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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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ukrainian opposition leaders called on protesters to storm government buildings as they rebuild barricades after an overnight attempt by police to remove the roadblocks paralyzing central. and the west stands with the protesters as top diplomats criticize the police move as a crackdown on high level u.s. representatives at the protest camps handing out food. a temporary halt washington and london turning their backs on the syrian rebels. suspending aid to the country's north which has been flooded with extremist factions. students break through parts of london's biggest university before amassing outside parliament as they march against police violence top stories this.
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hour from our studio center here in moscow where it's midnight this is international roadblocks rise again in the ukrainian capital rebuilt and strengthened by protesters while police regroup and softer security forces try to move the activists from the city center to allow traffic through. scott's with the latest. but thousands have gathered in independence square behind me following calls from the opposition for a show of defiance following last night's events the police dismantled and removed barricades that are being set up and built by the protesters although both sides police and protesters did show restraint some violent clashes did break out this morning events where we saw the police try and retake the city administrative building here in the center of kiev which is being used by the opposition as
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a makeshift had cooled says over the last few days and weeks now the police were greeted a met by fish resistance from the protesters who has the police down with water cannons and when you've got temperatures as freezing and as cold as they are in kiev right now that was quite an effective response now authorities had earlier given the protesters until tuesday to remove themselves from the site of atomically to go high profile figure in the opposition movement has tweeted saying that we can't make a compromise with thugs and dictators we should get rid of them the number one issue now is the resignation of president victory on the coach and his putrid administration's what american and european diplomats have been in kiev throughout the course of wednesday having that say u.s. assistant secretary of state victoria nuland are saying what she calls the crackdown was unacceptable for a european democratic state now those comments came after a meeting with president yannick ovitz could be full that she was seen out and
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about mingling with the protesters behind me handing out sandwiches and hot drinks to both the protesters and the police the more than a news foreign policy chief catherine ashton has also been in kiev and she says that last night's events make dialogue a lot more difficult but she does say the president on a coach has reassured her that he does still want to sign the a you association agreement now this is one of the barricades that was dismantled and removed. by the police on tuesday evening as you can see the opposition calls for a show of defiance have been met not only have the barricades been rebuilt they've been rebuilt bigger and stronger than they were before and if you take a look over here you can see there being force of fide by a line of sandbags filled with snow because the protesters have spent all day shoveling the snow and filling the sandbags to fortify the defenses. and
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with the opposition calls for more and more people to descend on independence square and the defense is being fortified it's interesting to see what the author artie's response will be will they simply come and try and dismantle and remove the barricade as they did on tuesday evening in a peaceful manner all while they try and change tactic. reporting there ukraine's prime minister says he's asked the e.u. for twenty billion euros of aid if kiev was to accept the trade deal the rejection of which brought the protesters on the first place and it was chris we first senior partner with a consulting firm advisory told me earlier that ukraine is just desperate to survive its financial crisis. ukraine is economies in recession this year next year the country needs to find at least ten billion dollars to repay debt now it doesn't have that money it cannot continue to muddle through it needs to get an
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injection of cash it needs that cash from somebody and i think what you're hearing from the prime minister today essentially is saying look if you don't want us to talk to moscow if you don't want to take a deal from russia then you're going to have to come up with all this money. you know and obviously the ukraine government would like that directly from the e.u. itself without having to deal with the i.m.f. because it simply doesn't want to have to agree to these fairly onerous terms that the i.m.f. isn't talking about such as in a fairly sharp currency devaluation an end to fuel subsidies and of course massive austerity measures the west has already expressed outrage at the actions of the ukrainian authorities by the u.s. secretary of state among those given a strong word of opinions what is going to come reports on what is being said. it's not often that you hear the word discuss that from a diplomat it's usually reserved for some for bendis events while john kerry just used it to describe the decision of the ukrainian leadership to dismantle protestors barricades in the center of kiev's and here's what he said the united
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states expresses its disgust with the decision of ukrainian authorities to meet the peaceful protests the accused my down square with riot police bulldozers and baton is rather then with respect for democratic rights and human dignity of course secretary kerry speaks it sounds like he speaks from a position that the u.s. would never do anything like that but apparently completely forgot how two years ago riot police in the u.s. his men told ten thousand arrested hundreds of occupy protesters across the country citing local anti camping laws already forgot how aggressively riot police dispersed the protesting clinton for example with regard to ukraine washington made no secret that it wanted this deal to happen of free trade agreement between ukraine and the e.u. could later fit into a much larger free trade agreement that is now being negotiated between the e.u. and the way but of course in its statements the u.s. state department focuses on the right an expiration of ukrainian protesters that
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support comes not just in words but also in actions in the state department is the story the assistant secretary of state should tell you not only to the streets of kiev to cheer up the protesters as well as told meetings with the opposition and government officials in order to push this deal forward and it seems the stakes are high for washington in ukraine at the moment. the united states embassy in ukraine claims that it's handed out more than two hundred grants in recent years to various political organizations some of which are protesting now on independence square well earlier i talked to sort of he's a senior fellow at the foreign policy research institute and the former u.s. ambassador to the church republic he maintains there's no teary motive behind the american presence in the country. we are in favor of peaceful demonstrations and peaceful expressions of popular views that is the way democracy gradually grows from the grassroots from listening to the voices of the people we
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are certainly not preaching and advocating revolution. victoria nuland tory newman would not be the proud if there were violence and she would certainly be discouraging any form of violence you are saying you are keen to see peaceful demonstrations but what about the so-called peaceful demonstrations but the occupy movement in the states being handled in many respects brutally by the police pepper spraying peaceful protests as i would watching to react if kremlin supporters were amongst the occupy protest is that. there were there were i'm sure there were plenty of observers russian another observer moving around in that period and there was i strongly disagree with you call it brutality at a certain the protesters were permitted to camp out. in lower manhattan for weeks at a time and eventually they were moved out but they were moved out peacefully there are no injuries there was no brutality there was no confrontation and we certainly
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would hope not to see any such confrontation or brutality or bloodshed in. our policy has been. peaceful. expressions of opinion and and elections truly free electoral processes. train's prime minister says the protests are preventing key payments from being made to keep society running find out how the government struggling to keep the economy afloat at r.t. dot com. students in the u.k. have protested in their thousands against police violence that if i'd of thought is to march through london university and along the city's streets recent footage of an officer punching a young man in the face during a confrontation spot the latest in a week of demonstrations of course now from the heart of the protest.
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all right peter. cave all across london indeed all across the u.k. you can see it is such a. different. feel than i think. that's a multitude of reasons why they stand out to say because sometimes close to what we . love week the day fascinated actually by the police to see to say something that will. they say you know look. small they want. the money but they didn't dare say the guy to keep that and say take until they see the result. of that house the building that they'll keep lifeguards weaken the scenes between something the protest is about two days. trying to close
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a way to read the job of the bill that's being played say manage to get to the gates of the prince is that it house. to sell so they'll keep a celeb. videos so i think some of the stunts they cause all right. and the protest mood seems to be sweeping across the atlantic storms are ransacked and order breaks down in argentina as police refuse to go back on the job until that pay demands are met. also still to come this hour the international moscow calls on iran and the world powers to play by the rules to make nuclear deal work as a russian delegation arrives in the islamic state is some more official break.
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i played this street cleaner who's in love with a waitress on stage managing that there's an audience that used to take drugs and drink like a fish. the police told me about the circus but i was such a punk i was like what circus. polar circus and clearly it's gonna. break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged. right. and i think.
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they're being friendly smiles and handshakes as top russian and iranian diplomats met in tehran both of showing their seeing eye to eye when it comes to political challenges in the middle east the ongoing civil standoff in syria as one of them information is in the capital of the islamic republic. after an hour long meeting both russian and a rat in ministers appeared in front of media smiling in a very good mood and cried cruelly to old friends they've started to move home the agreements reached in geneva in the van but at the breakthrough talks every iran's nuclear program tehran agreed to either freeze or curb parts of it the pope back when i was limited to move from the international sanctions the country has been
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suffering from and the last decades and the message minister library for ministers a roof center today in tehran was a now it is important that the sides keep their hands of the deal. drawn must hold up its side of the bargain and the p five plus one countries must do the same especially those which bypassed the un security council in leveling sanctions that iran. those ministers have also discussed of course situation around syria that. i wear catastrophe of human tragedy in just a month's time. permits had back to switzerland to take part in the geneva two syria peace talks and today here in tehran mr library has sent this message again saying that first of the suez crisis should be reserved peacefully and second iran has to be part of the solution and has to take part in the geneva two peace talks.
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solution i've heard reports that some international players think it would be more effective to use force instead of dialogue but these reports were not confirmed. that the initiative will be successful and any attempt to undermine it will be a blatant violation of the international will cemented in the u.n. security council resolution but if i may have as i do have all i was said and for size that it's up to syrian people to decide their country's future bet the international community has to help them and encourage them and support. meanwhile forces battling government troops in syria's north of lost a huge slice of the foreign aid u.s. and u.k. of lethal assistance that report explains why islamic front forces seized headquarters and warehouses belonging to the opposition's supreme military council the incident happened friday evening at the. crossing on syria's normal north western border with turkey what's unclear is why the islamic front sees the
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and if any stock has gone missing also on knowledge of whether the islamic front was working with her had any quatrain affiliation with the islamic state of iraq and syria known as isis all. those two groups as terrorist organizations by the united states right about now many u.s. senators may be calling u.s. president barack obama to say. just several u.s. representatives have publicly warn the obama administration against supporting the syrian opposition predicting that american weapons will likely fall into the hands of terror groups also arguing that providing aid to the rebels acquits to finding al qaeda now some critics say that washington so-called suspension of non-lethal aid to northern syria doesn't necessarily mean that u.s. weapons won't continue to flow to other parts of the country nonetheless this
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development is being seen as a big blow to this military council and the syrian army opposition the obama administration has been championing champion for the biggest problem of for the obama administration what it now faces is figuring out how to walk and work with the newly formed islamic front in syria that claims to be fighting with the opposition but is clearly playing by its own rules. despite this overwhelming support for the syrian rebels the u.s. refrained from the wrecked involvement in the conflict back in september well this decision preceded by an avalanche of warmongering in washington was made after the syrian government agreed to destroy its toxic arsenal results reports efforts to rid the entire middle east of chemical weapons are being held up by israel and egypt refusal to toe the line. this could soon be a thing of the past israelis queuing for gas masks in the pipeline
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a recommendation to the cabinet to stop manufacturing them for civilians so is dismantling of its chemical weapons also well seems to have lifted the edge of israeli fears of a chemical strike well as a few months ago kids were spilling into the streets today the paranoia has died down. it comes after syria destroyed all of its chemical weapons production facilities the country's on track to eliminate its entire stock power by the middle of next year the chemical weapons are among the most or of weapons ever known to man and we were made for the world had agreed to abandon that weaponry a long time ago only two countries in the middle east haven't come on board egypt and israel television actually signed but not ratified the chemical weapons convention that outlaws the production stockpiling and use of chemical weapons the reason that one there is still some chemical weapons in the region
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and also. does not want again from reasons of deterrence to reveal and to discover its capabilities tel aviv has always been vague on the topic of chemical weapons according to foreign media reports israel has a stockpile of various weapons but is ready public's always shied away from asking too many questions the same reason if its security issue we don't have to deal with we have the differences. nor the doing we don't have to do anything about it but with syria out of the picture israel's argument is weaker and the organization that controls chemical weapons is keeping up the pressure we regularly. send letters to the non-state parties including israel and encourage you to join in. without joining conventional means you. has no legal mandate to undertake verification
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activities to verify the compliance but as another chemical weapons arsenal in the middle east is dismantled with the power of diplomacy the israeli government is facing growing international pressure to come on board policy r t tel aviv elsewhere in the region some of israel's neighbors have stepped up their defenses coming up six gulf states boost their military cooperation but those left out now fear they will be oppressed by the emerging power. still to come but first looting and violence have now left eleven dead across argentina as police continue a nationwide strike for better pay authorities blame the ransacking on agitators who they say are trying to disrupt the thirtieth anniversary of the country's return to democracy the spanish correspondent ignacio hubel reports now from. looting is spreading across the country as people take advantage of a police strike to smash their way into shops and steal whatever they can they've
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been seen making off with all sorts of goods like mobile phones much receipts and even beer some people are locking themselves in their homes and businesses and trying to keep out of the street others are arming themselves for there are security forces have been sent into some areas where violence has broken out and the government blames the situation on the looters it says they're trying to cause chaos before the thirtieth anniversary of argentina's return to democracy on tuesday this all started a week ago when police went on strike in the city of cordova in the center of the country the violence broke out as mobs attacked stores and businesses the governor gave bean and doubled police pay to almost two thousand dollars per month to get them back to work strikes then spread and now security forces in almost eighty percent of argentina's regions of the jobs crisis of retail goods are rising rapidly by twenty five percent each year making it difficult for many people to
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make do on small salaries this situation could get father out of control if strikes spread from police to nurses or other groups employed by the government. the ruble gets a make over hundreds of thousands of people voted to decide on a new symbol for the russian currency and this is the winner it tweaks the russian similar to an english he spent some time at r.t. dot com for the details on that and also their. crowds rejoice in parliament as euro why legalizes marijuana the decision is put some news is out of. the gulf cooperation council is stepping up a gear deciding to form a joint military command bahrain kuwait amman qatar saudi arabia and the you have also agreed on a unified police force to deter and he threats to the region. he's a political analyst and a writer on middle east affairs says this raises a whole heap of concerns. this is responding to the deeply entrenched fear as in
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saudi arabia which has been. spearheading the counter revolution in those countries which have already sent its forces to invade and occupy bad rain and death to a crush and quash the popular uprising and they demand off the overwhelming majority of people back in the other gulf states the five countries are deeply suspicious they have serious misgivings and they have deeply entrenched fears about the democrats of saudi arabia which is by far the largest and have been seeking to dominate this region. let's have a quick look at what else is happening around the world at this stage of the day tensions on the streets of kiev a seeped into the georgian parliament where politicians have literally been trading blows over how to react to developments the fight it was spot when a member of the ruling georgian dream party reacted angrily to an opposition
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proposal to show support for pro e.u. protesters the parliamentary session was stopped with the speaker condemning the brawl. a massive fire at a farmer's market in southern china has killed at least sixteen and injured five the blaze broke out late at night and it took more than one hundred firefighters two hours to bring it under control it's not clear what caused the blaze but the local authorities are now planning safety checks said. the commander in chief of russia's armed forces has pointed the military in a new direction towards the arctic the race for the vast resources of the icy wilderness is rapidly heating up and let me putin says it's most priority for russia to defend its interests on monday kind of a claim to vast swathes of the arctic for itself including the north pole but moscow says the areas an extension of russia's continental shelf and the temp to prove that was made in an expedition back in two thousand and seven culminated in
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russia planting its flag on the sea floor beneath the north pole and over four thousand meters underwater moscow also wants to step up its military presence in the region russia canada the us norway and denmark all boarded the arctic which is believed to contain billions of dollars worth of oil and gas well despite the posturing leading canadian arctic research it believes that common sense will prevail. in the future of the world economy to some extent is dependent on the arctic and i think you know russia and canada the united states and norway and denmark are very interested in exploiting these resources i think you know common sense will probably prevail in that you know it's not the interest of any of these arctic countries to to go. war over those resources and i think there is mechanisms that play through the arctic council through a number of different pre-treating processes for cooperation to get this resolved while the un convention on the law of the sea makes its decisions but i think the
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problem is that you know in the meantime countries can sometimes stay to play to the politics of their of their nations and i think you know in russia we're seeing a military zation of the arctic and canada we're seeing canada claim the north pole when in fact their scientific committee really didn't include that in the draft that they were going to send to the united nations convention so this kind of posturing i think can be very dangerous. international committee live from moscow next we take a look at the breathtaking stones performed by youngsters in the circus and if you're watching us from the u.k. it is going underground with afshin rattansi we will get back together again when i give you more news in just a half an hour from now. as
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we all know the holidays are a great time for families to get together and sometimes on the l. call gets flowing they're also a great time for us to argue about everything from politics to religion with the ones we love but if you happen to be an n.s.a. agent and the government has an official list of talking points that way you could win those family arguments for sure yeah that's right the government is now giving n.s.a. agents lists of very corny talking points going to firedoglake so that way they could convince their relatives over the holidays of just how awesome effective and necessary the national security agency truly is despite all those little revelation thinks of mass spying by snowden trust me talking points exist for a reason political social and religious organizations and use them so that when their members who may not be the best debaters on the planet can defend the positions of the organization and i would have no problem with the if they gave this list to agents they could answer questions from journalists but when the government wants you to propagandize your friends and family over christmas and thanksgiving it all seems kind of cultish to me but that's just my opinion.
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though. i'm seventeen and i live in the district of st petersburg this is my entrance. fellow. this is my district. football fields it's my old school in my nine story apartment block. so this is where i live. i used to take drugs and drink like a fish i skipped school and was a real hooligan i stayed out all night and well you know. listen
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to me watch superstar you come here sit down and have a chat or alright guys i don't know what we can do about this scene it hasn't come together yet and full of holes please let's rehearse the final scene. right action. comes out this play simple we're circus a poorly constructed and we break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. in school also the circus is a modern circus stuff by socially disadvantaged kids.
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at five. they go on ok thank you my. guys we need to buy cloths. when you to meet all the guests and think about their accommodation just everyone should be comfortable. then we should finish the staging and rehearse it will cause a pity we don't have thirty six hours in a day both then would have plenty of time for everything that. we're putting on the flying in space to go for the sixth time i thought we needed an event that would stir everyone up out of service day or something to make people eager to work till midnight painting the building and solving administrative problems for us a festival seemed a good idea.


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