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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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i think. guns have deeper roots in american culture and the vast majority of hunters sportsmen and gun owners use them responsibly so for a look at why americans love their guns and what they use them for we turn to our correspondent. now when i have a lot of. kathleen bought this rock island armory for self defense i like to take my own personal safety into my own hands kathleen is a member of the well armed woman an organization dedicated to educate equip and the
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power women and gun owners with so much debate over the place of firearms in society i joined the group and some other friends at the blue ridge arsenal to learn more about why people love their guns patrick priestly bought his pistol a p two twenty six mostly for target practice but also for self defense and he's not the only one looking for protection with firearms i want to something more additional to protect me because of something was to happen the police are there the police will come afterwards when i call them and say i've just been assaulted i've just been attacked judy route back uses her savage twenty two for ten a combo gun for hunting. hunt i've hunt squirrels i hunt deer. i do target shooting i do skeet and trap shooting with the shotguns she also has an egg case seventy four. in my automatic that was once a legal under than one thousand nine hundred for federal assault weapons ban that expired in two thousand and four it was a bit into. dating but with proper training the gun could be used for hunting
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larger game such as deer or wild boar the well armed women are also trained in gun safety and learned everything there was to learn about how to point a gun where to point where is a good direction. how to clean a gun how to handle gun actually how to shoot a gun how to aim things like that but even people with professional gun training face fear for carrying their weapons in march of this year cops in the state of virginia were refused restaurant service because they had their weapons displayed and response the cajun experience became one of the first open carry rush johns and virginia restaurant owners here were like hey let's celebrate the second amendment and let's welcome the law enforcement community into our restaurant. and then just went from more enforcement to law abiding citizens who are open carry here in the state of virginia the cajun experience takes precautions by not serving alcohol to anyone carrying a gun although it is legal to do so in the state of virginia if some gun control advocates had their way it might not be legal some responsible gun owners are
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concerned that any gun control measures could lead to a total erosion of the second amendment only the law abiding people are going to be turning their guns and what about the other people criminals by definition don't follow the law and if they've got to shoot at me why can i not defend myself effectively guns are very much a part of the culture in the united states some people on them for personal effects other people have them for hunting and sporting activity and we do everything to believe that people that don't respect the laws to begin with probably are going to respect any new ones so is now really the time for gun reform. chantilly virginia parian boring party so clearly there's a fear among many gun owners across america who think gun control is just a slippery slope to the complete erosion of the second amendment and consistent argument here is that any new gun laws will fact responsible gun owners they are the law abiding citizens whereas people who use guns violently are criminals who will ignore the laws regardless i want to turn to you ben i want to make sure
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everyone's got enough time here a poll done by john hopkins university this year found that seventy four percent of n.r.a. members support background checks for all gun sales do you think a responsible gun owner should support background checks. well look i think that there is a lot of people out there a lot of them who would say exactly what you just said that they're ok with background checks and they're ok with even you know closing some of the border called the gun show loopholes and they're ok with those issues what they fear though is the fact that again the point about criminals not following the law i mean that's that's a fact we all know that's the case but look i think there's a bigger issue here to that that hasn't been discussed and that is the issue of even government doesn't follow the law i mean there's a huge story that we have of this fast and furious scandal where the u.s. government through the a.t.f. was forcing the gun shops on the border to break federal law and to sell guns to known straw buyers and multiple guns and smuggle them into other countries you
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know we have major issues here of saying it's not just criminals who don't follow the law many times government doesn't even follow its own laws and yet the people who are expected to follow the law again the law abiding gun owner and so there are major issues here when it comes to restrictions being placed on access to guns if you want to require people to get background checks i think most people are ok with that they don't have a major issue but when you start trying to limit it on the number of different fronts simultaneously that's when most people i think get pretty nervous about. respond go for it. well i mean i don't know where do i jump and there are some innate things to respond. first of all why did the gun lobby oppose background checks if they don't have a problem with them i tell you one reason is that would cut down on their gun sales they know that they're bad apple gun dealers are selling illegally to straw purchasers and gun traffickers and they're doing nothing about it we know this from testimony that gun manufacturers made in front of congress and in two thousand and so you know basic common sense measures are not the slippery slope and i are
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a in the gun lobby love to fear monger about it's ridiculous never to get rid of guns in this country what you can do is you can reduce violence and injury and it seems to me that something everyone can get behind and there is one point i want to make about high capacity magazines that wasn't made in that discussion adam lanza had for thirty round high capacity magazines with him when he went into that elementary school if he had only ten round magazines he would not have been able to get off one hundred forty rounds and kill as many children as he did in under four minutes so it does matter high capacity magazines are for assault weapons or weapons of war and they should not be in the hands of civilians you know general stanley mcchrystal has said as much association of chiefs of police law enforcement they have seen no read reason for civilians to have these high capacity magazines which are intended to inflict maximum carnage. and that's why they are used by
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shooters and they kill so many people so efficiently and effectively richard let's move on to you clearly something needs to be done if gun control isn't the answer then how should we be directing our funds i mean should we be directing them toward mental health services to solve this violent of a demick again there. within this issue. the american people in some recent polling data rasmussen no longer cross their own government if you want to understand really what's behind the whole how we're issue of guns it's really a symbolic issue it's about the release. between the governed and their government and when the government basically trusts the people who've never misused their guns the people say well this is a government worthy of my trust when the government particularly military leaders law enforcement leaders whose salaries are paid by our taxes no longer trust the
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citizens the citizens wonder why should we trust that government there in the lives of the power of the gun issue in american politics well let's let's see if joe can answer this ok what about wealth inequality you mentioned this earlier which is a high isn't the great depression how does this factor into gun violence. well if you look at rates of gun violence world over there are very highly correlated with with rates of poverty and to the point that richard was making you know people don't trust government because government has been bought and paid for by powerful special interests like the n.r.a. and to richard's previous point you know that the n.r.a. represents you know ordinary responsible gun owners the n.r.a. is actually doing a disservice and fails to represent the interests of ordinary. owners because it's become dominated by big industry and its policies essentially reflect
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a marketing strategy to keep selling guns so the australia experience in one thousand nine hundred five when they passed the limits on automatic weapons and background chaps and they actually did a buyback of dangerous automatic and semi automatic weapons they have not had the same little mass shooting ever since and they used to have them regularly and their rates of ordinary gun violence have dropped by half they have saved five hundred billion dollars per year so there is a way to do this and it works and we have a terrific experience to look at it has not been a slippery slope in australia and australia is every bit as much of gun culture as . america and it has not been a slippery slope and people nominate guns responsibly we can do that here i'm going to jump in right here and let's bring this back to the second amendment because many people think that it all comes down to guns preventing government tyranny of the alex jones had to say about this on piers morgan. the tyrants did it can't work took the guns stalin took the guns mounted to guns they don't castro took the guns
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and hugo chavez took the guns and i'm going to tell you seventeen seventy six will come loose again if you try to take our firearms and you agree with the general premise here. yes just the general premise that yeah yeah i think that in terms of the general premise i think that there are millions of americans who feel that way this and whether you whether you like alex jones or not if you think that he's a kook or you think he's right on there are millions of people who believe as specially as we see the increase in militarization of police in the united states they feel like there is a huge threat to the populace and there is a growing fear among people who say hey listen the second amendment is about matching force with military and matching force with government and so if the government may have it then the individual should have it too in the citizen should have it and they say it isn't just you know a fringe group of people who feel this way there are many millions of people in america who feel that way and it's
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a growing number of people and that is one part of the media really doesn't talk about a whole lot there are many people who feel like when government comes in and starts trying to restrict some of these massive. you know the magazines trying to restrict the kinds of weapons and by the way just a quick point on the magazines the shooters of virginia tech and columbine only had those ten round magazines also so there are mass shootings where they had the smaller capacity it doesn't help but when people see that happening they're very concerned about it especially as we watch the build up in the militarization where we now have a lot of military equipment being granted to sheriff's departments police departments around the country and there are many people who are insecure. about that idea you know your response. what kind of society do we want to live and do we really want everyone to be armed to the teeth i mean come on let's stand back a little bit guys and maybe look at the nineteenth century in this country a little history lesson here ok second a minute first of all refers to a militia with muskets we now have a standing army we have a police force the citizenry wasn't meant to be armed they were arms guns. and
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the eighteenth or nineteenth century when you go around and actually ask people if they had guns in their home and and where they in working order. would go absolutely bonkers about happened today but that's what was happening and also the nineteenth century you weren't allowed to bring your gun in the wild wild west into the city limits because the sheriffs and law enforcement yes law enforcement does keep the peace knew that that was a recipe for disaster to bring your gun into miss kitty's saloon because accidents happen so you've actually backtracked we've regressed as a nation the twenty first century america we are heavily armed to the teeth to what end what are we so afraid of that you know i would love to be able to answer a question your say your favorite government good question we have break you think you're really going to you think you're really going to rebel against the government i mean who are you talking about you guys are taking it so we're going to break here good points everyone coming up we'll take a look at the growing industry of thirty gun printing and post my question to our panel from social media.
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dramas the truth being ignored. story others use the. street. lights. to make sure they. don't. i suspect. they would like to do it if you did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy shred albus. rule. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and i was proud semi-colon we've been
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a hydrogen lying handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told. are going to get on the show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world and we go beyond identify the problem try the rational debate and a real discussion of critical issues facing america if i ever feel ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.
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this week congress voted to renew a ban on plastic firearms the undetectible firearms act makes it illegal to manufacture possess or receive any firearm motivate a metal detector over x. ray machine argues mayor david takes a look at how this developing technology may be too quick for poll say to catch up . the gun is made almost entirely of plastic capable of firing a three eighty caliber bullet and almost every single component was made using a three d. printer bought from e bay for nearly eight thousand dollars this new generation gun is called the liberator and it was developed by defense distributed we want to use a three d. printer to print a gun to release the files open source that's the voice of cody wilson the group's
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co-founder he made waves earlier this year after successfully firing the gun. a sound quickly reverberated in the halls of congress wilson's demonstration prompted fear from politicians that criminals would be able to arm themselves in the future by printing guns in their basement something that became particularly easy after file sharing sites publish the guns blueprint online but this week those concerns were mitigated as congress voted to extend the undetectible firearms act which effectively bans a sale or possession of firearms that aren't detectable by x. ray machines or metal detectors and that means guns cannot be a hundred percent plastic or at least ten more years they'll be mandated to include steel components but it seems that the plastic gun is not the only innovation congress will have to keep its eye on just last month solid concepts announced it had manufactured the world's first three d.
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printed metal gun this is the powder this is actually what what starts out in the machine so this is just you see it's it's basically just loose powder like sand and . the this is what levels out of the machine and then the parts those geometries are sliced in very thin layers and then those layers are melted one layer to time the process involves a high powered laser that fuses small particles into a three dimensional shape in response some gun control advocates have voiced concern that this technology could. get into the hands of the wrong people i understand the concerns i don't think they're all that you know well founded because quite frankly as the cost and experience level to actually use these to impress a firearm. you know colonels being much smarter they're just go out and buy these off the street indeed right now these are not the most successful of printers industrial size three d. replicators equipped enough to print metal guns can carry
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a price tag ranging from six hundred thousand to one million dollars but last week michigan technological university announced it had developed a new low cost three d. metal printer totaling fifteen hundred dollars this shift to three d. printers mimics the technological transition we saw happen years ago when the single bullet rifle evolved into the high powered semiautomatic so the question on the minds of many people as how do you regulate a technology that's only becoming cheaper and more accessible by the day in washington david r t. almost everything we just talked about you guys gun policy background checks banning assault weapons are rendered pretty much drops alit with the advent of this new technology richard how will possession and regulation be affected when people are out of print three d. guns in their own homes well i'm sure that the world's terrorists are going to shiver knowing that the congress has passed an extension of the law that's that's
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certainly going to prevent them from developing a plastic gun i certainly understand it in terms of general application but you know you can't be a luddite about this whole thing technology is going to go away technology goes and we need to counter technology with new technology when it comes to the metal powder as well the metal powder is going to show up in a magnetometer walking through an airport and both of a gun show up certainly in x. rays if the magnetometer is the issue with the plate all plastic guns so technology always responds to technology and sure we will keep up. to prevent guns from being accessed on planes jail do. i you know i can't say i can predict the technological future at this point you know i think as leah was saying we really have to ask what kind of a society do we want to be and do we want to keep pushing the envelope for more
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guns in more places filling more homes and schools and and basements and. and the world and militarizing our foreign policy you know i think we've really reached the limits of this and you know to your point before about poverty and the connection you know we just passed the budget last week which you know in which half of our discretionary expenditures are going to this militarized foreign policy to basically to the military which is not making us safer which in fact is making us less safe as we've seen. you know with drone policies and seeing the people of afghanistan and pakistan and yemen points and against us so you know i think it's really important to step back and instead of having a a policy and an economy of austerity and militarization and weaponization we need to really assert as good people of this country in the world we need to assert the
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kind of vision that we need and anomie communities that are safe and that are you know then you have about thirty seconds better is one of the future ok let me just jump in and say this i agree with joe and what she's saying too about you know the military the bottom line is you can say far more innocent people. from violence by taking away some of the weapons from our government than you can from disarming the citizenry and certainly around the world we see that happening as we have killed so many people over the last ten years the war on terror who are innocent people called collateral damage by the way on the point of three d. guns the technology is here it's developing but it rarely works i mean most of those guns don't work at all eventually the technology will catch up but right now i mean it's a lot more hype than it is actual reality of a useful piece of technology throughout this debate we've been seeing the national rifle association inquired about it in one second throughout this debate we've encouraged you guys the viewers to share your thoughts with us on twitter so for a look at some of the questions you want our guest answer that's pretty hard to
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correspondent megan lopez megan thanks for coming on what do you have for us today well as you mentioned all day and all week really we have been following what's been going on and how this debate isn't playing out on twitter and also on facebook using the hash tag gun debate so we want to continue that conversation on gun debate but let's go to our first question this one comes from bob diaz he writes criminals don't obey the law why do you believe criminals will obey any gun control laws only i want to pose this one to you first. why would it is a classic guns for us if i could the n.r.a. has been very quiet about plastic guns and i imagine if they see them as a threat because it would cut into their. profit margin into their market and they would speak up so they're not terribly worried about that yeah this is this argument about criminals to be the law is an old. pullover that's brought out time and time again and you know you can buy a gun quite easily in many states in this country you can be a straw purchaser which means you don't have a criminal background and criminals use straw purchases all the time to buy guns
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because they can pass background checks so they can buy guns and they pass them on to the trafficker then traffics them into states like new york or connecticut or wherever the destination is so really that's that's like that's a false argument what you really need to look at is how do you keep the guns from getting into the wrong hands in the first place richard what do you have to say about that that is to have a stronger. one that's the issue he's been guns out of the wrong hands you know we've gone through a year of discussion on the gun issue and i've yet to hear a member of the congress talk about how most criminals are paying guns the answer is they still want there are five hundred thousand stolen guns in this country every year i hear people talking about putting their finger in the dike over there over there but nobody talks about the big problems involving the criminals this using stealing guns there are things we could do. that and i want to are going to
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be in the hall of sorry to interrupt you retro let's go ahead and move on to our next twitter question i want to get as many as possible dr sarvis tweeted if guns are law and only outlaws will have guns and the government meanwhile william m. says what are lawmakers really doing to get guns out of criminals hands and why can't they write laws that don't impact lawful owners and then i want to turn this one for you right now there are three hundred million civilian off firearms in circulation so what do you make of those twitter questions well no the those are valid questions and that's one of the problems that we run into in this debate is that those questions are often ignore. ford the bottom line is that you can't write a law that essentially will apply to someone who's a law breaker you can assign penalties to lawbreakers but you can't create any law that controls someone's behavior it only penalizes their behavior when they violate the law and so if someone is going to commit crimes with a gun or if they're going to obtain a gun the illegally you can't stop that through legislation you can only punish them after the fact and that is
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a harsh reality here look i think everyone on this panel would agree we all want to see the number of deaths in this country violence in this country whether it's gun related or not and let's make no mistake there is a lot of violence in this country that is not gun related we want to see that not just lessen but eliminate it completely but when lawmakers get involved and start creating legislation in order to make that happen unfortunately rarely brings down crime or you know the spares people the reality is most of these solutions are on a community level on a grass roots level one people working in their communities to better them and make them safer and on others that i want to go ahead and get them some answers from you i know the twitter followers are eager to hear from you jeff kaye wrote why is this debate where people glee excluded police from being under gun control what do you think about that. i'm sorry who was that directed to jeff k that's for you again ok and why why are police excluded yes ma'am.
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well. i'm not i'm not aware that they are excluded you know and again i would just point to where this is working because we can have all kinds of hypothetical debates about what is or isn't possible but we actually have a real example of where this worked where it was supported by law enforcement where it was supported by gun clubs by professional a shooter associations and it did not strip you know rights to own guns it did not impinge on gun ownership or recreation and this is in australia where basically automatic weapons were taken out of circulation and people were able to get you know and to replace them with weapons that are far safer and then used exclusively for killing people so this can actually be solved it saves lives it dramatically lowered death rates from gun violence and it dramatically lowered expenses half a billion dollars a year related to violence so this can be done and i am just one final question
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less than a minute left richard i'm addressing it to you alec wallace why does the gun debate always boil down to gun violence instead of trying to fix all around violence. well it's because we have. tunnel vision when there is a gun issue we focus on guns. you know the biggest mass murders in u.s. history had nothing to do with guns they were bombs they were a gallon of gasoline in the bronx the happyland fire unfortunately we're going to have to end a parent thank you guys so much for participating in this twitter kind of conversation i'm going to hand it back to abby now thanks megan and thanks you guys for our viewers for our thoughts that concludes the debate you guys and clearly today's conversation alone is not going to solve the issue of gun violence but it's important to question about the root causes must be had in order to read the thousands of gun homicides every year so thank you to everyone who tuned in and to all of our panelists for a very thought provoking debate you guys keep it up have a great night see you later.
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they look like bound to your love. can enjoy the sun and the ocean. but that was buried here years ago. means these people suffering the consequences. how much more poison lies on the this ground. behind this there is what we call the kalid bank on which there was a deposit of plutonium left by security test which caused a dispersion of radio new clients despite previous cleaning efforts there remains a deposit of a little less than two kilos of plutonium stuck in the rock and the coral reef is
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about ten meters down you can test a never ending legacy. i would rather i asked questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question more. play .
6:00 pm
the piece appeared it was a. very hard to make. once again on the fly live happy ever had sex with that perfect hair cut. that. took the focus. shifts to the ticket that.


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