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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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up the bat. i am i every sunday morning most of the two hundred inhabitants of the village of gather in a small church. i am was i passed. you both to a lack of interest in the seminary and its just graphic isolation the parish hasn't had a priest for several years. was was was. was why do you sometimes service has since been run by volunteers from the village river and to me they pray for their souls but also for peace for the departed family members and friends that have left them too soon. and to rear their own nose centenarians the average life expectancy was in the sixty's people at work tomorrow or for years and no longer here to talk
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about what went on and many developed cancer especially cyanide cancer which is characteristic of radioactive contamination. thirty four people have been taken ill making therea one of the most contaminated atolls. this is far from the postcard perfect image there's very little economic activity. the. coconut trees and the copra the dried kernel of the coconut shell which is one of the few ways to eke out a living here on the islands. and . once a month a boat makes a stop here to collect the culprit. there is no porting to rare just
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a simple landing where. basic provision such as petrol and spare parts can be delivered. at the edge of the village in an old atomic bomb shelter where the population have to take refuge during each atmospheric test the vegetation disappears little by little while the rust slowly raises history. since january nine hundred ninety six when the last of the test was carried out has slowly been forgotten almost to the point of indifference and then the french commission on atomic energy published a report in which the works are numbers which had never been translated into the local promoter language entered into the local vernacular. the publication of the document couldn't have come at a worse time just after the focus shima nuclear disaster and the following tsunami . well you know we're in the middle of nature here and i really love this place
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i spend my time here sometimes we clean or collect coconuts. you can't stay here and wait for the tsunami that is coming to morrow we can't but if we hadn't seen on television what happened in japan and he's been everywhere else then we wouldn't be worried but we were shocked. too we were told to go to higher ground but there aren't any high places and. it is flat here there are no mountains there is nothing. more. than surgery poor turia. a small loss of contempt and helplessness to forget about a very real fear. and anxiety that pushed people to ask for a delegation to be sent to. visit took place last december.
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but the new deal we visited more i. could see that a part of more was underwater. frankly for me that worried me i was very angry after what happened. destroyed the city. we had dancers to our questions said. after their calculations and. mathematically speaking. they say there are no risks but logically we cannot say that it will leave more twenty meters high and arrive here at less than one meter it's not possible to know according to theoretical calculations published by the french commission on atomic energy the waves would only reach the edge of the island barely touching the feet of the inhabitants but the locals have
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a different experience of the terrain when large some away swell and cover parts of two rare. i saw over there that. is no longer a nat'l it's an apple of cement. they have calculated from a very critical point that if it ever collapses in one go. they say there will be waves twenty meters high. and we know that a wave salvi even one meter will definitely affect. it. now i don't really know what's going to happen it first starts the fact that we are so close maybe if it does fall violently they'll be
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a big mass of water. and then he will come and destroy us. don't we have discovered something relatively irrational in the minds inhabitants of. when they compare things that aren't really comparable that's an immaterial scale and the amount of energy that is mobilized between a phenomenon like the tidal wave that took place in japan is in where the energy was considerable and the waves are fifteen meters tall and they wind up to two kilometers inland with the phenomenon that could happen if the coral reef were to collapse. a tall here the way this life we did be between five and ten meters at the base of more. second you know wave about two meters with this swell of around fifty centimeters. or most dire estimates it would send
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a wave of about two or three meters to the island of fault in value to a point that. would be enough to submerge around half the atoll according to another computer simulation. because of all the variables involved such as wind blows strength and angle of the wave it's impossible to predict an exact scenario. inhabitants have real reasons for concern. you will rule after a visit to morrow we realize that we have been lied to for a very long time. since the beginning of the atmospheric and underground nuclear tests here the population hasn't believed anything that has been said all written telling us not to worry.
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for me personally that all has been shattered comfy seats as if bones have been crushed. well come on the. that's how we saw the atl. i give. you. this road takes us to the highest point of the atl to see where the tsunami would arrive. here will most twenty one kilometers from the village of a model. we are close to a horse which is a little canal where the water flows into the ocean and the lagoon we need cover to the sea on it is by the hole that the waves would enter and they would make the levels of the lagoon rise until they completely immersed the village. and on the offense what are we going to do for our families for for our children for our grandchildren. with this threat of possible collapse we just don't know how
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to prepare for the future for the party for the future. some are already planning to emigrate to tahiti in any case the two hundred inhabitants of this forgotten not all have many unanswered questions and a lot of resentment. she and it is a legacy that our ancestors left us god created the land and our ancestors were able to look after it cherish it maintain it and then with everything that they did as he's often herodotus was transformed into her. face and must be said for. the paradise transformed into hell.
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this hell that the ministry of defense allowed us to visit is the secret santa called murillo or in poland. which was the stage for one hundred thirty seven underground test between one hundred seventy five and nine hundred ninety five. taking into account the size of the nuclear blasts but question whether they could have taken place without having any effect on the stability of the atoll. one hundred thirty seven wells between six hundred twelve hundred meters deep were dug in the lagoon and on the crown of the out all. these images taken in the one nine hundred sixty s. before the tests show a very regular crown. since
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the end of the nuclear tests we know that and more there are some zones that have been weakened due to the underground testing in particular. test on the twenty fifth of july one thousand nine hundred seventy nine caused some of the exterior slopes to collapse in the southwest zone and there was a return wave that surprised everybody. this seventeen kilometer protective wall was built after that. because we feared that there would be another collapse. today caused
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a collapse far less important than the one anticipated. in the northeast we drove to the sector located between a lagoon and feel. the road ends in a cul de sac there is danger beyond this point. there is what we call the callet bank on which there is a deposit of plutonium left by security test which caused a dispersion of radionuclides. despite previous cleaning efforts there remains a deposit of a little less than two kilos of plutonium stuck in the rock and the coral reef about ten meters down. swimming here is out of the question for at least two hundred forty thousand years the total lifespan of plutonium.
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northeast of more. twenty eight underground detonations work and. it was recognized in the official documents from the ministry of defense that among these underground detonations seven were not contained in the volcanic zone it was not verified.
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wealthy british style. that's not right. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our cheek. i've got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. stay with sob story. but if this guy like you would smear that guy stead of working for the people polled titian's the mainstream media are working for each other right right vision to fight. the good rather it
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was. around thirty of the wells you. packed to the brim with various waste and radioactive material and then covered with a slab. time has been whether the concrete slowly eroding the cover of each well. it is the exact opposite of what you were supposed to do with radioactive waste the national agency for radioactive waste set out some rules one of which specifies that waste can't come into contact with water but there it had been put in the middle of the sea. it's completely surrounded by water. there's another problem. crossed with which the military claims are natural.
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opponents argue that they were the result of nuclear tests whatever the cause they have grown larger over time following the unfortunate blast the french commission on atomic energy set up a geo mechanics survey station in one thousand eight hundred. different continental the last thirty years there's been a system in place called tell site it is a remote surveillance of the site and was constructed using several different installation techniques laterally inclined drilling of cables that are anchored three to four thousand meters in the call cliffs that allow for very precise measurements of the movements there are seismic stations and inclinometer as in the wells that allow us to see and measure the internal movements of the rocks and then there are various g.p.s. stations that allow us to measure the movements in relation to each other. with all this increasing surveillance of the earth all our tempting fate. these results are sent by satellite to the atomic energy commission office in paris where
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they're constantly analyzed throughout the year. the last surveillance report that was made available about the geologic stability of more was made in two thousand. we are ready in two thousand and and twelve. that was the last report we had access to. the two thousand and nine report indicates that out of the twenty devices called accidents so matters. were still functioning. he said we feel. we have a wire for example in the francoise own that is stuck. kate is described in the report that it is stuck and obviously no longer gives any results. no results no readings no information and there you go of course it happens that the wires get caught and then become unstuck but we shouldn't necessarily rely on that and then of course a way can break but the most important thing to remember is not whether this or
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that center is working or not obviously it is better if it still works they're not security visit is the safety analysis regarding the failure of this or that sense that allows us to ensure the security of our personnel is always maintained on that . the so we need to do some sort of rejuvenation of some of the devices which is something we are looking into at the moment and we are going to proceed and rejuvenate the material there. i am certain that security and safety is currently maintained thanks to the duplications of the information we get from the various senses. renovation and redundancy other two main pillars of mirages geological stability. so it would appear that continued monitoring has been taken care of even if far from perfect. and we've been assured that
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landslides will be detected days or even weeks before they happen. this is intended to reassure the residents even though procedures do exist for the emergency evacuation of the twenty or so military personnel present here at the moment but there is another concern for the residents. there are five kilos of plutonium in the atoll settlement in the case of a hypothetical disaster this factor remains completely unknown. or is a unique case and opinions vary as to what will become of this potential threat. i'm not especially worried about the collapse. sip it is rather what is underneath that worries me. if. to a collapse there are radioactive deposits underneath that will come to the surface that i think will end up contaminating the entire pacific zone.
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or the scenario would be the side which is exposed next to to rio which is closest to the a tall. basket would be the other side. money matters because the wave will act differently depending on which side it comes from if the wave goes further inland then the polluted material will be moved as it goes on that is to say that the radioactive material will sink to the bottom because tony m is rather heavy radioactive waste and so it sinks will be aspirated by the floor and then brought back by the reflux and dispersed so we really need an explanation about which scenario is the most realistic and then once the risk is known we can invest in prepare ourselves and then inform the population. this is all very fine but to have a discussion on a level playing field everyone must have access to the same sources of information
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the one hand the army has opened its doors allowing us to film and answering our questions but on the other there is still the natural tendency to cover up. in france there is always this desire to keep everything secret that concerns defense. only the highest authorities with the highest clearance may have access to this information. for my show and we must understand but for that to happen we need to have access to the source of the information this part is absolutely necessary yes but on july the first two thousand and eight during a sleepy summer and under the veil of indifference the law was passed with serious consequences for access to military archives the very principle of the in communicate ability of certain archives can only be considered in the most restrictive way that is to say only when absolutely necessary from this double point of view the solution that you proposed during the first reading of this text
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a delay of a hundred years and a definition more explicit resolve the concerned archives of the archives will only be incommunicable if they concern the information that would allow the conception fabrication utilization localization of weapons of mass destruction by the nuclear biological chemical or bacterial and not on our commitment is to not use the archives to find out how to make a salad to put it simply i couldn't care less i don't care how about how to make a bomb but we simply want access to the information they have about the environment and the health of facts now it is time to listen to the voice of the house on the law presented who is for who is against the law is adopted minister it is your turn to speak but i think that the culture of military suit is really very poisonous especially concerning the health risks and the risks to the environment was it as
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in the united states a commission exists which has been allowed access to these military archives for all these years where we can find all the information linked to the tests but doesn't contain the information about type of nuclear weapon that was tested water how to make. such and such weapons work so that is not the goal of our involvement . which was initiated at that time there is a lot of a see that. if the thousands of polynesians who worked in the real. profited from the windfall they received from mainland france they did so in secret it's difficult for them to keep the memories alive the veterans are gone taking their memories and their testimonies with them history is starting to unravel and the younger generation has different worries and interests. they have never been talks between the french authorities and the local population over the thirty years of pollen easy as atomic saga
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a large misunderstanding grew out of this and fostered the rift and bad feelings surrounding the top secret told. when the territory was forced to concede in one thousand nine hundred sixty four it had been promised that morrow and funds would be given back to its people once the tests and finished. the last test took place in january nine hundred ninety six and since then nothing had changed until january twentieth well on the relay in two thousand and five the investigation commission of the assembly of french polynesia asked the state to recognize the two types of consequences clean up the atolls and return them to their native population at the end of the plenary session on this monday the sixteenth of january just a few days ago the assembly of french polynesia gave a favorable opinion with a large majority with regards to the presentation of the war it is then a big question that i asked the senate today and i asked them to happily for me in
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the spirit of the retrocession of the two atolls we must give these to toss back. it is thanks to us that france became a powerful international figure thanks to our land on exist we exist and these islands exist parents lived here and i think france owes the owners of mordor or a lot of. the. german i put this proposition to a vote who is in favor of adopting this law. who is against the proposition is therefore adopted as a law. it's only a small win for the senator only the first step in a long legislative procedure which will see the bill presented to the national assembly. parliament did confirm the return of the land the much larger problem still remains that the one hundred seventy five aerial
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and underground tests in the roar of definitively condemned the at all of the big secret. i don't want to land back now it's poisoned. i don't want it back i simply want france to recognise the property rights of these islands this which are ours because we are the descendants of those who own them. there cannot be uncontrolled human activity for a very long term. and whatever happens it can't. say whatever is the destiny of the. next place whether we continue the discussion or stop talking about it altogether the truth of that statement will much change. and nothing can change that. and i start
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there cannot be any uncontrolled human activity and this is a tour for the moment and it is the price to be paid. as france left us with now. nothing to they have left us with nothing but the boys in. general de gaulle said that the nuclear terrorists more are served the interests of peace to bring peace to the world. pretty crazy what this peace brought with it will be on board the.
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big. blind. and they are. much. like the bar.
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i would rather i asked questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question for.
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a classic. overbite. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution. that's because a free and open prize is critical to our democracy schreck all those. that i know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on on we go beyond identifying a problem or trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america by a number of them ready to join the movement and then welcome the third. book on time are out of washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. another day.


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