protestors to start a pro e.u. revolution but then all their journalist write about is how russia is trying to put pressure on ukraine to not join the e.u. the obvious hypocrisy of this stinks all the way up to moscow but that's just my opinion. wealthy british style it's time to. go.
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markets. scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy comes a report on our. hello and welcome to worlds apart for years that israel has used the believe tour and rhetoric over tammy's to justify its own military actions a policy that was recently dealt a blow to iran switch from accusations to negotiations securing a lot of market nuclear deal isn't it time for hamas and not their sworn enemy of israel to do the same and hope so for these really palestinian conflict all of its well to discuss.


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