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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2013 12:30am-1:01am EST

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there are studies out there that suggest that you're better off without any insurance than to have medicaid you'll have shorter intervals to get care or get to see a doctor and look the real problem here is that we have a system of prepaid health care it is not truly health insurance they pay for every little thing which is absurd and that's why it's become so expensive we should have a system of perhaps universal catastrophic health care coverage and then everybody pays for their routine care out of pocket then we would have a rational system true insurance when you really need it and then individuals assume responsibility for routine expenses this would drive costs down this would stimulate free market changes in the health care system with doctors and hospitals and other providers competing for health care dollars and it would open up the system to true competition and this is what they support this is the system that we
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had before the third party system dominated which began with employers sponsored health care dr benjamin how would you respond to that seems very sensible yeah well that's assume we had last of people who die we had lots of disparities in health care medicaid actually is a decent insurance we know that people when they get medicaid mortality goes down we know that children who go on medicaid are able to go to school they have less days out of school we know kids who get dental insurance on their medicaid again less days out of school. they're always challenges when in time you have insurance but it's three o'clock in the morning the first thing that anyone ever asked you is what kind of insurance card do you have and the fact is we have an insurance based system and that's what we built upon doug cameron you said that obamacare represents a threat to physician autonomy what do you mean. well the government
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clearly wants to control how medicine is not only finance but practiced and what i mean by this is that they are enforcing standards of care now you might think standards of care are really a good thing but the truth is everybody is very different and everybody requires individualized care not standardized care so the government is intent on compelling the practice of the standardized care according to what are called clinical practice guidelines which are merely consensus statements of a group of so-called experts many of whom by the way have very strong ties financial ties to the industries that are affected by their decisions in these patent in these panels and we are being asked to prescribe according to guidelines in a one size fits all fashion and this is actually happening with the quality performance measurement system that is going on payment for performance that whole concept is actually centralized government control over physician practice. and dr benjamin
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gordon not as a doctor concern you you know sort of why would anyone want to pay for something that doesn't work why would anyone want to continue to provide care that isn't of high quality. we are in a profession and that profession ensures that. we work together and we share our experiences with others practice guidelines are advice for other clinicians based on the best evidence that we have and it isn't driven by the kinds of devious things that many things that we hear every day is driven by a true goal and desire to give patients the best quality and pay for performance why would anyone simply continue to pay for doing stuff again that we know doesn't work or when you've had a problem paying for performance means that you pay for good outcomes and you can do that in a way which protects physician decision making and that's what the affordable care act is designed to do. you think philosophically that we have
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a right to health no we don't have a right to health care and of course you can be healthy or sick and a lot of it depends on what lifestyle you choose to lead but right to health care implies that you are going to have to force a certain group of people in this situation doctors and other health care providers to somehow deliver that right it also obligates the government to provide access to that right through the federal treasury when someone becomes and they want to do that. when some of them come as a doctor don't they want to do that don't they want to provide health and that the purpose of being a doctor of course you know we're that we're in the healthcare business we're in the business of making sure that people are healthy that's what they health equations all about that's why i went to medical school so i can help people. and physicians on the you know with the city we like to think we're the centerpiece of
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the world but there are many other parts of the health care system there are hospitals or from a suitable companies there are people who provide physical therapy their non-physician health care providers this is a comprehensive system and we're all designed to improve our health of our population and we're not the healthiest nation and we ought to be striving very hard to do that so this ought to be about health this not only be about protecting our personal prestige or anything like that and i would be making sure that we become the healthiest nation because we can do it again we're going with the richest nation why aren't we the healthiest. well we have some very bad lifestyles as you well know and we have some extremely bad eating habits people sit around a lot of much too much and get fat and they develop metabolic syndrome a type two diabetes and hypertension and cardiovascular disease that's a major reason we also abuse drugs we abuse alcohol we probably drive too fast or
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not well enough and we get into a lot of accidents so there are a lot of inputs into the health equal asian so that input determines to a large extent the output of a health care system that's why judging outcomes just based on raw numbers is never a good idea and that's why united states has this low rank in the world health world health organization's list which is absurd we're not thirty seventh in the world. by any stretch of the imagination people come here from all over the world to get the excellent care that we provide so we do try to provide the best quality care that is not going to come through a standardized approach is going to come through individualized care with individual physicians sits down with a patient and in a relaxed manner in a consultation room tries to figure out number one what's wrong with them so and how we can make them better you know and i would i would agree with that i would agree that it's about the physician patient relationship and i absolutely agree
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with the good doctor about that but the other hand i also know that most of what makes us healthy occurs long before they go into the doctor's office so about you know walkable greeneville communities it's about safe housing it's about. not being in an environment that is toxic but having said that when you get sick there's no question this is the place to be in the united states but having done also said that there are many many things we can do to ensure that when we do get sick that everybody has equal access to our health system. thank you both very much we'll be calling on you again dr richard i'm rolling dr georges benjamin thank you both very much thank you thank you welcome thank you guys for an important perspective coming up next why are abandoning obama and his health care system.
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they look like bounty islands where the locals can enjoy the sun and the ocean. but what was buried here years ago. means these people are suffering the consequences. how much more poison lies on the this ground. behind this zone there is what we call the callet bank on which there is a deposit of plutonium left by security test which caused the dispersion of radio new clyde's despite previous cleaning efforts there remains a deposit of a little less than two kilos of plutonium stuck in the rock the coral reef about ten metres down. tests a never ending legacy. i
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play this street cleaner who's in love with the waitress i go on stage managing that there's an audience i used to take drugs and drink like a fish the middle east told me about the circus but i was such a punk i was like what circus. circus and clearly guns gonna. break down stereotypes about who he is from disadvantaged backgrounds. time magazine's person of the year friends who's the catholic according to the managing editor the pope changed the tone and perception of the roman catholic church this may be so but francis also be showing himself to be critical of the global economic order and capitalism is there hope for the church or is francis really a p.r. product. but. like
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joe did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schtick albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once built up my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america to find her job ready to join the movement then walk a little bit. wealthy british style. that's not tied to the tirelessly.
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markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. books. right on the scene. first try to use a knife gripping pictures. on a reporter's twitter. and instagram. to be in the know. on mom.
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that harvard university institut of politics poll says fifty seven percent of millennial zx disapprove of obamacare the president's approval rating is also down among young people hit discuss all of this original fowler he hosts the richard fowler show and chris bedford associate editor the daily caller both join me from washington d.c. all right words you sum up briefly why you like obamacare well thanks for having me larry i think it's more than liking it it's with the impacts of this law already three million people back on their parents' health insurance health care insurance young people who had preexisting conditions like asthma or early childhood arthritis or diabetes they can now get health care young women can now get birth control as part of the health care plan on on and on all the benefits of the affordable care act don't get me wrong there are some issues with the rollout of those most of the website which is why young people are sort of you know this in trepidation when it comes to engaging in rolling into cyber that doesn't mean that
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this is not a good thing for young people. chris what's your rub against that why i'm not exactly sure what is motivating each individual young person not sign up but why would they it's a bad deal where they're paying up their health care rates for young people have gone through the roof for the elderly it's dropped about twenty percent. it's very complicated the costs are all over trying to figure out how much you owe is all over and young people it's a hard sell people think they're invincible and that they built this law with them as a backbone is as low worse and we'll see if it turns around for them but right now young folks are really excited about health insurance. that is true of people eighteen to twenty nine think they're going to live forever and it's hard to motivate them the term insurance is foreign to them isn't it but it is true that the young people aged eighteen nineteen to thirty would say that you know i'm never going to get sick are never going to get an x. and that's a whole ideal behind insurance larry like the whole idea is you never really sure
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when it's going to happen so you want to insure yourself for making sure that what it does what it is making sure when it does happen here the ability to get health care and i think that is what that's the benefits of getting insurance beyond that what we've heard from this white house what we've heard from the this is to stick with that fifty percent of all those individuals that will qualify to be in the exchange will actually get a tax credit or they'll get a decrease in price for getting that health care insurance so right now the sticker shock for some young people out there might be just that sticker shock when they get it when they get into the website where they go to you know talk to the person it helps them unroll and if they you decide to and all of our bill actually part of the be a lot less for them when they actually get ready to pay their first month's premiums chris you will admit that it's smart for young people to sign up for insurance when they're young i think it's they may not be doing it because they think they're going to live forever but it would be intelligent to sign up it's smart definitely to sign up for some kind of insurance that's which plan you think is right for you if it's just catastrophic or if you need specialists the one in it is not
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a here's an example of one of the problems for young people signing up for help. insurance with the with the money they going to get back from the government is how much it requires them to figure out what they're going to make in the next year and for a lot of us were switching between jobs bartenders don't exactly know maybe not the best at math and if you get that number wrong how much you're going to make and then calculate what money you're going to get back from the government you have to pay back for the ira to the i.r.s. which just adds to the complication and i think it makes a young person more likely to say whatever or right or wrong intelligently or not and not sign up for this and ninety five dollars a year the starting penalty for not signing up for obamacare there may be some some plans in the private market that actually are marketing more economical but we'll see the proof problem of that larry because once the exchanges created the private the private market is part of the exchange i think that's the argument that we've seen those on the right try to make you go back to the private market but the current system for young really good health care is almost impossible to get health care in the current system the affordable care act of quote unquote obamacare allows you. to easy access to easy access to affordable health care and beyond that
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point if you decide just to get catastrophic care you can get that at a reasonable cost and you think about all the states where the governors decided to create their own exchanges so places like california maryland kentucky connecticut and all those states the insurance rates actually went down considerably whereas in the states we're got were republican governors decided not to mix them and the exchange there is only going to pay a lot more which is politics getting in the way of people getting health care because it is more difficult to get health insurance now under obamacare than it was just a few years ago i took me a took me a day and a lot of research but it certainly didn't take me a month like the stories we're hearing about now now i know that some of the website issues but that's part of a larger problem which they have created a very complicated law and the effects the ripple effects and the costs and the sticker shock that we've mentioned it's going to continue for years from now. rick the manual who is one of the founders of this whole program the brother of rahm
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emanuel the former white house chief of staff now mayor of chicago recently said that no one has launched a big our campaign to get them signed up there or that they've been too much concerned with fixing the website that they haven't concentrated on selling this you agree with that i definitely agree with that here's why i do agree with that larry if you think about ten years ago when they implemented medicaid part d. or medicare part d. rather even though democrats and agree with it and there was this big donut hole all everybody came together and they found they had their constituents they help their neighbors their friends their relatives get in rolled in medicaid part d. and there was some flaws in imitation but eventually worked and senior citizens get to see the benefits of the same goes for the affordable care act what we've seen from the right is a complete total demonization of the law the reason we want to repeal the law so much is because we've heard members of congress go out and completely break the law even to the same law that mitt romney their former two thousand and eight candidate image in massachusetts so what you're seeing here is politics getting the best of
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the people and that of people being able to triumph over the politics which is resulting in people not being able to enroll people not understanding the system people think it's complicated when it's actually not complicated at all. chris do you buy the death spiral theory where it is insurance companies having to cover more and more older sicker americans causing premiums to saw and threaten the whole system it's definitely possible but whether or not a death spiral or not making economic sense has never stopped any government program from continuing i think they often discontinuing that is pour money into it until until they can't which hasn't hasn't happened yet but on the issue of demonizing the law republicans have been demonizing the law and saying it's bad for years and years and years the president was reelected by young people they still supported him despite that now if young people are turning on him it's not because of ted cruz it's because of their being affected on an individual level parents are being affected people are losing their coverage the republicans i would love to give them credit for having good talking points but they have they often are
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terrible delivering their message and it's the real life that's actually affecting people now so you're saying greece is like a plague on both buy houses neither side certainly neither side has the support of the american public it's kind of strange both the way under fifty percent can't blame them i tend to agree if you go have you signed up for it i have i have health care in terms of my employer someone of the eighty percent of americans that will not have to enroll in the exchange but doesn't mean that i wouldn't sign up to have the opportunity to christy you have insurance i would do my employer. millennialists why are they turned off do you think chris why are they turned off when no one's exactly sure of but it looks like it's a mix of them being young and not really caring to the sticker shock of the l. so the difficulties with the website which is starting to clear up although we're definitely reach another impasse now are people able to sign up but we don't know if the information is getting to the insurers which is going to cause a lot of trouble on january first and the summer twenty third is still
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a young person weeks and weeks away and they have until march to sign up so this might turn around for the for the obama administration but right now selling health insurance through a long lengthy process on a website for a huge price tag is it's a difficult sell for young people. rich it isn't the whole country in the sense said with a millennial this is in the down or on both sides it is a down on both sides where the truth of the matter is one thing that i think we can all agree on is millennial is we are sick and tired of the way washington does business we're tired of the gridlock we're tired of the bickering we're tired of the fighting all we want is solutions while we were led to this president twice because he talked about solutions and the other guy in both situations just talked about the same old the same old washington politics what we need is candidates of people to understand our each other something to get something done the reason why we are having a problem of the affordable care act is once again the bickering has overcome the benefits of the law three million people are back on their parents' health care insurance that's nothing to sneeze at these are the real people who are pursuing
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the law degrees getting their master's degrees getting their ph d. and pursuing the american dream and now they have a chance to finally get health care beyond that fact women can now get women or young women can now get birth control as part of the health care coverage and those are just some of the benefits of this law and i think the truth of the matter is we will judge as law what happens today or tomorrow on the twenty third on march thirty first we will judge this law three four five six years down the line when millions of americans have access to care to access the care millions of americans get a chance to go to the doctor and ultimately america becomes a healthier country. christie you see young americans turning away from politics maybe not getting interested not interested in running for office i think people are relieved and i've heard people are so interested in politics but everybody's pretty disgusted. i guess president barack obama went talking about solutions but now people including young people have seen his solutions i think anybody would prefer ted cruz reading dr seuss to losing their health care at least it doesn't
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really hurt them. riches there's going to be a big issue in the. media elections next year i will see what happens we'll see if the katter that had come first of how it would larry but i think what young people are going to be looking for in this midterm elections i don't think any young person even though the republican party wishes they did they don't see this in a vacuum they look at they look at the entire political landscape they see the fact that we have had a congress that won't pass immigration reform we see they see the fact that we have a congress that won't pass an employee nondiscrimination act we have a congress that won't pass the paper check their paycheck. that a man makes all these things are going to basically go against the party that's blocking all these great piece of legislation and that's the republican party the republican party they're going to have a really hard time convincing millennial that they are the party for them when you have folks like ted cruz going out there or rick santorum comparing the affordable care act to a partisan apartheid we have some big public in the big games to make up and i told you they could do it. chris what do you see in the off year it's still too soon to
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follow to check other things look a lot better for republicans now and they did just a few months ago before the obamacare rollout no president with this low approval rating is as obama has as has his party and never ever does well and during elections and i don't think they're going to do well but but you're right republicans do need to start talking about issues and explain a millennium why white not only is the president wrong but they have something that they can do that that no one else can likes they've got a solution for american people and so far they've had a lot of difficulty getting that message out rigidity is the year nominee in the democratic nominee in two thousand and sixteen i don't know i think the jury still out on that one larry i think there's a lot of folks hoping that we will see a female nominee for the only wanted fail right or might there could be a couple of others i don't know what i don't know what's happening there i think we'll wait to see i think the first thing the democrats have to get through is the twenty fourteen election you have to maintain the senate i mean gain back the house of representatives and i think if we do both of those then we could focus on two thousand and sixteen but there's problems that we have to focus on today including
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immigration reform passing the employer stimulation act and the budget deal any crews any republican catch your eye i'm going to wait and see what governor mike pence does he i know he's new he's new as a governor but i think he's a really interesting candidate i'd like to see if you comes out but right now there's so many possible republicans to choose from and it's going to be interesting to see which ones rise which ones follow on and who have been talking about just a few weeks from now thank you both very much richard weller and chris bedford thanks for stimulating conversation i want to take a moment to talk about an incredible man nelson mandela. passed away on december fifth in johannesburg i had the honor of interviewing him a few times and then the last time i interviewed him was in two thousand and then a year later i found myself in johannesburg on a series of speaking engagements for a group of banks the former president mandela had heard i was there and who
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enjoyed the interview so he invited me to his home for lunch we had a wonderful lunch she wore suspenders in my honor and of a for that that and the next morning i had breakfast with mr de klerk who freed mandela so here was in this an unusual situation of being with a man who spent twenty seven years behind bars with a man who freed him and they both together won the nobel peace prize and what i adored about nelson mandela was not only his love of country but his gentleness his sincerity and his ability in incredible circumstances to forgive was the highest christian ethic. i know of no great a figure in the twentieth century the late nelson mandela rest in peace thanks to all my guests for joining me today for my viewers out there want to hear from you you could join the conversation on my facebook page and share your
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thoughts on twitter by tweeting me at king's things the public. that's all for this week's edition of politics see you next week from money. time magazine's person of the year friends is the catholic pontiff according to the managing editor the pope change the tone and perception of the roman catholic church this may be so but francis also be showing himself to be critical of the global economic order and capitalism is there hope for the church or is francis really a p.r. product. you know we're going to go to mars and it may be that initial mars colonies are set up by different nations and so forth so i think about borders well they might but again let me one currency one language many languages are going to just one flag americans colonize mars say it's american i
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think this room on mars for more than one flag. but ultimately i think that the many flags that there will be on mars that most of them will be new for us. because what we're talking about doing is not extending nations to mars but giving birth to new nations. language. clearly we can with oh if you're going to. come up. with the consensus you. choose to get to. choose the stories get him to. choose the access to.
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live live live. little. leg live. live
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it's a way out of political crisis. taking a bite out of the country's economy. killing at least fifteen people supposedly. official say the. country. and we. should say.


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