tv [untitled] December 10, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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i think. everybody knows if you. did you know the press is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy shrek. will. never go on i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying a problem. rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america are ready to join the movement and welcome the. long term arbonne in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. want to hers in washington
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say they've reached a deal to fund the government past the next two years but does that deal have any chance of passing the house of representatives which i'll have that and more in tonight's big picture politics panel also thanks to nelson mandela south africa considers universal health care institution all right if american lawmakers really want to honor his wife would they do the same thing with health care in this country and if we were serious about cutting down on suicides in this country we could do one simple thing legalize physician assisted suicide tell you why it's really taking. you need you know this big government is working and working exactly like it's supposed to be working but explain conservatives have been attacking the social safety net for decades and their argument really hasn't changed all that much since
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the johnson administration or even the franklin roosevelt administration for that matter the government programs make people poor people specifically. lazy dependent and do nothing to keep them out of poverty now the flip side of this of course for the conservatives is that rich people need more incentives they need more tax cuts but what the conservatives this is turns out this is where the conservatives are really really wrong according to a new study out of columbia university by the washington post programs such as food stamps and unemployment insurance have made significant progress in easing the plight of the poor in the half century since the launch of the war on poverty in fact the safety net helped reduce the percentage of americans in poverty from twenty six percent nine hundred sixty seven to sixteen percent in two thousand and twelve studies of the all authors also found that there that if there were no safety net things would be a lot worse for america's poor according to their research without taking into account the role of government policy more americans twenty nine percent would be
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in poverty today compared to twenty seven percent in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven another was a social safety net is working and linda johnson declared a war on poverty back in the one nine hundred sixty s. his goal was to actually eliminate poverty in the united states then along came the vietnam war and the expenses associated with it in america has not had a serious conversation since one thousand nine hundred sixty five about actually ending poverty in the united states however johnson was able to get some pieces of his war on poverty agenda up and running successfully and it is those programs programs like food stamps and medicaid that today protect americans from falling through the cracks even when the economic scales are stacked against them or when capitalism fails social safety net programs like food stamps and unemployment insurance were never meant to completely solve the problem of economic inequality are only there to protect people from the failures of capitalism that's because an economic system as an economic system capitalism is pretty unstable crashes and
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slumps are common and some would argue inevitable especially when we live in a country where one party the republican party at. committed to make the making the economy work only for one class the billionaire class so unless we're prepared to tell people to suck it up and live on the streets when the economy goes south we need to commit to providing everyone with a basic minimum standard of living the best way we can do that is a strong and healthy social safety net which is why the current social safety net needs if anything to be expanded. joining me for tonight's big picture politics panel are here you knew some of the national advisory council project twenty one black leadership network made sweet progressive commentator and chris allman conservative commentator and activist thank you all for joining us here all the good the social safety net i just did this little rant on this without an extension of an important piece of this is
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unemployment insurance and if this thing doesn't get extended at the end of the year and it's not apparently part of these budget negotiations which we'll talk about after the break but it's going to be a separate piece of legislation but if this is not extended one point three million americans are going to lose their unemployment benefits this is this is really a rough thing in a rough economy i mean the autumn climate has insurance has helped keep people out of horrible poverty so what do we do about you know let me just say this that you know what the people who are unemployed need jobs right and this president for the last five years campaigned on it and ran on it that you know his and all of these little extra the million jobs now we're going to be about jobs but basically how do you create jobs you create jobs by creating an atmosphere in which jobs can be created by the private sector and that includes easing some regulations. but let's start with obamacare as well without regulation miles you know exactly
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what you want to tell the croaker there's a dollar for poison in the affidavit else it tells business. who hire it once you hit fifty employees you have to provide health care well for small business is that really hurts them and that keeps that up that was my mentor actually for a year i know you will only be up on republicans a very that whole rant was completely inaccurate on how republicans feel about the social safety net because we know that the safety net is there to help people in a crisis but why do you want to know how to leave that by israel also you know we should we should skip all of our need to really want to improve our economy this president promised he has failed to do anything but breck the economy i don't think there is any progressive out there who would look at the numbers of people on food stamps and say that success i think we would say we're happy that we're make we have government programs in place so that people don't fall further into economic
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insecurity but i mean the real question here is whether or not. you know if republicans are so confident that the government is preventing corporations from hiring more people them our corporate profits at an all time high let's talk about small business is a very good point but you see look at this we see economic growth we see fewer. people able to participate in it partly because we do have not a social safety net but now we have a hammock and that's part of the problem because we were in the incentives for people to get the skills necessary part of it is the lack of availability skills and this is the education this is the difference or there's no there's no there there might be one or two or three percent of americans who are sitting around going gee i think i'll just live in poverty on food stamps and unemployment benefits but the vast majority of people are in son of a they want a job why is it that we have so many medium to high skilled jobs that are going on field because of our insane trade policies are insane already knowing what unfilled what is going on field looking across the new york times ran has run
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a number of articles interviewing chamber of commerce members business owners they're saying i can't find enough people to work this. or this hospital. there's no question they're paying such lousy wages that you'll do the job for those wages the growth of the most you could make or an unemployment mostly what i can tell you as a mother i wonder if i ever you know i've done this four times in the last three years where i've run help wanted ads just here in washington d.c. and for one job i'll get a least a hundred fifty serious applicants you know maybe three or four hundred people were sponsored there are a lot of people out there who are looking for two or a lot of jobs that are going to feel right now there's no question i don't get i mean if conservatives were concerned concerned about people not being able to develop skills to an economic downturn why wouldn't they support something like roosevelt did back during the one nine hundred thirty s. you know if a federal jobs act you know something to put people back to work and solve the infrastructure that's going to bury thinks that is not a real person is going to have self sufficient give a real questions a real life for a real crisis you know what if obama promised five years ago to solve this crisis
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with nothing but make it worse it has been filibustered by the republicans already limited series of your subconscious present here but i don't know the last time the american jobs act filibuster he had control over in both houses of congress for thirteen weeks you know thirteen weeks years not three days no scott until scott brown was sworn into office and then he lost the filibuster a lot old congress let me put bottom line is this we want to do something to improve our economy so more americans have jobs and we believe in a social safety net for when you're in dire straits but long term dire straits very yet because of obama long term prosperity requires and government really making changes and this president let me let me get this straight and he the reason i have been on i mean it's so bad is because the regulation of obamacare which is why it's hurting which doesn't go into effect for a whole year i would have to let you know this is doesn't matter as one of the last
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five has been quote was responsible for the crash has been for the last six years holding though you planned for two weeks at a time where even when you have your small business don't you look ahead of what. what it's going to happen to me i mean to me and demand is what drives economies if there are customers out there i'm not going to say gee i think i'm just going to wait also also a product you know it's a whole catch twenty one spiral but we know that small businesses are afraid to go over the employees because of this increase cause days where you can't meet the cost which is why you see that there are companies in america that have forty nine employees which is why you see the skyrocketing workers you know so many workers right now being hard for parents was another way to screw employees until you c.e.o. pay is an all time high rich the rich are richer than they have been since nine hundred twenty eight corporate profits are an all time high the top one percent is doing better than they've done since nine hundred twenty eight this is not funny these you know and the and the and the middle class has been wiped out by thirty two years ago i would say i don't see why conservatives aren't celebrating bubonic
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obama economy it seems to me like that their major donor class the corporations have gotten everything from don't ever want to believe in earned success that that is the key to happiness not when your people have jobs and i know you are saying why not make the government the employer of last resort because that is a short term fix to try it does not see any child who would rather not only have jobs if someone unemployment check and then you're going to have to fire them and then you're going to say oh we can't necessary yesterday to your job while we build this brand is not yet look it's going to go in the nose we know what happens when government is the employer and the hoover dam did pretty good the interstate highway system put millions of people to work i mean i think the government employee of last resort that's actually a long term solution you're ensuring that there's always demand met in the economy by people having secure jobs taking tax dollars from other people from that from forty percent of that is what is i mean just give it another was forgetting her. now i mean did you not see the statistics this week that forty percent of income tax forty percent of americans pay over one hundred percent of all income taxes
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that means they alone fund education in this country eight percent of you say no. actually that's not thinking you know state income tax income look at what income tax talking fun federal law yet what right we will tend to say oh so liberal income taxes all i will do on it's part our whole department of education the federal government is funded might end up that is not sales taxes you get more taxes you've got fees you've got it there's there's all kinds of sources but the point still remains the point still remains that you still have but then tarceva the part you know six presume the population that's not paying into the federal coffers so that is sort of what they certainly have that have not paid although folks money every time you buy gas you're paying the federal highway taxes if you if you fly on an airplane you're banned your pay you know your i mean there are a lot we're going to be realistic about the budget deal coming up those dollars are from so suddenly because thirty two years of reaganomics has thrown the middle class in a poverty so they're making so little that they're not even paying taxes it's their
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fault obama was going to change things and he didn't he didn't do anything and he has rallied his caucus or the republicans or of tonight's big picture politics but . i've got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. if they were it's not story. let's give this guy look but smear about guns instead of working for the people most issues the beach the media were pretty much on the bridegroom's vision. of a good run but it was. were . it was a. very hard to take. once you get on
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welcome back with me for tonight's big picture politics panel are here we knew some nights we and chris thanks to all of you for joining us the house and senate negotiators this conference committee headed up by the senate side patty murray and on the house side paul ryan a democrat and a republican respectively have announced a deal here as they're announcing. the constant crisis cost us billions of dollars in lost growth and jobs and the continued across the board cuts from sequester ation we're forcing our families and communities to pay the price so i am very proud to stand here today with chairman ryan to announce we have broken through the
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partisanship and the gridlock and reached a bipartisan budget compromise that will prevent a government shutdown in january or deal the deal increases federal spending to one point zero two trillion next year about thirty four billion more than the nine hundred sixty seven billion cap is stablished by the sequester it provides sixty three billion dollars in sequester relief over two years but cuts another twenty five billion by extending a two percent cut to medicare established by the budget control act of two thousand and eleven this is no grand bargain there's no grand bargain on the deal no extension federal unemployment benefits so what do you all think of this year you were looking at these numbers and going to go what's your take i think the way the question is you know there are two key questions for me the first one is ok with the sequester cuts where is this x. where is these extra savings going to come from elsewhere in the budget so that usually the devil's in the details because one of the sticking points for the far right is going to be suppressed the cuts right and whether you because they're not
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there i know there's a lot of there's a lot of concern on the right about you know the seaquest ration and the progress that was made towards cutting the budget deficit when the sequester was implemented deaf. the deficit is a third of what it was before and part of that was because it was off the right part of this because we're so close and now looking at someone like rand paul who is looking and say is ok i don't know what let me know where we're going to get the extra savings and i'm not sure i'm comfortable with those things coming down the road as one of his paraphrasing one of his quotes but the question is can you build a coalition the past and i think that the far left the progressive wing of the democratic party will be will have a lot of heartburn about the fact that unemployment benefits aren't extended i think it's back to twenty six we think that's going to supper priscilla maybe maybe in that would be hard to pass the house without without with being separate but at the same time can you build a coalition between you know you can boehner build a coalition between some centrist democrats since interest republicans to get it
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through the house i think in the senate the house to do it he's going to he's going to have to that's that's going to be you know my immediate reaction upon seeing the news is whether or not this was going to be paul ryan's marco rubio moment i think you know marco rubio was the tea party darling for a while for a while over the past two years and it is to a very interviews the immigration bill and suddenly he's you know right now rhino number one and it's interest because paul ryan is very been the guy pushing some of the harshest austerity measures some of the harshest tea party economics over the past three years since you know since some republicans took over the house and took over the house in two thousand and ten but now he's finally the guy making some sort of sort of a deal it's not a great deal it's certainly no progressive deal that i want to put my name on but i'd be interested to see out of the party response. to paul ryan making sort of the least bad. i'm trying to paraphrase platter where he said the least dishonest liar something is the least bad bad deal that well as the tea party supporter i
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will urge the tea party to look at this plan before making any decision and to realize what it is it is a compromise. from two parties that have vastly different visions and ideologies about government and so i applaud paul ryan and patty murray for this deal i think this is what you know what happens when you compromise nobody gets one hundred percent of what they want paul ryan said he didn't get everything you want patty murray said she didn't get everything she wants but you know what we need to realize that with the divided government we have to come together splitting it down the middle the same is down the middle that's a good place to start of course i'd like to see more reforms more cuts all those things but hey obama is president the democrats controlled the senate let's be honest people about what we can accomplish in the next year if they get if we're cutting some money from the deficit that's a great start if we're coming together and talking and coming up with that in
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agreement that is a fantastic start to you know the koch brothers have spoken i mean freedom what is the threshold organ as this is a mode this is a no deal this is a no go and they're funded a lot of these republican candidates and more importantly they're funding a lot of the primaries you know what and there's a lot of rich liberals that fund a lot of the far left group there and. every day well every individual citizen and member of congress has to look at this deal and say we have divided government we have to move forward this is a great step one that i didn't think we would even get to and i applaud both sides for coming together and putting something on the table and impressed by your pride which is i think what's what's what i think is important. is that republicans are happy with this deal because it preserves austerity and sequester spending and so what's known as a fundamentally component of every single budget negotiation we're going to have
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over the next two years and that needs to happen guys we have unbelievable debts and deficits we have to get a handle on those and the best way to do it is start now and to start small and all the baby steps to make the. maybe that's just solve the problem that we have out here speaking of expanding the social safety net massachusetts senator elizabeth warren has reignited the debate about the core values of the democratic party with their proposal to expand social security proposal party popular the party's left and for that matter among most americans as outrage so-called moderate democrats the center left group third way recently wrote an editorial the wall street journal attacking warren's plan and its co-founder jim kessler on friday said that warren is getting out and kessler and other so-called centrist democrats are terrified because they know the progressives like warren are becoming more and more powerful within the democratic party in my opinion threatening the likelihood of a killer clinton presidency warner said she's not going to run for president but.
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you know i mean barack obama at this point this number of months out was saying the same thing i think we can all see the handwriting on the wall. your thoughts of where the i think you i think you hit will do so security and second but i think you hit the nail on the head elizabeth warren since she has arrived in washington d.c. from massachusetts has really shown that she's going to be the leader of the progressive wing of the democratic party and make it you know make it powerful and make sure that it is at the bargaining table again so you know she continues to. take kennedy's mantle yes yes yes i think she sees herself in that role going forward and i do believe she will strongly consider running i don't think that is out of the question at all i don't know if she can beat hillary clinton but that's another discussion but you know talking about social security you know politically speaking getting something through congress that's going to expand benefits you know look at the phasing out of the cuts looking at the whole idea of taking the you know the
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wages past the things one hundred seven thousand one hundred three thousand and we continue to tax so skewed past that i think that's going to be staying in all she is proposing is a flat tax you know. i mean republicans are all running around the only one still has actually tax ok well you have a conservative bent head back i want to you remember so security was not was not supposed to be a redistributive redistributionist policy it wasn't meant to be that so as you're saying no it was only a third of the security benefits are going to. disable people that read it with the wealth of the thinking behind so security was the government would take a certain amount of your money on your behalf and pay it back to you in as time goes on and some of this is a mere astronaut a four hundred one k. yes that was me that was original intent that was the original intent you pay and as you pay out you get what you put in no you don't average you know you don't i mean the way pensions work is you you are guaranteed a certain amount some people die early some don't but that amount gets paid out
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right but is not a strict redistribution is policy where i'm going to put in you know twenty million i'm going to put in twenty thousand and i'm going to get one hundred thousand down the road that was to see its. own average which you're going to see is that people are going to. go is that warren buffett or the koch brothers should pay a fraction of what you think they're out of it of their income when they get out there get the steps that are going to be all screens as necessary now let's turn it into what it really is so you're finally meet politically weaken it so republicans can then you know as i mean i'm just going to turn into a wall for why should the koch brothers get social security you said there bill you know everybody's in that's why they should that's why they should actually make social security at all they're in a you're talking about a redistribution spouse if we're going to do that let's just say that the original intent as it was written in social was passed on a let's say that idea did not did not work because now you're saying this is going
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to say anything you want under say and i think it's crazy to somebody today let's solve an aging of the american population i mean social security says and this is from their website due to demographic changes the u.s. social. security system will face financial challenges in the near future because of the aging population we're going to go from three point three workers in two thousand and five to two point one workers in twenty forty and this is quote the year in which the social security trust fund is projected to be exhausted and we all know that there is no social security trust fund that is a fiction and it simply doesn't have to be you took that out of wildly out of context i know i said regular the first paragraph i know but let me let me provide the context back in one thousand nine hundred two when ronald reagan commissioned pat moynihan and alan greenspan to look at this there was no social security trust fund there had never been a so security trust fund all in one thousand nine hundred two and from one hundred thirty five to ninety to all of the retired people one hundred percent of the money
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that went out was one hundred percent of the money that was coming in from people who were working so the working generation was paying for the retirement of the retired people they looked at that and they said you know what's going to happen with all these baby boomers when they start retiring around you know in the twenty first century they're going to break the system because you're going to go from three or four workers per person retired person now that there is no trust so no let me finish so for the first time in history we're going to have just one generation double pay the boomers are not going to pay for their parents retirement but they're also going to put money in a savings account for their own retirement so just the baby boom generation is going to double pay and so reagan doubled the social security tax you'll recall it was always you know only working people are having their taxes doubled at the same time that regular taxes were being cut and so of course the so scared trust fund is supposed to go away it's supposed to go away when the last of the boomers die it was intended to work that way and of course you're going to have those ratios change but how do you have two point one workers pay for all the retirees wednesday
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ved two point seven trillion dollars in a trust fund there's two point zero really i always you know understand how that is you know there is not all my goodness true i worked on capitol hill i worked on this very issue that got. it is not allowed to take in money and not spend it they spend it they took the money out of the trust fund quote unquote trust fund spending on other programs and put ious in and then happen based on how you act like money so that they borrow from china they so ious are called treasuries there are no are no there is nothing there to day are george bush waved him around to be here he went out and he was being dishonest as well there is there is no trust fund there i mean that it's just a figure in that everyone has to get a handle on where we're flat on it's time here we need chris thank you all for. coming up every other developed country in the world has figured out what universal health care that universal health care is a fundamental human right so i headed we dancer after birth.
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i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some knocks lately but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be
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accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. because one politicians and the mainstream media work side by side the joke is actually on you. and our teen years we have a different approach. because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not like damnit i'm not how. you guys stick to the jokes i will hand over the stuff.
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because i think. they would like to know that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioning the geisinger. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck all books. that i know i talk about and i'm a show we were a deal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing them i feel ready to join the movement then walk a bit. more about the big picture i'm john harbin coming up.
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