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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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think. everybody. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct call for us. to make you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on when we go beyond identifying a problem. rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america about ready to join the movement and welcome the big. long term harben in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. live of warren is the
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senator progressives have always wanted she is smart persuasive and knows what it takes to fight for the middle class so why is she being attacked by people in her own party and come the end of december one point three million americans could be left without a job and without unemployment insurance this would be a disaster so why does rand paul want it to happen and every year states across the country fork over billions of dollars to companies like boeing to keep them from pulling out of the local economies call it what you want but this is really just glorified extortion tonight's daily take tell you how we can put a stop to it once and for all. you need to know this the washington establishment swore on senator elizabeth warren has officially begun on friday jim kasler vice president of the centrist
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democratic think tank third way took to the airwaves to defend his organization's recent spat. piece on the senator editorial which was published in the wall street journal last week blasted warren for supporting an expansion of social security kessler double down on third ways anti-war and messaging in his appearance on sirius x.m. radio telling host ari rob rob enough that she is starting to get out of hand. and that's the security plan was really something that was sort of the final moment for us she is a very compelling elected official and a national figure and her involvement you know in that particular day we just looked at and said ok this is the seems to be starting to get out of hand ignore the not so hidden sexism in that comment and consider for a second what's really going on here jim kessler in the corporate democrat moderate
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types who support a third way are absolutely terrified terrified that elizabeth warren and her supporters will up and the stranglehold it had on democratic politics since the clinton era so now they've joined republicans in declaring an all out war on elizabeth warren and everything she stands for warren has said that she won't run for president in two thousand and sixteen but that doesn't really matter because even if she makes good on her promise to fill out her senate term warns message and her supporters will continue to threaten what the democratic establishment sees as an easy road to a second clinton presidency so make no mistake about it that wall street journal editorial was just the start of a big multi-year smear campaign against progressives who might represent a threat to hillary clinton twenty sixteen and here's the thing as establishment democrats know the loser with warren is spot on when it comes to policy issues the idea that social security is about to go bankrupt is just completely false it's currently running a two point six trillion dollars surplus
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a surplus it's expected to rise even higher by twenty twenty a while social security is working fine our retirement system is failing. almost half of retirees have less than ten thousand dollars in savings and as everyone learned back in two thousand and eight when the financial system collapsed the four a one k.'s that many americans now rely on to make ends meet when they leave their jobs are risky and unstable to make matters worse it's not like pension plans the supposed use of those a third leg of the three legged retirement stool are any safer either is to ask any retired detroit firefighter for proof of that reasons like this coupled with the reality of the increasing cost of living or why senator warren wants to increase social security payments using a formula called c.p.i. e c.p.i. he would only result about a fifty six dollars increase for seniors you see in social security checks this year but it's a good start that could be paid for by simply raising the minimum payroll tax so
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that the wealthy pay as much into the system as everyday people do and what's more just acknowledging that the current system needs to be expanded would be enough to change the debate about social security and get policymakers thinking about new ways to make that program even more effective for seniors. so elizabeth warren is right we need to expand social security but she's only got half the story if we really want to protect retirees and the economy and also increase job opportunities for young people entering the job market we should go even further we should do what i propose doing for year and lower the retirement age to fifty five and increase benefits by ten to twenty percent so they match what they were back in the one nine hundred sixty s. doing so wouldn't just save seniors from an uncertain retirement would also jumpstart the economy by allowing baby boomers to retire early we could open their jobs to young people struggling to start their careers at the same time we would tighten the labor market so that wages would actually rise in turn stimulating the
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economy and as wages rose so too would tax revenues there were that ten to twenty percent benefit increase would pay for itself and reduce the deficit so ignore it. the so called moderate talking points the solution to our retirement crisis is clear we just need to take a listen to warren's proposal to expand social security and crank it up a few notches but not everyone wants to help seniors and rebuild the economy i'm joined now by but jack burkman g.o.p. strategist and host of behind the curtain jack one of the great pleasure to be with you so always so what's your what's the republican alternative to social security well there's a word for what you're describing with retirement age at age fifty five it's called france it's called italy it's called germany and these models are failing if anything the retirement age should be seventy five years which you surely has this once is arguably the strongest economy on earth average industrial wage in germany's fifty four dollars an hour i guess if you're white you think why are people with all of the wealth in this country why would anyone else has half the
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poverty rate we do get half the unemployed it will but they have all the i have never seen how hard it is for a young person to get a job at age twenty two in france it's almost impossible to go to the united states there apparently spain has a twenty five percent is by an average by the fact that they joined the e.u. and went to the common currency without but it makes them there's also something controversial i don't think social security should exist you tell me that's the best you know what you are controversial conservative and say that you know what isn't said i was a party when i you know what the problem with this country is i'll give it to you in one word which is tell me how it is that a person from e.g. twenty two to sixty five. so pathetic that they can't save enough money that they're dependent on some kind of a fifteen hundred dollar a month payment to feed themselves i mean this is a pathetic society used now you're going to say well it's globalization there are no jobs it's the fault of the system it's not the fault of the system americans are lazy and they're obese we're becoming a pathetically lazy society that's what's driving when elizabeth warren says expand
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social security you know how much welfare is out there right now for the average guy do you ever think what it takes to. get the average man out of bed in the morning think about what he gets socially curity medicare unemployment insurance he gets the health reform social security after you're sixty five years old but think about when you get do you know you're talking about the average man well yeah i'm seeing a whole life that the average mean and the average man can no longer pay health insurance for him and his family so he needs that to be free he needs all of these benefits to be free and then you have elizabeth warren saying you can live with more and say well instead of raising the retirement age we're going to lower this we're going to increase social security we're going to expand this and then you want to tax the rich the reason that the rich shouldn't pay for social security they don't benefit from it i think we must live in different countries the americans that i know are hard working decent people there are people who have weight problems i'll give you that i think that if you look at the correlation between the introduction of high fructose corn syrup into the american diet the
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whole flip of a new co-host some of them are working and they don't save any money and nor they are back five years you'll see the rise in obesity i think that we can point out on hard work i mean if they don't save any money why do these people that there's this is the reagan economy the people peak of wealth in the united states was one nine hundred seventy three reaganomics has has hollowed out the visualised in sodomy and you want to blame the victims of reaganomics for this and you want to call them fat lazy and everybody and so we've seen in your country and in the country you envision we have two hundred fifty million people who are helpless there absolutely helpless they need somebody to pay their health insurance they need expanded social security they need somebody to just help them out of bed in the morning and make them breakfast because they are helpless helpless hopeless people i have never said any of that word on any law. no i the fundamental idea that somebody should not be able to retire at sixty five with social security is crazy let me tell you when you get you know a and b. . i think franklin roosevelt was right you know this man is not
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a free man if you're hungry or not free if your job was the by i don't care what the budget. about i don't know where you don't eat and if. person is so pathetic that by age sixty five they haven't saved a god darn nickel they are not entitled to anything from the government it's pathetic the young people are being burdened paying eight percent of their wages to support this hideous system that should have been done away with years ago if you do away with the system what you will do is increase savings because people will go back to like we were before social security wanted to place will feel the iraqi people actually died from hunger in michigan and freezing to death and when i got to understand elderly the retirement age was sixty five that's it that's probably the equivalent of ninety today they have the r i thought it was a scam that's why he did it not not a lot of security was that i am back it's true no is not true and we had a serious problem with elderly poverty we still have a serious problem but what's so scary caught up more than if you had elderly people
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died why are there why why do you why do you envision ninety eight american solve i don't i don't know that i don't know where this whole reality and you know americans are fat lazy americans are going to their hands asses off americans are working till in three jobs george w. bush is going to vote three jobs is that great that's the all-american way you know i'm sorry when i got a message i got her i got a message for those people you need to support your family you need to save money work five jobs work six jobs do what i've done all my life working eighty hours a week let me tell you something i never saw a hard working person until i moved to hell with the family to hell with kill was family families have. i believe it to be as you're working eighty hours well i really would like so they could courting it steadily yeah but never seen you don't have children in this country and kill you can afford to pay for them you don't ask the government to come in and pay you and you're going to do that on the seven dollars twenty five cent an hour away at a better job at where that's their problem that's not my problem everyone has to figure it out walmart is if not all of ourselves americans what they need is
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a fire under their butt to wake up in the morning and do what i do and you do and people who complete i suggest that people are only motivated by being stare a fight of starving and that is a that is the motivates me motivates me every day well i really feel sorry for you jack thanks for being with me great pleasure and i thank you. coming up lawmakers in washington are working on a special present for americans just in time for the holidays a job killing so-called free trade deal after months of secretive talks and debates of the trans-pacific partnership become reality in the days to come.
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i would rather as questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question for. i
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think you. should have you with us here on seeds today i'm sure. in screwed news the corporatocracy can sleep easy tonight that's because lawmakers in washington are reportedly near a deal to give president president obama the power to put the trans-pacific partnership t p p on a fast track through congress if given so-called fast tracking powers president could send the right to the floor or would only have to pass
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a simple majority vote no amendments would be allowed meanwhile to leaked memos obtained by the obvious and posed as shed new light on the behind the scenes negotiations at the of the t.v. document show that the united states is pretty much alone in pushing for some of the proposed treaties most controversial elements these controversial elements include restrictions on bank regulations borderline monopoly patent powers for pharmaceutical companies and the creation of an international court system in which corporations can sue countries for passing laws they don't like documents published in the huffington post sunday or the second set of leaks to come out in just the last month wiki leaks released a draft version of the t.p.s. intellectual property chapter back in november joining me now for more on all of this is lori wallach director of public citizen's global trade watch laurie welcome . thank you very much so great to see you so let's start out with these leaks that seem to confirm what the november week suggested. that basically the u.s.
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is playing the role of bully or. the u.s. is playing a role of bullying and basically it confirms that they're pushing this corporate agenda less internet freedom for hire medicine prices for rolling back financial regulation and then they're not actually getting the things that congress told them to go get like making sure there is a floor of environmental and labor standards or making sure the agreement doesn't allow currency cheating so they're pushing with things we don't want and they're not pushing the things that actually should be and there is the talk about the united states negotiations and this is the obama administration or is the. corporate the american based multinational corporations who are parties to these negotiations or yes both of these. advisors are the corporations the negotiators are obama administration and what the leaks reveal basically is that they are handing go up so we've been analysis of the leaks that
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people can see on trade watched every trade watched on the ard and we basically summarize the highlights or lowlights is the case may be what that text actually says and among the things that are really worrisome are those details the good news is it also reveals that they're not actually close to an agreement because thank god the other countries seem to be standing up for the moment but there is this minister ariel a high level political meeting in singapore and basically in twelve hours from now and the u.s. is just like breaking arms trying to get a final deal and meanwhile. one of the stories that i'm seeing is that is that congress is ready to fess to grant fast track authority to the president that that story actually about sort of stories is more like what the press what happens to the press when there's no more different. newsroom because that was actually they got rolled so yeah that's reassuring yeah because i mean. maybe three weeks ago
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there were three. hundred fifty hundred fifty again you know here's the really interesting story to congressman senator baucus and congressman camp who love fast track of all support fast track they're going to support fast track and the two of them who support fast track of come together to support fast track that's the news the two of them are introducing a bill that they've lost the other two committee leaders who had been with friends as mr levin has now to be part of that deal they're going to introduce a bill that more or less is going to arrive in the house because there are the votes to pass it what happens in the senate finance committee totally mysterious but basically the administration was looking for a little boost for the singapore meeting to bully the other countries and they figured the other countries don't know the difference between a bill being put in what i think are like a bill six thousand and four four hundred seventy three now so this is six thousand four hundred seventy four woohoo bring up the champagne has been going to be processed they do got to get the person they need so those folks know folks that
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want to fastrack they better make sure their house member doesn't vote for it because it's not a done deal but there's no fast track it's just right now it's not looking so hot in the house and we can make sure the whole thing is boxed in by the time that they actually get to a vote right and this is one of the areas where the kind of elizabeth warren progressive wing of the democratic party and the ted cruz tea party wing of the republican party by and large actually agree in nineteen ninety eight president clinton was denied fastrack a house floor vote that was one hundred seventy one democrats who didn't like the president's trade policy a big nafta expansion and seventy one republicans who didn't like the president so right now we've got a house that's very similar second term democratic president we've got a bunch of democrats who do not like the t p p we have a bunch of republicans who do not like obama and the. question is is there enough of a block there for one reason or another to say we're holding on to our constitutional authority and we need to do that. so you know what you're let your congressman or
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or woman know. what's what should what should we should we be looking for we have about a minute left here what what landmarks what milestones what flags should be keeping well here's the really interesting thing this year was they do or die deadline to finish t.p. pay the obama administration said this is it i mean this year that ends and they've missed out why in two thousand and eleven they missed two thousand and twelve they said we're finishing this by the end of the year and what those leaks reveal is there a long way off now you can never underestimate the ability of like our break in at the last minute but in twelve hours going to know yes or no is the t p p down in twenty thirteen if it doesn't get finished it starts to call into question the whole project because it's been going on in going on and going on and what this leak shows is there's a lot of disagreement over things that are disagreeable and so at what point either does the administration say we're stopping we're not going to push this corporate
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agenda or the other countries cave in with the other countries are basically beaten about the head nears and they haven't caved in so now as the u.s. gets a crack down on the corporate jet we'll see a very wall of thanks so much for being with us. in other news while the president tries to push the country into yet another destructive trade agreement republicans on capitol hill are doing their best to make life harder for the growing ranks of the long term unemployed right now congress is debating an extension of federal unemployment benefits current program expires at the end of the month and without reauthorization is going is one point three million americans will lose their benefits senator rand paul of kentucky is one of the most prominent voices against extension according to him unemployment insurance is the leading cause of long term unemployment. i do support unemployment benefits for the twenty six weeks that there. paid for if you extend it beyond that you do a disservice to these workers there was a study that came out a few months ago and it said if you have
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a worker that's been unemployed for four weeks and on unemployment insurance and one that's on ninety nine weeks which would you hire every employer nearly one hundred percent said they will always hire the person who's been out of work for weeks when you allow paul is partially right most research suggests that people have been out of work for six months or more have more trouble finding jobs and people who have been out of work less than that but that's not the fault of the unemployed it's because potential employers count that unemployment against them and that's just unfair people on unemployment insurance actually look harder for jobs and those who aren't on unemployment insurance i mean it just makes sense they have the resources to be able to go out and look for a job because the unemployment insurance is keeping them alive insurance that by the way provides a still recovering economy with a vital burst of stimulus it's really no question about congress should extend federal unemployment benefits so why would anyone oppose that let's ask austin peters libertarian commentator and editor of the libertarian republic possible thank you for having me so why would anyone oppose unemployment benefits when it is
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not the fault of the unemployed that there are three people looking for every one job that's out there would capitalism failed i don't why should we just say to hell with you the workers well i don't know that it's that they want to oppose the benefits so much as they want to focus on adding benefits communities so what paul is done with needs to he was going to detroit to talk about proposal of the proposals of economic freedom zones and obviously the top of the employment came up but what he's trying to economically going sones are just because tax free zones were not or that's not true or he were taxed might already taxes him we're going to talk about unemployment here's the thing he's basically cutting taxes in those areas where they haven't had one ride tracks tax breaks for corporations ever since you know reagan came into office it doesn't. you're the last you said you want to have it was not trying to get rid of all the taxes he's trying to lower them to five percent for personal and corporate taxes which is the same this would save one
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week one of them for the middle seventy four percent down to twenty eight percent a year but the thing is and it exploded the deficit it's only happening in luxor is what they have been over twelve percent unemployment rate so we're talking about highly distressed areas wouldn't you like to see tax cuts go at least to those areas where people are hurting the most where unemployment is the highest tax cuts that have not worked so we've got a policy that for thirty two years we've tried over and over and over again every time we try it it makes things worse and you say oh yes let's do more of that in the places where people are hurting the worst seriously what you want you want poor people in the zones to pay one point three billion dollars more in taxes over the next ten years you don't want to give these people something to really mean income taxes people at our poverty line of the united states are paying a portion of income taxes and i think that lowering their taxes into five was doing was corporate shill corporate shill one hundred one and then on top of that he has the i when asking about assaulting the mandatory minimum drug on top of the corporations just love of that he has just love a libertarian senator who rails against the war on drugs and talks about bringing blondes out of poverty corporations love that top of that you know go it in the
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sand let's have more corporate tax breaks and let's have more tax yes for rich people on top of that he's saying oh and by the way the people who are unemployed after after twenty six weeks. now is the time i was there and all and i know you believe i know you hate freedom but here's the thing is for people in the united states you need freedom and the thing that you know the only way you're going to have your activity somebody is no more free when they're unemployed and they lose their unemployment benefits say your definition of freedom well i'll tell you what's my definition of freedom and that's your definition of mine that when someone is having a lot of rugs out there then my definition of freedom is to allow people who are in the most discreet distressed communities of the united states to have some form of tax so are you suggesting that when somebody is unemployment benefits run out they are more free than they were before no i'm not suggesting that whatsoever what i saw in your especially in the lobby and people who called me out of it we added two hundred three. two thousand dollars and two hundred three thousand jobs in november we're right we've got the lowest unemployment rate in the last five years at seven percent so the economy seems to be improving i'm not sure why you are but why you
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are against this and why not add tax relief to that program because we've got seven percent well i would like to see a lot of millions when you've got to have them but you feel that all is partially right that people who are unemployed longer they have less chance of getting jobs and that's why it's why the government should be the employer of last resort oh my gosh that's why we should be you should bring back to the c.c.c. let's put everybody to work right now or drop their return to bring about these things and seize it or drive the retirement age to fifty five and let the old geezers get out of the way so that you know young you know when you look at the old communists get out of the way so that we can have the new libertarian generation come in and get all these freedoms let's drop the economic freedoms i was in detroit and i'm somebody i want freedom i don't actually like they're not going to all right jack kemp montero ross the retirement age me that says we're all sweet freedom i'll take it any day. freedom freedom to die in the gutter freedom. to be without and better to die on my feet than on my knees yeah. ok. great life
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thanks for a good one. coming up america is the wealthiest nation in the world but millions of americans wake up every day to a life. get a snapshot of poverty or get over the nation's eyes to the poverty epidemic sweeping america. with. technology innovation all the developments around russia. the future.
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live. live. live live. stop rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want.
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i think. everybody knows if you. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct help us. program. them like you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the trans national debate real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome the third. quarter back to the big picture i'm tom arbonne coming up in this half hour religious conservatives are in the news a lot these days especially when it comes to a woman's right to choose a contraception measures but now satan worshippers are making waves over their plans to build an unusual monument in oklahoma more on that and it's everything you
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know is wrong and last month the state of washington offered boeing an eight point seven billion dollars in taxpayer funds to keep its operations in jobs in the evergreen state and while that may seem absurd it's actually common practice all across the united states so what can we do to stop this blatant form of corporate welfare i'll tell you it's nice to teach. in the best of the us the news america is the richest country on planet earth but every morning millions of americans wake up to a life of poverty and despair according to u.s. census data in two thousand and twelve forty six point five million americans are living in poverty including sixteen point one million children and with a lie.


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