tv [untitled] December 12, 2013 2:00am-2:31am EST
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the president's would like to deliver the annual state of the nation speech to parliament specifically time to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the russian constitution. washington now saying it's considering sanctions against ukraine putting its weight behind antigovernment protesters here on r.t. international look at those who are rallying to defend the officials. and silent alliance israeli and saudi intelligence have reportedly been having secret meetings after a breakthrough nuclear deal with iran left both countries highly frustrated. internationals
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coming to you live from a very snowy for me rory sushi and the entire news team thank you for joining us today protestors in ukraine's capital kiev reinforcing the barricades that have been dismantled by police demonstrators still showing no sign of going home and the united states is now considering sanctions against ukraine over the authorities response to the demonstrators. all policy options including sanctions are on the table in our view but obviously that still is being evaluated as thousands are still out on the streets of kiev with one opposition leader having rejected calls to hold talks with the country's president instead of demanding the government steps down but there is more than one opinion being expressed in ukraine's rallies are really going to go now taking
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a look at the other side of the us. it's new it's head it's exciting and it's a revolution and like moths to a flame the bright lights of rebellion are drawing in western politicians political has beings to even homegrown rock stars all keen to breathe the air of change to pictures in the fashion the message the foreign media is having a blast to the chest is here feel they're fighting for the future of the country pro european protesters clashing with police they saw these agreements as a chance to open ukraine up to european business ideas rule of law standards here in my done has received a mass amounts of airtime in mass media both at home and abroad but the simple fact is the opinion of people here is not necessarily representative of the opinion in all of ukraine in fact it's just the opposite but you wouldn't know it just by
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watching the news but here's the other side of ukraine's protests the invisible one they may go unnoticed by the media but thousands of people are rallying in many cities you have read on trade to join the e.u. and opposition instead of taking students and school children to the scramble to sit down at the negotiation table and help find the best solution for our country. with gathered to say no to the orange strange they captured buildings brought the work of the government is an acceptable and well i mean home ordinary people. the mess just doesn't fit the pretty picture of a change a revolution. if you think it's democracy and revolution it's a nationalistic coup they instigate people to break the law they want to grab power and ukraine apart. unlike the people yelling ukraine is europe in capitals independence square these people have been looking at the possible consequences of
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the trade deal with europe stuff is imaginary and i'm really don't want our utility payments to rise and pensions and salaries frozen. fortunately only meanest food cheap labor to buy their products unlike the protests in kiev these rallies aren't marred by the presence of masked men ultra radical slogans or tumbling monuments and because for the media if it bleeds it leads only telegenic revolution gets a chance to be heard and seen. it in an r.t. . now ukraine has always faced the divide between west and east you can well see it on the map right here clearly there's a separation there basically split in half the countries west has historically been closer to europe the majority of the population is catholic and speaks ukrainian while in the east ties with russia have traditionally been stronger the u.s. secretary of state expressed disgust over the ukrainian government's response to the protests but some analysts suggest those words ring a little hollow. it's clear that the what the united states government is after is
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regime change in the ukraine and it has nothing to do with what they say they're concerned about that is you know three rights here and they're not this was you know we saw i understand thanks for the occupy movement in dozens if not hundreds the city's carried out in an organized way in the united way. by the federal government against people who are usually focusing here and now we hear. these kind of statements coming when in the ukraine it's clear that the leaders of the opposition are trying to overthrow the government they're not just engaging in peaceful protests they are engaged in a process which they hope will bring about regime change and in that campaign they have the full backing of the u.s. and nato now it's not uncommon to see european and american politicians at opposition rallies in kiev or the u.s.
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assistant secretary of state rice victoria nuland once again joining the crowds this time offering protesters some snacks to keep them away more details right now he talked. thanks for joining us here on the program in one hour's time russia's president vladimir putin will deliver the annual state of the nation address this time it's been planned to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the russian constitution let's get more on this now with that you go to prison officer in the kremlin waiting for the president to arrive good to see you here any expectations do we know what the russian president will be addressing today well pretty much the elites of russian society has gathered at the kremlin today top politicians businessmen economists analysts and so on since traditionally the address has become the format to find out what the president and his to you marc. planning for
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next year although earlier was one for himself said that he's not planning to focus only on next year or what's more than just two thousand and fourteen and now to this address does coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the us constitution and it is widely expected that mr putin will devote a large part of his speech focusing on the russians mean a lot of these last week away tional whether or not any changes that will eventually pull list anyhow significantly would be there are rumors or some russian newspapers have been reporting that was about a fortune will announce the establishment of a council of a new body which will be focusing strictly on improving the constitution although these rumors have been denied by the president's press secretary need to be scoffed at rumors are rumors speculation is speculation facts are facts and of course he will have to wait for the actual address to take place in just a little time and i'll be bringing you all of the details on that part of the
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forward to analogy to go to prison off inside the kremlin thanks. but i will still to come here on our team international britain uses a minor increase in economic growth to boost its foreign aid budget. if he responds with the british government at a time when money is very tight for everyone for families and the government to be sending more and more taxpayer money abroad just a bit later on here on the program we find out why u.k. officials are so keen to send cash elsewhere and risk upsetting those who are still struggling at home. plus public coals to curb fracking in texas getting the attention of a dallas city council which is now put in place the first law were strict in the industry this on the rest of the world's top headlines just around the corner. and this is the magic of the automobile to connote. freedom
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particularly in american pop culture the automobile has always been the icon of freedom i see that ford motor company is going to market a mustang for the globe so that they can export america's idea of the open road and freedom to places like china where the air pollution is so thick it's wafting into the lobbies of buildings and people are falling dropping like flies and because of the mustang because of ford motor company environmental full cost proponent and propagator. right. first rate. and i think that you're. on a reporter's. instrument. to
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be in the. thanks for joining us here on r.t. international today the kaiser report soon for now though the unlikely pairing of saudi arabia and israel reportedly teaming up this in response to washington's middle east policies by representatives from the country's intelligence services apparently met for talks in jerusalem they are ultimately united in their disdain for america's reversal of the intervention in syria that of course followed by the agreement of a nice story nuclear deal with iran as delve deeper into this his auntie's guy nature can. the two countries saudi arabia and israel found themselves in one but in their frustration over washington israel and saudi arabia hate the nuclear deal
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that the u. was now the world power struck with iran and israel is very vocal about it the saudis are a little bit more restrained but the saudi intelligence chief said there would be a major shift in dealings with the us saudi arabia wanted the u.s. to go all in on syria the u.s. instead went along with russia's proposal and cut a deal with the syrian leadership to get rid of chemical weapons there saudi arabia and israel are very suspicious of each other the saudis oppose the creation of the jewish state they support the palestinian cause so it's too early to speak of friendship but washington definitely brought them closer together at least in their desire to threaten war saudi arabia is now reportedly working with israel on a plan to attack iran it reportedly gave israel the green light to use its airspace in the case of a strike and pledged assistance here in washington these were the lobby is fighting what they describe as a tendency in the u.s. to disengage from the middle east the apac meeting was all about it they talked
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about how war fatigue in the u.s. could be a reason for washington to want to be less involved in regional affairs they saw the nomination of chuck hagel as defense secretary as a signal pointing in that direction of course the obama administration quickly reassured everybody that the u.s. will not stop interfering in the affairs of the region but israel and saudi arabia are not so sure at this point or they don't see the kind of interference that they would want to see i'm going to shut down in washington. and earlier and also international we spoke to the saudi prince saud he believes the u.s. is ready to jeopardize ties with his closest allies in order to preserve its interests in the middle east. yes i'm a bit lazy about it but i believe the main reason for the change in america's alliances in the middle east is the issue of the nuclear program and that's a shift in the u.s. approach to iran from one of confrontation to one of containment this is the main reason even if it does come at the expense of america's strategic allies like saudi
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arabia and israel it is of utmost importance to the u.s. i'm just interested in the middle east date u.s. foreign policy takes care of its own interests but our strategic alliances with israel under enormous permanent alliances like with saudi arabia with the medical interests are much more important to washington than alliances and let's not forget that saudi arabia and israel always need washington support militarily i'm on the intelligence level as well as many other aspects need the u.s. see and they realize that. when i look at a former u.s. diplomat john graham he told us what he thinks is making both saudi arabia and israel so angry about that u.s. foreign policy both countries israel and saudi arabia are very annoyed or frightened right now because of american policy toward iran now what's happened to annoy you frighten both of them is that first of all bob i actually call and talk on the telephone to his counterpart suffering an american president and for decades
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and second meeting in geneva actually produced an agreement which looks like iran will make significant changes in its nuclear policy in exchange for a lessening of sanctions keep to the agreement then we will definitely be less i think sanctions and this is driving israel and saudi arabian nights'. now the united kingdom has managed to squeeze out a little more growth than expected britain is increasing the foreign aid budget the treasury chief is about to approve a one billion pound increase with most people yet to feel the benefits of any economic recovery many think the aid is going exactly the wrong way as ati's laura smith reports. britain's economy is growing better than expected so mole money in our pockets to relieve some of the misery at home lift people out of poverty help them pay their heating bills but controversially and despite cuts and hardship home
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the more positive figures will also mean increasing the amount the u.k. sends abroad in foreign aid not because there's more suffering in the world but to meet an arbitrary target not point seven that the national income the british government seems set on increasing amount of money it's sending you know overseas aid for the sake of meeting a particular target nor is talking through a policy which is the worst kind of way. but we think it's irresponsible of the british government at the time when money is very tight for everyone for families from the government to be sending more more money particularly when a lot of the current is not being spent very well money gets lost through fraud money's being spent in countries british even have their own aid programs to other countries it means sending a billion pounds more over the next five years and where's that money going well
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over the last five years nigeria has received more than a billion pounds from the british taxpayer it's got its own space program and is mired in corruption an estimated several billion pounds all stolen from the states every year by corrupt officials and politicians and india trying to push a man in space they get two hundred eighteen million pounds a year from britain and they've got their foreign aid program worth one point three billion dollars the gas' accountability report shows the u.k. already spends more percentage wise on foreign aid than any of the g eight country and the greatest irony britain. still borrowing billions of pounds every month and now grief is on the up it will be borrowing more than it has to just to give us a way. to some of the headlines in the afghan interior ministry says
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a blast near the u.s. embassy in kabul was not a militant attack a powerful explosion went off around ten am local time in an area that is also close to nato headquarters couples police chief said it was caused by an accident in a nearby. town fairly familiar scenes from egypt violence again between riot police and students in golfing a second university in cairo security forces using tear gas to disperse the crowds many of whom were rallying in support of the next president mohamed morsi since sunday the country has seen widespread scuffles between students and police with over twenty people being arrested. and to germany now where a crane crashed into a supermarket killing one and injuring at least five others rescuers were struggling to comb through the wreckage as other parts of it were also thought to be at risk of collapsing and the reason for the accident still under investigation
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. and the united nations has condemned israel for demolishing palestinian homes in the occupied west bank after dozens more properties were destroyed the move displaced families for the second time in two weeks israel of course trying to expand its own settlements a process which is strongly criticized even by its closest ally america since the apparent restarting of the peace process between tel aviv and ramallah over three hundred palestinians have been displaced half of them children. white on screen and online as well here's a look at what's waiting for you right now at aussie dot com have a look at this lost in translation the search is on to find this guy here the deaf interpreter from nelson mandela's memorial service. as it turns out he's not using sign language there he was making it up every step of the way and artie dot com find out how the trickster was. also.
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just a moment on the aussie kaiser poll just a second here on the program for now that a city council in dallas texas has introduced a new law putting the brakes on the fracking industry and essentially moves the drilling of wells far from residential areas now this comes off the texans voiced major concerns that shale gas drilling is putting them and homes at risk the state was shaken by a string of earthquakes several weeks ago but the scientists suggesting nearby drilling could be to blame environmentalist w. mccoll who is at the council meeting he agrees that fracking should never take place anywhere near population centers. they weren't drilling in our densely populated urban areas they were drilling out in remote areas with low population
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where they weren't doing any damage or destruction to anything when you start coming into an area with that dense the population bringing in all that truck traffic all those chemicals to be exposed into the air in the water in the soil where people are harmed and where traffic accidents are are prevalent and where spills of chemicals are dangerous that becomes a whole different deal other cities are looking to what we're doing they're already tightening up their ordinance and other places are looking to tighten up ordinances so yeah this probably will set a precedent and it's probably a pretty major one are about as the united kingdom edges closer to a possible referendum on the future of its membership prime minister david cameron is making plans for the renegotiation of britain's ties with brussels and he wants to use the notoriously pro european foreign office to lead the talks sort of the risk of infuriating to the euro skeptic m.p.'s of his own party however his aunties tests are all silly reports the renegotiations alone could be enough to open wide
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pandora's box. where does the u.k. stand or want to stab it in the e.u. well there are two possible scenarios one it stays in the union with a renegotiated position everybody's happy with. or to an outright exit the european union is standing likes rayman empire in its dying days and we're not going to pick a few to i'm pretty sure if these games are true fortunately we can the european union you essentially get nothing to simulate a debate or war games organized by the think tank opened europe is but it taste of how difficult a possibly painful any radio station process could be now while the difference is a bow and everybody was in agreement or vapid there is growing euro skepticism across the continent which is a bit even saying that it's more of a euro phobia that with real life in britain the wheels have been churning one of the most sensitive topics related to the e.u. is that of integration with the u.k. pointing out what they say is an exploitation of the british welfare system which
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brussels says is not backed by any concrete evidence to the u.k. is adamant that it is not cherry picking what it was from the e.u. that really go see a ship is essential if not a possible exit they all start off saying oh britain's just cherry picking it simply isn't the case we recognise that the european union is actually failing on the grounds that it's losing track in the globally competitive marketplace you know we've a long tradition of democracy we can't simply leave people feeling completely disempowered that's what our negotiating team has to be all about if they get nowhere i think britain is heading towards the exit the key question coming out of that simulation is what exactly does the u.k. what and as for europe how much is there willing to give to keep the u.k. happy if at all of these cuts are australia reporting right there our thanks for joining us here in our international just a moment going after the world's money makers the ones who own and operate the
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world governments becomes max kaiser the kaiser report. as we all know the holidays are a great time for families to get together and sometimes on the alcohol gets flowing they're also a great time for us to argue about everything from politics to religion with the ones we love but if you happen to be an n.s.a. agent and the government has an official list of talking points that way you could win those family arguments for sure yeah that's right the government is now giving n.s.a. agents lists of very corny talking points going to firedoglake so that way they can convince their relatives over the holidays of just how awesome effective and necessary the national security agency truly is despite all those little revelation
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thinks of mass spying by snowden trust me talking points exist for a reason political social and religious organizations and use them so that when their members who may not be the best debaters on the planet can defend the positions of the organization and i would have no problem with the n.s.a. gave this list to ages they could answer questions from journalists but when the government wants you to propagandize your friends and family over christmas and thanksgiving it all seems kind of cultish to me that's just my opinion.
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circus is clearly comes down to me and we break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. welcome to the kaiser report imax guys are coming puss is back and once again his deadly tentacles are everywhere during the cold war the communist octopus represented the evil moscow vite octopus with its marxist leninist communist red tentacles enveloping and strangling the globe know your communist enemy the propaganda posters war back then the assignment in law his bank where merry band of jihad these were cold freedom fighters today but laws devilish band of jihadi these
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are terrorists who hate us for our so-called freedom and the communist octopus is the good guy there to protect us so called freedoms through the very same terms of goals and belting them strangling the globe which is all seeing now benevolent but still red eye indeed. is the new logo for the u.s. spy satellite launched by the national reconnaissance office nothing is beyond our reach warms the propaganda posters stacey stacey stacey this is supposed to be reassuring nothing is beyond our reach look at this poster here this is from the n.r.o. the national reconnaissance office and you know nothing is beyond our reach and the tentacles of the american octopus extends all the way around the persian gulf so we're going to look there at the military operations there and the peak oil there solar would be cheaper us pentagon has spent eight trillion dollars to guard
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gulf oil it has cost the united states eight trillion dollars to provide military security in the gulf since the one nine hundred seventy six according to roger stern a princeton economist the us has spent as much on gulf security as it spent on the anti or cold war with the soviet union well the post logo i think is just to you know kids having a laugh the. they hire directly out of mit and these other university stanford and these are twenty year old twenty two year old hackers and they see the fun that's going to. be for example who calls the vampire squid to describe goldman sachs and they thought you know be fun to make the logo a giant octopus and even though it's been use over the decades to be depiction of all encompassing on the present police state or banking as they're known now and you know as far as the second part which is the which is the second part that
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eight trillion dollars we've spent securing the gulf oil reserves now the reason is the strait of hormuz we're trying to protect that and the argument is looking at the fact that we've spent eight trillion dollars which would of course pay down half of our national debt in the united states it's also relying on the fact that iran itself will be totally irrational mad men with without thinking that they themselves don't need the income from oil that they themselves would not suffer from oil. being blocked from exiting the strait of hormuz now finally the department of defense responded to a freedom of information request about actually how much oil where does the oil go that leaves by the strait of hormuz where is that oil going to and why are we spending eight trillion dollars are we getting something back in return well japan receives twenty point one percent of the oil that flows through the strait of hormuz china.
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