tv [untitled] December 10, 2013 2:00am-2:31am EST
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tensions with the police to my left and the protesters to my right clearly very high police in ukraine's capital pushed protesters back from government offices dismantling barricades that have paralyzed but the opposition all the while has pledged to stand its ground. the so-called arctic thirty thousands of others may see charges dropped against them as a massive draft is being prepared in russia. and plans for a multi-trillion dollar free trade zone across the asia pacific struggles to overcome fears that some countries could fall prey to ravenous corporations looking to take advantage.
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international's coming to you live from moscow where it's now minus thirteen degrees centigrade for me rory sushi in the news team welcome to the program it has been a nervous night in ukraine's capital where hundreds of troops and riot police have been deployed around protest sites now they had been fierce their presence was a signal that force was about to be unleashed but so far police have only moved in to dismantle barricades blocking government buildings while leaving demonstrators on the main square in peace i show you some video here this is the video where the police are obviously not cracking down on protesters but pushing them back from the walkways and civic offices where work has been paralyzed for days the opposition leaders however say they will continue to stand their ground tensions are being stoked by the fact that some protesters with sticks are behaving aggressively they have been some. violent incidents where you can see the sides exchanging blows as
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police help their colleague off the ground the protesters were also filmed using tear gas against the cordons pole scott was there he has this report. tensions have been on the increase all day ever since the riot police surrounded independence square which is about two hundred yards to my left hand side you can see the right place of the blockade to my right hand side whereas to my left hand side other protesters there's a meeting of pro janak ovitz supporters taking place not far from here which these protesters think explain and justify the current police presence. when a further one hundred fifty yards down the street and you come to another standoff between the police and the protesters now the police have surrounded one of the protesters camps meaning it's impossible for them to get in and out it seems that both sides are keeping car neither side want to antagonize the situation here
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although tensions with the police to my left and the protesters to my right are clearly very high. who are now the one thing i've noticed as we continue our walk around the governmental quarters of kiev is actually how peaceful everything is when life does carry on as normal for example just there you've got the standoff between the police and protesters here the shop is open is normal well as we conclude our walk through the administrative hearts of kiev we've arrived here at a rally that is in support of president. what has really struck me throughout the course of the evening is how civil the situation has been we've been able to walk through blockades established by the police by pro-government supporters and by anti government supporters and we've been able to pass freely through the mall maybe they thought would clearly journalists has something to do with it plus it's quite a civil situation and i think the hope is on all sides that situation will extend. well divisions are growing beyond kiev demonstrators in crimea took to the streets
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to demand the government ends opposition protests in the capital political analyst and now boy explain what causes such a clash of opinion when it comes to that of e.u. integration. this is a cultural clash more than an economic or political one this is a clash between people who believe in the perception of the west such as europe or the united states and the people who are trying to make their future based on actual numbers based on actual work based on actual laws that help people feed their families and live their lives every day i think there are serious historical and cultural and even religious rifts in the territory of present day ukraine and on one side are the people who are trying to join this globalist transnational union of governments where there will be no nationalism but there will be the super nationalist bureaucracy regulating everything for the greater good of it all and
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then there are people who want their national states to run whichever way they decide by do they want the choice to remain theirs. and we will be bringing you more expert opinion and analysis of the events in ukraine as well as well as live updates i should say right from the capital that's throughout the day of course all the latest developments always available for you at c dot com. thanks for joining us for the program today tens of thousands of prisoners could soon walk free in russia after a new amnesty bill was sent to the parliament on monday some headline making cases may be dropped including the one against members of greenpeace arrested in the arctic. going off now joining me live here with more on who's likely to be pot and i should say you go to buy a house who is likely to carry on sitting behind bars what do you know about this amnesty bill well this may be quite
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a large amnesty because up to twenty five thousand people could see charges dropped against them as soon as new about these plans came out. a lot of speculation around who may benefit from. and well according to the speculation it could be members of the so-called arctic thirty the group of greenpeace activists who were arrested in the russian arctic. and some of the opposition activists of protesters were arrested during a large anti-government protests rally which ended in clashes between basters and of the police now if that's what we do know is that this draft isn't planned to include. who were found guilty of serious crimes so it's very unlikely that for that of course he will be freed from jail but this draft is still set to be approved by the parliament while the president is planning to discuss its details
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with human rights groups or later on today and of course we'll be keeping you updated right now to you got this going off thank you. well let's have a closer look here on r.t. who falls exactly under the new amnesty bill included of people who committed violent crimes and were given a sentence of up to five years some of the most vulnerable categories those will be pardoned that includes pregnant women pensioners and the disabled military personnel and young offenders will walk free as well and the bill makes a special case for those charged with taking part in mass disorder or hooliganism regardless of their age or gender. well you watching our team international officials from twelve countries surrounding the pacific rim are in singapore with the aim of striking a free trade mega deal which could form a twenty trillion dollar market now essentially what we're talking about here is the shared zone would or should make products cheaper by cutting the costs of international supply chains and getting rid of cross border tariffs but if signed
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as it is now the treaty would get also give corporations a the ability to get around local laws in order to boost their profits potentially leaving a weaker economies at the mercy of foreign giants let's get some more details on this r.t.s. guy in a chicken reports. the transpacific partnership treaty if and when agreed upon would establish a free trade zone stretching from vietnam to truly in composting eight hundred million people producing about forty percent of global g.d.p. negotiations are happening behind closed doors in secrecy a treaty will be designed to remove all so-called barriers to trade including regulations such as those protecting agriculture safety and privacy i'm joined by lori wallach public citizens global trade watch thank you so much for coming my pleasure why this secrecy as i understand there are six hundred corporate advisors having access to these negotiations but for some reason not the public why well
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unfortunately we've actually heard directly from the u.s. trade representative he notes that the last time the u.s. public actually got to see when the disagreements they couldn't sign it now it's new green with it so bad that they can't sign it if we see it and we're the ones are going to live with that they shouldn't sign it as i understand the treaty will establish a secret accord where corporations can bring their cases against governments when they don't get their way where does this to leave the public what is the danger for the public basically to big say the laws that we rely on would be attacked in foreign tribunals in secret and undone if you want any of those basic rights that democracy normally would ensure that you can pass your laws in this is a direct threat to you now t p p is a much more expansive is rather for instance that you nafta the north american free trade agreements three countries and largely have fortunately the us has been the
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one whose companies are suing everyone else apart from the transpacific partnership agreement another dry and agreement is now being negotiated between the e.u. and the u.s. and the u.s. congress has already made it clear that any agreement must reduce restrictions on genetically modified crops for example chlorinated chicken and hormone treated. what does this mean for your. this would be a race to the bottom in their standards so there has been since nineteen ninety eight an attempt by the biggest u.s. and european corporations to use that sort of negotiations to roll back the strongest food safety environmental financial regulations things they could not get undone at home and so now is the supreme being launched their. thinking finally will get rid of the dmo rules while many say these agreements will leave if past the for agreed upon leave people completely to the mercy of corporations lori
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wallach with me today and i'm going to check out our team. in the meantime the whistle blowing website wiki leaks has published a chapter from this agreement outlining how corporations could abuse the treaty myra softened who works for a foundation which aims to defend internet freedom believe some of what is being suggested in asia pacific is way behind the times. remains to be a secret because really if it was shown in the sunlight and people were able to know what was in it then it really wouldn't be what sol arming is that several groups in washington d.c. have been talking about the copyright provisions that we've seen from a leak in february two thousand and eleven and we've been warning about its provisions and how we would impact people's freedom of speech and privacy rights online and the u.s. continues to be pushing for those provisions despite the fact that we've been talking to negotiators and talking and trying to communicate with our government about our concerns on the big problem with copyright is that technology has changed
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and they and a lot of these companies are just refusing to sort of adopt to existing reality of you know the internet how we all just want to interact and share and contribute to the content that's out there are still to come here on the program and of a centuries old tradition of secrecy perhaps buying from switzerland facing a deadline to decide whether to hand over information on their clients accounts to washington or at the risk of undermining hard for trust also. leaving in these cages the house returning to our own is a dream which we know won't have a come true trapped in tiny makeshift camps fukushima refute the loose hope of returning to a life that they sold washed away. choose
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dramas that can't be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. faces change the world writes never. so picture of today's. politicians from around the globe. broke to. me i was thinking somehow i had to come back because mom was waiting for me. and i just knew that everything would be fine for some reason they were so confident because we were going to get married officially after he came back how could he not come back because the mere thought of it never crossed her mind. when the militants
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decided to try and break through her new guinea epic screaming grenade. go go forward they spoke of him will run his back the reward. and it was all over all of us. we know that our comrades on our commander won't leave us no matter how tough it gets we are the team. you are move again it was a senior in his military trio. he knew that if he didn't smother that grenade with his body or if just comrades would die he gave his own life to save his friends. good to have you with us here on ality international mad max in the kaiser report
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soon for now though the days of the super rich hiding their money in switzerland may be out and valiant buying has become the first swiss institution to hand of a personal client data to u.s. authorities washington is putting pressure on around three hundred companies to help in the hunt for americans who are evading taxes through hidden offshore accounts investment bank the eagle nevada felt from the former finance group he says it's the smaller banks who are the ones most fun. the u.s. does have an awful lot of clout. able to throw its weight around and feels justified to do so but clearly a lot of other people feel it's there is and there is injustice in this so suppose a justice system perhaps some of the smaller banks could be affected because the the defines the worst of them could be very onerous on them because for them it's virtually impossible i think to really go through the whole exercise and end up proving that they've done nothing wrong but in the meantime of course the millions of dollars many more stories for you online this hour including an unexpected
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discovery the u.s. astronomers left more than a little puzzled over the appearance of a recently discovered planet that is in the entirely wrong part of space. the n.s.a. spy scandal reaches russian officials as the country's lawmakers consider a ban on the use so far and smartphones at all to don't call me tell you what could replace the i phones and other and joy devices. right the sea. search string. and i would think that your. orders would. be in the. international is
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coming to you live from moscow now when japan was hit by a giant tsunami in twenty eleven the hundreds of thousands forced to flee literally saw their lives washed away promises were made it would only take a short matter of time before their homes were rebuilt but as. you found out those people are still waiting. this woman can only fit me and my cameraman into her new home she apologizes but there's simply no room for the whole crew inside she's one of recent lawyers from the fukushima area forced to leave their homes amid the twenty eleven nuclear disaster. when the tsunami hit we were told to go back on the necessary things and run away they said it would be only for two three days now living in this cage of the house returning to our old house is a dream which we know won't come true well being fed with promises of a bigger house but that's as far as it gets promises. this is just one of the
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quickly erected residential areas where fukushima exiles have relocated to there are hundreds of makeshift camps scattered across the region accommodating more than three hundred thousand people all of the four hundred three settlers living in this particular area used to have a large house as before the accident now they are forced to live in this thirty square meter dwellings they were told that this would be just a short term measure but it seems in their case the old saying there is nothing more permanent than temporary suits very well. the majority of these people are pensioners suffering from different ailments they are jobless just as surprisingly many of their younger neighbors this man used to run a profitable venture now he barely makes me long. i had a one hundred thousand dollar a year business producing honey so now it's destroyed forever just like my life on top of all that i'm offered neither financial compensation nor any job that's why i'm taking tepco to. the government says it's working on proven conditions for
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research but with the fukushima clear up draining billions of dollars out of the state budget it could take years maybe even a decade to do that even local officials are being kept in the dark in. the government says building bigger houses but we'll finish it in no sooner than two years and not all of these people will be able to live in those that's as little as we officials on the ground are told by the central government fukushima means a happy island in japanese but that's the last word these people will describe to their lives which are unlikely to ever return to normal especially with the government meeting the area around the nuclear site might never again be suitable to live in. reporting from japan. while focus shame is dealing with the aftermath of a nuclear disaster but is there perhaps an alternative to atomic energy which poses less of a risk to the world that's one of the subjects being explored in breaking the set with abby martin that's coming away
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a bit later today. for now on the program here the u.s. defense chief is in pakistan trying to smooth over the cracks between the two countries but despite a warm handshakes delivered perfectly for the cameras chuck hagel is taking a tough stance on the key area of division of the deadly drone strikes he's warned that aid could be cut off if drone protests continue and man attacks have killed nearly a thousand people in the last ten years and experts say washington is just an unwilling to admit what's really happening. i don't think anybody in the united states including the people members of congress really want to face up to the fact that the drone wars may be really unsuccessful and one of the problems with the drone strikes are they do kill people but they also kill. innocent pakistanis and
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that's why in the same is true in afghanistan and of course this is a problem that you may be creating more terrorists than your creator then you're killing their tactically successful in killing some of the militants but they're strategically a disaster because they create more animosity and therefore generate more islamic terrorism not only for the united states but i think for other other parties involved as well before because the report now is the world update will start with italy where a rally to demand tax cuts for small businesses. hundreds of protesters blocking the main train station in turin and holdings a regional government headquarters police resorted to tear gas to disperse to demonstrate is a similar protests also took place in several other cities including run. the leader of egypt's muslim brotherhood mohamed badie remain defiant against charges of inciting violence as he appeared in court on monday that's amid fresh clashes
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between police and brotherhood supporters of the university body is on trial alongside the ousted president mohamed morsy and other key brotherhood figures all accused of inciting the motor of protesters during an uprising in june. the u.s. is sending transport planes to aid french and african union troops in the central african republic on monday the peacekeepers started to disarm rival militias but were engaged in firefights with some still refusing to give up their weapons. and the african union troops off of the country's president was ousted in march of the government's overthrow triggered confrontations between muslims and christians which left around four hundred dead. a lot from moscow is r.t. international law rory sushi stepping aside for mad max said. the kaiser report taking on the dark side of world wide that's coming your way in just a tad. just
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imagine a foreign leaders like alexander lukashenko or vladimir putin to shoot up an anti e.u. protest and all garia greece are hungry to urge people to leave the e.u. and join up with the eurasian customs union obviously the mainstream media would be on fire screaming that this is part of an attempt to usurp democracy and steal the country's away some sort of imperialist agenda and you know what they might be right about that but the weird thing is that for some reason the mainstream media isn't talking about foreign politicians speaking to and or possibly agitating protesters in ukraine like speaker of the lithuanian parliament loreto grows in india an e.u. vice president gets
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a proto see of each and former polish pm jaroslav kaczynski you have the european union press feel is just fine for their politicians to go to foreign countries and fire up protestors to start a pro e.u. revolution but then all their journalists write about is how russia is trying to put pressure on ukraine to not join the e.u. the obvious hypocrisy of this stinks all the way up the moscow but that's just my opinion. they look like bounty islands where the locals can enjoy the sun and the ocean. was buried here years ago. means these people are suffering the consequences.
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how much more poison lies on the ground. behind this there is what we call the callet bank on which there is a deposit of plutonium left by security test which caused the dispersion already and you clyde's despite previous cleaning efforts there remains a deposit of a little less than two kilos of plutonium stuck in the rock the coral reef is about ten meters down. tests a never ending legacy. palladius street cleaner. love with a waitress i go on stage managing that there's an audience i used to take drugs and drink like a fish. the police told me about the circus but i was such
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a punk i was like what circus. or circus of clinton's gonna. break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. welcome to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser oh my god but i do no longer access bitcoin only molly china bans bitcoin how will we survive treat the mainstream media well in fact baidu the e bay of china and the longer it was but calling but it was only ever one of buy these many subsidiaries which is the bitcoin and that was just for one samsung
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product for several weeks and those weeks only one point three seven bit cleaner ever sent to buy do look here this is their wallet see that six hundred twenty seven point eight three pounds. john also announced a ban on financial firms transacting and bitcoin the government will treat but coined not as a currency but as a commodity. and as such individuals and companies are free to set up and going exchanges and transact bitcoin the government wants so ever that they are on their own to try to move as much of that work as you went out of the country as they possibly can imagine that the government will not take on the risks of individuals and corporations how indeed will we serve low lives to see that yes max well when this announcement came from china of course the price of between did plummet quite a bit on the exchanges and but it's now back up again but i want to look at that headline for a moment china bans financial companies from bitcoin transactions so the central
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banks that the public however was free to transact in them they just wouldn't allow the banks there to transact and this got a lot of attention but at the same time which went completely unnoticed other than by c m b c in this article here big question recognized by germany as private money because it is not classified as a money or a foreign currency the finance ministry said in a statement but is rather a financial instrument under german banking rules it is more akin to private money that can be used in multilateral clearing circles the ministry said this is quite remarkable of course because of the importance and significance of germany in europe and we should have competition in the production of money i have long been a proponent of frederick august on high excuse to denationalize money because our first step in this direction said frank schaffner a member of the german parliament's finance committee who has pushed for a legal classification of bitcoins bitcoin as a commodity yes that's true that's what we've been saying all along it's a precious number just like gold is
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a precious metal and you have monetary metals like gold that are used as money and over thousands of years as we had for the. next period of our life here on planet earth humans will switch from the monetary metal of gold to the monetary number numeral is ation of bitcoin which is a precious number there are twenty one million of these precious numbers to be mined in total and they are the monetary new numeric see that will carry us into the twenty first century so china is correct and the chinese people are correct if they ever want to preserve their wealth they have gold silver and bitcoin to do so now back to the story about germany accepting it as private money so c.b.c. went on to interview kathleen brooks a research director at fork's dot com and she told c m d c i think it is interesting that germany has gone ahead and given legal status to the bitcoin as it could become an alternative to the euro if the single currency ever ceased to exist is.
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