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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2013 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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the suspect. they would like to do if you did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct help us. go in. there like you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome to the big three. go back to the big picture tom our been here with you coming up in this half hour senate and house negotiators have reached a deal to fund the government for the next two years that offers billions in sequester relief that raises no new taxes so how should progressive see the budget
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deal more on that just all and republicans are always talking about giving the american people back their tax money it turns out they don't actually care about making good on their own talking points when it doesn't serve their political purposes explained surprised. in the best of the rest of the news we have a budget deal maybe yesterday afternoon washington senator patty murray murray and wisconsin congressman paul ryan announced that they had reached a compromise over to your plan to fund the federal government at a press conference at the capitol building senator murray described her enthusiasm for what she called a bipartisan deal. the constant crisis cost us billions of dollars in lost growth and jobs and the continued across the board cuts from sequester ation we're forcing
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our families and communities to pay the price so i am very proud to stand here today with chairman ryan to announce we have broken through the partisanship and the gridlock and reached a bipartisan budget compromise that will prevent a government shutdown in january the murray ryan budget deal sets federal spending at one point zero one two trillion next year you know one point zero one four trillion the year after that includes sixty three billion dollars worth of sequester relief but at the same time it does nothing to repeal the sequester as a whole and preserves most of its cuts and while the murry ryan budget plan does call for new revenue it doesn't call for that revenue as taxes only things like higher airline travelers fees and increased pension contributions from federal workers it also doesn't extend long term federal unemployment benefits which are scheduled to expire right after christmas so while the murray ryan plan avoids deep
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cuts to the social safety net it's nothing to write home about a nice break from washington gridlock sure but hardly something for anyone to celebrate course there's always the possibility that it won't pass the republican controlled house of representatives in that case it's back to square one and the bludgeon of the sequester joining me now for more on this deal as well as what it means for federal workers are ben cohen editor of the daily banter and founder of banner media group and marilyn park attorney and legislative representative for the american federation of government employees been known thank you both for joining me first i'm just curious your general overview of this deal i described it as as better than something that's not as good you know it's the least awful but i'm i'm really ambivalent about it on your your thoughts i mean from a practical point of view it's a do it's the government shutdown. from a part of our devoted one of you it's come from the left it's terrible it's all four minutes and all four do the new taxes on the rich it's
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a good there or is it working people all just. it's kind of a fight to get this is what paul says is a bipartisan do. for the future it's it's we're still in austerity or you know yes we are using your stereo approach instead of going after other loopholes that we could go after and we are once again heating up federal employees they already paid a heavy price last year in many ways and this budget continues to make them pay more for retirement more for health care and we can't accept that employees once again paying such a large share towards this solution this is crazy i mean i fly for a mile and five dollars on an airplane ticket is not going to break the bank but five dollars on an airplane ticket is not my retirement and it's not like health care so what is the impact of this going to be federal employees if this deal is passed and why do you think that they picked federal employees seems to be the
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place where they go again and again to take money away even though we're only two million people out of three hundred million people in this country and when there are so many other ways government waste could be used in sourcing but let me give you some really examine of the kinds of people who are going to be hurt by this every day i represent. over two hundred thousand people who work at the department of veterans affairs were turkic talking nursing. assistants who work in long term care facilities we're talking people who lay the headstones in v.a. cemeteries people who sweep the snow away from v.a. buildings so veterans can get there. and these people make already under thirty thousand a year and this is a direct hit on their paycheck because they if the new employees are now going to have to pay one point three percent more towards their retirement. these are people barely getting by now how are they supposed to set aside money towards the thrift savings plans that they have additional savings which is what this country keeps
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telling people to do to supplement their retirement they won't be able to do it. i think it imports a look at this is the kind of the broader war on working people and federal government because it's very easy to pick on them overseas now the government the big bad government and people who are for the government. by virtue of being affiliated with barack obama must be on of mooches. take. benefits from the government. and he's really the last bastion of working americans who actually have some kind of protection in that job i mean unions have been demolished in america over the past seven decades we've been kind of annoyed. if you compare union activity in america to a country like even like britain which is that without its unions being right thank you rose yeah exactly. this is really the last group of workers that have any kind of protection over their lives and over the problem and whether they get to feed their families i can tell you though the right wing radio all day today the
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drumbeat was and i and i and i know this because i do three hour radio show and i get the calls from people who are you know channel surfing and they're there they're echoing the means and you know it's. one of the memes that was repeated over and over and over again is these government workers they're overpaid compare you know big dollars doesn't pay like that you know mcdonald's pay the third of that and wal-mart doesn't pay like that governor workers should be able to work like wal-mart workers marilyn why this. how do you actually i even wonder how do you guys get away with promoting the idea that we should take the last workers in america arguably not really but you know that's the last large chunk of workers in america who are still able to hang on by their fingernails to the lower edge of the middle class and shove them. one of the working poor like we've done with pretty much everybody else why how could you possibly justify this insane race
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to the bottom why are people not instead saying you know everybody in america should be making at least one government workers make i mean you know when i was growing up as a kid the government job was not that good a job you made more money in the private sector but at least you had job security and people would trade off job security for a lower paycheck. forgive me my rant let me turn it over now i agree why are we always comparing to the bottom why are we comparing to the people who lost their pensions country only about forty percent of people the private sector have a pension now why do we want to send federal employees down that same road and why do we want congress to set that as the model for the way we run our workforce remember these are the same people who go into prisons every day and risk their lives who are on border patrol who are military bases guarding military bases and of course people who are and walter reed in v.a. hospitals around the country not the military hospitals taking care of wounded warriors so why is it we want them to be grovelling as
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a race to the bottom there also the people who run the ira i think it's interesting the way did the base new frames as well it's a very it's kind of reminiscent of the way the colonial powers would. which basically kind of china. where you divide working people and you you make sure that people in the private sector are now jealous of people in the in the state sector and you get them to fight each other and then you can have my say this isn't. these federal workers getting all these nice benefits where nobody else does the arguments can be completely flipped from what it should be the argument should be as you rightly say while working people want people in private companies making more federal workers and making that should be the argument it said the script is removed. and it's yes the divide and conquer. the reason we need to repeal the budget control act and this decreased ration in this austerity program. it's because we're pick pick pitting federal employees against the very programs they have taken an oath to serve and what the right doesn't want to say is that half of
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many of these agencies are staffed by their parents themselves who came into the federal government through a hiring program and who are disabled veterans so we're pitting them against the very programs that they have dedicated themselves to serving but what are you going to race to the bottom in terms of quality i mean it's going to be terrible i mean if you pay people and you don't know how they don't have benefits and the drugs are not going to be motivated to do a particularly good job i mean i'm sure everybody works pretty hard as a federal employee. but you start taking away their benefit it's not exactly a motivating force because what i hear today i actually had a republican strategist on this program day before yesterday who said that people would not be motivated to get out of work unless there was no on employment benefits no food stamps no section on housing no safety net at all that all that stuff should be done away with so that people are literally facing freezing cold
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numb freezing cold hunger starvation the basically that's well let me let me finish that motivates working class people but on the other hand. is all in one sentence but it was within the whole debate on the other hand the the rich. in order to motivate them you've got to make sure they can make the extra few billion dollars i mean you can't put a seventy four percent you roll back the reagan tax cuts and go back to a seventy four percent top marginal tax rate after three million dollars of income because after he's made his first three million bill gates might not be motivated any more and he might not create jobs you know people are well paid originally this deal was going to allow contractors for the federal government to get reimbursed at over nine hundred thousand dollars a year salary and one of the few positive things about this deal is that it's down to four fifty seven but that still means a person yes that still means that a contractor can get reimbursed for annual salary of point at fifty seven thousand when our president only makes four hundred thousand and federal employee pay scale
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tops out at one hundred fifty five so we're going to keep fighting to lower that contract's cap rate i mean that's crazy they're not they're not going to work every day freezing and starving watering so so ben do you think that this thing is going to pass the house. the banner is really put he's staking his ration if you mean if you look at the poll to you the heritage foundation would be concerned about this no how could we do. i would imagine i would imagine it would cost because i think he's before. he's going to bring democrats in and he's going to blow up the hastert rule or the boehner variation of that i think you're going to have to because. i don't think the political ramifications that they saw what happened off on well let's hope after the i mean we've got yes we still have eleven months but you know there's an election coming up but things may change so marilyn. thank you so much for being with us from thank you. coming up if republicans really believe
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their own talk about taxes they accept the obamacare medicaid expansion i'll explain why in tonight's deal we take.
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dramas that try to be ignored to. stories others refuse to notice. faces change the world writes now. our old pictures of today's events live on demand from around the globe and drop to. the.
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back to the big picture remember jimmy mcmillan if you don't this clip should help jog your memory. i represent the rent is too damn high party. women can afford to take care of the children. my main job is about a roof over your head. playing a silly game which is not going to. get people. to pay their rent. jimmy created something of a media circus when he ran for governor of new york back in two thousand and ten. but it turns out he was right there it is too damn high or at the very least access
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to affordable housing is too damn low right now cost americans a bigger percentage of their income that any time in recent memory when you think progress breakdown of a harvard university study the share of renters who pay more than thirty percent of what they make on housing or what the study labels cost burden rose twelve percentage points last decade reaching fifty percent in two thousand and ten initial estimates show there were a record twenty one point one million renters who are cost burden in two thousand and twelve. so what can be done to decrease rent costs in the us i'll let you know what is the solution and what rate to get my body here to produce solution the rent is continuously roger what can we do to help people save in college with a present a sure way of college tuition the president can wave to more of the american people because of what he did all of these problems come from one point we can't count in america there is no deficit there is no fix the sequester all because the president
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can't we found eleven point six trillion dollars that the united states the popular trigger money that is sitting there if americans can count it what they would it would be a much different story on how to resolve the problem the people suffering you go to work you're working eight hours a day for how do we got a third job when you're paying your rent you can't. talk about schools and education who's going to be central classroom if the parents are getting picked up a move at home to focus we have a problem saluted elected officials need to step up we have a field democratic system in this country and need to be corrected. crazy alert a shot ad fascism till it's a kill is best known as the buxom star of m.t.v.'s reality show a shot at law and that. shows sixteen men and sixteen women competing for the romantic attentions of tequila who is bisexual who's racy dialogue and suggestive
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plotline a shot of love made a mainstream media star was a clip from the show's trailer. and time is video superstar a cover model and am i such as having tire broken by trolls and when they send setting out to find a ten person for me. i'm going to meet sixteen straight guys. and sixteen. that. this why all her success there was always the sense that fuel was lost for free and was a little normal almost like a dick it. turns out that he'll actually is a fan of dictators adolf hitler in particular she recently posted do facebook a picture of herself wearing the nazi armband and a nazi cap on her blog to kill her recently referred to her as a prophet poured into some reports she has even taken to calling herself by the name. that we know that the so and now that we know it till it's
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a kid to kill has officially come out as a nazi and i want to question remains who is she going to choose the search rough i guess we'll have to wait until the next season that was shot. it's the good the bad of the very very in crew one chilly arguably the good universal society of hinduism that organization is asking the oklahoma state capital preservation commission to place a study of a statue of the hindu monkey god on your lawn outside the super state capitol building it will follow as an attempt by a new york based safeness group to place a say a symbol outside. oklahoma's capitol building buildings grounds currently have a monument to the ten commandments on display both the satanists and the hindus
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think that if public buildings are allowed to display religious symbols at all they should display the symbols of all religions not just christianity ok almost religious conservatives naturally disagree which just goes to show how it was that point of view was to begin with good on the hindus for helping a point that out the bad bryan fischer not everyone is so happy about what's going on at the oklahoma state house to share the director of public policy with the american family association took to the airwaves tuesday to bash the satanists campaign and to clear the air about which religion the first amendment really protects. but the point is by religion the founders were thinking of christianity so the purpose was to protect the free exercise of the christian faith it wasn't about protecting in the thing else there was no way they were providing any cover or shelter for the free exercise of. even judaism or even atheism they were brian is just plain wrong founding fathers were not the christian
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fundamentalists he thinks they were how much jefferson and self is extremely skeptical of all religions especially christianity in fact is a growing body of evidence that jefferson's reading of the koran the islamic holy book helped him to develop some of his ideas religious freedom so yes the first amendment does protect people who are not christian except cleaver still having this debate in twenty thirty and a very very ugly greg they are a barrier reef as one of the world's true natural resources and treasures they can be seen from space and is known around the globe as a symbol of australia's biological diversity but australia's environmental minister greg hunt doesn't seem to care is just ok to deal with india's adani group to expand an existing coal port on the coast near the barrier reef. expansion will make the port which is located in point one of the largest in the world but while
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haunting the australian government are defending the move as job creation the world wildlife fund and unesco say it could permanently damage the reef which is already in poor condition it appears yet another world wonders about the fall prey to the fossil fuel industry and that is for. republicans love to say that their party is the party that's going to give you back your tax dollars and name is the memory again used when he slashed income taxes for the rich it's how george w. bush sold his own massive tax cuts for the rich and it's how republicans today continue describe their party's policies the way they put it liberals in washington want to take your money but conservatives are responsible and give the american
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people back money and that otherwise would be waste. but it's becoming increasingly clear that republicans don't actually follow their own talking points when it doesn't serve their political purposes and you don't need to look any farther than the rejection of obamacare is medicaid expansion by twenty five republican governors to see that. the idea behind obamacare is medicaid expansion is pretty simple states that except the expansion allow people earning as much as one hundred thirty eight percent of the poverty line to enroll in medicaid free health insurance in exchange the federal government pays one hundred percent of the cost of their health care for three years and ninety ninety percent of that cost every year after that for when obama care was first passed states actually had to accept the medicare expansion or else they'd lose medicaid funding what's. ever but the john roberts supreme court stepped in and gave republican governors the right to reject just the expansion. and republican governors of course followed republican
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john roberts is decision right to a tee. there have been a few exceptions a growing number mostly recently most recently ohio governor john case and have come to their senses and okayed the medicaid expansion but twenty five republican governors have yet to do so those twenty five republican governors have to put it bluntly screwed the people who put them into office the people who would get health care under the medicaid expansion are too poor to qualify for subsidies on the obamacare exchanges and too wealthy to qualify for medicaid without the expansion it's an estimated five million people who are now caught in this awful health care coverage gap thing republican governors say they're worried about the cost of medicaid expansion but since that expansion will be covered almost entirely by the federal government they're just flat out lying. this is really all about damaging the obama presidency. since the day the barack obama took office the republican
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party has made taking down his presidency its number one goal so there's no question that those twenty five republican governors have done this to sabotage president obama and his signature piece of legislation before bill care act as late as bout of right wing sabotage is especially cynical and you consider the fact that those twenty five republican governors are essentially denying the people of their own states the right to use their own tax dollars medicaid like every other government program is paid for with tax dollars. tax dollars that come from people like you and me. and then you know make its way to pay for medicaid states put a foot of part of the bill but in the poorest states the federal government covers most of the cost would be expansion will cover one hundred percent of users taxpayer money to pay for health care coverage in the states the medicaid expansion works pretty much the same way the money used to pay for the expansion comes from
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federal money money that you and me and taxpayers send to washington d.c. in the form of taxes. so rick perry tells the people of texas that he's not going to accept money from the federal government to pay for the expansion of medicaid what he's really saying to his own people people in texas is now you can't have your own tax dollars back he's saying no you cannot have your money back because sabotaging the president is more important than letting you have affordable health care and what's worse the people who live in states that are accepting the medicaid expansion and still have to pay the taxes to foot the bill for the expansion other states. if that sounds petty it's because it is petty. by rejecting obamacare is medicaid expansion twenty five republican governors have put politics above people they denied the people who voted them into office the right to have their own tax dollars spent. if people understood this they'd be outraged
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but luckily for those twenty five republican governors they get to rely on fox so-called news and right wing radio spread of lies about obamacare to make the residents of their state forget who are the real bad guys. and those bad guys or the twenty five republican governors who are refusing to give the people of their own states their own tax dollars back in the form of medicaid. time for those governors to give up the game let their people have medicaid after all their people already paid for. and that's the way it is tonight wednesday december eleventh two thousand and thirteen and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get active tag your.
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i would rather i asked questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question for.
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plus i was a new alert animation gets scared me a little. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears and. great things out there that had the ad ran dark and or found. is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. the
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. coming up on our t.v. it's a digital storm of new developments in the expansion of u.s. surveillance a new report reveals how the n.s.a. is ripping a page from online advertisers to bolster its own surveillance capabilities meanwhile hundreds of prize winning authors are adding their voices to the growing concern over n.s.a. surveillance that and much more just ahead and on capitol hill a hearing was held on past and future u.s. afghanistan relations so does this mean u.s. troops could remain in afghanistan beyond the planned two thousand and fourteen pullout the latest on the hearing coming up. in the nation's capital is marked with a series of local police scandals multiple officers have been investigated for corrupt activities with one of them committing suicide more on.


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