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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2013 3:00am-3:31am EST

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ukraine should hold elections in reaction to ongoing protests international look at how the standoff is taking a toll on the country's economy. us devastates. fifteen people supposedly civilians officials say the pot he was mistaken for an al qaeda. and the honeymoon is over australia's high court overturns the country's allowing same sex marriage. in less than a week. we've been married and we've been. reinstated a ban on same sex relationships introducing jail punishment on the program we'll look at the countries following
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a more conservative. a very warm welcome to you from all of us here at international. life in moscow members of the european parliament pressuring ukraine's government to hold early elections as a way out of the crisis that continues to grip the country e.u. lawmakers of also called for intervention using a trade and other incentives to support those in favor of an agreement with the union now ukraine's government has said that it could renegotiate the terms of the association deal if europe provides money. and agreed to discuss a new road map towards a possible deal while in kiev anti-government protesters continue to defy the authorities blocking the city center with barricades and so. spending the work of
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government institutions as artie's alexia shifty reports is not only causing chaos on the streets but also taking a big chunk out of the country's economy. the. the. key of sprawl just have ended its fourth week with no sign it will die down the recent attempt by police to clear the streets proved fruitless and have only hard into people's resolve it took the protesters only several hours to rebuild the barricades which the police i take it down in a matter of minutes and now they're even bigger than before the blockade has existed for almost two weeks now and not only create something of a traffic nightmare for the locals but also as the government claims it cripples the country's economy because of governmental buildings being under siege ukraine's prime minister says the country is still without said budget for next year gross issues for drafting the budget for next year and the parliament should have an opportunity to work on it the protests are destruction many social projects like road construction in metro atlanta which here badly needs the economic impact is
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being felt far from the rallies in the capital one of the country's leading winemakers factories a thousand kilometers away from the scenes playing out in clear times are tough but those that you would never know what's going on in kiev is complete chaos and it's causing serious economy damage to state enterprises like a vine yard expert license has expired because work in the public offices in the capital was disrupted by the protest we were unable to export five trucks of wine to russia and lost two hundred fifty thousand euros and now our contact with russian importers for the next year is up in the air because they doubt are reliable a taker and that's happening to a country already on the verge of economic collapse with an external debt of one hundred thirty six billion dollars and what is widely seen by economists as a pre default level standard and poor's have recently warned if the violence continues they will need to lower ukraine's credit rating even further. unless the
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country gets a large injection of cash from somebody over the next six months at the latest maybe even sooner then they will default. revolution down with the government to prison that's what we've been hearing at the key of protests for weeks but a possible default or economic collapse is not the talk of the town behind the barricades let's you assess the r.t. reporting from key if in ukraine and police in kiev had previously attempted to clear the streets of protester camps to make way for traffic in the city center there the move a spot of criticism from foreign politicians washington's going as far as threatening sanctions against ukraine's government stephen cohen a professor of russian studies at n.y.u. he believes the involvement of u.s. officials could have serious consequences i'm not surprised but i am disgusted that members of the united states government are standing in queue. and
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a very dangerous and fateful moment for ukraine addressing crowds of protesters is no they. state department officials of the united states are the leaders of this opposition in effect they are contributing to the tensions in the streets and i feel that if there is more violence that these american fishel is in there and also the european representatives are there then the people the bosses the governments that sent these representatives from other countries to come here are going to have some blood on their own hands i think it's a very very bad idea that we are closely following the situation and on our website we've got a live timeline of the events surrounding ukraine i just had it was for the very latest. are turning our attention now to yemen where a feast turned into
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a tragedy when as many as fifteen members of a wedding procession were killed by a u.s. drone strike local officials say an. fired missiles at the the taking it for an al qaida convoy dozens were injured in the attack as well which happened near the city of about what is traditionally known as a militant stronghold washington though of course using drones as part of its campaign to fight extremists in the arabian peninsula but they do not comment on individual strikes antiwar activist medea benjamin says incidents like this one straight into the hands of minutes. every time there's a drone strike that's the best recruiting tool for al qaeda and killing people in a wedding party i am sure that this will lead to not tens but probably a hundred people joining al qaeda and this guarantees the cycle of violence will go on in perpetual war the drone strikes actually are a support to al qaeda it doesn't get rid of al qaeda. now every month more lives
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are being lost in america's war on terror. croft reportedly killing at least eighty seven. people since july of this year more than a third are thought to be civilians at least three children falling victim to water the pentagon calls precision strikes now despite america's operations al qaeda does remain active in yemen and anti drone activists later bolger believes the recent incident it won't be the last. this is just another example in a long list of despicable illegal and immoral combat drone strikes on the part of the government of the united states that it could be prevented it there's just no reason for this to continue and the world needs to rise up and point the finger at the united states for causing this. necessary damage and death you know they say that they're very precise they're surgical and we can we see over and over and over again and there are many many examples of civilians women children old people being
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killed by these drones and even if the drones attack people that the cia intends to attack until they've been proven to do something that's against the law these are extrajudicial assassinations and they're absolutely up for it and illegal. drones are being used for domestic security in america as well why the f.b.i. is now under pressure at all to a daughter called you can find out just how much authority the bureau think scituate have to conduct warrantless surveillance of this according to the latest classified documents. also online for you dramatic new footage of the asiana airline crash this summer shows the jet smashing into the runway at san francisco international airport three people died as a result more than one hundred or enjoy it you can have a closer look if you like on our emotional page. right. first. and i think.
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on our report. it's all to international live from moscow australia's high court has opened the countries for. the law allowing same sex marriage less than a week after it came into force and in another blow to gay rights campaigners earlier this week india upheld legislation criminalizing homosexuality auntie's guy nature can has a quick look now at the country's refusing to recognize same sex marriages. most western countries already recognize in some form the right of gay couples to get married in adult children but in other parts of the world there is the opposite
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train less than a week. we've been married and we've been on there it's really just days after the nation's capital allowed same sex couples to get married the high court there struck down that decision saying the regional authorities had no right to decide the matter to live in a relationship of loves and trusts to twenty seven australian couples then saw their marriage an old base australia's high court ruled that gay marriage was illegal because the marriage act only recognizes marriage between a man and a woman and only the parliament can change the legislation the most recent attempt to change the law in the australian parliament failed last year polls in the country show support for gay marriage stands at fifty three percent. and offer it absolutely at my saying that. history written jumping through hoops to try to make sure that every tree on the planet has its natural environments from far east that we would be challenging the definition of marriage which creates exactly
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that environment for a child requiring that it's between a man or woman india the supreme court has just made gay sex illegal again since the nineteenth century india has had a ten year sentence on the statute books for quote court only into course against the order of nature four years ago a lower court found it on constitutional the supreme court just brought the law back into force by making a similar argument of the australian judges only the nation's parliament has the right to change it but with the overwhelming majority of indians against same sex marriage and with a conservative nationalist group leading in the upcoming elections in legislative change in the next few years it's highly unlikely you have about a cold. he does that. all the communities of this country feed the legions of fans and each of the main sort if thing europe is seeing something similar this
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december voted in a referendum to outlaw same sex marriage two thirds of the mostly catholic population. changes in the constitution in the tug of war between those who are and those who are not allowed to say i do the conservative view on marriage seems at least at the moment to be prevailing in many parts of the world can i check on our team. we spoke to the unmarried australian newlywed you've just seen in that report ivan hinton who is also an activist from australia of marriage equality pledging to press on with the fight for same sex marriage the work that we need to do from this point onwards is obviously on a federal level we have a very conservative government we have a conservative prime minister whose sister. and she's also engaged to go along. with it this is something that we need to work on not just with the prime minister but also his posse at the moment that. according to the way he wishes them to be
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working very hard to make sure that they have a free card a conscience forward to release those members of that policy it's actually very strong supporters of marriage equality once we've got that we're going to be much closer to achieving reform across the country. and in croatia after the majority voted to ban same sex marriage in a referendum the government proposed partnership legislation for gay couples that will allow them to register their relationship but not to get married american pastor scott lively praises the countries which choose to alt. i think that's a positive trend i think australia has just shown some courage in standing up to the gay agenda india has decided not to allow it stop any laws to be taken off the books jamaica is showing resistance to the to the united states led effort. and it's looks like which macon's are not
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going to go pro gay on that i believe that that homosexuals should have basic civil rights no one should be knocking down their door trying to find out what you're doing there. are still to come here without international mexico's national pride it's up for sale as the country opens its oil deposits to foreign energy giants in an effort to boost the nation's struggling economy. also had begun a program here the international talks to refugees in south africa about why they think their future is now and doubt the death of nelson and that and the rest of the world's top stories for this hour just around the corner.
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speak to language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks to vo ip interviews intriguing stories for you. to find out more visit our big.
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thanks for joining us mexico has approved a controversial bill which opens up state controlled oil deposits to foreign investors is for the first time in seventy five years the law will ultimately allow foreign companies to explore for oil and extract it alongside the state owned giant pemex and actually end up pocketing an awful lot of the profits of the country has known reserves of more than ten billion barrels making it the third biggest oil producer in latin america but thirty billion more believed to lie under the gulf of mexico which the government cannot afford to develop so global energy giant securing up to offer the technology needed to get at the reserves that the country's opposition says the president has simply capitulating in the face of american pressure. correspondent nicholas sanchez o'donovan reports. we have to say it was one of the most chaotic moments ever seen in the history of mexican politics
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outside the barricade to build in hundreds of protesters rallied against the reform and inside the picture wasn't really so much different now the p.r. day and the morning no movement vote. left wing movements have called for a massive rally on sunday regarded the content of the reform well it basically means that the government is now allowed to give private companies contracts and licenses to explore and drill the oil and gas in mexico deals and till now will obviously work prohibited under mexico's constitution opponents to the reforms say they fear that that big corporations especially from the us where we have complete domination over mexico's natural resources and the truth is that it can be a big very big deal actually for the u.s. we can't forget that mexico remains one of the top five crude exporters to there not know the northern neighbors chip in over a million barrels
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a day this energy reform also modifies three points of the mexican constitution therefore it now has to be approved by a minimum of seventeen local governments this this is step is really only a formality and groups on the left think that the measure is so big that it should have been subjected to a national referendum and energy analyst alex koran's believes that all the advantages of mexico sovereignty over its own resources and ologist being pawned off for free. i don't because we're seeing natural resources being stolen by businessmen with the government's help we see high flying politicians provide companies with all the legal assistance they can so the companies end up owning resources that should be controlled by the state and businesses even get the employees rights and it's clear that these rights will then be violated these
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proposals before congress which passes while some of the most unpopular measures get included as reforms at a later date i can't imagine that any of these lawmakers then go on to work for oil companies after their mandate expires it's not what is happening with the system where the public sector said the private sector the state starts to sell off bit by bit especially now in times of crisis and they sell it all cheap. and in some other international headlines for your time for the r.t. world update china we go where a gas explosion at a coal mine trapped at least twenty two people on the ground in the west of the country twelve workers managed to crawl to safety while the search is ongoing for the rest of the cause of the blast at this point still. a long awaited u.n. report has concluded that chemical weapons were probably used in syria at five out of seven sites investigated in the country it doesn't point to either the government all rebels being responsible for the attacks earlier this year syria agreed to destroy its toxic arsenal under the supervision of an international
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watchdog. north korea has executed the once powerful uncle of its current leader kim jong un the former general was accused of seeking to overthrow the leadership he was executed shortly after a trial on thursday it was the biggest evil since kim jong un in sixty that his father and now two years ago. a car bomb exploded in the northern egyptian city of its melia killing at least one and injuring dozens more the plastic placed at the entrance of a security base was followed by gunfire attacks on police on the army have certainly risen in the country since president mohamed morsi was toppled in july. the spanish government has valve's a block on independence referendum in northeastern catalonia local separatist parties have already agreed on the wording and set the date for november next year but madrid says any debates on the issue are out of the question alas under pollute
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c. an economist from barcelona university says spain cannot stop catalonians from choosing their independence so they have to show us how and or how are they going to trees and out of the truck happening now what are they going to do they are going to send us a trolley seems electoral class it's up to them to show what kind of democracy. first of all continents are people are an issue now long. term nation and they have been convinced that. to survive the loss of their own language of their culture. surely says apply to their citizens are going to be better held by their own government that. match or will to the current day your own government.
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in his lifetime nelson mandela managed to break down society's divisions and smash apartheid in south africa he stood with open arms welcoming refugees from far and wide who ultimately saw him as a father figure but without him to protect them many fear they'll no longer be welcomed as artie's paullus live reports. don't lean software fijian south africa from the congo because of one man nelson mandela causes though i knew a lot of the do nothing. that had a camp but now he's gone and only means afraid she and other foreigners like her will be kicked out i think that there were tears well thought it was because they don't one foot in the area complaining that it's put in there that taking their jobs millions of africans have fled their troubled countries in search of a better life in south africa but more often than not they've swapped one horror for another with no money work or prospects a handful have made this place
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a methodist church in downtown johannesburg home if you're a green or you for your german or if you're fringe and you come into this country you were in to experience what experienced here one of the things apart it did for instance was that it divorced us from the rest of africa who failed is struggling to support his wife and five children in a brutal attack she was beaten so badly she miscarried he was left for dead the crime being foreigners in a strange land i think we could we have. a right to life without she will. go to work in south africa or prejudices run deep not only are african foreigners accused of taking jobs away from locals they're also held responsible for accelerating crime so they could do is still in the film or they're going to do the work to do in britain. where we have to get on the side of
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going home though is not an option political instability acute poverty and violence awaits them. for twelve long months has been too afraid to step foot outside this church and now with mandela gone she's more afraid than ever liz too says something about the flood and now is not no one will talk about the flooding that's as night follows the schools close providing refuge to people seeking sanctuary in a country that doesn't want them. to one is south africa. was a pleasure having you with us here on r.t. international today i'm. talk about a poison the paradise travels to meet the inhabitants suffering from toxic dangers marked by nature's beauty just a moment especially. as
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we all know the holidays are a great time for families to get together and sometimes on the it's flowing they're also a great time for us to argue about everything from politics to religion with the ones we love but if you happen to be an n.s.a. agent then the government has an official list of talking points that way you could win those family arguments for sure yeah that's right the government is now giving n.s.a. agents lists of very corny talking points going to firedoglake so that way they could convince their relatives over the holidays of just how awesome effective and necessary the national security agency truly is despite all those little revelation thinks of mass spying by snowden trust me talking points exist for a reason political social and religious organizations and use them so that when their members who may not be the best debaters on the planet can defend the positions of the organization and i would have no problem with the if they gave this list to agents they could answer questions from journalists but when the
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government wants you to propagandize your friends and family over christmas and thanksgiving it all seems kind of cultish to me but that's just my opinion. i do every sunday morning most of the two hundred inhabitants of the village of gather in a small church. us because i . was. to go to a lack of interest in the seminary and it's just graphic isolation the parish hasn't had a priest for several years it's. was was
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was. was what do you sometimes service has since been run by volunteers from the village was given to me for they pray for their souls but also for peace for the departed family members and friends that have left them too soon. and to rear their own nose centenarians the average life expectancy is in the sixty's the people at work tomorrow are for years and no longer here to talk about what went on in many developed cancer especially thyroid cancer which is characteristic of radioactive contamination. thirty four people have been taken ill making therea one of the most contaminated atolls. this is far from the postcard perfect image there's very little economic activity.
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coconut trees and the culprit the dried kernel of the coconut shell which is one of the few ways to eke out a living here on the islands. makes a stop here to collect the culprit. there is no port into rare just a simple landing where basic provisions such as petrol and spare parts can be delivered. at the edge of the village in an old atomic bomb shelter where the population have to take refuge during each atmospheric test the vegetation disappears little by little while the rust slowly a race is history. since january nine hundred ninety six when the last of the test
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was carried out to rio has slowly been forgotten almost to the point of indifference and then the french commission on atomic energy published a report to which the works are numbers which had never been translated into the local promoter language entered into the local vernacular. the publication of the document couldn't have come at a worse time just after the focus shima nuclear disaster and the following tsunami . we're in the middle of nature here i really love this place i spend my time here sometimes we clean or collect coconuts. you can't stay here and wait for the tsunami that is coming to morrow we can't but if we hadn't seen on television what happened in japan and he's been everywhere else then we wouldn't be worried but we were shocked. too when we were told to go to higher ground but there aren't any high places and. it is flat here
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there are no mountains there is nothing. if not more odd goes then so do we poor turia. a small loss of contempt and helplessness to forget about a very real fear. and anxiety that pushed the people to austria delegation to be sent to. that visit took place last december. but the new deal we visited more of. the you could see that a part of more was underwater. frankly for me that worried me i was very angry after what happened he destroyed the city so we wanted answers to our questions. when i was.


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