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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2013 5:00am-5:31am EST

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police in ukraine's capital push protesters advance from government offices dismantling barricades that have paralyzed but the opposition has pledged to standards around also. more to thirty year olds you're right along with thousands of other people charges dropped against them as a massive mystery project is truly being prepared in russia. plans for a multi trillion dollar free trade zone across the pacific struggles to overcome fear is that some countries could pray to corporations looking to take advantage.
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international news and comment live from moscow you're watching our international with me hello and welcome to the program government offices in ukraine have restored their work forming days old located by protesters in the capital kiev hundreds of troops and riot police were deployed around demonstrations signs to dismantle barricades and push protesters bank to independence square but fears that the authorities could move in at any time is keeping the situation tends as are now reports. well people were only aged all throughout monday expecting the worst after reports of a numerous reinforcements for a ride home east and internal military forces coming into the city that indeed was
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the case however the police were brought in not to dismantle the protest as was feared but rather to push them back from the main risk with the main streets in the cities administrative districts which for paralyzed by barricades and tent cities erected by the protesters all throughout last week there were some clashes between the police and the protesters and the police were just now in very kids and pushing the protesters onto the sidewalks and some of the protesters mediately upon hearing the reports reinforcement was coming in have armed themselves with iron rods and heavy wooden sticks in order to protect the independence square and the very kate it places the mood continues to be held up in this upper henschel that we have been seeing over the past twenty four hours largely because of a multitude of reports coming in from the internet is about it's. some sort of dire situation ready to happen in kiev right now and more often than not as my colleague paul scott reports those rumors have no basis in reality he traveled
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around the world in an instant he gave support to the protesters ensuring freezing conditions on kiev's independence square he represented unity and solidarity only he was a lawyer it was even reach we had on the official twitter page of opposition party fatherland as real news with a common then the whole world is supporting the korean protesters well done created a hoax by showing the united states and brazil had lit up their most famous monuments and the colors of the ukrainian flag as a show of support to kiev opposition movement people camping out a may then don't take this information says are spreading to instigate people into more action to prevent protesters from running out of steam and to draw more support for a. certainly political power this is just one piece of false information that has either helped fuel the protests or given them an injection of support in recent days media reports that ukrainian president viktor yanukovych had agreed to join
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russia's customs union hard in the resolve of many on may down even though the story was immediately denied by moscow and kiev those who remember those so-called orange revolution in two thousand and four will remember we were told that the russian spetznaz special forces lurking in the woods in a careful way to correct they were and nothing happened so we're seeing a kind of propaganda war psychological war taking place using abuse rumors of both crackdown domestically and even foreign interference rumors spread quickly on the internet and many a taken as fact one minute it's claimed russia is going to cross the border and help stamp out the protests the next special forces shipped in from all over ukraine and tanks are rumbling their way into central kiev all helping fear and agitation rumble their way into the minds of the protesters right now you can see how tense the situation is we're in a sort of no man's land outside the presidential palace and to my right hand side
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you can see a line of riot police who formed a blockade not allowing any protesters in but if you pan around to my left hand side you can see the protesters have set up their own blockade not allowing anyone in to carry out their official business and we're left with this rather tense standoff it's clear that when the situation is tense is there any misinformation whether deliberate or not has the potential for huge consequences scots r.t. kiev ukraine. and divisions are growing beyond kiev as well demonstrators in crimea to to the streets to demand the government and opposition process in the capital political analyst and the voice and not planed what causes such a clown show opinion when it comes to integration. this is a cultural clash more than an economic or political one this is a clash between people who believe in the perception of the west such as europe or the united states and the people who are trying to make their future based on actual numbers based on actual work based on actual laws that help people feed
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their families and live their lives every day i think there are serious historical and cultural and even religious rifts in the territory of present day ukraine and on one side are the people who are trying to join this globalist transnational union of governments where there will be no nationalism but there will be the super nationalists bureaucracy regulating everything for the greater good of it all and then there are people who want their national states to run. whichever way they decide by do they want the choice to remain theirs. and of course we'll be bringing you more expert opinion and analysis on events in ukraine as well as live updates from the capital throughout the day or the latest developments are also available on our website at home.
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tens of thousands of presidents consume crane russia after a new amnesty bill was sent to parliament on monday some headline making cases may be drawn up including the one against thirty members of greenpeace arrested in the arctic. has more now on who's likely to be pardoned and who will have to wait. quite a large ministry because up to twenty five thousand people could see charges dropped against them as soon as news about these plans came out it reads to a lot of speculation around who may benefit from it it could be members of the so-called arctic thirty the group of greenpeace activists who were arrested in the russian arctic also pussy riot and some of the opposition activists of protesters were arrested during a large anti-government protests rally which ended in clashes between the pastors and the police now if that's all we do know is that this draft isn't planned to
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include those who were found guilty of serious crimes so it's very unlikely that for that of course he will be freed from jail but this draft is still set to be approved by the parliament while the president is planning to discuss its details with human rights groups all later on today and of course we'll be keeping you updated. and let's now take a closer look at who fail who falls under the new bail included people who committed known violent crimes and were given a sentence of up to five is some of the most vulnerable categories of people will be pardoned including pregnant women pensioners and the disabled military personnel and the young offenders the offenders that will walk free as well and the bill makes a special case for those charged with taking part in mass disorder going to isn't regardless of their age or gender. so you're watching r c
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international officials from twelve countries surrounding the pacific rim are in singapore with the aim of striking a free trade mega deal which could form a twenty trillion dollar market a century the shared cern should big products cheaper by cutting the cost of international supply chains and getting rid of cross border tyrants but if signed as it is now the treaty would also give corporations the ability to get around local laws in order to bruise their profits potentially having weak economies at the mercy of foreign giants a major concern is for the pharmaceutical industry in countries which can only afford cheaper co-pays or branded drugs corporate conglomerates could ban the use of patent medicine leaving the poor without access to vital treatment their natural chicken has city's health. the transpacific partnership treaty if and when agreed upon would establish a free trade zone stretching from vietnam to truly in composting eight hundred
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million people producing about forty percent of global g.d.p. negotiations are happening behind closed doors in secrecy the treaty will be designed to remove all so-called barriers to trade including regulations such as those protecting agriculture food safety and be their privacy i'm joined by lori wallach public citizens global trade watch thank you so much for coming my pleasure why this secrecy as i understand there are six hundred corporate advisors having access to these negotiations but for some reason not the public why well unfortunately we've actually heard directly from the u.s. trade representative he notes that the last time the u.s. public actually got to see when the disagreements they quickly sign it now it's new green with it so bad that they can't sign it if we see ads and we're the ones going to live with that they shouldn't sign it as i understand the treaty will establish a secret accord where corporations can bring their cases against governments when
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they don't get their way where does this leave the public what is the danger for the public basically two big sense laws that we rely on would be attacked in foreign tribunals in secret and undone if you want any of those basic rights that democracy normally would ensure that you can pass your laws in this is a direct threat to you now t p p is a much more expansive threat for instance that your nafta the north american free trade agreements three countries and largely have fortunately the u.s. has been the one who's companies are suing everyone else apart from the transpacific partnership agreement another giant agreement is now being negotiated between the e.u. and the q west and the u.s. congress has already made it clear that any agreement must reduce e.u. restrictions on genetically modified crops for example chlorinated chicken and hormone treated. what does this mean for your. this would be a race to the bottom in their standards so there has been since nineteen ninety
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eight attempts by the biggest u.s. and european corporations to use that sort of negotiations to roll back the strong food safety environmental financial regulations things that could not get undone at home and so now if this agreement being launched they're. thinking finally will get rid of the dmo well maybe say these agreements. be for agreed upon leave people completely to the mercy of corporations lori wallach with me today and i'm going to check out. the whistle blowing website we can riggs has published a chopped up from big raymond outlining how corporations could abuse the treaty and mayor sutton who works for a foundation which aims to defend internet freedom believes some of which is being suggested in asia pacific is way behind the times t.v. remains to be secret because really if it was shown in the sunlight and people were
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able to know what was in it then it really wouldn't be what so long. several groups in washington d.c. have been talking about the copyright provisions that we've seen from a leak from february two thousand and eleven and we've been warning about its provisions and how we were in part people's freedom of speech and privacy rights online and the u.s. continues to be pushing for those provisions despite the fact that we've been talking to negotiators and talking and trying to communicate with our government about our concern the big problem with copyright is that technology has changed and they and a lot of these companies are just refusing to sort of adopt to existing reality of the internet how we all just want to interact and share and contribute to the content that's out there. and so we had this out for you be you was tries to smooth the relations with pakistan but the deadly drama strikes remain a key sticking point with washington setting a tough ultimatum one. all of the four hundred three settlers living in this
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particular area used to have a large houses before the for the human accident. in tiny not makeshift camps of fukushima refugees and news hopeful that we turning to a life they saw washed away that's up to the break. up to.
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speak the language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of the p.r.p. interview intriguing stories. in trying. to find out more visit. i think that. they were going to do that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy back office. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of
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our government and our trusts to mco we've been hijacked lying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once we'll just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion on the critical issues facing america by bill ready to join the movement then walk a little bit of. luck .
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if you leave the. economic up and downs in the final month they would love to do your shanghai and the rest because i was so unique case you believe everything we can all think. this is all sea international while combining the finest ways bond jane and hyundai of a confidential client information to ocean. the u.s. authorities and demanding the right now and a veil of secrecy on institutions in switzerland is lifted in the search for americans who may be trying to avoid paying taxes and a bank who refuses to exchange information could face prosecution case of people being spent is now how this could damage this way so kaname. and to the swiss economy or to the heritage of switzerland i can tell you i've worked in the
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banking industry in switzerland and people there don't see it as helping people of aid are paying taxes they see as privacy the protection of assets of peaceful coexistence between people and their banks as opposed to now is when the banks are just taking advantage of women do it in switzerland it's very much like the relationship you have with your doctor the confidentiality of any impact we're expecting here on this was a column a while absolutely i actually spoke to hans kauffman on my show a few weeks ago and he was saying that immediately there could be two billion ejected from the economy two hundred thousand foreign foreigners leaving u.s. lawmakers having a almost agreement with swiss lawmakers and then day of them pressurizing the banks and that's why the word bullying has come into play in all of this so it's most bizarre and it's been ongoing for five years and it's because washington need to fill out those conflicts are u.s. citizens they should be paying us time to go after the american citizen but don't touch the big corporations who finance the white house and every step of the
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presidential campaigns where we are and to give you an example u.b.s. the biggest bank in switzerland has already been fined in order of this nearly eight hundred million dollars signed by america yes in conjunction with the swiss authorities that. and as always we got more stories online for you including an unexpected discovery. as u.s. astronomers are loved more than a little puzzled over the appearance of a recently discovered planet in the wrong part of space. and there was a spy scandal reaches a russian officials as the countries along the way it is considered a ban on the use of foreign smartphones on r.t. dot com we'll tell you what could replace i phones and other devices. and i think.
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one japan was hit by a giant tsunami in twenty eleven they hundreds of thousands forced to flee literally saw their lives washed away promises were amazed that it would only be a matter of time before their homes were rebuilt but as has alexei here shasta found out they're still waiting this woman can only fit me and my camera man into her new home she apologizes but there's simply no room for the whole crew inside she's one of recent lawyers from the fukushima area forced to leave their homes amid the twenty eleven nuclear disaster. that's when the tsunami hit we were told to back only necessary things and run away they said it would be only for two three
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days now living in this cage of a house returning to our old house is a dream which we know won't ever come true well being fed with promises of a bigger house but that's as far as it gets promises this is just one of the quickly erected residential areas were fukushima exiles have relocated to there are hundreds of makeshift camps scattered across the region accommodating more than three hundred thousand people all of the four hundred three settlers living in this particular area used to have a large houses before the focus shima accident now they're forced to live in this thirty square meter dwellings they were told that this would be just a short term measure but it seems in their case the old saying there's nothing more permanent than temporary suits very well. the majority of these people are pensioners suffering from different ailments they are jobless just as surprisingly many of their younger neighbors this man used to run a profitable venture now he barely makes ends meet long crucial he they had
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a one hundred thousand dollar a year business producing honey so now it's destroyed forever just like my life on top of all that i'm offered neither financial compensation nor any job that's why i'm taking tepco to call. the government says it's working on proven conditions for reset but with the fukushima clear up draining billions of dollars out of the state budget it could take years maybe even a decade to do that even local officials are being kept in the dark again. the government says it is building bigger houses but will finish it in no sooner than two years and not all of these people will be able to live in those that's as little as we officials on the ground are told by the central government. fukushima means a happy island in japanese but that's the last word these people would ascribe to their lives which are unlikely to ever return to normal especially with a government that meeting the area around the nuclear site might never again be suitable to live in looks you receive ski r.t.
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reporting from japan. fukushima is dealing with the aftermath of nuclear disaster and what to do with this radioactive waste later on r.t. international breaking the sad looks at whether the element of story and. what if there was a nuclear alternative that could safely and effectively generate clean energy this nuclear option might exist with dorian and element three to four times more abundant than uranium why wasn't three in the primary element in use when developing nuclear energy the primary focus was on producing plutonium. or steps for for nuclear bombs this is the idea of the cold war the one nine hundred fifty s. one nine hundred sixty seventy's. doesn't produce very readily with the noise of a waste if the the ways to come out of thore i'm actually pretty difficult to handle frankly and and would actually really inhibits of the you want to build
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a bomb. the u.s. defense chief is in pakistan trying to smooth over the qualms between the two countries but despite well hunch eggs for the cameras chuck hagel taken a tough stance on the key area of division the deadly drone strikes and has warned aid could be cut off it anti drone process continue to stall nutritious meals to afghanistan unmanned attacks have killed nearly a thousand people in the last ten years and axis a b u r us is unwilling to admit what's really happening. i don't think anybody in the united states including the people members of congress really want to face up to the fact that the drone wars may be really unsuccessful one of the problems with the drone strikes are they do kill people but they also kill. innocent pakistanis and this is a problem that you may be creating more terrorists than your creator then you're
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killing their tactically successful in killing some militants but they're strategically a disaster because they create more animosity and therefore generate more islamic terrorism another way for the united states but i think for other other parties involved as well. as some other world news making headlines starting with ronnie to demand talks consul small business is done violence hundreds of first acts is not the main train station interior and i'm told stones of the regional government headquarters police resorted to tear gas to disperse the demonstrators similar process also took place in several cities including a role. in egypt's muslim brotherhood mohamed badie remained defiant against charges of inciting violence as he appeared in court on monday and made fresh clashes between police and brotherhood supporters
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. are university bhajis on trial alongside the president mohamed morsi and other key brotherhood figures accused of inciting the murder of protesters during an uprising entering. two french soldiers on peacekeeping operations in the central african republic were killed overnight during potholes in the capsule on monday approaches to design rival militias began but was interrupted by five points with some still refusing to give out their weapons foreign troops fast send up to the country's president stood in much the government's overthrow triggered confrontations between muslims and christians which have left around four hundred dead. well you're up to date up next to some seas international special reports stay with us.
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i play as street cleaner who's in love with a waitress i go on stage managing that there's an audience i used to take drugs and drink like a fish the police told me about the circus but i was such a punk i was like well what circus. or a circus of clinton's gonna. break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds . they look like bounty islands where the locals can enjoy the sun and the ocean. but
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that was buried here years ago. means these people are suffering the consequences. how much more poison lies on the this ground. behind this zone there is what we call the callet bank on which there is a deposit of plutonium left by security test which caused the dispersion of radio nuclides despite previous cleaning efforts there remains a deposit of a little less than two kilos of plutonium stuck in the rock and the coral reef about ten meters down you can attest a never ending legacy. the olympic torch is on its epic journey to structure. one hundred twenty three days. through two thousand one hundred towns and cities of russia. relayed by fourteen thousand
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people or sixty five thousand killings. in a record setting trip by land air sea and others face. a limp a torch relay. on r t r g dot com. i am jamie yep a gunner with the assault section of the second platoon third special forces unit. and we're always on the alert for an armed conflict because if we get intelligence about militants in the neighborhood it's usually reliable but it was the squadron has played a part in conflicts before but this was the first attack of its kind on terrain like this. when we were expecting them we were ready for them at any moment but it
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was a very difficult area and they were able to open fire first. was my. newsman with them. for a special forces soldier thinking is paramount but was that tell you makes the right decisions. during that five militants tried to outflank the three soldiers led by up off and started throwing hand grenades at them. both covered one of those grenades with his own body. of course i was frightened but i tried to compose myself i was thinking somehow i had to come back because mom was waiting for me this is a thought that comes you down mom's waiting. thanks is.


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