tv [untitled] December 11, 2013 8:00am-8:31am EST
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mainstream media are willing to admit windows legacy is so much more than merely be the year of inspiration reconciliation. ukrainian opposition leaders call them first test is just stalled government buildings as they were build barricades after an overnight attempt by police to remove the road blocks paralyzing the capital center. on the west stands with the protesters as top diplomats slammed the police move as a crackdown a high level u.s. representative was seen at the protest camps handing out food and. also this hour moscow calls on iran on the world powers especially those who adopted trolled sanctions against tehran to play by the rules to make a landmark nuclear deal work as a russian delegation arrives in the islamic state. and chaos across argentina stalls out ransacked underwater breaks down leaving eleven people dead as
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track and police refuse to return to wired until their pay demands are met and. international news and comment live from moscow you're watching our senior national with me thanks for joining it riot police have moved from this central square in the ukrainian capital after an hours long standoff with anti-government protesters during the night a special forces try to remove barricades blocking traffic that the opposition says it was a violent crackdown that failed scott is in care for. those are certainly more protesters in independence square behind me right now than there was than there was at this time yesterday follows calls from the opposition for people to
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come down and support the movement after last night's police operation meanwhile the opposition have responded to events overnight vitaly klitschko the world heavyweight boxing champion one of the high profile opposition leaders of course has a tweet age we can't make a compromise with and dictate as we should get rid of them the number one issue is the resignation of president yana kovac and his putrid administration now u.s. assistant secretary of state victoria nuland is in kiev at the moment she's just concluded a meeting with president viktor yanukovych she's trying to find and help find a diplomatic solution to the problem she says that the western world is watching ukraine at the moment she says there is still hope of a democratic and diplomatic solution to this problem and there is still hope of a european future for kiev but before i mating she was saying mingling with the crowd she was walking around with the protesters behind me and handing out bread and also a warm drinks to the protesters and to the police at around one thirty in the
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morning the police began their operation to remove just mantle the barricades that had been built up around this part of kiev effectively strangling the city over the last couple of weeks and they started to push protesters back and although although both sides did show restraint some clashes did break out and this morning police tried to retake the city hall the administrative building has been used as a makeshift headquarters by the opposition for the last number of weeks but they were met by face resistance from the opposition from the protesters who host the police down with water cannons and in temperatures of minus ten that's quite an effective resistance in the place ended up retreating not only from the city hall but also from independence square behind me well this is one of the blockades that was. removed by police on tuesday night and as you can say we've got the rather surreal situation of the fact that the protesters have simply rebuild it and not only have they rebuilt it they've rebuilt it bigger and stronger than it was before
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organizers are asking for more and more people to descend on made on square as you can see we're hearing reports that one university has canceled lectures and seminars to allow students to come down and protest and with the numbers in my down square beginning to swell in the barricades being built bigger and stronger than before the main question now is what's the response of the authorities going to be do they simply come in peacefully try and remove the barricades one small or do they change tactic. there. and professor of law dr alexander don't rein believes the opposition leaders that deliberately out of a plane the actions of the authorities in order to curry favor from their foreign backers. mr political is just a puppet he is nobody his words should not be taken seriously everybody understands that he is playing somebody else's game. and ukraine belongs to the ukrainians you
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could see koreans themselves should decides if you. consider any possible for the old one first of all polish european american involvement absolutely intolerable into domestic affairs office a great ukrainian nation what's going on in ukraine right know including the chance to disperse the protesters is being done a very delicately much more delicately but you can expect in many other countries of the world americans should not exaggerate what's going on right now. the west has a right expressed outrage at the actions of the ukrainian authorities the u.k. foreign secretary said it's unacceptable while be you last secretary of state gave his opinion an even stronger terms as as he's gonna check out reports now from washington. it's not often that you hear the word discuss that from a diplomat it's usually reserved for some horrendous events while john kerry just used it to describe the decision of the ukrainian leadership to dismantle
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protestors barricades in the center of key of and here's what he said the united states expresses its disgust with the decision of ukrainian authorities to meet the peaceful protest in queues my down square with riot police bulldozers and baton is rather than with respect for democratic rights and human dignity of course secretary kerry speaks so it sounds like he speaks from a position that the u.s. would never do anything like that but apparently completely forgot how two years ago riot police in the you was dismantled in the arrested hundreds of occupy protesters across the country citing local anti camping laws already forgot how aggressively riot police dispersed the protesting clinton for example with regard to ukraine washington made no secret that it wanted this deal to happen of free trade agreement between ukraine and the e.u. could later fit into a much larger free trade agreement that is now being negotiated between the e.u. and the u.s. but of course in its statements the u.s.
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state department focuses on the right an esper a sions of ukrainian protesters that support comes not just in words but also in actions the state department is deploying the assistant secretary of state dorian only to the streets of kiev to cheer up the protesters as well as told meetings with the opposition and government officials in order to push this deal forward and it seems the stakes are high for washington in ukraine at the moment the strong words from washington were echoed by the e.u.'s foreign affairs chief reason kiev meeting with the opposition and authorities but mercury's and legal accident blogger says nonstop visits by high profile foreign politicians is more a case of meddling in internal affairs than trying to find peace. i cannot actually imagine such a thing i trying to imagine a situation where that say there was a right here in central london or a big protest in central london and let's say somebody from of foreign countries
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a russia came along and attempted to negotiate between the protesters and the government it seems most strange to me i have to say and i wonder whether it's a tool why is actually it seems to me that when outsiders involve themselves in the affairs of a country which they don't always understand very well let's remember mr ashton doesn't speak ukrainian she doesn't speak russian she's probably not very familiar with the political internal political situation in the ukraine one wonders what possible compromise will solution they can help to. crane's prime minister says the process separate venting key payments from things made to keep society running find out how the government is trying to keep the economy afloat as arteta.
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there's been friendly smiles and handshakes as top russian and a rainy and diplomats matter teheran both have shown they're seeing eye to eye when it comes to political challenges in the middle east and civil standoff a syria is one of them. is in iran's capital for. after an hour long meeting both russian and the reverend ministers appeared in front of media smiling in a very good mood and cried cruelly to old friends they've started to move whom the agreements reached earlier in geneva in the van but at the breakthrough talks over iran's nuclear program tehran agreed to either freeze or curb parts of it the pope bad players limited to move from the international sanctions the country has been suffering from in the last decades and the message minister library for ministers a roof center today in tehran reza now it is important that the sides keep their
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hands of the deal. to go to. the run must hold up its side of the bargain and the p five plus one countries must do the same specially those which fly past the un security council in leveling sanctions that the ron paul those ministers have also discussed of course situation around syria that. i were a catastrophe or human tragedy in just a month's time. permits had back to switzerland to take part in the geneva two syria peace talks and today here in tehran mr library has sent this message again saying that first syria crisis should be resolved peacefully and second iran has to be part of the solution and has to take part in the geneva two peace talks. solution i've heard reports that some international players think it would be more effective to use force instead of dialogue but these reports were not confirmed.
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the initiative will be successful and any attempt to undermine it will be a blatant violation of the international will cemented in the u.n. security council resolution but if i may have as i do have well i was so for size that it's up to syrian people to decide their country's future bet the international community has to help them and encourage them and support. a potential military intervention in syria was narrowly avoided in september after the government agreed to destroy its toxic arsenal but efforts to rid the entire middle east of chemical weapons are being held up by israel and egypt refusal to join the international convention with c. where now on board there is little space left for countries to maneuver as policy explain. this could soon be a thing of the past is radios queuing for gas masks in the pipeline a recommendation to the cabinet to stop manufacturing them for civilians says
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dismantling of its chemical weapons also will seems to have lifted the edge of israeli fears of a chemical strike well as a few months ago kids were spreading into the streets today the paranoia has died down. it comes after syria destroyed all of its chemical weapons production facilities the country is on track to eliminate its entire stock power by the middle of next year the chemical weapons are among the most or of weapons ever known to man and we were made for the world had agreed to abandon that weaponry a long time ago only two countries in the middle east haven't come on board egypt and israel tell of it was actually signed but not ratified the chemical weapons convention that outlaws the production stockpiling and use of chemical weapons the reason that one there is still some chemical weapons in the region and also. does not want again from reasons of deterrence
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to reveal and to discover its capabilities tel aviv has always been vague on the topic of chemical weapons according to foreign media reports israel has a stockpile of various weapons but is ready public's always shied away from asking too many questions the same reason all the time if it's security issue we don't have to deal with we have the differences stablished the nor the doing we don't have to do anything about it but with syria out of the picture israel's argument is weaker and the organization that controls chemical weapons is keeping up the pressure we were regular as i said to send letters to the non-state parties including israel and encouraging. without joy. in the conventional means the o.p.c. w. has no legal mandate to undertake verification activities to verify the compliance but as another chemical weapons arsenal in the middle east is dismantled with the
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power of diplomacy the israeli government is facing growing international pressure to come on board policy r.t. television. it's not only the swarming out but the race for its resources as well russia's military overthrow casus towards the cold new front a day off turn of the stakes its claim to a vast portion of the freezing north. and closing the door to trade the e.u. could soon lose a big chunk of its attractiveness to brussels plans to define how open borders can be for different businesses will show the break. i play is street cleaner who's in love with a waitress i go on stage managing that there's an audience you should take drugs
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and drink like a fish the police told me about the circus but i was such a punk i was like well what circus. circus are clearly kids gonna. break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. do we speak your language was anybody will or not a day in. the news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little turn to angles stories. where you hear. the spanish find out more visit.
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again this is all seem to national welcome by leasing and violence have now left eleven people dead. cross argentina as police continue and nationwide strike for better pay so she's blamed the ransacking on agitators who they say are trying to disrupt the thirteenth anniversary of the country's return to democracy asking spanish correspondent ignacio you've been here reports now from. looting is spreading across the country as people take advantage of a police strike to smash their way into shops and steal whatever they can they've been seen making off with all sorts of goods like mobile phones much receipts and even beer some people are locking themselves in their homes and businesses and trying to keep out of the street others are arming themselves for there are security forces have been sent into some areas where violence has broken out and the government blames the situation on the looters he says they're trying to cause
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chaos before the thirtieth anniversary of argentina's return to democracy on tuesday this all started a week ago when police went on strike in the city of call over in the center of the country two people died in the violence that broke out as mobs attacked stores and businesses the governor gave bean and doubled police pay to almost two thousand dollars per month to get them back to work strikes then spread and now security forces in almost eighty percent of argentina's regions of the job prices of retail goods are rising rapidly by twenty five percent each year making it difficult for many people to make do on small salaries and this equation could get farther out of control if strikes spread from police to nurses or other groups employed by the government. and political analyst adrian selby chase has their societies have brought this on themselves. we are seeing regular criminals. a whole lot
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ones just playing feeds taking advantage of the fact that the police are not on the streets to do all their looting this is the result of thirty years of so-called democracy because it's basically a system whereby people who are supported by the money powers finally get into power and especially ten years of the curation of government that have done everything possible to lower the educational basis of the people so that as you see we have people who are trying to wanting to get something for nothing they have become used to working and just living on government welfare and now that there are no police on the streets they take the opportunity to do all the looting and. and on our website the ruble gets a make over hundreds of thousands of people voted to decide on a new symbol for the russian currency and this is the way that it tweaks the russian are similar to an englishman he spent some time at r.t. dot com for the details. and also there for you crowds rejoice
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in parliament as europe why legalizes marijuana decision has put some noses out of joint. the commander in chief of russia's armed forces has pointed the military in a new direction towards the arctic the race for the vast resources of the icy world and this is rapidly heating up and let him in person says it's of utmost priority for russia to defend its interests on monday canada claimed a vast swathes of the arctic for itself including the north pole but moscow says this port is an extension of russia's continental shelf and attempts to prove that was made an expedition back in two thousand and seven is culminated in russia planting it flying on the sea floor beneath the north pole of a four thousand meters underwater moscow also wants to step up its military presence in the region russia canada the us norway and denmark all border the
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arctic which is believed to contain billions of dollars worth of oil and gas despite the posturing a leading canadian arctic research believes common sense will prevail. the future of the world economy to some extent is dependent on the arctic and i think you know russia and canada the united states and norway and denmark are very interested in exploiting these resources i think you know common sense will probably prevail in that you know that it's not the interest of any of these are countries to go to war over those resources and i think there is mechanisms that play through the door to kill sort through a number of different protruding processes for. cooperation to get this resolved while the u.n. convention on the law of the sea makes its decisions but i think the problem is that you know in the meantime countries can sometimes stated play to the politics of their of their nations i think you know in russia we're seeing
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a militarisation of the arctic and canada we're seeing canada claim the north pole when in fact their scientific committee really didn't include that in the draft that they were going to send to the united nations convention so this kind of posturing i think can be very dangerous. let's now have a look at a lot of us happening around the globe a massive fire at farmer's market in southern china has killed at least sixteen people and injured five the blaze broke out late at night undertook more than one hundred firefighters two hours to bring it under control it's not clear what caused the blaze but the local authorities are now planning safety tracks at other market . the united nations has expressed deep concern over hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees scattered across camps in the middle east and made heavy snow storms and torrential rains eleven an eight hundred thousand of those displaced risk spending the winter in flimsy plastic tents amid temperatures well below
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freezing the lebanese army is helping to distribute emergency kits designed to help refugees survive the cold winter. is the world's biggest market cratered by its very own open border policy is a bet still doesn't promise businesses in the european union guaranteed success as all she's born a boy has been finding out free trade doesn't necessarily mean free of bureaucracy . simon york likes cheese he and his partners have built up a thriving business as wholesalers of the stuff part of their success simon says is down to the single market importing french products or exporting british ones couldn't be easier. the simple reason is complexity of doing it for the. poor whereas it's very easy because you just.
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try to transport it's great to be with are you really have the price this is where the key the heart and afterwards it's distributed within and outside of washington and although the big cheese of this company says that being part of the e.u. brings much the benefits to the the way. they export their products normal businesses in the u.k. so hold on the european union. have come to some one thing in wales to talk to a business that says it's under threat because the restrictions being confederated in brussels james done what sells and electronic cigarettes online and in shops around wales the business is growing fast as more smoke is trying to kick the habit that brussels is trying to regulate the industry is considering classing the devices as medicinal products if the e.u. insists on regulating cigarettes as medicinal products licenses for this stock
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would cost tens of millions of pounds the company would basically be out of business the problem is the cost and the bureaucracy involved is just not possible for small or medium size company to get these this license so what you'd be looking at is the big tobacco companies taking over their electronic cigarette industry of course they have the least motivation to push electronic cigarette industry forward james says the company pays extra for short leases on the shop space in case the business is forced to shut down at any moment britain's chamber of commerce say that companies complain increasingly about the burden of european regulation making them less competitive in the global market are used to preprogram europe and a lot more skeptical now these regulations is disproportionate they're going to force businesses out of business they're also potentially going to cost many
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millions of lives obviously that makes you more skeptical it is of course a case of apples and oranges or rather cheese and east cigarettes but a reminder about how differently the european union is viewed in british business. r.t. london. and next a look at the breathtaking stunts performed by kids in the sack and stay with them . as the media leave us so we leave the needy. by the sea oceans to two or the other your party there's a goal. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our t.v.
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this is my district. football field it's my old school in my nine story apartment block. so this is where i live. i used to take drugs and drink like a fish i skipped school and was a real hooligan i stayed out all night and well you know. listen to me watch superstar you come here sit down and have a chat all right guys i don't know what we can do about this he. hasn't come together yet and full of holes please let's rehearse the final scene. on my.
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right action. film comes out this play simple we're circus a klingon stunt and we break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. and schools also a circus is a modern circus stuff by socially disadvantaged kids. at five so. they go out and ok thank you. guys we need to buy cloths. when you to meet all the guests and think about their
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accommodation like just everyone should be comfortable biblical channels and then we should finish the staging and we heard. it's a pity we don't have thirty six hours in a day both then would have plenty of time for everything that fills. our with we're putting on the flying kids festival for the sixth time i thought we needed an event that would stir everyone up a bit of silver star or something to make people eager to work till midnight painting to work out the rebuilding and solving administrative problems across a festival seemed a good idea so well but also they were split fifty one.
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