tv Headline News RT December 9, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EST
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visit. protests in ukraine's capital grow in number as the so-called million man march with a blockade of government buildings and an investigation into alleged to seize power . a fresh round of arrests in bahrain bringing the total number jail to nearly three thousand in the almost three year uprising activists claiming the crackdown is intensifying. and a war on the workers the british government accused of attacking trade unions after ordering an investigation into so-called protesting tactics.
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it is monday morning here in moscow welcome to the program on r.t. international. and from everybody here thanks for joining us crane's opposition is calling for the expansion of antigovernment protests demonstrators to blockade the whole government quarter from the early hours of the morning an investigation has also been launched into an alleged coup attempt following sunday's so-called millions march which saw protesters barricading their prime minister's office along with other government buildings as well. looking at the outcome of the mass rally. then top person smashed the statue of one revolutionary has fallen victim to a new generation of sneakers they call an e.l.t. eagle but somehow take their cue from these methods and then did a hundred years before that in protesters in kenya captured the barricades
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a handful of civic buildings. right now the scene there is a mix of a refugee camp and gypsy village a hippie hangout. into rock concert with a whole lot of political slogans. this is what ukrainian opposition calls a revolution others though have a different name for it we've seen things happening in ukraine we've seen a story the government building you see but it's the ashes of all those being a huge crash halfway to god if this was happening been happening. but of course the you know our writers. may be given very stiff protests and the poses staffers are getting a financial helping hand from contributors who drop cash into special collection box that has been set up and securities provided by the so-called revolutionary guard and masks and helmets whose job is to ward off hostile forces from the gates of the citadel the movement has been blocking the heart of the city and its major
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thorold there for two weeks now. to the us those who incite you to blockade the cabinet the ministers are absolutely reckless irresponsible people the ministry of finance is in this building the ministry responsible for paying wages to all of ukraine to stop and think see just salaries doctors pay mergence he said this is they will depend on the continued functioning of this government. to no as a result protest leaders are circling this paralysis is the right way to go in order to reach their glorious goal. you see a pattern here of escalation in provocation a very large public provocation a few nights ago they were using chains and tractors and of course the police as police do everywhere reacted with violence what would happen if someone drove a tractor and tried to drive it into the white house lawn you're going to tell me that there wouldn't be violence against the one hundred thousand people trying to
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break into the white house if you could imagine something like this happening in any other country for example in europe or in the united states i think about what kind of reaction we would be looking at from the authorities there and whether or not police actually would be blamed for dispersing these types of protests violently or nonviolently it in the r t key of. and i was everywhere saying just the tensions in central kiev are being stoked on social networks were all sorts of theories are being posted now let's give you some of the rumors that certainly proceeded sunday's mass rally the most widespread messages were about the or thora he's planning a volley disposal of protests using special forces pulled in in the capital and from around local regions as well speculation was fueled by further reports that tanks were on their way into kiev and another widespread theory that's been circulating for the past week is that the authorities were about to introduce
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a state of emergency now none of those rumors came true but modern history professor mark almond he says it's wrong to underestimate the danger. just like this. there is a tent through a rumor mill to create a heightened sense of tension and alarm those who remember the so-called orange revolution in two thousand and four will remember we were told then that the russian suspects not special forces working in the woods in a careful way to crack down they weren't nothing happened so we're seeing a kind of propaganda war psychological war taking place using these rumors of both crackdown domestically and even foreign interference whilst at the same time very western new to the governments who report these rumors. weekly ignore the evidence of their own involvement in supporting the opposition providing technical training camps providing financial and other forms of assistance providing a media platform for them and so on. now ukraine's protests have changed from being
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pro e.u. demonstrations and are now mostly antigovernment but they're a main the focus of attention certainly for european politicians mark almond told us what's the lure of many of them to independence square. first of all we see a parade of losers coming to care for the rest of all of the german foreign minister's party was annihilated in the recent german action it lost all the seats kaczynski the former polish prime minister is a loser. satirist really the president thought reviled by the population for his tower to you in the portrait his presence coming because it gives them a sense of self-importance but also they're coming because the western part and your progression in brussels mater and so on see ukraine as a key strategic fact to be under the thumb of nato because they are deeply hostile to russia and a poland based political and financial commentator patrick young he believes the e.u. politicians are using the ukrainian opposition for their own domestic purposes. any
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piece members of the european parliament are terrified that they're about to be outflanked by until european forces in elections in four and five months time therefore they're doing anything to try and get a ten inch of popularity and of course the way they do that in the socialist european superstate of the e.u. is try and be seen around liberal demonstrators at all times because it kind of inflates their ok credentials of looking like hippy liberals the truth is they have no coherent concept of why or what they could do with ukraine and in fact the worst thing that could happen in many senses is that ukraine not signs this economic deal because if it did live free movement of labor it would be chaos for europe as usual the european union a super state of humbug and hypocrisy. and we are of course following developments in the ukrainian capital on air and online and also when our web site r.t. dot com that's where you can find the latest and most dramatic photos and videos
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from the ongoing protests. thanks for joining us here on r.t. international twelve antigovernment activists including some miners have been arrested in bahrain this brings the total number to twenty eight since the beginning of just this month protesters say the crackdown on their movement which started almost three years ago has gotten worse in recent months that the first violent crackdown was at the beginning of twenty eleven that was when four people died during clashes with police and then just a few months later martial law was declared and gulf troops took control of the country up to that time that nearly a thousand people had been arrested but now the number is three times that high more than ninety people have been killed since then twenty twelve kicked off with a rally attended by hundreds of thousands but the people's voice was left unheard
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and so here we are in twenty thirteen and bahrain's king decides to toughen the penalties for demonstrators the result of new protests and more arrests every week as r.t. international correspondent. now reports. it's the arab spring is forgotten revolution nearly three years have gone by since the people of the rain inspired by then centralization and egypt goes up against an oppressive regime and demanded reform but their uprising was brutally crushed within a matter of weeks who have published their name in the picture of all the people of sponsible of the grave human rights violation in my country for instance starting from the small with a police officer and listening to the they're reaching to the king of bahrain who is legally responsible of all the human rights violations and the true syud yousif elmo hafter has been forced to seek refuge in europe because of death threats against him and his family and i gather bahraini activists he criticizes washington
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and its allies for being quick to condemn crackdowns in some countries while ignoring others oh is better than human rights in bahrain and say that we're separated as it's better than human rights as a duration of bahrain so that's why we are a victims. of the better standard because we live in always go fast week u.s. secretary of defense chuck hagel made it clear in his speech that he was more concerned about military matters that science plays directly into the bahraini regime his hands they want to feel that there are some you have to put it all slaves so that's why they they want anyone to talk about force was lifted up if they give them cross see that there are losing their. they're losing their shirts so very much. so far according to amnesty international more than one hundred people have think you and almost three thousand prisoners in the boonies
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protest many may have been killed in a crackdown if it means a father move from the world's attention. are teen. politicians. he was arrested this autumn he says authorities are trying to send a clear signal to protesters ultimately that of stay away. the problem is that it is very basic to understand we have. families and we need. to be shared. by the people in the through an inclusive political system that has. the power to people. illegally. to the international community stand and your own forces police and courts that is one of. those just part of the punishment and part of the threats.
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to the position of the activists not to join the movement that calling for simple rights universal rights of the people to be equal to have big. and important because system and the below comment that this fed with. you without international thanks for joining us still to come on the program iraq continues its deadly downward spiral dozens are dead as the last rock marketplaces and shops all across baghdad just a couple of minutes here on the program we'll look at what triggered the rise of sectarian violence also. the columns have shaken cell part it's actually called the tram if you look around here speaks to texans wired about the effect of fracking after a series of earthquakes leave locals shake. washington so-called peace process to resolve the israel palestine conflict has produced
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little if any results in fact the palestinians are experiencing excel in way to be legal and seizures is it time to accept a one state solution and or look to global institutions like the un to replace the current negotiating framework. i. mean speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the ip interviews intriguing story for you. in trying.
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to find out more visit our big. dog called. but i do know that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy but. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our civic we've been hijacked by handful. of corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers. are and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying. rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing. ready to join the movement then walk
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across the iraqi capital baghdad and the blasts in predominantly shia areas took at least thirty nine lives and injured well over one hundred. and activist who campaigns against the military actions in iraq he says society in that country has just been driven apart by war. there was a mosaic of minorities in. iraq and they were sort of held together by a certain feeling of citizenship living in one country but when the americans they imposed sectarianism they didn't appoint people to vote because of their wall of the bill because of their ethnic background and better what it all started that gave the chance to from the monkey. figures to come back to the scene to abolish the concept of citizenship tins then you were not a citizen of iraq but you were a member up certain sect or member of
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a certain man so this this creates big big problems and in the whole of. this year has been one of iraq's most deadly as we are documenting it r.t. dot com with a timeline showing how many civilians have died since the military intervention over a decade ago. i . will get to be off the international world update very soon for now texas has been
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hit by eighteen earthquakes in just the last month scientists are linking the tremors to fracking the relatively new process of extracting shale gas from deep underground and while the earth is literally shaking under the feet of nervous locals energy corporation and the government are unshaken of the decision to keep on drilling guy nature kind of reports. the columns have shaken so hard it's actually pulled the tram if you look around here rebecca williams is showing me the cracks in her home after a series of earthquakes shook the area she has lived here for almost a decade and had never experienced an earthquake until fracking begin in her neighborhood i never know when the next one's going to hear it i don't sleep at night because they keep me awake at night it seems like a lot of them happened during the wee hours of the morning or in the middle of the night to texas real world commission the local agency that regulates the oil and gas industries trying to calm the residents fears it claims there is no direct link
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between the recent tremors and fracking injection wells in the area but the locals are not convinced it's a lot like living next to a time bomb but there's no timer on it because we aren't being told when the fracking is going to start or what the emergency purposes eaters are in place if something does happen and so you're just constantly sitting and waiting and wondering is today the day is today the day so small a juice with the u.s. geological survey say fracking regularly triggers small earthquakes they foresee an even greater danger from wastewater disposal which involves pumping millions of gallons of water contaminated by chemicals deep underground where experts say it puts pressure on seismic fault and causes them to slip but despite seismologist warnings fracking wells keep popping up just a few steps away from private homes and even community water wells nobody knows about any of this until it's too late and if they're already happened. even though
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the government is not concluded it studies on how fracking can affect the environment well operations are in full swing here in texas there are thousands of them impossible to miss and it seems no study can get in the industry's way if in fact you're still a question of whether something good happens to halt shale production the united states i think it is hard. unlikely it is extremely beneficial to the national economy fracking is being largely responsible for the boom in u.s. energy production but maybe like we're back a fear they could be left to pay the price for her every week there was another term or another crack in her house she says she can't even sell it and leave the area while energy companies are rubbing their hands in the anticipation of gigantic profits from fracking people who live just steps away from gas wells or increasingly fearful about the water that they drink about the land that their homes are standing on and they don't trust the government assessment of the damage
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from fracking because they say the oil and gas industry will make sure that no conclusive study comes out even if it does come out that it doesn't become a basis for effective regulations in texas i'm going to check on our team for a little breakdown for you why people are so worried about fracking many believe that chemicals used in this process could accumulate in the soil causing water and even pollution activists claim there over a thousand documented cases of contamination right near the drilling sides and the health risks that could include sensory respiratory damage more of the dangers of fracking just head over to watty dot com. while you're there check this out as well high radiation levels at fukushima the experts saying it could kill an exposed human in just twenty minutes but auntie dot com we've got more details on this on the other problems plaguing the crippled nuclear side. plus
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a new interview with julian assange says the u.s. government reacted to revelations from wiki leaks like scared beetles are reacting to sudden sunlight more on the online. right to see. first rate. and i think you're. on the record with. the. it's all to international law from moscow the british prime minister is accused of waging a war on trade unions are launched an inquiry into one of the organization's so called method of strike tactics david cameron wants
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a review of an industrial standoff at an oil plant in scotland which almost led to the factories closure. details. it was the end does feel the speech that almost cost thousands of people killed and sponsor union protests the g comparisons the aggressive tactics of the nineteen seventies with apache chemical plant grangemouth and scotland's pulse if any else has since reached an agreement with the unite union involved in not to speak but doesn't and prime minister david cameron has launched an independent inquiry into the union's behavior of the things that were described as intimidating bully like tactics and modes. behavior when protesters gathered outside managers houses and the now infamous inflatable rats well the inquiry is also going to be looking at the employers behavior but the union unite have dismissed the inquiry as a tool the stunt was that this despite this is the union bashing well earlier we
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spoke to one persist trade union leader bob crow to find out what he thought about it some of these chief executives and managers. around the place which you know exam of them who go to church on a sunday and sorry that they believe in fairness inequality. was going to reign. as michael moore's movie for working people then we've got. protests. in flight. canary's is that what really happened is that the government mary since our commission released the pressure. because they're not part of the problem. that's what. we should. try to cool and. we would love to think. we could sit round it's i will persuade through.
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unfortunately interest. the employer. is making mommy mommy mommy expensive work is private. so i think the reason more. is to troy or to friends or school that's the brutal reality of the jungle of. thailand we go to open up some other global news for you. are the thai prime minister dissolving parliament calling new elections following sustained protests and buying witnessing a number of deaths that hasn't stopped tens of thousands of opposition members gathering and calling from all rallies they want to people's helpful to replace the government elections could be won by the ruling party again told role was triggered by an amnesty bill for an ex prime minister outed in two thousand and six on
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charges of abuse of power he also happens to be the current leader is. the death of an indian man after a bus hit him with spot survey riots in singapore's little india district hundreds hurled ropes police and torched cars at least sixteen people most of them officers there twenty seven arrests and this is the first rioting in singapore now for three decades. a football match in brazil ended with fierce fighting between one hundred . rifle fans one person for me killed several others seriously injured riot police rubber bullets to break up the trouble and violence has become common in the country raising security concerns ahead of next year's world cup. well it's a good to have you with us here on r.t. international today i'm rory sushi stepping aside for the one and only pick of l. here comes to.
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just imagine a foreign leaders like alexander lukashenko or vladimir putin to shoot up an anti e.u. protest and all garia greece are hungry to urge people to leave the e.u. and join up with the eurasian customs union obviously the media would be on fire screaming that this is part of an attempt to usurp democracy and steal the country's away some sort of imperialist agenda and you know what they might be right about that but the weird thing is that for some reason the mainstream media isn't talking about foreign politicians speaking to and or possibly agitating protesters in ukraine like speaker of the lithuanian parliament loreto grows in india and vice president got sick put to sea of each and former polish pm jaroslav
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kaczynski you have the european union brassfield is just fine for their politicians to go to foreign countries and fire up protestors to start a pro e.u. revolution but then all their journalists write about is how russia is trying to put pressure on ukraine to not join the e.u. the obvious hypocrisy of this stinks all the way up the moscow but that's just my opinion.
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hello and welcome to crossfire were all things considered i'm peter lavelle palestine and the road ahead washington so-called peace process to resolve the israel palestine conflict has produced little if any results in fact the palestinians are experiencing excel rated illegal land seizures palestine is quickly being wiped off the map is it time to accept a one state solution and or look to global institutions like the un to replace the current negotiating framework. to cross-talk the palestine israel conflict i'm joined by my guest soraya support ehrlich in irvine she is an independent researcher and writer and in new york we cross to norman finkelstein he is a political analyst and author of cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime if you want and i very much encourage it and norman you've been a great.
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