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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2013 11:00am-11:31am EST

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ukraine's president says any talks on a deal with the e.u. must involve russia says the prolonged approach european continuing to disrupt the government and worsening the already crippled economy. the honeymoon is over australia is high court overturns the country's first law allowing same sex marriages. in less than a week. we've been married we've been. india's reinstated its ban on same sex relationships while people in croatia vote in a referendum to outlaw it for good you look at the setbacks for gay rights in different countries. medics say at least seventeen civilians are foreign victim to a u.s. drone strike in yemen which many want only sympathy for al qaeda terrorists in the
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region our top stories. live from our studios in moscow was just this. international members of the european parliament have demanded mediation at the highest level to establish dialogue between ukraine's government and what they're calling the democratic opposition well they've been meeting in kiev and joins us now live paul do you know whether anything has come out of this meeting so far. the president. had a round table meeting today with position leaders three of the opposition leaders and the announcements come off to that discussion where the opposition reiterated a number of their demands including
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a snap election now the president has refused to dissolve government but he has made a number of concessions including an amnesty on all protesters who have been arrested throughout the course of these demonstrations and he also says the authorities will not use force on these protesters around me was the implications on any possible a huge deal of being asked by government now he has promised that there is no alternative to close the e.u. integration but does say for this to happen that close cooperation from russia now as you can see around me the protesters remain defiant as ever as we head into the course of the weekend and over the weekend we are expecting numbers here at independence square to swell not only the opposition. more and more people to come down to support the movement and we are also expecting a pro-government rally to take place over the course of the weekend we're hearing that up to two hundred thousand president covert supporters could be descending on europe piskies square which is just around one hundred yards to my left hand side
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around one hundred yards away from where we are right now in the heart of the opposition movement and these protesters they've been here now for over three weeks on the demonstrations the protests that have suffocated this part of the have a beginning to take their toll on the economy as well as my colleague. now reports . the. key of protest have ended its fourth week with no sign it will die down the recent attempt by police to clear the streets proved fruitless and i'm only hard to get people's resolve it took the protesters only several hours to rebuild the barricades which the police had taken down in a matter of minutes and now they're even big. than before the blockade has existed for almost two weeks now and not only creates something of a traffic nightmare for the locals but also as the government claims it cripples the country's economy because of governmental buildings being under siege ukraine's prime minister says the country is still without said budget for next year because the shows forget it was drafting the budget for next year and the parliament should
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have an opportunity to work on it the protests are destruction many social projects like road construction in metro atlanta which here badly needs the economic impact is being felt far from the rallies in the capital one of the country's leading winemakers factories a thousand kilometers away from the scenes playing out in clear times are tough. what's going on in kiev is complete chaos and it's causing serious economic damage to state enterprises like our vineyard our export license has expired because work in the public offices in the capital was disrupted by the protest we were unable to export five trucks of wine to russia and lost two hundred fifty thousand euros and now our contract with russian importers for the next year is up in the air because they doubt our reliability. and that's happening to a country already on the verge of economic collapse with an external debt of one hundred thirty six billion dollars and what is widely seen by economists as a pre default level standard and poor's have recently warned if the violence
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continues they will need to lower ukraine's credit rating even further unless the country gets a large injection of cash from somebody over the next six months at the latest maybe even sooner than they will default fearing ukraine's economy would not survive the unrest ukrainians rushed to the banks buying foreign currency and closing their accounts in november foreign currency reserves experienced a deficit of almost eight hundred million euro the second highest figure in the country's history. for foreign currency because definitely does not have to fight. for in. exchange reserves are going. to disappear very quickly and mean in that light the value will basically trying to close the bad deposits this commercial man's beach also significant risks on the commercial banking system in the country.
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the revolution down with the government to prison that's what we've been hearing at the key of protests for weeks but a possible default or economic collapse is not the talk of the town behind the barricades let's you assess the odds he reports from kiev ukraine while the european parliament has called for a snap election in ukraine as a way to appease the protests erupt the editor in chief of the younger veldt newspaper says that the e.u. is simply fuelling the divide even further. only a tactic to further increase the tensions and because i fear. the e.u. and behind it need to have tasted blood and they want the whole thing i think they want you crane back in the western food as it was after the orange revolution
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with european government agreed to any snap election did we have snap elections in greece in spain in you know ireland where hundreds of thousands of people went on the street demonstrating against. the taxpayers' money being squandered on banks there's no we don't have the these demonstrations played down in our media and. tear gas to a club. the high court in australia has overturned the country's first law allowing same sex couples to marry now that's just less than a week after it came into force earlier this month india polled its colonial era legislation criminalizing homosexuality well croatians overwhelmingly voted against same sex marriage in
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a national referendum. into why some countries refused to give the rainbow a green light. most western countries already recognize in some form the right of gay couples to get married in adult children but in other parts of the world there is the opposite trend in less than a week. we've been married and we've been on there each in australia just days after the nation's capital allowed same sex couples to get married the high court there struck down that decision saying the regional authority said no right to decide the matter to live in a relationship of loves and trusts to any seven australian couples then saw their marriage an old days australia's high court ruled that gay marriage was illegal because the marriage act only recognizes marriage between a man and a woman and only the parliament can change the legislation the most recent attempt to change the law in the australian parliament failed last year polls in the
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country show support for gay marriage stands at fifty three percent. i'm all for that absolutely amazing that you know history but marriage jumping through hoops to try to make sure that every tree on the planet has its natural environment from far east that we would be challenging the definition of marriage which creates exactly that environment for a child requiring that it's between a man or woman india the supreme court has just made gay sex illegal again since the nineteenth century india has had a ten year sentence on the statute books for quote carnal intercourse against the order of nature four years ago a lower court found it unconstitutional the supreme court just brought the law back into force by making a similar argument of the australian judges only the nation's parliament has the right to change it but with the overwhelming majority of indians against same sex marriage and with a conservative nationalist group leading in the upcoming elections in legislative
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change in the next few years is highly unlikely you have about a. and all the communities of this country. and it should be means. something similar this december. in a referendum to outlaw same sex marriage of the most powerful the population. changes in the constitution in the tug of war between those who are and those who are not allowed to say i do the conservative view on marriage seems at least at the moment to be prevailing in many parts of the world. well as some opinion on this from a british perspective and speak to ben harris quiney he's chairman of the conservative think tank the group joining us live from london but in the first same sex weddings in the u.k. could start in just a few months from now after the government's legislation received royal assent back in july is it causing much control. why think it's continue to coast control the
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sea since david cameron told this before parliament and flows is the issue. he's in the news agenda but it's a deep grief sixty within the conservative party and every time issues related to you same sex marriage in the u.k. or indeed same sex marriage internationally come up. that divide is exposed i think actually that divide goes to goes to many other issues as well and it was actually did the same sex marriage just ration that was the straw that broke the camel's back but the conservative party remains divided and same sex marriage is one of the causes of that certainly and what david cameron push this through some say it's just as a distraction away from economic problems and rising poverty in the u.k. it was a political reason rather than anything else what i think it was initially david cameron is now on record as saying that he actually regrets it now and regrets the way it was handled safely frustrating people like me that put forward our concerns
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far research and in the very early in said that not only was this going to be very damaging to the conservative party but it's also poor implores legislation that should be democratically in the next manifesto if you want to do it and we should take it on through it probably goes none of those things we've done and the thing was a is a disaster they've become or now accepts that and i think there's going to be more . of these issues coming up with regard to civil partnerships where the civil partnership can be extended to wolf so even though you same sex marriage will begin in march twenty fourth teen has still a question about one hundred still can't should this that a lot of things to to sort out and indeed the big question for david cameron is can he convince the conservative possibly that he's actually conservative off to bringing this legislation forward and being they're concerned about this and raising the issue you and many other conservatives could you be accused of being anti gay when many people have
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a. million of those that oppose same sex marriage oath i mean i don't pay much to i mean of course many of the people that were opposed to same sex marriage were gay themselves and there was some awful comments made to when the legislation was going through from some commentators that if you again you voted against it if you were privately gay you know you would be ousted but i think sexuality should have anything to do with the way of a column in terry and decides how to vote or decide how to form legislation for the patient protection factor and those in and k.m.'s an important aspect. the churches are talking same sex marriage well i mean it's accepting it. because it's actually nasal the majesty the queen gave royal assent which is a formality but as the head of the church the church of england have no choice but to accept it although they all banned from performing same sex unions but the but it would be completely wrong to suggest that the church supports same sex marriages as the subsidy not true i mean the church is not only the church of england but
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many faith groups in the united kingdom move very concerned about same sex marriage and cause it's contrary to the beliefs of most people of faith so what would be the best way to go about it like crazy i have a referendum on the papal offer one is there but nobody's at stake it's a lifestyle issue should have been put to a referendum in the u.k. the i think first of all what should have been done is it should have been in the conservative manifesto should also of course been in the labor party manifesto in the liberal manifesto if that's what they wanted to do as well will have and is it was a none of those manifesto is it was david cameron own record two days before the general election to say he absolutely wouldn't be redefining marriage law people voted for him with home got them once the coalition government was in power again it was neither in the liberal democrats going to festoon or in the conservative post manifesto david cameron decided to bring this issue before parliament but it was.
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and she mentioned the queen's speech which really makes it completely on democrats going by many assessments on constitutional so what i would have liked to have seen is first let's have a debate about in the conservative policy work out how to get the legislation right perhaps a system like france where. religious institutions and hotels or whatever venue won't want to hold. weddings or you can do so and then the state simply on the right say union between two people in the not interested really what form that union takes i said to extending civil partnerships all that would've been a better way to do it and i think a referendum would have been very important as well because it removes the controversy about school for the country just like everybody greatly know what's happening australia is any way that could be in the u.k. . and i think there is because there will be challenges both in the british schools and in the european courts and i think and you know this has been memories about this already michael gove they said privately that he doesn't think that the the
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the core truthful legal law can hold that the law of same sex couple of said that they're going to challenge the government finally owns own same sex marriage in the church of england churches for example so that's going to force a judicial review on my whole process i would imagine there's also going to have to be a decision made on what happens to civil partnerships as you say the fight still has to run and run it could be overturned or it could take a different focus but also not leave or tony abbott has shown people in the united kingdom and people throughout the world is that conservative ideas and when with the right leadership decided that david cameron put forward the oh no you have to move to the left didn't want to win the election not only did tony abbott when alexion he's now being celebrated throughout the world as a great conservative and that's something that would love to see in the second thought if only we had a legal attorney have a friend told him that has quite a chairman of the by a group live in london thank you fred. well coming up here at all t.
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international just a couple minutes from now the computer hacker taken well and truly offline a co-founder of fall sharing website the pirate bay is reportedly being held in solitary confinement after being accused of a series of hacking attacks more on this story for short break.
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choose your language. because we know if you're going to kill some. of the consensus here. choose the opinions that you think are a couple. choose the stories that imply. choose be access to your office or. it was supposed to celebrate a new beginning but in a matter of seconds turned into a disaster according to medical sources at least seventeen members of a wedding procession were killed by what officials claimed was a u.s. drone strike they say the missiles were fired at the group which could be mistaken for an al qaeda convoy many others were injured in. washington uses drones as
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a key tool to wipe out al qaeda terrorists in the region they do not comment on individual strikes and to be more active as medea benjamin says incidents like this play into the militants hands. every time there's a drone strike that's the best recruiting tool for al qaeda and killing people in a wedding party i am sure that this will lead to not tens but probably a hundred people joining al qaeda and this guarantees the cycle of violence will go on in perpetual war the drone strikes actually are a support to al qaeda it doesn't get rid of al qaeda every month more innocent lives are being lost in what the american administration insists are precision attacks a manned aircraft in pakistan yemen and somalia i thought to have killed more than a thousand civilians in just over a decade well that figure doesn't include afghanistan and iraq where drone attacks happen on a regular basis but no casualty statistics are available despite america's operations al qaeda remains active in the arabian peninsula but. believes the drone strikes
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will go on anyway. this is just another example in a long list of despicable illegal and immoral combat drone strikes on the part of the government of the united states that it could be prevented if there's no reason for this to continue and the world needs to rise up and point the finger at the united states for causing this unnecessary damage and death you know they say that they're very precise they're surgical and we can we see over and over and over again and there are many many examples of civilians women children old people being killed by these drones and even if the drones attack people that the cia intends to attack until they've been proven to do something that's against the law these are extrajudicial assassinations and they're absolutely afore in any legal. almost all web site for the moment signs of medieval style stroy for the home of north korea
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uncle is put to death within hours off to pyongyang or disease execution headline for why the nation's second most powerful man was given the death sentence along with all the clues to the case. and you don't often see snowmen on the streets of jerusalem but less than two weeks before christmas mother nature completely changed the face of the holy city and gave locals plenty to cheer about if yourself right now at r.t. dot com slash invision. being claimed the co-founder of the infamous follow sharing website the pirate bay is reportedly being held in solitary confinement in denmark has reportedly been denied common comfort such as access to books or a phone piece all of it takes up the story. supporters and family members of twenty nine year old got freed while he was one of the founders of the bit torrent site pirate bay have been expressing their concern over the conditions he's being held in in
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a danish prison now in june of this year he was sentenced to two years in jail in denmark for computer hacking now the charges that were brought against him related to hacking into the the computer network of a computer systems company as well as the danish driving license database now the head of the danish police force the national police commissioner of denmark said that the operation it was being run by mr watt had been incredibly sophisticated now he has drawn supporters from across the world including the likes of julian assange should actually called for him to be to be released or at least have his his is conditions in which he's being held in improved but these aren't the first legal problems that he's had he was part of the group that founded pirate bay which was used to share bit torrent surround the world now that was the subject of a very high profile case regarding copyright infringements hump
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a isn't supporters come out and say well the conditions in which he's being kept have well certainly overstepped the boundaries for the crime he's committed the mother of the detained computer specialist christina's father home says that she has no idea who's decided to keep her son in solitary confinement. his lawyer as far as i can get it she hasn't really found legal reasons for this because the court when they decided about him being put into this arrest place they never made a decision about the solitary thing and the prosecutor according to what the prosecutor said to media. week ago she said that i never made such a decision so it's difficult to find out who made this decision and since you don't know who made the decision you can't complain properly about it they have
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suspicions to it's him now. he has told me that is suspicious that the danish police claim that he is innocent that the claims they make they're not public yet but he has told me about them and he says that innocent and says he has told me that i must believe him and definitely what brings up to take him out of me but with the news to move in just over half an hour from now in the meantime it is larry king after the break. as you all know the holidays are a great time for families to get together and sometimes on the l. call gets flowing they're also a great time for us to argue about everything from politics to religion with the
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ones we love but if you happen to be an n.s.a. agent and the government has an official list of talking points that way you could win those family arguments for sure yeah that's right the government is now giving n.s.a. agents lists of very corny talking points going to firedoglake so that way they can convince their relatives over the holidays of just how awesome effective and necessary the national security agency truly is despite all those little revelation thinks of mass spying by snowden trust me talking points exist for a reason political social and religious organizations and use them so that when their members who may not be the best debaters on the planet can defend the positions of the organization and i would have no problem with the if they gave this list they could answer questions from journalists but when the government wants you to propagandize your friends and family over christmas and thanksgiving it all seems kind of cultish to me that's just my opinion.
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though obama give failing health care system doctors with very different opinions are going to weigh in and why have the when the ills of abandoning the president and obamacare with the deadline approaching the sign that we're going to take a close look at the president's health care act from different perspectives it's all next on politicking with. i am objecting i'm larry king we start today with two doctors with very different views on the president's affordable care act in new york dr richard amor ling he's president elect of the association of american physicians and surgeons practicing their frolics just in
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washington dr georges benjamin executive director of the american public health association he is a internist and emergency room doctor and he supports obama care we thank you both for coming dr i am willing an overview and briefly if you can what's what's the rub what do you have against this concept since up until obama get think we were the only industrialized nation in the world without a health care plan for its citizens well we have a fractured and disjointed health care plan that is heavily government financed at this point almost fifty percent are on some sort of government can finance health care as of right now before obamacare and then we have this crazy private system where individuals purchase health insurance through their employer and that of course is a real problem because it limits the choice that it makes the. payment
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a benefit in lieu of salary and gives you an incentive to spend so we have this massive third party system in reality very few people are without some sort of health insurance and that rationale for taking over this entire part of the economy was never a good one there were just like a relatively small number of people who had trouble getting insurance because of preexisting conditions and they could have been handled much more simply and more economically and the current program. dr read your underwear is dr arling wrong well we have fifty million people who don't have health insurance that's a lot of people we also know that about forty four thousand people die each and every year simply because they don't have health insurance and i can tell you when i was practicing emergency medicine the first question anyone ever asked was what kind of insurance would you have so the affordable care act tried to build on our existing system and provide as minimal disruption even though we're having some challenges compared to what could have happened this is really minimal disruption.
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jamling how do you respond well the fifty million figure was a fiction that was composed largely of people that were between jobs and didn't have insurance trenchantly for part of the year and who eventually got insurance and it also included illegal aliens and people who were young and healthy and invincible and who felt that buying insurance was a bad deal for them so there's perhaps ten million twelve million hardcore uninsured who could have been handled much more economically and the affordable care act doesn't really address these people in fact it's putting people off of their insurance and throwing people out of their insurance program they had perfectly good insurance that they were happy with that they bought themselves or next year you'll see that the employer sponsored health insurance is also going to get decimated that these are private contracts that individuals have with insurance
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companies that were arbitrarily dismissed by the federal government i find that that's outrageous. that your banker and you will admit it's off to a rocky start do you expect to see a big change well you know when it's time you do something this big is going to have some some bumps in the road but this is a good program it's a good plan i can tell you that fifty million is the right figure there are many many people into that in that number but i can just tell you anybody practicing medicine today anyone doing public health a day can tell you that. the fact that there's no such thing as a hard core group of people uninsured it can happen in anyone and if you have a heart attack during that period when you have when you're not insured it's a catastrophic event for you and all the other nations of the world all the other industrialized nation of the world don't have this problem where the only one left gambling you said i'm quoting you there are compelling reasons for patients to.


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